Arggg, So Many Dependencies!

Is it normal that I have to create so many dependencies by hand? No. It is common to use a Dependency Injection component or a Service Container with such capabilities. Again, Symfony comes to the rescue, however, you can also check PHP-DI 4.

Let's see the resulting code in Listing 14 after applying Symfony Service Container component to our application:

class IdeaController extends ContainerAwareController
public function rateAction()
$ideaId = $this->request->getParam('id');
$rating = $this->request->getParam('rating');

$useCase = $this->get('rate_idea_use_case');
$response = $useCase->execute(
new RateIdeaRequest($ideaId, $rating)

$this->redirect('/idea/' . $response->idea->getId());

The controller has been modified to have access to the container, that's why it is inheriting from a new base controller ContainerAwareController that has a get method to retrieve each of the services contained:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<argument type="service" id="idea_repository" />

<argument type="service">
<service class="PredisClient" />

In Listing 15, you can also find the XML file used to configure the Service Container. It is really easy to understand but if you need more information, take a look to the Symfony Service Container Component site in.

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