Mixing Different Technologies

In large business-critical applications, it's quite common to have a mix of several technologies. For example, in read-intensive web applications, you usually have some sort of denormalized data source (Solr, Elasticsearch, Sphinx, and so on.) that provides all the reads of the application, while a traditional RDBMS like MySQL or Postgres is mainly responsible for handling all the writes. When this occurs, one of the concerns that normally arises is whether we can have read operations go with the search engine and write operations go with the traditional RDBMS data source. Our general advice here is that these kind of situations are a smell for CQRS, since we need to scale the reads and the writes of the application independently. So if you can go with CQRS, that's likely the best choice.

But if for any reason you can't go with CQRS, an alternative approach is needed. In this situation, the use of the Proxy pattern from the Gang of Four comes in handy. We can define an implementation of a Repository in terms of the Proxy pattern:

namespace BuyItBillingInfrastructureFullTextSearchingElastica;

use BuyItBillingDomainModelOrderOrderRepository;
use BuyItBillingInfrastructureDomainModelOrderDoctrine

class ElasticaOrderRepository implements OrderRepository
private $client; 
private $

public function __construct(
Client $client,
DoctrineOrderRepository $baseOrderRepository
) {
$this->client = $client;
$this->baseOrderRepository = $baseOrderRepository;

public function find($id)
return $this->baseOrderRepository->find($id);

public function findBy(array $criteria)
$search = new ElasticaSearch($this->client);
// ...
return $this->toOrder($search->search());

public function add($anOrder)
// First we attempt to add it to the Elastic index
$ordersIndex = $this->client->getIndex('orders');
$orderType = $ordersIndex->getType('order');
new ElasticaDocument(


// When it is done, we attempt to add it to the RDBMS store

This example provides a naive implementation using the DoctrineOrderRepository and the Elastica client, a client to interact with an Elasticsearch server. Note that for some operations, we're using the RDBMS datasource, and for others, we're using the Elastica client. Also note that the add operation consists of two parts. The first one attempts to store the Order to the Elasticsearch index, and the second one attempts to store the Order into the relational database, delegating the operation to the Doctrine implementation. Take into account that this is just an example and a way to do it. It can probably be improved — for example, now the whole add operation is synchronous. We could instead enqueue the operation to some sort of messaging middleware that stores the Order in Elasticsearch, for example. There are a lot of possibilities and improvements, depending on your needs.

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