
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


200 (OK) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb, Client-Side Caching with GET
201 (Created) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
204 (No Content) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
301 (Moved) status code, HTTP Status Codes
304 (Not Modified) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb, Client-Side Caching with GET
400 (Bad Request) status code, HTTP Status Codes
401 (Unauthorized) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
403 (Forbidden) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
404 (Not Found) status code, HTTP Status Codes
410 (Gone) status code, HTTP Status Codes
500 (Internal Server Error) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
501 (Not Implemented) status code, HTTP Status Codes


ADO.NET Entity Framework, The Client-Side Runtime
Adobe Flash, The Client-Side Runtime, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
AJAX Client Behavior template, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
AJAX Client Control template, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
AJAX Control Toolkit, Building AJAX Controls
AJAX Web Form template, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
ajaxDataCallback event handler, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
application roles, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
administrator role, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
contributor role, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
moderator role, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
RoleService class, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
application services, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Customizing WCF Application Services, Passing Context to Event Handlers
additional information, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
building components, Passing Context to Event Handlers
customizing, Customizing WCF Application Services
JavaScript type system, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
role of, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
service orientation, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
Sys.Services namespace, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
applications, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation (see )
ApplicationServiceHostFactory class, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
ApplicationServices class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
apply-templates element (XSLT), XSLT Basics
ArgumentOutOfRangeException, Client-Side Caching with GET
Array static type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions
add method, Array Extensions
addRange method, Array Extensions
clear method, Array Extensions
clone method, Array Extensions
contains method, Array Extensions
dequeue method, Array Extensions
extending, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
forEach method, Array Extensions
indexOf method, Array Extensions
insert method, Array Extensions
parse method, Array Extensions
remove method, Array Extensions
removeAt method, Array Extensions
ASMX, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
Web services support, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
WSDL support, WCF Fundamentals
ASP.NET, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, The Client-Side Runtime, Client-Side Rendering, WCF Endpoints, WCF Behaviors, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
AJAX Extensions, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, The Client-Side Runtime, Client-Side Rendering
AJAX ScriptManager control, Sys.Application (see )
authorization, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
Control class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
endpoint support, WCF Endpoints
forms-based authentication, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
Page class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
profile support, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
script initialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
security considerations, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
service-oriented application support, WCF Behaviors
ASP.NET compatibility mode, WCF Behaviors, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
ASP.NET integrated pipeline mode, WCF Behaviors, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
aspNetCompatibilityEnabled attribute, WCF Behaviors
AspNetCompatibilityRequirements attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, ASP.NET Runtime Support for WCF Services, Contract-Based Service Programming
aspnet_regsql.exe, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
ASPX pages, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
Atom publishing protocol, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
authenticated event, Building an Application Services Component
Authenticating event, Customizing WCF Application Services
authentication, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
ASP.NET compatibility mode, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
ASP.NET integrated pipeline mode, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
forms-based, ASP.NET AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services
Sys.Services namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
System.Web namespace, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
AuthenticationService class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Customizing WCF Application Services, Customizing WCF Application Services, Customizing WCF Application Services
Authenticating event, Customizing WCF Application Services
CreatingCookie event, Customizing WCF Application Services
functionality, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
Login method, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
Logout method, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
OnLogoutCompleted handler, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
AuthenticationServiceManager class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
authorization, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
Authorization HTTP header, HTTP Status Codes


Bad Request (400) status code, HTTP Status Codes
basicHttpBinding, WCF Endpoints
Behavior class, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building AJAX Controls, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, Behavior Class Static Methods, Behavior Class Static Methods, Behavior Class Static Methods, The Ajax Library Control Class, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library
as base class, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
beginUpdate method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
Component class, Building AJAX Controls
Control class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, The Ajax Library Control Class
create method, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library
dispose method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library
disposing event, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
element property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
endUpdate method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
events property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
functionality, Building AJAX Controls
getBehaviorByName method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Behavior Class Static Methods, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library
getBehaviors method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Behavior Class Static Methods
getBehaviorsByType method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Behavior Class Static Methods
id property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
implementing custom behaviors, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
initialize method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library
isInitialized property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
isUpdating property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
name property, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
propertyChanged event, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
Sys.UI namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
updated method, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
behaviorConfiguration attribute, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Behaviors
behaviors, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Bindings, WCF Bindings, WCF and the Web Programming Model, The Script Manager Programming Model, The Script Manager Programming Model, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
(see also )
additional information, WCF Bindings
applying to endpoints, Updating Data with WCF Services
assigning at runtime, The Script Manager Programming Model
enabling Web programming model, WCF and the Web Programming Model
extending elements, Building AJAX Controls
implementing custom, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
inheriting, The Script Manager Programming Model
WCF programming model, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Bindings
bindings, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints, WCF and the Web Programming Model
body object, Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds(element)
book element (XSLT), XSLT Basics
books element (XSLT), XSLT Basics
Boolean type, Array Extensions


caching, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Client-Side Caching with GET, The Script Manager Programming Model
GET requests, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Client-Side Caching with GET
scripts, The Script Manager Programming Model
cascading style sheets (CSS), Building AJAX Controls, Creating an XSLT View
channels, WCF Fundamentals
class definitions, Types and Inheritance
class libraries, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
click event, Building an XML Control
ClientScript object, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
ClientScriptManager class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
client-side caching, Client-Side Caching with GET
client-side rendering, Client-Side Rendering, AJAX and XSLT
client-side runtime, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, The Client-Side Runtime, The Client-Side Runtime, The Client-Side Runtime, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Client-Side Rendering, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, The Script Manager Programming Model, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
(see also )
ASP.NET server controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
client-side rendering, Client-Side Rendering
defined, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
JavaScript type extensions, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
object-oriented JavaScript, The Script Manager Programming Model
page life cycle, The Client-Side Runtime
programming model, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
ScriptManager control, The Client-Side Runtime
service-based applications, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview
Sys.Application object, The Client-Side Runtime
Sys.Net.WebRequest object, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
Sys.Services namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
CodeSmith tool, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
colons, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
commas, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
Component class, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Events, Events, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Building an Application Services Component, Building AJAX Controls, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, The Ajax Library Control Class, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Building an XML Control, Building an XML Control
as base class, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
beginUpdate method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
bubble-up events, The Ajax Library Control Class
component development, Events
create method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Building an Application Services Component, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library
endUpdate method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
events and properties support, Events
extending, Building AJAX Controls
get_events method, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library
id property, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
initialize method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
isValid property, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
JavaScript namespace, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
minLength property, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
propertyChanged event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
registerClass method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
xmlUrl property, Building an XML Control
xsltUrl property, Building an XML Control
CompositeScript tag, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
Content-Type HTTP header, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
contracts, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Bindings, WCF Bindings, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application
behavior support, WCF Bindings
knowledge base reference application, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application
WCF programming model, WCF Fundamentals
Control class, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Web Part Application
addCssClass method, The Ajax Library Control Class
as base class, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
beginUpdate method, The Ajax Library Control Class
Behavior class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, The Ajax Library Control Class
bubble-up events, The Ajax Library Control Class
component development, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
constructor example, The Ajax Library Control Class
creating custom controls, The Ajax Library Control Class
disposing event, The Ajax Library Control Class
DOM support, The Ajax Library Control Class
element property, The Ajax Library Control Class
element property method, The Ajax Library Control Class
endUpdate method, The Ajax Library Control Class
events property, The Ajax Library Control Class
functionality, Building AJAX Controls
id property, The Ajax Library Control Class
id property method, The Ajax Library Control Class
initialize method, The Ajax Library Control Class
isInitialized property, The Ajax Library Control Class
isUpdating property, The Ajax Library Control Class
onBubbleEvent method, The Ajax Library Control Class
parent property, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class
propertyChanged event, The Ajax Library Control Class
raiseBubbleEvent method, The Ajax Library Control Class
raisePropertyChanged method, The Ajax Library Control Class
removeCssClass method, The Ajax Library Control Class
script initialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
Sys.UI namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
toggleCssClass method, The Ajax Library Control Class
updated method, The Ajax Library Control Class
user property, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
visibilityMode property, The Ajax Library Control Class
visible property, The Ajax Library Control Class
Web Parts support, The Web Part Application
controls, Building AJAX Controls, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, XML on the Client
(see also ; specific controls)
AJAX Control Toolkit, Building AJAX Controls
creating custom, The Ajax Library Control Class
creating wiki application control, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
role in applications, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Control Class
XML, XML on the Client
Created (201) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
CreatingCookie event, Customizing WCF Application Services
CSS (cascading style sheets), Building AJAX Controls, Creating an XSLT View
curly braces, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval


data retrieval, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF
data schemas, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, XSLT Basics
data services layer, Client-Side Rendering
DataAccess class, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application
DataContract attribute, XML Endpoints with WCF, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
DataMember attribute, XML Endpoints with WCF, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
DataService class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Date type, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Array Extensions, Date Extensions, Date Extensions, Date Extensions, Date Extensions
additional information, Date Extensions
extending, Array Extensions
format method, Date Extensions
localeFormat method, Date Extensions
parseInvariant method, Array Extensions
parseLocale method, Array Extensions
date-time stamp, Client-Side Caching with GET
debug scripts, The Client-Side Runtime, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Sys.Application, Creating an XSLT View
CompositeScript tag, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
ScriptManager control, The Client-Side Runtime
Sys.Debug object, Sys.Application
XSLT support, Creating an XSLT View
delegate properties, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
DELETE verb (HTTP), Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
disposing event, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
Document Object Model, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library (see )
DOM (Document Object Model), Client-Side Rendering, Client-Side Rendering, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Properties, Building AJAX Controls, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class
client-side programming model, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
Control class support, The Ajax Library Control Class
defined, Client-Side Rendering
event support, Properties
expando properties, Client-Side Rendering, The Ajax Library Control Class
extending elements, Building AJAX Controls
programming elements, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
Sys.UI namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
DomElement class, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent), Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent), Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent), Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library, Creating an XSLT View, Creating an XSLT View
addHandler method, Creating an XSLT View
browser support, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
functionality, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
getBounds method, Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent)
getElementById method, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
getLocation method, Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent)
implementing custom behaviors, Implementing Custom Behaviors with the AJAX Library
setLocation method, Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById(id, parent)
DomEvent class, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
duck typed system, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
dynamic HTML, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview


enableClientScript behavior, Updating Data with WCF Services
enableWebScript behavior, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Behaviors, Readable URLs and URI Templates
building proxy classes, Updating Data with WCF Services
defining, WCF Behaviors
URI templates, Readable URLs and URI Templates
endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints, WCF Bindings, WCF Bindings, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
behavior support, WCF Bindings
defining, Updating Data with WCF Services
knowledge base reference application, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
registering, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
WCF programming model, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints
WCF support, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
Web services and, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
error event, XML on the Client
Error type, Array Extensions, Date Extensions, Date Extensions, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create
additional information, Creating Errors with Error.create
argument method, Creating Errors with Error.create
argumentNull method, Creating Errors with Error.create
argumentOutOfRange method, Array Extensions, Creating Errors with Error.create
argumentType method, Creating Errors with Error.create
argumentUndefined method, Creating Errors with Error.create
create method, Date Extensions
extending, Date Extensions
format method, Creating Errors with Error.create
invalidOperation method, Creating Errors with Error.create
notImplemented method, Creating Errors with Error.create
parameterCount method, Creating Errors with Error.create
Esposito, Dino, AJAX Application Services with Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
ETag HTTP header, Client-Side Caching with GET
event handlers, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Passing Context to Event Handlers, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library, Building an XML Control
adding, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library
click event, Building an XML Control
passing context, Passing Context to Event Handlers
Sys.Application life cycle, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
EventHandlerList class, Properties, Properties, Properties, Properties, Events, Events, Events, Building an Application Services Component
addHandler method, Properties
events property, Events
firing events, Building an Application Services Component
getHandler method, Events
get_events property, Properties
removeHandler method, Properties
Sys.Component class, Events
events, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Properties, Properties, Events, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, The Ajax Library Control Class
Behavior class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
bubble-up, The Ajax Library Control Class
Control class, The Ajax Library Control Class
custom, Properties
custom arguments, Events
DomEvent class, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
Microsoft AJAX Library, Properties
exception handling, Client-Side Caching with GET, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
Expires attribute, Client-Side Caching with GET
Expires HTTP header, Client-Side Caching with GET
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, XML Rendering with XSLT (see )


HEAD verb (HTTP), HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
Hello World program, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Bindings, WCF Bindings
behaviors, WCF Bindings
service contracts, WCF Fundamentals
Sys.Application object, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
history, AJAX and Browser History, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application
adding to wiki application, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application
Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
ScriptManager control, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
Sys.Application object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
traditional problem, AJAX and Browser History
HistoryEventArgs class, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
httlpHelpPageUrl attribute, WCF Bindings
HTTP handlers, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
asynchronous, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
implementing Web services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
registering, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
script initialization and, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
SharePoint options, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
HTTP headers, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
(see also specific HTTP headers)
Content-Type, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
HEAD verb, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
Ping method, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
setting, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
HTTP status codes, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
HTTP verbs, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
(see also specific HTTP verbs)
mapping to WCF, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
readable URIs, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval
REST pattern, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
HttpContext class, WCF Behaviors, WCF Behaviors, WCF Behaviors, Contract-Based Service Programming, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
Current property, WCF Behaviors, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
IHttpHandler interface, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
User property, WCF Behaviors, Contract-Based Service Programming, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
WebOperationContext class, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
httpHandlers node, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
httpHelpPageEnabled attribute, WCF Bindings


IE Engine, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
If-Modified-Since HTTP header, Client-Side Caching with GET
IHttpAsyncHandler interface, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
IHttpHandler interface, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
functionality, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
HttpContext class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
IsReusable method, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
POX endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
ProcessRequest method, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
UriTemplate class, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
IHttpHandlerFactory interface, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
IIS (Internet Information Services), WCF Endpoints, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
IncomingWebRequestContext class, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
inheritance model, The Script Manager Programming Model
init event, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
client-side runtime, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
Sys.Application object, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
Internal Server Error (500) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
Internet Address attribute, Client-Side Caching with GET
Internet Explorer browser, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application
debug scripts, Sys.Application
DOM support, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
JavaScript support, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model
Script console, Sys.Application
Internet Information Services (IIS), WCF Endpoints, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
InvalidOperationException, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
IOperationBehavior interface, Enabling the Web Programming Model
IPrincipal interface, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService


JavaScript language, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Client-Side Rendering, XML Endpoints with WCF, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, The Script Manager Programming Model, The Script Manager Programming Model, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, The JavaScript Type, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace, Properties, The Ajax Library Control Class, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML Rendering with XSLT, Creating an XSLT View, Building an XML Control
browser support, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model
client-side template rendering, XML Rendering with XSLT
compiled script resources, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
confirm function, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
custom events, Properties
expando properties, Client-Side Rendering, The Ajax Library Control Class
generating proxy classes, XML Endpoints with WCF
GetWiki method, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services
get_ methods, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
implementing properties, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
inheritance model, The Script Manager Programming Model
namespaces, The JavaScript Type
network calls, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
object-oriented fundamentals, The Script Manager Programming Model
onCompletedHandler method, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF
onSaveSuccess method, Updating Data with WCF Services
prototypes, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
service-based applications, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals
SetWiki method, Updating Data with WCF Services, Updating Data with WCF Services
set_ methods, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
XSLT considerations, XML Rendering with XSLT, Creating an XSLT View, Building an XML Control
JavaScript namespaces, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
JavaScript Object Notation, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services (see )
JavaScript type system, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, The Network Library in Sys.Net, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
application services, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
array extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
base type extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
browser extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
functionality, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
global types and objects, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
network library, The Network Library in Sys.Net
serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
JavaScriptSerializer class, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
deserialize method, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
JavaScript namespaces, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
serialize method, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Client-Side Rendering, Updating Data with WCF Services, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
application services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
component development, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
Content-Type header, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
WCF support, Client-Side Rendering, Updating Data with WCF Services
JsonBehavior behavior, Updating Data with WCF Services
JSONP message format, The Network Library in Sys.Net


match attribute, XSLT Basics
Metadata Exchange (MEX), WCF Bindings
methods, Types and Inheritance, Types and Inheritance, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Control Class
assigning to types, Types and Inheritance
Behavior class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
Control class, The Ajax Library Control Class
MEX (Metadata Exchange), WCF Bindings
Microsoft AJAX Library, The Client-Side Runtime, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, The Microsoft AJAX Library, The Microsoft AJAX Library, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, The Network Library in Sys.Net, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Properties, Events, Passing Context to Event Handlers, Passing Context to Event Handlers, The Ajax Library Control Class, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, AJAX and XSLT, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
(see also , , )
application services components, Passing Context to Event Handlers
architecture diagram, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
array extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
client framework, The Microsoft AJAX Library
component development, Events
creating custom controls, The Ajax Library Control Class
creating wiki application control, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
event handlers, Passing Context to Event Handlers
events, Properties
functionality, The Client-Side Runtime, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model
get_ methods, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
history support, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
key namespaces, The Microsoft AJAX Library
properties, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
set_ methods, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
Sys namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
Sys.Net namespace, The Network Library in Sys.Net
Sys.Serialization namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
Sys.Services namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
Sys.UI namespace, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
validation support, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
Visual Studio Intellisense, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
XSLT support, AJAX and XSLT
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS), Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, Events, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX
Microsoft Silverlight, The Client-Side Runtime, WCF Endpoints, WCF Endpoints, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
basicHttpBinding support, WCF Endpoints
service-based applications, The Client-Side Runtime
Web programming model, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
Microsoft SQL Server, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation
Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation, The Client-Side Runtime
Microsoft XML Core Services, XML Rendering with XSLT
MicrosoftAjax.debug.js, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
MicrosoftAjax.js, The Client-Side Runtime
MicrosoftAjaxDataService.js, The Client-Side Runtime
MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server), Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, Events, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX
Moved (301) status code, HTTP Status Codes
MSMQ, ASP.NET Runtime Support for WCF Services


Name attribute, WCF Contracts, Client-Side Caching with GET, Client-Side Caching with GET
client-side caching, Client-Side Caching with GET
OperationContract attribute, WCF Contracts
namespaces, WCF Contracts, The JavaScript Type, The Microsoft AJAX Library, XSLT Basics
(see also )
JavaScript support, The JavaScript Type
Microsoft Ajax Library support, The Microsoft AJAX Library
XPath expressions, XSLT Basics
navigate event, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
client-side runtime, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
Sys.Application object, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
navigation, AJAX and Browser History, AJAX and Browser History, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
history problem, AJAX and Browser History
Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
ScriptManager control, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
Sys.Application object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
Netscape browser, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
new keyword, The Script Manager Programming Model, The JavaScript Type
NewsGator Enterprise Server, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview
No Content (204) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
Not Found (404) status code, HTTP Status Codes
Not Implemented (501) status code, HTTP Status Codes
Not Modified (304) status code, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb, Client-Side Caching with GET
null objects, Creating a Custom Control with the AJAX Library
Number type, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create, Creating Errors with Error.create
extending, Creating Errors with Error.create
format method, Creating Errors with Error.create
localeFormat method, Creating Errors with Error.create
parseInvariant method, Creating Errors with Error.create
parseLocale method, Creating Errors with Error.create


Page class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Building an Application Services Component, Building an Application Services Component
OnAuthenticated method, Building an Application Services Component
script initialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
User property, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
page life cycle, The Client-Side Runtime
Page.js, Building an Application Services Component
Pascal casing, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
Pattison, Ted, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX
Personalizable attribute, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
POST verb (HTTP), Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
application services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
functionality, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
REST pattern, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
POX (Plain Old XML), Client-Side Rendering, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
IHttpHandler interface, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
REST support, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
WCF support, Client-Side Rendering
Web service endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
prerender event, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
profiles, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
ProfileService class, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Customizing WCF Application Services
functionality, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
load method, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
LoadProperties property, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
save method, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
Sys.Services namespace, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
ValidatingProperties event, Customizing WCF Application Services
ProfileServiceManager class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
properties, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Properties, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class, The Ajax Library Control Class, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
Behavior class, The Ajax Library Behavior Class
Control class, The Ajax Library Control Class
defining, Properties
delegate, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
JavaScript support, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
Microsoft AJAX Library, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
propertyChanged event, Building an Application Services Component, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
prototypes, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
proxy classes, XML Endpoints with WCF
PUT verb (HTTP), Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF


Really Simple Syndication, Client-Side Caching with GET (see )
render event, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
Representational State Transfer, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF (see )
REST (Representational State Transfer), Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
architectural pattern, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
HTTP handlers, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
role management, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services (see )
Roles class, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
RoleService class, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Customizing WCF Application Services
application roles, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
functionality, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
IsInRole method, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
IsUserInRole method, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
load method, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
LoadRoles method, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
OnLoginCompleted method, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
SelectingProvider event, Customizing WCF Application Services
Sys.Services namespace, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
RoleServiceManager class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), Client-Side Caching with GET


Safari browser, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
ScriptManager class, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
ScriptManager control, The Client-Side Runtime, The Client-Side Runtime, The Client-Side Runtime, XML Endpoints with WCF, Updating Data with WCF Services, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Compiled Script Resources, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
blocking rendering, Sys.Application
ClientNavigateHandler property, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
client-side runtime, The Client-Side Runtime
combining scripts, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
compiled script resources, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
debug scripts, The Client-Side Runtime
deploying runtime, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
EnableHistory property, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
EnableScriptGlobalization property, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
functionality, The Client-Side Runtime, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
history support, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
JavaScript proxy classes, XML Endpoints with WCF, Updating Data with WCF Services
loadData method, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
loading roles, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
loading scripts, Sys.Application
master pages, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
partial rendering, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
programming model, Compiled Script Resources
script initialization, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
ScriptReference property, Sys.Application
Sys.Service objects, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
ScriptManagerProxy control, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
combining scripts, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
functionality, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
loading roles, Application Roles and Sys.Services.RoleService
script initialization, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
ScriptMethod attribute, Web Services for AJAX Using ASP.NET 2.0 ASMX
scripts, The Client-Side Runtime, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, The Script Manager Programming Model, The Script Manager Programming Model, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
caching, The Script Manager Programming Model
combining, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
debug, The Client-Side Runtime, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls, Sys.Application
initializing, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
loading, Sys.Application
referencing compiled resources, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls
ScriptService attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Web Services for AJAX Using ASP.NET 2.0 ASMX
security, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, The Network Library in Sys.Net
SelectingProvider event, Customizing WCF Application Services
semicolons, Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
service contracts, WCF Bindings (see )
service orientation, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Contracts, WCF Behaviors, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
additional information, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
application services, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
ASP.NET runtime support, WCF Behaviors
defined, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
tenets, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
WCF fundamentals, WCF Fundamentals
XML namespaces, WCF Contracts
service-based applications, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
benefits, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation
overview, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals
service orientation, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
ServiceContract attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Fundamentals, Contract-Based Service Programming
endpoint support, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Updating Data with WCF Services
HelloWorld example, WCF Fundamentals
knowledge base reference application, Contract-Based Service Programming
serviceDebug element, WCF Bindings
ServiceHost class, WCF Endpoints
ServiceHostFactory class, WCF Endpoints
serviceHostingEnvironment element, WCF Behaviors
ServiceKnownType attribute, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
serviceMetaData behavior, WCF Bindings
ServiceMethod attribute (ASMX), WCF Contracts
service-oriented architecture (SOA), Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
ServiceSecurityContext class, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
SharePoint application platform, Service-Based AJAX: Architecture Overview, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, Sample Application: Creating a Site Chat
(see also , )
creating a site chat, Sample Application: Creating a Site Chat
deploying code through Web Parts, The Web Part Application
development environment, The Web Part Application
functionality, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX
layouts directory, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
virtualized Web applications, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
vti_bin directory, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
Web service options, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
SharePoint Central Administration web site, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
SiliverlightMedia.js, The Client-Side Runtime
SilverlightControl.js, The Client-Side Runtime
SilverlightPlugin.js, The Client-Side Runtime
site collections, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
Size attribute, Client-Side Caching with GET
Skonnard, Aaron, WCF Bindings
slash character, XSLT Basics
SOA (service-oriented architecture), Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
SOAP, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints, WCF Endpoints, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
binding support, WCF Endpoints
endpoint support, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, WCF Fundamentals
Web programming model, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
Web services support, WCF Fundamentals
SQL Server, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation (see )
status codes, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF (see )
String type, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions, Object Extensions
endsWith method, Object Extensions
extending, Object Extensions
format method, Object Extensions
localeFormat method, Object Extensions
startsWith method, Object Extensions
trim method, Object Extensions
trimEnd method, Object Extensions
trimStart method, Object Extensions
StringBuilder class, String Extensions, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
stylesheet element (XSLT), XSLT Basics, Creating an XSLT View
submit event, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
svcutil.exe, WCF Fundamentals
syndication services, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model, Client-Side Caching with GET
SyndicationCategory class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationElementExtension class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationFeed class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationFeedFormatter class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationItem class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationLink class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
functionality, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
MediaType property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
RelationshipType property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Title property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Uri property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
SyndicationPerson class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Email property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
functionality, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Name property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Uri property, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Sys namespace, The JavaScript Type, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent
Component class, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent (see )
components, The JavaScript Type
global types and objects, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
Sys.Application object, The Client-Side Runtime, The JavaScript Type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
addHistoryPoint method, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
add_load method, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
application services, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
client-side runtime, The Client-Side Runtime
component development, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
enableHistory property, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
find method, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
functionality, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
history support, History Support in the Microsoft AJAX Library
init event, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Developing Components Using the AJAX Library Framework
JavaScript namespace, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
load event, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
navigate event, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace, History Support with the Client-Side Sys.Application Object
notifyScriptLoaded method, Sys.Application
pageLoad function, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
queueScriptReference method, Sys.Application
types and inheritance, The JavaScript Type
unload event, Global Types and Objects in the Sys Namespace
Sys.Browser object, Diagnostics with
Sys.CultureInfo, Date Extensions
Sys.Debug object, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Sys.Application, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
assert method, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
clearTrace method, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
fail method, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
functionality, Sys.Application
isDebug field, Sys.Application
trace method, Sys.Application
traceDump method, Diagnostics with Sys.Debug.trace
Sys.Net namespace, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, The JavaScript Type, The JavaScript Type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML on the Client
components, The JavaScript Type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
network library support, The Network Library in Sys.Net
WebRequest class, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application (see )
WebRequestExecutor class, The Network Library in Sys.Net (see )
WebRequestManager class, The Network Library in Sys.Net
WebServiceProxy class, The Network Library in Sys.Net
XMLDOM object, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML on the Client
Sys.Serialization namespace, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
components, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
JavaScriptSerializer class, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
Sys.Services namespace, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF, Building an Application Services Component
application roles, JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
authenticated event, Building an Application Services Component
authentication, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
functionality, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
profile data, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
script initialization, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
Sys.StringBuilder class, String Extensions
Sys.UI namespace, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, The JavaScript Type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components, Creating an XSLT View
Behavior class, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
browser extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
components, The JavaScript Type, JavaScript Base Type Extensions
Control class, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization, Programming DOM Events with Sys.UI.DomEvent, Building an AJAX Class Library with Components
DomElement class, Creating an XSLT View (see )
DomEvent class, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library (see )
System.Diagnostics.Debug, Sys.Application
System.Diagnostics.WriteLine, Sys.Application
System.Net.HttpStatusCode enumeration, HTTP Header Processing with the HEAD Verb
System.Net.HttpWebRequest, The Network Library in Sys.Net
System.Runtime.Serialization namespace, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
System.ServiceModel object, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
System.ServiceModel.Description., WCF Behaviors, WCF Behaviors
WebScriptEnablingBehavior, WCF Behaviors
System.ServiceModel.Web assembly, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
HTTP handler support, Implementing REST Web Services Using ASP.NET 2.0 HTTP Handlers
referencing object, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
Web programming model, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
System.Text.StringBuilder class, String Extensions
System.Web.ApplicationServices, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services, Service-Oriented Application Services over WCF
System.Web.Extensions assembly, The Client-Side Runtime, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, Sys.Application, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
AJAX support, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
application services, ASP.NET AJAX Script Initialization and Sys.Services
client-side runtime, The Client-Side Runtime
debugging scripts, Sys.Application
enabling services, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager, Sys.Application (see )
System.Web.UI.WebResource attribute, Deploying the Runtime with ASP.NET Server Controls


WAS (Windows Process Activation Service), WCF Endpoints
WCF (Windows Communications Foundation), Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, The Client-Side Runtime, Client-Side Rendering, Client-Side Rendering, Client-Side Rendering, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, XML Endpoints with WCF, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
additional information, Client-Side Rendering
architectural overview, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals
benefits, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation
overview, Client-Side Rendering, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
service-based applications, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, The Client-Side Runtime
updating data, XML Endpoints with WCF
XML endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
WCF Service Library, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
Web applications, virtualized, Introducing the SharePoint Application Platform
Web browsers, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, The Network Library in Sys.Net, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
DOM support, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
JavaScript extensions, JavaScript Serialization with Sys.Serialization
JavaScript support, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model
security considerations, The Network Library in Sys.Net
Web Development Helper, Sys.Application
Web Part Zone, Deploying Code Through Web Parts, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
Web Parts, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, The Web Part Application, Deploying Code Through Web Parts, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
additional information, The Web Part Application
CreateChildControls method, The Web Part Application, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
creating, The Web Part Application
defined, The Web Part Application
deploying code through, The Web Part Application
editing, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
extending SharePoint, The Web Part Application
Render method, The Web Part Application
RenderContents method, The Web Part Application
Web Parts gallery, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
Web programming model, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval, Readable URLs and URI Templates, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Client-Side Caching with GET, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
accessing Web context, Enabling the Web Programming Model
building URLs, Readable URLs and URI Templates
data retrieval, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF
enabling, WCF and the Web Programming Model
HTTP handlers, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
overview, The AJAX Application Server: Windows Communication Foundation’s Web Programming Model
readable URLs, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval
REST architectural pattern, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
syndication services, Client-Side Caching with GET
URI templates, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), WCF Fundamentals
Web service libraries, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
Web services, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Bindings, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
additional information, Service Orientation and Service-Based AJAX Applications
AJAX applications, The AJAX Application Server: Service Orientation and the Windows Communication Foundation
ASMX support, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
behavior support, WCF Bindings
binding support, WCF Fundamentals
defined, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
HTTP handlers, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
ScriptService attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
service-based applications, Service-Oriented AJAX Fundamentals
SharePoint options, The SharePoint Virtualized Web Application
SOAP-based, WCF Fundamentals
Web Site Administration Tool (WSAT), JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
web.config file, The Client-Side Runtime, The Client-Side Runtime, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, WCF Bindings, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services, The Web Part Application, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
debug scripts, The Client-Side Runtime
defining behaviors, WCF Bindings
development environment, The Web Part Application
profile definition, JavaScript Authentication with Sys.Services
registering service endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
SafeControls element, Deploying Code Through Web Parts
WebGet attribute, XML Endpoints with WCF, WCF Endpoints, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF, Readable URLs and URI Templates
data retrieval, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF
enabling Web programming model, Enabling the Web Programming Model
endpoint support, XML Endpoints with WCF, WCF Endpoints
functionality, WCF and the Web Programming Model
URI templates, Readable URLs and URI Templates
WebHttpBehavior, WCF Endpoints, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
WebHttpBinding, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints, WCF Endpoints, WCF Behaviors, WCF Behaviors, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, WCF and the Web Programming Model, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
enableWebScript behavior, WCF Behaviors
enabling Web programming model, WCF and the Web Programming Model
knowledge base reference application, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
SyndicationFeedFormatter class, Introducing WCF Syndication Services
Web programming model, WCF and the Web Programming Model
Web services support, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints
WebServiceHostFactory class, WCF Endpoints
WebInvoke attribute, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, Readable URLs and URI Templates, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
BodyStyle parameter, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
enabling Web programming model, Enabling the Web Programming Model
functionality, WCF and the Web Programming Model
RequestFormat parameter, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
ResponseFormat parameter, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
REST service actions, Using the UriTemplate Class to Build URLs
URI templates, Readable URLs and URI Templates
Webkit engine, The AJAX Runtime with the Microsoft AJAX Library
WebMethod attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Updating Data with WCF Services, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
ASMX support, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
defining services, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, Updating Data with WCF Services
WebOperationContext class, WCF and the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, Enabling the Web Programming Model, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, HTTP Status Codes
Current property, Enabling the Web Programming Model
functionality, WCF and the Web Programming Model
HttpContext class, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
OutgoingResponse property, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF, HTTP Status Codes
Web programming model, Accessing the Current Web Context from WCF
WebRequest class, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, XML Endpoints with WCF, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke, HTTP Status Codes, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net
add_completed method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, HTTP Status Codes
client-side runtime, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
executor property, The Network Library in Sys.Net
functionality, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
get_headers method, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
headers property, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
invoke method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, The Network Library in Sys.Net
network library, The Network Library in Sys.Net
REST support, The REST Architectural Pattern and WCF
set_body method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
set_httpVerb method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
set_url method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
set_userContext method, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
WebGet considerations, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval
WebInvoke considerations, Using WebGet for Data Retrieval
XML endpoints, XML Endpoints with WCF
WebRequestExecutor class, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest, HTTP Status Codes, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net, The Network Library in Sys.Net
cancelling network calls, The Network Library in Sys.Net
executor property, The Network Library in Sys.Net
get_object method, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest
get_responseData method, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest
get_statusCode method, HTTP Status Codes
get_webRequest method, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest
get_xml method, Web Requests with Sys.Net.WebRequest
WebRequestManager class, The Network Library in Sys.Net
WebScriptBehavior, Readable URLs and URI Templates
WebScriptEnablingBehavior, WCF Endpoints
WebScriptHostFactory, WCF Endpoints
WebScriptServiceFactory class, WCF Endpoints
WebService attribute, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation, WCF Contracts, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
ASMX support, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
defining services, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation
WCF ServiceContract attribute, WCF Contracts
WebServiceBinding attribute, WCF Security and Authorization with ASP.NET
WebServiceHostFactory class, WCF Endpoints
WebServiceProxy class, The Network Library in Sys.Net
wiki application, XML Endpoints with WCF, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event, Case Study: Implementing Navigation in the Wiki Application with an Xml Control, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application
adding history, Case Study: Adding History to the Wiki Application
creating control, Simple Validation and the propertyChanged Event
defined, XML Endpoints with WCF
implementing navigation, Case Study: Implementing Navigation in the Wiki Application with an Xml Control
window object, Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds(element)
Windows Communications Foundation, Client-Side Rendering (see )
Windows Process Activation Service (WAS), WCF Endpoints
Windows SharePoint Services, Introducing WCF Syndication Services (see )
WSAT (Web Site Administration Tool), JavaScript Profile Data with Sys.Services
WSDL (Web Service Description Language), WCF Fundamentals
wsHttpBinding, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints, WCF Behaviors, WCF Behaviors, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts, Enabling the Web Programming Model
enableWebScript behavior, WCF Behaviors
knowledge base reference application, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
Web programming model, Enabling the Web Programming Model
Web services support, WCF Fundamentals, WCF Endpoints
WSS (Windows SharePoint Services), Introducing WCF Syndication Services, Extending SharePoint with Service-Oriented AJAX


XML, Client-Side Rendering, Supporting REST Service Actions with WebInvoke
XML endpoints, Introducing Windows Communications Foundation (see )
XML namespaces, WCF Contracts, Client-Side Caching with GET
XML Path Language, XSLT Basics (see )
XML schema definition (XSD), Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
XmlControl class, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control, Building an XML Control, Building an XML Control, Building an XML Control, Building an XML Control, Case Study: Implementing Navigation in the Wiki Application with an Xml Control, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
building controls, XML on the Client
error event, XML on the Client
implementing navigation, Case Study: Implementing Navigation in the Wiki Application with an Xml Control
loadXML method, XML on the Client
loadXSLT method, XML on the Client
prerender event, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
reload method, XML on the Client
reloadInterval method, XML on the Client, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
render event, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
source code example, Building an XML Control
Xml property, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
xmlLoaded event, XML on the Client
xmlUrl property, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
Xslt property, XML on the Client, Building an XML Control
xsltLoaded event, XML on the Client
xsltUrl property, Deploying the AJAX Runtime Through the ScriptManager Control
XmlDocument class, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application, Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
XMLDOM class, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML on the Client
XmlHttpRequest class, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, The Network Library in Sys.Net
cross-browser support, Understanding the Client-Side Programming Model, The Network Library in Sys.Net
XMLHttpRequest object, Page Life Cycle and Sys.Application
xmlLoaded event, XML on the Client
xmlns attribute (XSLT), XSLT Basics
XmlSerializer class, Case Study: Introducing the Knowledge Base Reference Application
XPath (XML Path Language), XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, Creating an XSLT View
XSD (XML schema definition), Implementing Data Schema Through WCF Data Contracts
xsl element (XSLT), XSLT Basics
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), Client-Side Rendering, AJAX and XSLT, AJAX and XSLT, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML Rendering with XSLT, XML Rendering with XSLT, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, XSLT Basics, Creating an XSLT View, Building an XML Control
additional information, XML Rendering with XSLT
apply-templates element, XSLT Basics
book element, XSLT Basics
books element, XSLT Basics
client-side rendering, Client-Side Rendering, AJAX and XSLT
creating views, XSLT Basics
functionality, AJAX and XSLT, XML Rendering with XSLT
rendering considerations, Building an XML Control
stylesheet element, XSLT Basics, Creating an XSLT View
template element, XSLT Basics
value-of element, XSLT Basics
xmlns attribute, XSLT Basics
xsl element, XSLT Basics
xsltLoaded event, XML on the Client
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