In-Memory Implementation

As an example, if we wanted to replicate the latestPosts query method in our PostRepository by using a Specification for an in-memory implementation, it would look like this:

namespace InfrastructurePersistenceInMemory;

use DomainModelPost;

interface InMemoryPostSpecification
* @return boolean
public function specifies(Post $aPost);

The in-memory implementation for the latestPosts behavior could look like this:

namespace InfrastructurePersistenceInMemory;
use DomainModelPost;

class InMemoryLatestPostSpecification
implements InMemoryPostSpecification
private $since;

public function __construct(DateTimeImmutable $since)
$this->since = $since;

public function specifies(Post $aPost)
return $aPost->createdAt() > $this->since;

The query method for our Repository implementation could look like this:

class InMemoryPostRepository implements PostRepository
// ...

* @param InMemoryPostSpecification $specification
* @return Post[]
public function query($specification)
return $this->filterPosts(
function (Post $post) use($specification) {
return $specification->specifies($post);

Retrieving all the latest posts from the Repository is as simple as creating a tailored instance of the above implementation:

$latestPosts = $postRepository->query(
new InMemoryLatestPostSpecification(new DateTimeImmutable('-24'))
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