I would like to give special thanks to my husband, Rick. Working my full-time job, traveling, and writing a book in a matter of months in the evenings was the most challenging task I have undertaken to this point. Rick worked as an unsung hero, keeping our home intact and standing. If not for him taking on the additional roles during those months as I wrote, this book would not have been possible.
To my children, Danielle and Maddie, the support you have given and love you have shown from the project’s inception through the completion of this book has been unwavering. Thank you for filling in while I was holed up in my office writing until all hours of the night.
I would like to thank Paul Carlstroem, Sheila Cepero, Stephanie Evans, Ryan Willard, and Jeff Picchione for helping me get this book started. To my manager, Jeff Picchione, thank you for your incredible support during this process and encouraging me to write this book. To Paco Aubrejuan, Greg Parikh, John Hall, Rob Green, Scott Stoll, Rob Zic, Chayne Kosloske, and Jeff Picchione, thank you for approving this book. Scott Schafer, thank you for accepting the role as the technical editor for this book; it was a pleasure working with you. Jim Marion, thank you for your contributions to this book; your knowledge and insights were invaluable. It has been a pleasure working with you on this book.
I would like to recognize special people who have contributed to making my life a better place—your love and care are appreciated and cherished. My sister in-law, who is really a sister to me—Cindy Jo Ledington, thank you for your unending love and support; you mean the world to me. I would also like to thank my mother, Lois, always my cheerleader. Great Aunt Ruth, your love and support over the years has meant the world to me. Bill and Janet Dean, my father and mother in-law, thank you for encouragement; you are loved. My adopted daughter, Madison Caiarelli, the best friend a family could have. To my best friends who have been sisters to me, thank you for always lending an ear when needed—Lora Heaton and Lora Farrell.
The most important thank you is to my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. With God all things are possible.
—Paula Dean
Thank you to my wife, Sarah, for spending the last three months converting my abstract ideas into intelligent documentation. To our children for playing quietly while we worked on this book. Nicolas Gasparotto for ALL of your PeopleSoft system administration blog posts. I wouldn’t have a working test environment without your expertise. David Kurtz, the Oracle Data Management expert, for your great gems of wisdom shared online, in presentations, and through your book PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA. Duncan Davies and Steve Elcock from Succeed Consultancy, Ltd., for being ready to test content against your servers. Hakan Biroglu and J. R. Hunter for some very good conversations on the OTN forums.
Thank you to my wonderful managers, Bud Oliver, Michael Boucher, and Michael Rosser, for approving this book and supporting me while writing this text. Paco Aubrejuan, Michael Krajicek, Michael Thompson, and Brent Mohl for their approval and technical expertise. I appreciate your willingness to explain the finer details of PeopleSoft’s Life Cycle Management tools.
To siblings and extended family, thank you for your patience with us while we were frequently unavailable during the writing of this book. Our deepest gratitude to Uncle Pedro for your encouragement to “put on your shoes” and take the small steps necessary to accomplish big goals in life. To Marshall for your willingness to stay current in the computer world and your encouragement during this writing adventure; we did agree “How best to turn a phrase” during this book, and, Mike, for your authentic interest in the lives of others and ours especially during this project. Donnie and Kathleen, we appreciate the love and support you give to each and every person around you. Greg and Candy, without the two of you team Marion would not be writing books. Special thanks to Dirk for his assistance during Chapters 10 and 12. Thanks to CAB and BB.
Howie, you are awesome! Thanks to McGraw-Hill, Paul Carlstroem, Jody McKenzie, Ryan Willard, and Paula Dean for inviting us to join this project.
Thanks to all the PeopleSoft customers, consultants, and technical presales consultants who visit my blog, ask me questions at user groups, and communicate with me on a daily basis.
Most important, thank you to my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Writing a computer programming manual is a monumental effort. To do it in three months, as a second job, requires divine intervention. He is the chief author of all good ideas, the creative force leading all great innovation.
—Jim J. Marion
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