
AD conversion, 63

delta-sigma, 70

oversampling, 66

AD converter, 79

characteristics, 79

counter, 84

delta-sigma, 85

half-flash, 83

parallel, 82

subranging, 83

successive approximation, 83

AES, 101

AES/EBU interface, 2, 101

All-pass decomposition, 130, 132, 133

Ambisonics, 14

Anti-aliasing filter, 242

Anti-imaging filter, 241

Aperture delay, 79

Aperture jitter, 80

Attack time, 231

Audio coding, 273

lossless, 273

lossy, 275

Averaging time, 231

Band-limiting, 63, 86, 251

Bandwidth, 115, 121

relative, 115, 121

Biphase code, 102

Bit allocation, 290

Boost/cut, 122, 124, 130

Center frequency, 125, 133


Intensity stereo, 303

Mono/side, 302

Coding techniques, 4, 273, 284


Comb filter, 75

recursive, 200, 216

Compact disc, 10

Compressor, 226, 231

Conversion time, 79

Critical bands, 277

DA conversion, 63

delta-sigma, 71

oversampling, 66

DA converter, 86

characteristics, 86

delta-sigma, 92

R-2R networks, 92

switched sources, 89

weighted capacitors, 90

weighted resistors, 90

DAB, 2, 5

Decimation, 75, 169, 175, 246

Deemphasis/preemphasis, 103

Deglitcher, 87

Delta modulation, 69

Delta-sigma modulation, 12, 14, 66

decimation filter, 75

first-order, 68

higher-order, 74

multistage, 72

second-order, 71

signal-to-noise ratio, 73

DFT, 158

Differential nonlinearity, 80

Digital amplifier, 14

Digital crossover, 16

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), 8

Digital Versatile Disc – Audio (DVD-A), 13

Direct Stream Digital, 12

Dither, 36, 45

Downsampling, 242

DSP, 98, 100, 107

DVD, 13

Dynamic range, 225

Dynamic range control, 225

Early reflections, 191, 195

EBU, 101

Echo density, 203

Eigenfrequency, 191, 201, 203

Entropy coding, 274

Equalizers, 115

design of nonrecursive, 167

design of recursive, 119

nonrecursive, 157

recursive, 115, 128

Expander, 226, 231

Fast convolution, 158, 161

FDDI, 105

Feedback systems, 208

FFT, 7, 280


Q-factor, 125

all-pass, 131133, 136, 202

band-pass, 115, 121, 136

band-stop, 115, 121

bilinear transformation, 128

constant-Q, 121

decimation, 169, 177, 178

high-pass, 135, 181

interpolation, 169, 177, 178

kernel, 169, 172, 175

low-pass, 134, 181

low-pass/high-pass, 115, 119

nonrecursive, 77

octave, 115

one-third octave, 116

peak, 117, 124, 132, 135, 136, 181

shelving, 117, 121, 130, 133136, 181

Filter bank, 5, 285

analysis, 4, 213

multi-complementary, 168

octave-band, 168

synthesis, 4, 214

Filter structures

coefficient quantization, 138

limit cycles, 157

noise behavior of recursive, 143

noise shaping, 150

nonrecursive, 161, 168

parametric, 128

recursive, 138

scaling, 154

Frequency density, 202

Frequency sampling, 167

Gain error, 80

Hard disc recording, 1

Huffmann coding, 274

IDFT, 158

Image model, 192

Integral nonlinearity, 80

Internet audio, 9

Interpolation, 66, 75, 169, 174, 175, 246, 247, 254

Lagrange, 260

polynomial, 257

spline, 261

ISO-MPEG1, 4, 284

coder, 284

decoder, 286

Java applet, 59, 93, 182, 218, 238, 310

Latency time, 78, 178, 275

Limit cycles, 157

Limiter, 226, 231

MADI interface, 1, 102

Masking, 279, 281, 284

index, 289

threshold, 279, 281, 282, 284, 289

global, 290

MiniDisc, 10

Mixing console, 1

Monotonicity, 80

MP3, 9, 10

MPEG-2, 291

MPEG-2 AAC, 292

MPEG-4, 8, 304


gate, 225, 226, 231

shaping, 14, 42, 47, 144, 150

Number representation, 47

fixed-point, 47

floating-point, 53

format conversion, 56

Nyquist sampling, 63

OFDM transmission, 7

guard interval, 7

Offset error, 80

Oversampling, 14, 65

signal-to-noise ratio, 66

Peak factor, 23

Peak measurement, 118, 228, 229

Polyphase representation, 245

Prediction, 274

Pseudo-random sequence, 193, 213

Psychoacoustic models, 287

Pulse width modulation, 14

Q-factor, 120, 121

Quantization error

correlation with signal, 34

first-order statistics, 30

noise shaping, 42

power, 65

probability density function, 22

second-order statistics, 32

Quantization model, 21

Quantization noise, 284

Quantization step, 22, 23, 65, 247, 249

Quantization theorem, 21, 24

R-DAT, 10

Ray tracing model, 192

Real-time operating system, 97

Release time, 231

Resolution, 79

Reverberation time, 191, 195, 205

frequency-dependent, 207

Room impulse response, 191

approximation, 213

measurement of, 193

Room simulation, 14, 191

Root mean square measurement, 118, 229

Sample-and-hold, 79

circuit, 63

function, 247

Sampling period, 63

Sampling rate, 2, 63

Sampling rate conversion, 241

asynchronous, 246

multistage, 252

single-stage, 250

synchronous, 244

Sampling theorem, 63

Scale factor, 303

Scaling factor, 289

Settling time, 87

Signal processor

fixed-point, 98

floating-point, 100

multi-processor systems, 109

single-processor systems, 107

Signal quantization, 21

Signal-to-mask ratio, 284, 287, 290, 291

Signal-to-noise ratio, 23, 53, 55, 57

Sinc distortion, 65

Sound channel, 4

Sound studio, 1

SPDIF interface, 102

Spectral Band Replication SBR, 8

Spectral band replication SBR, 306

Spreading function, 281

Static curve, 226

Storage media

DVD-A, 13

MiniDisc, 10

SACD, 11

Studio technology, 1

Subsequent reverberation, 191, 200

Super Audio CD (SACD), 11

Surround systems, 14

Threshold of hearing, 46, 278, 280, 289

Time constants, 230

Tonality index, 280, 282

Total harmonic distortion, 81

Transmission techniques

DRM, 8

internet audio, 9

Upsampling, 241

Weighting filter

A-, 118

CCIR-468, 118

Word-length, 23, 138

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