
  • 21st Century Fox 30, 34, 35, 48
  • 60 Minutes (TV show) 78–9
  • 100, The (TV show) 382–4
  • 1984 (1949) 339
  • ABC News 80
  • ABC television 97, 236, 242
  • abjection 308, 388
  • accessibility 390–2
  • accuracy 106–7
  • Ace of Base 121
  • acoustic space 334–5, 347
  • active audiences 267–8, 274, 306, 309–21, 347, 389
  • active/passive binary 211–12, 213, 215, 222
  • Adbusters 361
  • Adele, “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” 263, 264–5
  • Adonis Complex 222
  • Adorno, Theodor W. 53, 54, 301
  • advertising 26, 48–53
    • and commercial “zapping” 51
    • and conspicuous consumption 159–60
    • and culture jamming 361–2
    • and diversity promotion 102–3
    • and Feminist analysis 216–17
    • and gender stereotypes 211–12, 216–18, 222
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 182–3, 189–91, 198, 199, 377–9
    • and Queer analysis 237–9
    • and Rhetorical analysis 126–9
    • sexual 377–9
    • spending on 49–51
  • aestheticism 245–6, 247–8
  • aesthetics 137–9
  • affect 135–9
  • affective logic 347, 348
  • Affleck, Ben 163
  • African Americans 166–8
    • struggle of 384–6
  • agency 267, 282–3
  • agenda‐setting 55, 80, 261
  • aggressor effect 109–10
  • allegory 119, 183, 195, 353, 384–5
  • Allen, Woody 237
  • AllSides 82
  • almanacs 3
  • Althusser, Louis 150
  • Amazon 100
  • ambiguity 166
    • strategic 268
  • ambivalence 309
  • AMC 25, 280
  • American Apparel advertisement 217
  • American Dream 158–9, 160, 166, 375, 376
  • American Magazine (magazine) 4
  • American Revolution 71
  • American Society of Newspaper Editors, code of ethics 72
  • anal stage 177–8
  • anchorage 126
  • Ancient Egyptians 331–2
  • Ancient Greeks 120–1
  • Ang, Ien 301
  • Annie Hall (film, 1977) 237
  • Anthony, Susan B. 218
  • Aoki, Eric 290
  • AP see Associated Press
  • apparatus theory 182–6, 195, 198
  • appearances 284–5
  • applied media studies 359–65
  • AR see augmented reality
  • arbitrariness 122–3
  • archetypes 247, 264
  • Argo (film, 2012) 163
  • Aristotle 120–1
  • Armageddon (film, 1998) 80
  • Armstrong, Neil 79
  • Arnold, Matthew 155
  • Arrival (film, 2016) 291
  • art, fan 318, 320
  • artifacts 145, 146, 147, 156
  • Arts and Entertainment (A&E) channel 327
  • assimilation 164–7, 375, 376
  • Associated Press (AP) 71, 74
  • associational logic 344–6, 348
  • AT&T 30–3, 36, 40, 48
  • attitude 16–17, 290
  • attitudinal culture 146
  • Atton, Chris 314–15
  • audience share 76
  • audiences 19, 257–351, 353, 357–9
    • active 267–8, 274, 306, 309–21, 347, 389
    • agency 267
    • and the co‐creation of texts 347
    • as commodity 52
    • and Ecological analysis 327–51
    • and Erotic analysis 300–26
    • participation 389
    • passive 261, 305, 310, 347, 358
    • and Reception analysis 259–79
    • size 2–3
    • and Sociological analysis 280–99
    • transgressive practices 358–9
    • and violent media 109
  • augmented reality (AR) 313
  • Austen, Jane 281
  • authority–disorder tension 77, 78, 85
  • Babuscio, Jack 245–7
  • Bachelor, The (TV show) 236
  • Bachelorette, The (TV show) 236
  • backwards compatibility, prevention 43
  • Bacon‐Smith, Camille 315, 317, 319
  • Bagdikian, Ben 47
  • Bakhtin, Mikhail 306–7, 309
  • bandwidth limitations 11
  • Banksy 303
  • Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO) 362, 363
  • Barnhurst, Kevin G. 241
  • Barratt, Thomas J. 49
  • Barry, Ann Marie Seward 138
  • Barthes, Roland 68, 125–6, 151, 302, 304–5, 310
  • base, economic 27, 28
  • Batterham, Elizabeth 292
  • Batterham, Lily Mary 292
  • Baudrillard, Jean 13
  • Baudry, Jean‐Louis 183–5, 186
  • Bay Psalm Book3
  • Baym, Nancy 316
  • beauty myth 215
  • belonging 66–7
  • Bennett, Lance 76, 81, 82
  • Benshoff, Harry M. 167
  • Berg, Charles Ramírez 290–1
  • Berger, Arthur Asa 137–8
  • Bertelsmann 38–9, 48
  • Bial, Henry 311
  • bias 15, 80, 121
    • cultural 272
    • information 76–8, 82, 85
    • political 70–1, 82–4, 85
  • Bible 330
  • Bieber, Justin 54–5
  • big business 28
  • Big Four (music companies) 48
  • Big Six 30, 32–4, 56–7
    • integration 36–7, 40
    • and joint ventures 48
    • and multinationalism 39
    • and profit maximisation 40
  • Big Three (music companies) 48
  • Bimon, Bob 79
  • Biography (TV show) 327
  • BioWare 228
  • bisexuality 229–31, 239, 244
  • bitcompression technologies 6
  • bits 342
  • Black, Edwin 248
  • Black Lives Matter movement 386
  • “blackness” 375–6
  • Blast Theory 313
  • BLO see Barbie Liberation Organization
  • blogging/blogs 314, 339, 364
  • Blu‐ray Disc 42
  • Blumer, Herbert 282
  • bodily experience 136, 139
  • body
    • dysmorphia 222
    • grotesque 308, 388–9
    • mind–body dualism 136
  • book publishing industry 4–6
  • Bornhoff, Ron 78
  • Bourdieu, Pierre 151–2
  • bourgeois 153
  • bourgeoisie 28, 157, 232
  • Bradley, Ed 79
  • Brady Bunch, The (TV show) 287
  • brain 91, 136
  • Bratz dolls films 220
  • Bravo television network 158
  • British Cultural studies 145, 154–7
  • broadband internet access, regulation of 89–90
  • broadcast media 3, 7–8
    • and the Big Six 33–4
    • local radio 364–5
    • and regulation 97–8, 102–3, 106, 110–11
    • and Rhetorical analysis 371–4
    • see also specific broadcast media
  • broadcasting licenses 364
  • broadsides 70–1
  • Brousse, Marie‐Hélène 179
  • Brown, Michael 77
  • Browning, Frank 243
  • Brummett, Barry 126, 295
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer series 320–1, 387
  • Bulger, Monica 360
  • Bündchen, Gisele 164
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics 62
  • Burke, Karey 26
  • Burke, Kenneth 18, 63, 121, 127, 129, 131–2, 291–4, 372
  • Bury, Rhiannon 318
  • Butler, Judith 232–4, 248, 252
  • bystander effect 110
  • Cabin in the Woods, The (film, 2011) 246–8
  • calendars, Egyptian 332
  • camera angles 138–9, 373
  • camera movements 138–9
  • camera shots 187–9
  • “camp” 229, 244–8, 357
  • Campbell, Richard 78–9
  • Candie Fragrances advertisement 128–9, 198, 199
  • capitalism 28, 53, 149–50, 157–8, 159
    • communicative 197
    • multinational 29
  • caricature 306, 388
  • Carlin, George 104
  • Carl's Jr. advertisement 377–9
  • carnivalesque texts 307–9, 322, 358
  • castration anxiety 186, 189
  • catharsis 110, 386
  • CBS Corporation 7, 30, 34, 37, 48, 50, 52, 97
  • CBS News 288
  • CDs see compact discs
  • Ceccarelli, Leah 268, 269
  • celebrity 46–7
  • cell phones 9
  • Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 154, 156
  • Chan, Jackie 211–12
  • change
  • characters 133
  • Charlie Chan series 162
  • Chbosky, Stephen 259–60
  • child development
  • children, and violence in the media 355
  • chirographic culture 344
  • choice 220–1
  • Church 330
  • citizen journalism 364
  • Civil Rights Act 1964 244
  • clairvoyants 249, 251, 252
  • class 155, 157–60
    • see also specific social classes
  • class struggle 26
  • class warfare 232
  • Clear Channel Communications 364
  • Clinton, Bill 47
  • Clinton, Hillary 101
  • Clinton administration 101
  • closed texts 305
  • closure 336
  • Club Kids 147
  • clusters 127–9
  • CNN 160, 281
  • codes 263, 273
    • cultural 273
    • of ethics 72, 107
    • oppositional 267
    • as representations of meaning 263
  • Colonial America 70–1
  • color 138
  • Columbia Records 6
  • Comcast 30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 48
  • comedy 294, 306
  • Comedy Central 48
  • comic verbal compositions 307
  • “coming out” 241
  • common/uncommon binary 236, 243
  • communication
    • ethnography of 272, 274
    • fragility of 121–2
    • and habit‐formation 92
    • instantaneous 390–2
    • and signs 121–2, 123
  • communication environment 329–30, 391
  • communication technologies 2
  • communicative practices, assessment 63–6
  • communities
  • compact discs (CDs) 6
  • compact/audio cassettes 6
  • computers 8–9
  • concentration
    • and media ownership 30–1
    • and the reduction of diversity 53
  • Condit, Celeste 267
  • conglomeration 26, 31–5, 38, 55–6
  • Congress 99, 110, 111, 364–5
  • connectivity 343, 344
  • connotation 125–6
  • Conover, Craig 158
  • consciousness 175–6, 180, 192–3, 390–1
  • consequences, and Pragmatic analysis 94–5, 96, 102–3, 105–6, 108–10, 355
  • conservative cultures 337
  • conspicuous consumption 159–60
  • Constantin Film 25–6
  • consumer spending 28–9, 42
  • consumer usage 29
  • consumerism 220
  • consumption
  • “container and thing contained” 63
  • content see media content
  • contextualism 157
  • contingencies, and Pragmatic analysis 94–6, 98, 102–3, 105–6, 108–11, 355
  • contingent logic 346–7, 348
  • control
    • and joint ventures 48
    • and video games 312
  • conventions
  • convergence 11
  • Cooper, Anderson 241
  • copyright 99, 100, 319, 339
  • Copyright Law 1978 99
  • Coraline (Gaiman) 195–6
  • Cosby Show, The (TV show) 166, 287
  • covers 44, 45
  • Cowie, Elizabeth 192, 193
  • creative appropriation 306
  • crime stories 81, 109, 129
  • critical perspectives 18–19
  • Cronkite, Walter 346
  • cruising 310
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 312
  • Cultivation analysis 261
  • Cultural analysis 19, 144–72, 354–6
    • and the functions of ideology 148–51
    • and ideological processes 151–4
    • and ideology and media representation of class 157–60
    • and ideology and media representation of race 161–9
    • and Media Lab 5: doing Cultural analysis 170
    • overview 145–8
    • sample student essay 374–7
    • and Sociological analysis 358
    • see also Cultural studies
  • cultural bias 272
  • cultural codes 273
  • cultural fragmentation 12
  • cultural imperialism 13, 26, 56
  • cultural norms 229
  • cultural objects 151
  • cultural production 315–21, 322
  • cultural resistance 320, 321, 322
  • Cultural studies 144–5, 154–7, 161, 169, 356
    • contingent nature 157
    • interdisciplinary nature 156
    • political nature 157
    • pragmatic nature 156–7
    • reflexive nature 157
  • cultural superstructure 27
  • cultural values 56
  • culturalism 156
  • culture
    • attitudinal 146
    • building blocks of 145–6
    • collective nature 146
    • conservative 337
    • defining 145–7, 155–6
    • as exclusive realm of the upper classes 155
    • historical aspect 147
    • ideological nature 145, 147–8
    • local 56
    • mass‐culture 156
    • physical 145
    • popular 155–6
    • print 337–41, 344, 346–7
    • production 158
    • professional 66
    • rhetorical nature 146
    • social 145–6
    • and a structure of feeling 156
    • televisual 344
    • third‐wave 341
    • see also organizational culture
  • culture jamming 361–3, 364, 365
  • customization 10
  • CW Television Network 48, 382
  • cyberspace 197
  • data‐compression techniques 11
  • dating programmes 236
  • Davis, Viola 374
  • DC Universe 40
  • de Beauvoir, Simone 215
  • de Certeau, Michel 39–40, 311, 316, 321
  • de Lauretis, Teresa 194–5
  • “de‐massification” 12
  • Dean, Jodi 197
  • death drive (Thanatos) 177, 178
  • Debord, Guy 46, 361
  • decision‐making 289
  • decoding see encoding/decoding model
  • DEG see Digital Entertainment Group
  • DeGeneres, Ellen 241–2
  • dehumanization 290, 291, 386
  • demands 179, 180, 195
  • democracy
    • and news media 71
    • restriction of 55–6, 57
  • demonization 290
  • denial 178
  • denotation 125–6
  • Department of Defense 9
  • Depp, Johnny 162
  • deregulation 97, 98
  • Descartes, René 136
  • desensitization 110
  • desire 129, 179–81, 186–7, 193–5, 372–4, 377–9
  • deterministic models 28
  • Deuce, The (TV series) 239
  • deviance 239–40, 243
  • Dewey, John 92–3, 94
  • diachronic analysis 123
  • dialectical approaches 28
  • dialogic texts 306–7
  • Diana, Princess of Wales 47
  • diaries 339
  • Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie 6
  • Diesel advertisement 182, 183
  • difference
    • ideology of 167–9
    • sexual 219
    • and signs 123–4
  • differentiation 63
  • Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) 42
  • digital rights management (DRM) 100
  • digital role‐playing games 313
  • digitality 342, 344
  • digitization 11
  • Diomedes 132
  • directorates, interlocking 49
  • discourse 132, 133, 135
  • discrimination 243–4, 384, 386
  • disinhibition 109
  • Disney 25, 45, 80, 215, 369–71
  • diversity
    • promotion 102–3
    • reduction 53–5, 80–1
  • Doctor Strange series 163
  • documentaries 121
  • Dolce & Gabbana advertisement 189, 191, 238–9
  • Dole, Bob 107–8
  • domestic violence 223
  • dominant ideology 27–8, 56, 151–4, 158–9, 161, 167, 263–7, 273, 302, 304
  • dominant meanings 267, 273, 274
  • dominant media 370–1
  • dominant reading positions 264–5, 273
  • dominant worldviews 145, 153
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor 306
  • Doty, Alexander 229
  • Dow, Bonnie J. 241
  • doxa 151–2, 154, 156
  • Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 300
  • drag 234
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition (video game) 228–9
  • dramatization 77, 78, 85
  • dramaturgy 283–7, 296, 358
  • dream symbolism 175
  • drifting 310
  • Drive (film, 2011) 173–4
  • drives 173–9, 181–2, 184–5, 192–3, 196, 198, 377, 379
  • DRM see digital rights management
  • drug companies 75
  • dupes 249, 251, 252
  • duration (speed) 134
  • DVD 6, 42
  • Dyer, Richard 191, 244
  • e‐book technologies 6, 100
  • eating disorders 222
  • Eco, Umberto 305
  • Ecological analysis 19, 327–51, 359
    • an overview of medium theory 328–41
    • Media Lab 12: doing Ecological analysis 348
    • sample student essay 390–2
    • third‐wave 341–8
  • economic base 27, 28
  • economic factors 25–6
  • economic inequality 160
  • Economist, The (magazine) 41
  • economy 354
  • Edison, Thomas 6
  • editing 138
  • education 359, 360–1, 365
  • ego 175–6, 180
  • Egyptian empire 331–2
  • Eisner, Michael 32
  • elections 101–2
  • electric light 333
  • electrical telegraph 7, 340
  • electronic period 329, 333, 339
  • elitism 155
  • Ellen (TV series) 241–2
  • ellipsis 134
  • EMI 48
  • emotion 136–8
    • gender appropriate 214–15, 381
  • empathy 338
  • empowerment 360
  • encoding/decoding model 262–7, 271, 276
  • encryption 100–2
  • enculturation theory 64, 109
  • Engels, Friedrich 26, 28
    • The German ideology (1845) 26, 28
  • entertainment, era of 340–1
  • Entman, Robert 290
  • enunciative productivity 316–17
  • epistemology
    • print 344–8
    • of television 340–1
  • equal‐time rule 102–3
  • equality
  • equipment for living 291–5, 296, 358, 386
  • Eros (Greek god) 303
  • Eros (sex drive) 379
  • Erotic analysis 19, 300–26, 358–9
    • and Media Lab 11: doing Erotic analysis 322
    • sample student essay 387–9
    • and theories of pleasure 301–4
    • and transgression 301–22
  • Escrowed Encryption Standard 1994 100–2
  • essentialism 346
  • ethics, codes of 72, 107
  • ethnic minorities see racial/ethnic minorities
  • ethnicity
  • ethnographic research 272, 272–6, 358
  • events (stories) 132–3, 135
  • Ex Machina (film, 2014) 188–9
  • exegesis 317
  • existents 133, 135
  • exoticism 169
  • experience 1, 14, 136, 139
  • exploitation 28
  • extension 336
  • Facebook 101–2, 285–6, 316, 364
  • fair comment, doctrine of 106–7
  • Fairness Doctrine 1949 102, 103
  • fairy tales 133
  • fake news 83–4, 85, 360, 391–2
  • false consciousness 54, 153
  • families 230–1, 242
  • Family Guy (TV show) 294
  • fan art 318, 320
  • fan communities 317
  • fan fiction (fanfic) 301, 318–21
  • fandom, and cultural production 315–21, 322
  • 301
  • fantasy 182–3, 192–5, 356, 377, 379
  • fantasy theory 192–5, 198
  • Farnsworth, Philo T. 7
  • Fast and The Furious film franchise 51, 54
  • fathers 185, 196
  • fear 305
  • Fear the Walking Dead (TV show) 280
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 7, 89–90, 96–8, 102, 104, 111, 363–5
  • Federal Radio Commission (FRC) 72
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 89, 96, 102, 105
  • female 204–6
  • feminine 206
  • femininity 187, 204, 206–7, 223, 357
    • active nature 211
    • conventional norms of 220
    • gendered stereotypes of 205, 210, 217, 223–4, 381
    • ideal 287
    • and postfeminism 219
  • feminism
    • first‐wave 218
    • second‐wave 218–19, 221
    • third‐wave 218
  • Feminist analysis 19, 204–27, 235, 355, 356–7
    • and an overview of feminism 205–8
    • and apparatus theory 186
    • and the male gaze 187
    • and Media Lab 7: doing feminist analysis 224
    • and pleasure 301
    • postfeminism 218–21, 224, 357
    • and resistive readings 268
    • sample student essay 380–1
  • fertilization 148–9
  • fetishism 184, 185–6, 189, 377–8, 379
  • Feuer, Jane 132
  • fidelity 93
  • Fight Club (film, 1999) 196
  • film
    • and advertising 51
    • and copyright 99
    • financial costs of 44
    • franchises 44, 45, 51, 54
    • genre 130
    • as hot medium 334
    • mobility 11
    • production codes 104–5
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 181–2, 183–93, 198
    • and replicating past success 44–5
    • violent 108
    • see also Hollywood
  • film critics 267
  • film formats 41–2
  • film projection 6
  • Financial Interest and Syndication Rules (Fin‐Syn Rules) 97, 98
  • financial risk avoidance 43–4, 47–8
  • first‐wave feminism 218
  • Fish, Stanley 269–71
  • Fiske, John 154, 265–7, 269, 302, 315
  • flash forwards (prolepses) 134
  • flash mobs 362–3
  • flashbacks (analepses) 134
  • Florida Georgia Line, “H.O.L.Y.” 240–1
  • flow 312
  • folk humor 307
  • form 15, 129–30, 372–3
    • conventional 130
    • and Ecological analysis 328
    • and the logic of safety 46
    • minor form 130
    • progressive 129
    • repetitive 129–30
  • formalization 63
  • Foucault, Michel 147, 232–3, 234, 252
  • Fourth Estate 71, 90
  • fourth persona 229, 244–5, 248–52, 357
  • Fox 3178
  • Fox Broadcasting Company 36
  • Fox Channel 34371
  • Fox network 52, 251, 372
  • Fox News Channel 82–3
  • fragmentation 12, 77, 78, 85
  • frame analysis 55–6, 283, 287–91, 296, 358, 385
    • and cameras 138–9
    • emphasis 288–9, 290
    • episodic 81–2
    • and frames as social constructs 287
    • and the functions of frames 290
    • and generic news frames 290
    • and issue‐specific news frames 290
    • and natural frameworks 288
    • and news stories 81–2, 290
    • presentation 289–90
    • and primary frameworks 288
    • salience 290
    • selection 288, 290
    • and social frameworks 288
    • thematic 81–2
    • and violence 108
  • Frankfurt School 53, 53–4, 301, 354
  • Franklin, Benjamin 3
  • FRC see Federal Radio Commission
  • free market 363
  • free press 71, 363
  • Free and Responsible Press, A (report) 72–3
  • free speech 95
  • free‐market approach 98
  • Freeform 25–6
  • frequency 134
  • Freud, Sigmund 174–82, 184–5, 193–6, 198, 356
  • Freudian slips 175
  • Friedan, Betty 218
  • FTC see Federal Trade Commission
  • Furno‐Lamude, Diane 47
  • Galician, Mary‐Lou 286
  • Game Informer Magazine (magazine) 4
  • gaming consoles 9
  • gangsta rap 46–7
  • Gans, Herbert 73–4
  • Garland, Judy 244
  • Garnham, Nicholas 43
  • gatekeeping 55, 80
  • Gates, Bill 159
  • gay men 228–30, 231, 239, 241, 244, 250, 319–20
  • gaze, male 182–3, 186–95, 198, 302, 377–9
  • gender 205, 206, 210, 224
    • conventions 233, 234
    • cultural construction 206, 231
    • and cultural expectations 204
    • enactment of the social rules of 217
    • essentialism 206
    • expectations 206, 208
    • and Hollywood 275–6
    • ideologies 149
    • misperceptions of 205
    • performativity 232–4
    • and power relations 182, 185–6, 190, 210–11, 215–17, 220, 223–4
    • privilege 204, 208, 209
    • and Queer theory 231, 233–4, 242
  • gender identity 220, 231, 233, 234–5, 240
  • gender norms 149, 208, 210, 220, 233, 381
  • gender roles 224
  • gender stereotypes 205, 208–24, 263, 357, 361, 380, 381
    • active/passive binary 211–12, 213, 215, 222, 381
    • consequences of 221–3
    • and gender pay differences 223
    • logical/emotional binary 214–15
    • and postfeminism 219
    • public/private binary 213, 214
    • sexual subject/sexual object binary 215–18
  • gender subordination 208
  • Genette, Gérard 132, 133, 134–5
  • genre 130–2, 372–3
    • deductive study 131, 132
    • genres of billingsgate 307
    • historical 131, 132
    • inductive study 131–2
    • subversion 387
  • Gerbner, George 109, 261
  • German Expressionism 387
  • Ghost in the Shell (film, 2017) 163
  • Ghostbusters (film, 1984) 204
  • Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (film, 2016) 204
  • Gifted, The (TV show) 251–2
  • Gill, Rosalind 219
  • Gilmore Girls' (TV show) 287
  • Giroux, Henry A. 108–9
  • Gitlin, Todd 45, 288, 290
  • globalization 12–13, 38
  • Glover, Donald 144
  • Godfather, The (film, 1972) 35
  • gods 332
  • Goffman, Erving 283–5, 287, 288
  • Gomez, Selena 286
  • “goodness” 355
  • Google 346
  • Gordon, Jeff 373
  • Gosling, Ryan 61–2
  • government regulation of the media
    • and news media 72
    • and Organizational analysis 72
    • Pragmatic approach to 89–90, 94–112
  • Gramsci, Antonio 151, 152–3
  • Grand Theft Auto V (video game) 217
  • gratification 168–9
  • Gray, Jonathan 315
  • Greimas, A.J. 133
  • grids 344–5
  • grotesque realism 307–9, 387, 388–9
  • guilt 292–4
  • Gunn, Joshua 196
  • Gutenberg, Johannes 3, 327, 333
  • habit 91–2
  • hailing 150
  • Hall, Stuart 156, 262–6, 268–9, 273, 316
  • Hannity, Sean 82–3
  • harmony 136
  • Harold, Christine 362
  • Harris, Benjamin 70
  • haunted‐house films 295
  • Hawhee, Deborah 137
  • HBO 239
  • Hearst, William Randolph 4, 71
  • Hebdige, Dick 153
  • hegemony 151–4, 156, 158–9, 167
  • Heliopolis 332
  • hermeneutic depth 268, 269
  • hermeneutics of suspicion 17
  • heterodoxy 152
  • heteronormativity 230–1, 235–9, 241–8, 250, 252, 357
    • consequences of heteronormative media representations 242–4
  • heterosexual privilege 230–1
  • heterosexuality
    • compulsive 231
    • stereotypes 357
  • heterosexualization 243
  • heterosexuals, first use of the term 231
  • Hewitt, Don 78
  • hierarchy 63, 149, 292–3, 307, 354, 374–6
  • hieroglyphics 332
  • Hilton, Paris 308
  • hip‐hop 168
  • historical context 27, 294–5
  • historical materialism 26–7, 29
  • historical violence 108–11
  • Hitchcock, Alfred 178, 240
  • Hoggart, Richard 155
  • Hollywood
    • and gender issues 275–6
    • Golden Age 6
    • and media ownership 363
    • and pleasure 301
    • production code 104–6
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 188
    • and queerness as deviance 240
    • and risk aversion 44
    • and whitewashing 163
  • homeostasis 338
  • Homer 338
  • homogenization of the media 53–4, 80–1, 371
  • homophobia 384
  • homosexuality 232, 319–20
  • hooks, bell 167, 205
  • Hoover, Herbert 72
  • Horkheimer, Max 53, 301
  • horse racing, live broadcasts 371–2
  • How to Get Away with Murder (TV show) 374–6
  • Hudson, Rock 192
  • Hulu 42, 48, 104
  • humanistic approaches 17
  • humanities 17
  • humanistic approaches 17
  • humor
  • Hunger Games, The series 220–1
  • Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Press 1942 72
  • Huxley, Aldous 339–40
  • hyper‐masculinity 380
  • hyper‐partisanship 82
  • hyper‐real violence 108–11
  • hyper‐spectacle 47
  • hyperconscious television 295
  • hyperlinking 197, 346
  • “hypodermic needle” approach 261
  • I Like Frank (mobile game) 313
  • icons 125
  • id 175–6
  • idealism 27
  • ideas 27
  • identification 184–7, 190, 192–4
  • identity
  • ideological processes 151–4
  • ideology 27, 354
    • and culture 145, 147–8
    • of difference 167–9
    • dominant/hegemonic 27–8, 56, 151–4, 158–9, 161, 167, 263–7, 273, 302, 304
    • and doxa 151–2, 154
    • functions of 148–51
    • and gender 149
    • and hailing 150
    • and interpellation 150
    • and limitation 148–9
    • and media representations of class 157–60
    • and media representations of race 161–9
    • and myth 151, 154
    • and normalization 149
    • and privilege 149–50, 151, 161
    • status quo 302, 303
    • unconscious 148–9
  • Iger, Robert 32
  • IGN 228–9
  • image management 74
  • images 16
    • and advertising photography 68–70
    • and photojournalism 68–70
    • and signifying systems 126
  • Imaginary (Lacanian concept) 179–82, 184, 195
  • imitation 109
  • immersion 312–13
  • impartiality 72
  • impression management 283, 285
  • impulsive assessment 391
  • incest 178
  • indecency 104–5
  • indices (stories) 125, 133
  • individuality, expression 251
  • inequality, economic 160
  • informants 133
  • information 15–16
    • biases 76–8, 82, 85
    • democratization 364
    • false 106
    • monopolies 330
  • information technology 65–6, 158
  • infotainment 81
  • inner space 233
  • Innis, Harold A. 330–2, 333
  • innovation
    • absence in the news 80–1
    • risks of 45
    • unnecessary nature of 55
  • Instagram 301
  • integration
    • and hegemony 154
    • horizontal 35, 36, 37, 40, 43
    • and media ownership 35–7, 40
    • and reduction of diversity 53
    • vertical 35–6, 97
  • Intel Pentium Pro 8
  • intellectual property, protection 98–100
  • intent 164
  • interactionist approaches 287
  • interactivity 312–13, 342–4
  • internalization 207, 222
  • internet 9
    • fragmentation 12
    • and hypertext links 346
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 197
  • interpellation 150
  • interpretant 124
  • interpretive communities 269–71, 276
  • interpretive play 310–11, 322
  • intersectional analysis 208
  • intersectionality 208
  • intersex 206
  • intertextuality 305–6, 387–9
    • and creative appropriation 306
    • and parodic allusion 306
    • and self‐reflexive reference 306
    • strategic 305–6
    • tactical 305, 310
  • invisibility, and queerness 245–9, 252
  • Iron Man (film, 2008) 369
  • ironism 93, 95
  • irony 93, 245–6, 248
  • Iser, Wolfgang 260
  • “It Gets Better” project 251
  • Iyengar, Shanto 81
  • James, LeBron 164
  • James, William 91–2, 94
  • Jameson, Frederic 29
  • Jaws (film, 1975) 305
  • JBS advertisement 237
  • jeans 154
  • Jefferson, Thomas 71
  • Jenkins, Henry 157, 315, 316
  • Jensen, Robert 161
  • Jimmy Choo advertisement 189–90
  • Johansson, Scarlett 163
  • Johnson, Mark 136
  • joint ventures 47–8, 354
  • jouissance302, 310, 313
  • journalism 354–5, 363
    • and accuracy regulation 106–7
    • citizen 364
    • and frame analysis 288–90
    • investigative 78–9
    • photojournalism 68–70
    • professionalization 72–3, 82
    • sensational 71–2
    • yellow 71–2
  • journalistic beats 73–4, 75, 80, 85
  • journalistic conventions 70, 73–8, 80
  • Jurassic Park franchise 40–1, 44
  • Kahneman, D. 289
  • Kaider Family Foundation 111
  • Katrina, Hurricane 77
  • Katz, Ned 231
  • Kawthar, Al 315
  • Keegan, Rebecca 204
  • Kennard, William 364
  • Kennedy, Barbara 138
  • kernels 132–3
  • Kids Are All Right, The (film, 2010) 242
  • Kiernan, James G. 231
  • Killbourne, Jean 222
  • Kim Jung‐un 75
  • Kindle 100
  • kinetoscope 6
  • King Kong (film, 1933) 385
  • Kirkman, Robert 280
  • knowledge 1–2, 14–16
  • Kozloff, Sarah 134
  • Kristeva, Julia 308
  • Krizek, Robert L. 161
  • Mack, Robert L. 379, 390
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (film, 2015) 119–20
  • Maddow, Rachel 241
  • madness 147
  • magazines 4–5, 12, 75
    • see also specific magazines
  • Magic Mike (film, 2012) 191
  • magnetic tape 6
  • male 204, 205, 205–6
    • as cluster concept 205
  • male gaze 182–3, 186–95, 198, 302, 377–9
  • male privilege 204, 209
  • Maltese Falcon, The (film, 1941) 240
  • managerial perspectives 65
  • manner (dramaturgy) 284–7
  • Manovich, Lev 8, 342
  • Marcuse, Herbert 53
  • marginalized groups 153, 154, 167, 169, 267, 268
  • marketing, niche 52–3
  • marriage 150, 230, 235
  • Martin, Emily 148–9
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) 369–71
  • Marx, Karl 26–8, 157–8, 354
    • A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859) 26, 27
    • The German ideology (1845) 26, 28
  • Marxist analysis 19, 25–60, 61, 353, 354
    • and advertising 48–53
    • and Media Lab I: doing Marxists analysis 57
    • and media ownership 26, 28–39, 53–6
    • and Organizational analysis 355
    • and profit maximisation 26, 39–48, 53–6, 56–7
    • sample student essay 369–71
    • shortcomings 152–3
    • and Sociological analysis 358
    • vulgar 28
  • Mary Sue fiction subgenre 319
  • masculine, cultural construction 206
  • masculinity 187, 204, 207, 210, 223, 357
    • active nature 211
    • gendered stereotypes of 205, 211, 214, 215, 217, 223–4
    • hyper‐masculinity 380
    • impossible physical standards of 222
    • logical nature 214
    • and Queer theory 233–4
    • as sexual subject 215
  • mass media 2–14, 353
    • broadcast media 3, 7–8
    • categorization 2–9
    • government role in 89–112
    • and ideology 354
    • invention 2
    • and Marxist analysis 25–60
    • and media literacy 360
    • and media messages 355
    • and media reform 363
    • and motion picture and sound recording 3, 6
    • and new media 3, 8–9
    • and postmodernity 10–11
    • and print media 3–6
    • and socialization 14–15
  • mass production 10
  • mass shootings 244
  • mass society 155
  • mass‐culture 156
  • Massumi, Brian 136
  • mastery 317
  • masturbation 230
  • materialism 26–7
  • mayhem index 81
  • MCA/Universal 40–1
  • McChesney, Robert W. 363
  • McCombs, Maxwell 261
  • McDonald's advertising 362
  • McKinney, Charlotte 377–9
  • McLuhan, Eric 334
  • McLuhan, Herbert Marshall 16, 328, 332–6, 339, 341
  • McRobbie, Angela 219–20
  • MCU see Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Mead, George Herbert 281–2
  • meaning
  • meaning‐making 310, 358
  • media 2
    • average time spent with 14
    • as Fourth Estate 90
    • functions 353
    • government role in 89–112
    • see also mass media; medium; specific types of media
  • media conglomerates 26, 31–5, 38, 55–6
  • media consumers, as producers 301, 314, 347
  • media content 15
    • and celebrity and spectacle 46
    • and Marxist analysis 354
    • and media regulation 96, 102–7
  • Media Dynamics Inc. 50
  • media ecology 296, 328, 339, 348, 359, 390
  • media erotics 302–3, 322
  • media frames 288
  • media industries 18–19, 23–115
    • and Marxist analysis 19, 25–60, 61
    • and Organizational analysis 19, 61–88
    • and Pragmatic analysis 19, 89–115
    • theories of 353, 354–5
  • media literacy 359–61, 364
  • media messages 15–16, 19, 75, 117–256, 353, 355–7
    • and Cultural analysis 144–72
    • and culture jamming 361
    • and Ecological analysis 328
    • and Feminist analysis 19, 204–27
    • hegemonic/dominant meanings 263
    • and media literacy 360
    • medium as the message 328, 333–4
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 173–203, 377
    • and Queer analysis 228–56
    • and Reception analysis 261–5, 268
    • and Rhetorical analysis 119–43
  • media ownership 26, 28–39
    • concentration 30–1
    • conglomeration 31–5
    • consequences of 53–6
    • cross‐media ownership 36, 98
    • integration 35–6
    • and media regulation 96–102
    • monopolies 363
    • and multinationalism 36–9
    • patterns of 29–39
    • and strategy 39–40
  • media policy 364
  • media producers
    • and interpretive communities 270, 271
    • media consumers as 301, 314, 347
  • media production 360
  • media reform 363–5
  • media representation
    • absence 161–2
    • of class 157–60
    • heteronormative 242–4, 252
    • of motherhood 286–7
    • “positive” of queerness 241–2
    • postfeminist 218–21
    • queer 241–2, 382–4
    • of race 161–9
    • of romantic relationships 286
    • sexist 221–3
    • and stereotypes 209–10
  • mediated messages 15–16
  • medium 1–2, 15–16, 353
    • cool medium 334, 335
    • hot medium 334, 335
    • McLuhan's four laws of 335–6
    • and socialization 14
  • medium theory 328–48, 359, 390–1
    • macro/micro level 329
    • and overview 328–41
    • premises 329
    • “sending a package” metaphor 328
  • meliorism 92, 94
  • melody 136
  • Melville, Herman 294
  • memory 275–6, 337–8
  • Mendes, Shawn 248–9
  • merchandise 51–2
  • mergers 48
  • messages see media messages
  • Metz, Christian 184–7, 193
  • microprocessor (computer) chip 8–9
  • middle classes 157–8, 159, 376
  • Middle Eastern peoples 163–4
  • Miller, George 119
  • Miller, Terry 251
  • Miller vs. California103
  • mind–body dualism 136
  • minority viewpoints 102
  • Miramax 45
  • mirror stage 180, 181, 184–5, 195–6
  • MIT Media Lab 11
  • Mitchell, Juliet 182
  • mobile telephony 9
  • mobility 11–12
  • Moby Dick (1851) 294
  • modernity 10, 346
  • Moken people 79
  • monogamous/promiscuous binary 236–9, 243
  • monopolies 30, 36, 97–8, 363
  • mood 134, 135, 138
  • Moore, Michael 121
  • morality 103–6, 155
  • Morley, David, Nationwide audience study 260, 273–5
  • Morris, Charles E., III 249
  • Morse Code 263
  • mortification 293
  • Moss, Kate 211–12
  • motherhood 206, 286–7
  • mothers 178–82, 185, 192–3, 195–6
  • Motion Picture Association of America 104–5
  • motion picture and sound recording 3, 6, 33–4
  • motivation 174–81, 183
  • motor sports genre 372–4
  • Motorola advertisement 167–8
  • Mourey, Jenna (Jenna Marbles) 314–15
  • movement, camera 138–9
  • 363
  • movie theaters
  • MP3 9, 313
  • MPEG‐1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3) 6
  • muckraking 71
  • multinational media conglomerates 26, 38
  • multinationalism 36–9
  • Mulvey, Laura 186–92, 193, 301
  • murder 290
  • music 6, 136, 137
  • music industry
    • and copyright 99
    • and hip‐hop 168
    • and morality regulation 105
    • and psychological obsolescence 43
    • and the reduction of diversity 54–5
    • and replicating past successes 44
  • Muslims 315
  • myth 151, 154, 156
    • romantic 286
  • Nakayama, Thomas K. 161
  • narcissists 286
  • narrating 132, 133–5
  • narratives 372, 373
    • collegial 4
    • corporate 4
    • discourse 132, 133
    • elements of 132–5
    • identity‐distress 382–4
    • narrating 132, 133–5
    • and organizational culture 64
    • personal 64
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 187, 193–5
    • and Rhetorical analysis 132–5
    • story 132–3
  • narrativization 77
  • narrowcasting see niche marketing
  • NASCAR racing, televised 372–4
  • National Amusements 30, 34
  • National Coalition of Anti‐Violence Programs 244
  • National Geographic (magazine) 169
  • national interest, maintenance 100–2
  • National Socialism (Nazism) 53
  • nations 333
  • Nationwide (TV show) audience study 260, 273–5
  • natural sciences 17
  • NBC 97, 308
  • Neale, Steve 192
  • need 179, 195
  • Negroponte, Nicholas 11, 342
  • net neutrality regulations 89–90
  • Netflix 25, 138, 166, 265, 295, 380
  • networks 344–5, 347
  • New Left 288
  • new media 3, 8–9, 313
  • New York Times (newspaper) 288
  • news
    • and accuracy regulation 106–7
    • as adventure 79
    • as arbitration 79–80
    • and authority–disorder tension 77, 78, 85
    • and codes of ethics 107
    • conventions 70, 73–82, 85
    • definition 73
    • dramatization 77, 78, 85
    • fake news 83–4, 85, 360, 391–2
    • and fragmentation 77, 78, 85
    • and framing 81–2
    • hard 81
    • homogenization 80–1
    • ideal of 73
    • and information bias 76–8, 82, 85
    • as mystery 79
    • narrativization 77
    • niche sources 82
    • online 4
    • and Organizational analysis 70–85
    • personalization 76, 77, 78, 85
    • and political bias 70–1, 82–4, 85
    • professionalization 70, 72, 80, 85
    • and profit maximisation 73, 76, 80
    • as propaganda 83
    • pseudo news 82–4, 85
    • and reduction of diversity 80
    • and the restriction of democracy 55–6
    • soft 81
    • standardization 76
    • as therapy 79
  • news agencies 73, 74, 75–6, 80, 85
  • News Corp 37, 39
  • news gathering
    • conventions 73–6, 80, 85
    • standardization 76
  • news hole 73, 75
  • news magazines 78–80
    • see also specific news magazines
  • news organizations 73–8, 82, 354–5
  • news reporting 73, 76–7, 80, 85
  • news stories 76
  • news whole 73, 75–6
  • newspapers 3, 354–5
    • and advertising spend 49
    • and Organizational analysis 70–1, 81
    • and psychological obsolescence 43
    • and reduction of diversity 81
    • see also specific newspapers
  • newsworthiness 74
  • Niantic 313
  • niche marketing 52–3
  • Nielsen Company 7
  • Nike advertising 362
  • Nikon advertisement 187–8
  • Nintendo 313
  • noise 11
  • Nolan, Christopher 138
  • nonlinearity 344–6
  • nonsymbolic motion 292
  • normalization 149
  • norms 63, 64, 66–7
  • Nosferatu (film, 1922) 387
  • nostalgia television 295
  • novels 3–4
  • Panzai products advertisement 126–7
  • Papacharissi, Zizi 390
  • paradigm shifts 328, 340
  • Paramount 62–3
  • Paramount Pictures 35
  • parasocial relationships 316
  • Parker, Trey 166
  • parodic allusion 306, 388
  • parody 306, 362–3
  • parole123
  • part (personal front) 284–5, 286
  • participation 312–13, 322, 338, 342–3, 389
  • partisan press 71
  • passive/active binary 211–12, 213, 215, 222
  • passivity
  • patriarchy 206–8, 210, 217, 220, 224, 380–1
  • Paul, Logan 314–15
  • pause 134
  • pay, gender differences in 222–3
  • Pediatrics (journal) 105
  • Peirce, Charles Sanders 91, 124–5, 126
  • Penguin Random House 38–9
  • penis 182
  • Penley, Constance 315, 320
  • perception 1, 137–8, 164, 289
  • performance
    • enculturation 64
    • and organizational culture 64
    • pleasure of 313
    • politics of 64
    • ritual 64
    • of the self 283–5
    • sociality 64
  • Perks of Being a Wallflower, The (1999) 259–60
  • persona
  • personalization 76–8, 85, 316
  • perspectives 134, 145, 153
  • persuasion 120–1
  • petite bourgeoisie 157–8
  • Pew Internet and American Life Project 9
  • Pew Research Center 365, 390
  • phallic stage 177–8
  • phallocentrism 182, 186–7
  • phallus 178, 180–2, 185–7, 189
  • pharaohs, as gods 332
  • Philipsen, Gerry 272–3, 274
  • phonograph 6
  • photography 68–70, 340
  • photojournalism 68–70
  • Pig Latin 263
  • planned obsolescence 41–3
    • psychological obsolescence 41, 43
    • technological obsolescence 41–3
  • Plato, cave allegory 183
  • play, interpretive 310–11, 322
  • pleasure 301, 358–9, 377–8, 388–9
    • constructed nature 301, 302
    • and dominant ideology 302
    • as helplessness 301
    • jouissance302, 310, 313
    • passive nature 301, 302
    • plaisir302
    • sexual 177–8, 185
    • and social control 339–40
    • theories of 301–4
    • transgressive/counter‐hegemonic 301, 302–3, 388, 389
  • pleasure principle 174, 193
  • Pokémon GO (video game) 313
  • policy 364
  • political assessments 17–18
  • political bias 70–1, 82–4, 85
  • political campaigns 56
  • political economists 28
  • political punditry 73, 74–5, 80, 85
  • politics, of performance 64
  • pollution–purification–redemption cycle 293
  • polyphony 306–7
  • polysemy 265–71, 276, 305, 306
    • and hermeneutic depth 268
    • and resistive reading 268
    • and strategic ambiguity 268
  • polyvalence 267
  • pop music 54–5
  • Pope, Harrison G. 222
  • popular culture 155–6
  • postfeminism 218–21, 224, 357
  • Postman, Neil 328, 339–41
  • postmodernism 10
  • postmodernity 10–13
  • Poststructuralism 140
  • Potter, Harry 301, 320
  • Potter, W. James 360
  • power relations 17–18
  • PQ Media 28–9
  • Pragmatic analysis 19, 89–115, 354, 355
    • and consequences 94–5, 96, 102–3, 105–6, 108–10, 355
    • and contingencies 94–6, 98, 102–3, 105–6, 108–11, 355
    • and diversity promotion 102–3
    • and ensuring accuracy 106–7
    • and intellectual property protection 98–100
    • and maintaining national interest 100–2
    • and managing morality 103–6
    • and Media Lab 3: doing Pragmatic analysis 112
    • and monopoly prevention 97–8
    • overview 90–4
    • and violence in the media 107–11
  • pranking 362
  • pre‐conscious 175
  • preferred readings 263–4, 266
  • prejudice 243–4, 384
  • premonition 135
  • presence effects 137
  • press releases 73–5, 80, 85
  • Pretty Little Liars (TV series) 240
  • primary caretakers 179, 180, 184
  • Prime Time Access Rule 97
  • print cultures, Ecological analysis 337–41, 344, 346–7
  • print media 3–6
    • epistemology 344–8
    • mobility 11
    • static nature 342
    • see also specific print media
  • print period 329, 333, 339
  • printing press 3, 327–8, 330, 333
  • privacy 101–2
  • private space 339, 390
  • private sphere 390
  • private/public binary 213, 214
  • privilege 267
  • process 63, 66, 84
  • producerly texts 266
  • product placement 51, 54
  • production
  • profanity 104, 105
  • professional cultures 66
  • “professional queers” 241
  • professional societies 70
  • professionalization 68–70, 72–3, 80, 82, 85
  • professionals 63
  • profit maximisation 26, 39–48, 56–7, 354
    • and celebrity and spectacle 46–7
    • consequences of 53–6
    • and the logic of safety 43–5
    • and the news 73, 76, 80
    • and planned obsolescence 41–3
    • and synergy 40–1, 370
  • profit‐motive 28
  • proletariat 28, 157
  • promiscuity 236–9, 243, 381
  • propaganda 83, 101, 144
  • Propp, Vladimir 133
  • prosumptive logic 347, 348
  • Protestant work ethic 90
  • proverbs 291–2
  • provider/nurturer stereotype 213
  • pseudo events 74–5
  • pseudo news 82–4, 85
  • Psycho (film, 1960) 178
  • Psychoanalytic analysis 19, 173–203, 276, 355, 356
    • and apparatus theory 182–6, 195, 198
    • contemporary scholarship in 195–7
    • and fantasy theory 192–5, 198
    • and the male gaze 182–3, 186–92, 193–5, 198
    • and Media Lab 6: Doing psychoanalytic analysis 198
    • overview 174–8
    • sample student essay 377–9
  • psychological obsolescence 41, 43
  • psychosis 180, 196
  • public attitudes/opinions, framing 290
  • public interest
    • and intellectual property protection 100
    • and managing morality 105, 106
    • and media regulation 95–6, 105, 106, 111
  • Public Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestic (newspaper) 70
  • public space 339, 390
  • public traumas, framing 290
  • public/private binary 213, 214
  • publics 333
  • Pulitzer, Joseph 4, 71
  • punditry 73, 74–5, 80, 85
  • punk rock 153–4
  • qualitative methods 282
  • quantitative methods 282
  • Queer analysis 19, 228–56, 355, 356, 357
    • and an overview of Queer theory 229–35
    • definition 229–30
    • and the fourth persona 229, 244–5, 248–52
    • and Media Lab 8: doing Queer analysis 253
    • and “positive” representation 241–2
    • and queerness and invisibility 245–9, 252
    • sample Student essay 382–4
    • and sexual stereotypes 235–40
    • and the “textual wink” 248–52, 387
    • and visibility 235–42, 244, 252
  • queer representation 382–4
  • queerness 229, 231, 235–42, 244–9, 252, 357, 383
  • Ra 332
  • Rabelais, François 306
  • race 157
    • and assimilation 164–7
    • and exclusion 161–2
    • media representation of 161–9
    • and othering 167–9
    • and stereotyping 163–4
    • and whitewashing 162–3, 166
  • racial equality 384–6
  • racial stereotypes 163–4, 263, 361, 385–6
  • racial/ethnic minorities 167
    • assimilation 164–6
    • exclusion 161–2
    • stereotyping 163
  • racism 165, 166, 385–6
  • radio 7–8
    • and advertising 52–3
    • and the Big Six 33–4
    • commercial broadcast stations 7
    • consumption levels 7
    • low‐power 364–5
    • ownership 7
    • regulation 95, 98, 102–3
    • satellite radio 8
  • Radio Preservation Act 2000 364–5
  • Radway, Janice 270–1, 316
  • Ramus, Peter 336
  • ratings system 105–6, 110–11
  • readerly texts 304–5
  • Reader's Digest (magazine) 4
  • reading positions
  • Real (Lacanian concept) 179–80
  • realism, grotesque 307–9
  • reality principle 175–6
  • reality TV 45–6
  • reboots 45
  • Reception analysis 19, 259–79, 281, 353, 356, 358
    • and an overview of reception theory 260–2
    • encoding/decoding model 262–5
    • and ethnographic research 272, 272–6
    • and interpretive communities 269–71
    • and Media Lab 9: doing reception analysis 277
    • and memory 272, 272–6
    • and polysemy 265–71
  • recombinancy 45
  • reductionism 209
  • reform 359
  • regression 356
  • regulation of the media
    • media self‐regulation 95–7, 104–5
    • and news media 72
    • and Organizational analysis 72
    • Pragmatic approach to 89–90, 94–112
    • and violence in the media 107–11
  • relationships
    • parasocial 316
    • romantic 286
  • relativism 93–4
  • relays 126
  • religion 327, 330, 331, 332
  • remakes 44–5
  • remote control use 346
  • reporter‐tourists 79
  • representation see media representation
  • repression 175, 181, 182
  • rereading 316
  • resistance 320, 321, 322, 359
  • resistive readings 268, 274, 303, 358–9
  • restriction of democracy 55–6, 57
  • retrieval 336
  • Reuters 39
  • reversal 336
  • Rhetorical analysis 19, 119–43, 353, 355–6
    • and aesthetics 137–9
    • and affect 135–9
    • and an overview of rhetoric 120–1
    • and clusters 127–9
    • and form 129–30
    • and genre 130–2
    • and materiality 135–9
    • and Media Lab 4: doing Rhetorical analysis 140
    • and narrative 132–5
    • sample student essay 371–4
    • and texts and rhetorical structures 126–35
    • and theories of the sign 121–6
  • rhythm 136, 137
  • Rich, Adrienne 231
  • Richardson, Michael 145
  • risk avoidance 43–4, 47–8, 369
  • ritual spectacles 307
  • ritualistic violence 108–11
  • rituals 64
  • role‐playing games (RPGs) 313
  • romance novels 270–1, 316
  • romantic relationships 286
  • Rope (film, 1948) 240
  • Rorty, Richard 93–4, 95
  • RPGs see role‐playing games
  • RTL Group 38
  • Rubin, Gayle S. 230, 234, 235, 239
  • Rudd, David 195–6
  • ruling classes see bourgeoisie
  • Rushkoff, Douglas 16, 346
  • sacred 233
  • same‐sex relationships 319–20
  • Sandgren, Linus 62
  • satellites (stories) 133
  • satire 389
  • satisfaction 174–5, 177–9, 192
  • Saussure, Ferdinand de 122–4, 125, 126
  • Savage, Dan 251
  • Saxe, John Godfrey, “The Blind Man and the Elephant” 352–3, 357, 365
  • scapegoating 290, 293–4
  • scene 134
  • Schatz, Thomas 41
  • Schor, Juliet B. 159–60
  • Schwarzenegger, Arnold 103
  • science fiction 290–1, 295, 318–21
  • scientific method 344
  • scopophilia (pleasure in looking) 185–7, 189–90, 356, 377–8, 379
  • Scorsese, Martin 68, 70
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (film, 2010) 237–8
  • Scottsboro Boys 385
  • SDS see Students for a Democratic Society
  • search engines 346
  • second‐tier media companies 30
  • second‐wave feminism 218–19, 221
  • selective exposure 392
  • self
    • and dramaturgy 283–6
    • idealized 283
    • performance of the 283–5
  • self‐reflexive reference 306
  • semiology 122–4, 125, 126
  • “semiotic excess” 265, 266
  • semiotic productivity 316
  • semiotic terrorism 361, 365
  • semiotics 124–5
  • Senate 363
  • “sending a package” metaphor 328
  • sense‐making 310
  • senses, and communication technologies 333–6, 347
  • sensory balance 333
  • sensory perception 1, 137–8
  • sequels 44, 45
  • settings 133, 284
  • sex 204, 205–6, 208
    • and advertising 377–9
    • changing 206
    • misperceptions of 205
    • as spectrum 206
  • “sex comedies” 215–16
  • sex drive (Eros) 174, 176, 177–8, 185, 192, 377, 379
  • sex workers 230, 234, 239
  • sexism 205, 206–8, 217
    • consequences of 221–3, 242–4
  • sexual desire 379
  • sexual difference 219
  • sexual harassment/assault 223
  • sexual identity 231, 234–5
    • perverse 232
  • sexual norms 230–1, 235–40, 235–9, 241–8, 250, 252
    • common/uncommon 236, 243
    • monogamous/promiscuous 236–9, 243
    • wholesome/deviant 239–40, 243
  • sexual othering 230
  • sexual pleasure 177–8, 185
  • sexual stereotypes 235–41, 243
  • sexual subject/sexual object binary 215–18
  • sexual union, of the mother/father 193
  • sexuality 357, 380–1
    • disclosure 241
    • as discursive construction 232
    • media images of 229
    • non‐normative 229, 234
    • and Queer theory 229–35, 240–2, 252
  • Shadowhunters (TV drama) 25–6
  • Shape of Water, The (film, 2018) 305
  • Shattuc, Jane 157
  • Sheeran, Ed 286
  • sheet music 6
  • Shepard, Matthew 290
  • Sherlock (TV show) 300
  • Shockwaves advertisement 198, 200
  • shootings, mass 244
  • signified 122–3, 124, 125–6
  • signifier 122–3, 124, 125–6, 129, 137
  • signifying systems 125–6
  • signs 355–6
  • Silence of the Lambs, The (film, 1991) 24
  • silent films era 6
  • Simpson, O.J. 47
  • Simpsons, The (TV sitcom) 213
  • simulacra 13
  • simulation 13
  • Singer, Bryan 250, 251–2
  • Sirius XM Radio Inc. 8, 52–3
  • Sirk, Douglas 192
  • situationalism 157
  • skepticism 16–17
  • skimming 311
  • slander 106–7
  • slash fiction subgenre 319–21
  • slavery 385, 386
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959) 215
  • Smythe, Dallas 52
  • Snapchat 301
  • social action, genres as modes of 130–2
  • social anxieties 295
  • social change 295
    • and Ecological analysis 332, 341, 348
    • and transgression 321
  • social commentators 79
  • social consciousness 27
  • social control 339–40
  • social environment 390, 391–2
  • social exclusion 161–2
  • social expectations 285
  • social ills, attribution of responsibility for 81–2
  • social institutions 27
  • social interactions, as performances aimed at impression management 283
  • social inversion 308–9
  • social justice 18
  • social media 95, 390–2
    • see also specific forms of social media
  • social networking 285–6, 344
  • social norms 153
  • social relations 149
  • social responsibility theory 72–3, 96
  • social roles 149
  • social utility 95
  • sociality 64, 92
  • socialization 272
    • and the mass media 14–15
    • professional 68–70
    • and romantic relationships 286
  • socio‐historical context 95
  • socioeconomic position 374–6
  • Sociological analysis 19, 280–99, 353, 358, 384–7
    • and an overview of Sociological theory 281–3
    • and dramaturgy 283–7, 296
    • and equipment for living 291–5, 296
    • and Feminist analysis 357
    • and frame analysis 283, 287–91, 296
    • and Media Lab 10: doing Sociological analysis 296
  • Soderbergh, Steven 191
  • somatic experience 1, 14
  • Sontag, Susan 245
  • Sony 6, 48
  • Sony BMG Music Entertainment 48
  • soul 233
  • sound recording 3, 6, 33–4
  • South Park series 166, 308, 318
  • space
  • space‐based media 330–1
  • specialization 63
  • spectacle 46–7, 57, 184
  • spending, consumer 28–9, 42
  • Spielberg, Steven 196, 305
  • spin‐offs 44–5
  • sports genre 371–4
  • Stacey, Jackie 260, 275–6
  • stage 284
  • Stamp Act 1765 70–1
  • standardization 54–5, 57, 76
  • Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 218
  • Star Trek fan fiction 319–20
  • Star Trek fandom 317
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV show) 214–15
  • State of Union address 268
  • status quo, ideological 302, 303
  • Steinem, Gloria 218
  • stereotypes 205, 208–21, 374, 376
  • stigma 230, 231, 234
  • Stone, Emma 61–2
  • Stone, Matt 166
  • stories 64, 132–3
  • Stranger Things (TV series) 166
  • strategic ambiguity 268
  • strategy, and profit maximisation 39–48
  • stretch 134
  • Structuralism 139–40, 156, 287
  • structure 63, 66, 84, 282–3
    • organisational 30–1
    • “structure of feeling” 156
  • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 288
  • studio ownership 371
  • style 245
  • suasory 120, 121
  • subcultures 153–4
  • subjugation 302
  • subscription streaming services (sVOD) 42
  • subversion 362–3, 387
  • subvertisments 362
  • successes, replicating past 44–5, 369
  • summary 134
  • Summit Entertainment 61
  • Sun (New York newspaper) 3
  • Super Bowl 377
  • superego 175–6, 178
  • Supernatural (TV show) 266
  • superstructure 27, 28
  • surfing 345–6
  • Swinton, Tilda 163
  • Symbolic (Lacanian concept) 179–80, 181, 182
  • symbolic action 281, 292–4
  • symbolic experience 1, 14
  • symbolic interaction 374
  • symbolic interactionism 281–2, 358, 384
  • symbolic inversion 308–9
  • symbolism
    • dream 175
    • and the equipment for living approach 295
  • symbols 14, 292
    • and culture 146
    • and frame analysis 289
    • Lacanian development 179
    • meaning 146
    • and media content 15
    • and media reform 365
    • and rhetoric 121, 136–9
    • signs as 125
  • synchronic analysis 123
  • syndication 97
  • synergy 36, 40–1, 370
  • taboos 308
  • tactics 39–40
  • Taken trilogy 44
  • talk shows 131–2
  • talking pictures (“talkies”) 6
  • Taylor, Mark 327
  • team (dramaturgy) 285, 286
  • Teamsterville 272, 274
  • technological obsolescence 41–3
  • technology, and organizational culture 65–6
  • Telecommunications Act 1996 36, 97–8, 110, 364
  • telegraph 7, 340
  • telephone 7, 95
  • television 7–8
    • 4K ultra‐high definition 42
    • and advertising spend 50–1
    • age of 340–1
    • and the Big Six 33–4
    • cable television 8
    • consumption levels 7
    • as cool medium 334
    • and Ecological analysis 340–1
    • and equipment for living analysis 295
    • genres 131
    • hyperconscious 295
    • and joint ventures 47–8
    • and mobility 11
    • and ownership 7
    • and Psychoanalytic analysis 196–7
    • ratings system 105
    • and Reception analysis 267
    • and regulation 97–8, 102–3, 105, 110–11
    • and replicating past success 45
    • and Rhetorical analysis 371–4
    • satellite 8
    • and social change 295
  • televisual culture 344
  • tense 134, 135
  • terrorism 163–4, 196
  • texts 126–35, 355
  • textual analysis 65, 355
  • textual poaching 316
  • textual productivity 317–18
  • “textual winks” 248–52, 387
  • Thaler, Paul 47
  • theatricality 245–7, 248
  • theory 18
  • third‐wave culture 341
  • third‐wave feminism 218
  • third‐wave media 341–8
  • “This is America” (single, 2018) 144
  • Thomas, Danielle 220
  • Time Warner 36, 37, 48
  • time‐based media 330–1
  • TNCs see transnational corporations
  • To All the Boys I Loved Before (film, 2018) 380–1
  • Todorov, Tzvetan 132, 134
  • Toffler, Alvin 12, 341, 347
  • tokenism 166
  • tokens 159
  • Tom Ford advertisement 218
  • TouTube 301
  • trades unions 363
  • tragedy 294
  • training 68
  • transcendence 293
  • transgender 230–1, 234, 240, 244
  • transgression 301–22
  • transnational corporations (TNCs) 38
  • Trump, Donald 47, 75, 83, 84, 101, 244
  • Trump administration 89
  • truth 339–40
    • contingent 346–7
    • and Pragmatic analysis 90, 91, 93, 355
    • transcendental 90
    • universal 346–7
  • Turner Broadcasting System 31
  • Twilight franchise 320, 387
  • Twitter 228, 344, 364, 390–2
  • “two‐step flow” model 261
  • typography, age of 340
  • v‐chip technology 110–11
  • values, cultural 56
  • vampires 320–1, 387–9
  • van Dijck, José 390
  • variability 342, 3443
  • Veblen, Thorstein 159
  • VHS tape 42
  • Viacom 30, 34, 35, 37, 39, 48
  • victim effect 109–10
  • victimage 293–4
  • video games 151
    • console games 43
    • interactive nature 312–13, 342
    • and morality regulation 105
    • online/wireless games 43
    • and technological obsolescence 43
  • video‐on‐demand (VOD) 42
  • vids 318
  • viewpoints, diverse 15
  • violence, domestic 223
  • violence in the media 129, 144, 196
    • historical violence 108–11
    • hyper‐real violence 108–11
    • and Pragmatic analysis 355
    • regulation 107–11
    • ritualistic violence 108–11
  • virginity 380
  • virtual space 347
  • virtuality 343
  • visibility, and Queer theory 235–42, 244, 252
  • visual space 334–5
  • vlogs 314–15
  • VOD see video‐on‐demandxsx
  • Vogue magazine 164
  • voice 135, 136
  • voyeurism 184–7, 189, 193, 377–9
  • Walker, Rebecca 362–3
  • Walking Dead, The (TV show) 280
  • Walt Disney Company, The 30, 32–5, 37, 39, 48, 51–2, 369
  • War for The Planet of the Apes (film, 2017) 384–6
  • War of the Worlds (film, 2005) 196
  • Warner Bros. 31, 40
  • Warner Brothers Records 40
  • Warner, Michael 231
  • Warner Music Group 48
  • WarnerMedia 30–1, 40, 48
  • wealth, distribution 160
  • Weber, Max 281
  • well‐knownness 46
  • West, Kim Kardashian 46
  • Wharton, Edith 359
  • What We Do in the Shadows (film, 2017) 387–9
  • Whedon, Joss 246
  • white privilege 162, 163, 166–7, 169
  • whiteness 161, 162, 165, 167–9
  • whitewashing 162–3, 166
  • wholesome/deviant binary 239–40, 243
  • Wild Turkey advertisement 216
  • Williams, Raymond 155–6
  • Winfrey, Oprah 159
  • wish fulfillment 192, 193
  • WNBT (later NBC) 50
  • Wolf, Naomi 215
  • women 206–8, 210, 223–4
    • denigration to the benefit of men 206–7
    • oppression 220
    • as passive, sexual objects 378–9, 381
    • and postfeminism 219
    • sexism of 207
  • word 336–7, 339
  • working classes 153, 155, 157, 158, 232
  • working hours 62
  • World Wide Web 9
  • worldviews, dominant 145, 153
  • writerly texts 304–7, 322, 358
  • writing cultures 337
  • writing process 292
  • writing/print period 329, 333, 339
  • X Files, The (TV series) 36
  • X‐Men franchise 249–51, 369
  • yellow journalism 71–2
  • Young, Brett 286
  • youth, eternal 196
  • YouTube 204, 314
  • “zapping” 51, 346
  • Žižek, Slavoj 197
  • zombies 280–1
  • Zuckerberg, Mark 101
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