Test Data Builder

Test Data Builders are just normal Builders with default values used exclusively in your test suites so that you don't have to specify irrelevant parameters on specific test cases:

class AuthorBuilder
private $username;
private $email ;
private $fullName;

private function __construct()
$this->username = new Username('johndoe');
$this->email = new Email('[email protected]');
$this->fullName = new FullName('John', 'Doe');

public static function anAuthor()
return new self();

public function withFullName(FullName $aFullName)
$this->fullName = $aFullName;

return $this;

public function withUsername(Username $aUsername)
$this->username = $aUsername;

return $this;

public function withEmail(Email $anEmail)
$this->email = $anEmail ;

return $this;

public function build()
return new Author($this->username, $this->fullName, $this->email);
class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @test
public function itDoesSomething()
$author = AuthorBuilder::anAuthor()
->withEmail(new Email('[email protected]'))

We could even combine Test Data Builders to build more complicated Aggregates, like a Post:

class Post
private $id;
private $author;
private $body;
private $createdAt;

public function __construct(
PostId $anId, Author $anAuthor, Body $aBody
) {
$this->id = $anId;
$this->author = $anAuthor;
$this->body = $aBody;
$this->createdAt = new DateTimeImmutable();

Let's see the corresponding Test Data Builder for our Post. We could reuse the AuthorBuilder for building a default Author:

class PostBuilder
private $postId;
private $author;
private $body;

private function __construct()
$this->postId = new PostId();
$this->author = AuthorBuilder::anAuthor()->build();
$this->body = new Body('Post body');

public static function aPost()
return new self();

public function withAuthor(Author $anAuthor)
$this->author = $anAuthor;

return $this;

public function withPostId(PostId $aPostId)
$this->postId = $aPostId;

return $this;

public function withBody(Body $body)
$this->body = $body;

return $this;

public function build()
return new Post($this->postId, $this->author, $this->body);

This solution is now flexible enough to cover any test case, including the possibility of building inner Entities:

class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @test
public function itDoesSomething()
$post = PostBuilder::aPost()
->withUsername(new Username('other'))
->withBody(new Body('Another body'))

//do something with the post
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