As always, getting this book onto paper involved an entire cast of characters, all of whom deserve thanks for their efforts. First are the people at Morgan Kaufmann:
▪ Rick Adams, my editor of many years. (His official title is Senior Acquisitions Editor).
▪ Heather Scherer, Rick's capable assistant
▪ Marilyn Rash, the project manager. We've worked together on a number of books over many years and it's always a pleasure.
▪ Eric DeCicco, the designer of the wonderful cover.
▪ The folks who clean up after me: Debbie Prato, copyeditor, and Samantha Molineaux, proofreader.
▪ Ted Laux, the indexer.
▪ Greg deZam-O'Hare and Sarah Binns who pulled it all together at the end.
A special thanks goes out to my colleague, Dr. Craig Fisher, who is a well-known expert on data quality. He provided me with a wealth of resources on that topic, which he thinks should be a part of everyone's IT education.
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