
Bush’s use of, 28, 29, 162, 191

Hillary Clinton’s response to, 72–73

modalities and memory of, 46

politicians’ use of, 65, 188

“A Model of Christian Charity” (sermon; Winthrop), 64

Abenaki American Indian tribe, 34, 35

abortion debate, 142–143, 149–153

Adams, John, 20, 200–201

ADD (attention deficit disorder), 133–134

al-Qaeda, 30

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, 200

American Indians, 19–21

American Psychologist (journal), 58


an issue (health care), 73–75

in good stories, 102, 103

Republicans’ use of, 67–71, 125

through word choice, 71–73

Andreas, Connirae, 184

Andreas, Tamara, 184

anti-death penalty movement, 151

auditory modality, 40–41, 44–45, 100, 104, 196

auditory submodalities, 59, 101

Autobiography (Jefferson), 22

Bandler, Richard, 16, 53

benefits, 170, 178, 198

Bhaerman, Steve (Swami Beyondananda), 1

big business. See corporations

bin Laden, Osama, 157

Blackwater USA, 27

Blix, Hans, 30

Boston Tea Party, 22, 96

Braid, James, 100

brain processes

complexity to simplicity through frames, 127–128

feeling trumping thinking, 2, 56–57

filters and attention span, 99

handling of you, 81–82

memories, 60–65, 146

negatives and the unconscious, 78

sorting sensory information, 57, 59–60 See also deletion/distortion/generalization; submodalities code Brandenburg Gate, 47, 48

British East India Company, 22, 28

Bruchac, Jesse, 34

Buffet, Warren, 131–132

Burke, Edmund, 23

Bush, George H. W., 53, 70

Bush, George W.

Bush Smokes Cigars transcript, 114

campaign against Kerry, 70–71, 95, 103–106

“compassionate conservative values,” 97–98

explanation for inarticulate speech of, 191–192

fear strategy of, 161–165, 189–192

framing of the Iraq occupation, 134–137

at Ground Zero, 188

handling of Hurricane Katrina, 27

lies by, 30–31

Pelosi challenging on Iraq, 115–117

role as “parent,” 197

speech prior to Iraq invasion, 29–30

understanding supporters of, 195–196

use of 9/11 attacks, 28, 29, 162, 191

use of the word freedom, 95

Bush Dyslexicon, The (Miller), 191

Bush family dynasty, 131

Canadian handgun statistics, 123

Card, Andrew, 197

Castro, Fidel, 17

CBS News, 115

Charles II, King (England), 18, 19, 21

Cheney, Dick, 157, 162

child abuse, 160–161


Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, 176–179

applying the chunking code, 180–181

going solar, 175–176, 179–180

Church, 20, 23, 24

cigar code, 110–114

citizenship, 198–202

Civil Rights Movement, 150

civil society, 29

Clinton, Bill, 15, 66, 70, 101

Clinton, Hillary, 72–73, 80–81

Cohen, Jeff, 66

Colson, Charles, 7

Columbus, Christopher, 148

commons, 21, 198–199

communication, as value-neutral, 8–9, 16

consciously competent/incompetent, 15–16

Conservative Political Action Conference, 4

conservatives/Republican Party

anchoring by, 67–71, 73, 92

belief in the dominator culture, 20, 31, 150–151, 175

branding and identity, 195–197

core story of, 17–21, 195–198

faith in corporations, 199–200

focus around fear, 189, 192–193

forced-pregnancy map of, 152

“freedom” to, 95

on global warming, 26

Hobbes’s influence on, 18–20, 23

misuse of future pacing, 118

moving-away-from-pain strategy, 156, 159

negative code, 80–81

as “pro-life,” 150–153

Republican National Convention (2004), 151, 162

role of government to, 17, 26–27

on Social Security, 25, 171, 173

story about “evil liberals,” 90

support of privatization, 27, 181

talking points of, 13–14, 25–27, 94–95

targeting the “NASCAR dad,” 188–189

on taxes, 95, 123–127, 132

on unions, 25–26

use of “indirect you,” 83–84

“values,” 94

working toward the good, 4

worldview of, 20–21, 28–29, 39, 58, 92

Conservatives Without

Conscience (Dean), 17

Constitution of the United

States, 24–25, 200

consumerism, 199

core self, 184

core story

behind political issues, 3, 13–14, 150–153

conservative/Republican, 17–21, 195–198

discovering your listeners’, 91–94, 96–98

five-part structure, 33–34

individual multiple, 183–184

losing control of the, 89–90

meaning is the response you get, 90–91

modern liberal worldview code, 21–25

role in the trance, 102, 107

Core Transformation (Andreas/Andreas), 184


amorality of, 20, 24

Bush administration’s deference to, 27

conservative views on, 20–21

control of the media, 65–66

“free market,” 3, 21, 26, 200

liberal restraint of, 24

mastery of code cracking, 53

Republican Party faith in, 198–200

role in Reagan’s story, 3

cultural commons, 198–199

Cuomo, Mario, 49–51

daydreaming, 101

Dean, John, 17

death penalty, 151, 152

“death tax,” 123–127, 132–133, 189

Declaration of Independence, 22–23


involving Social Security Insurance recipients, 171, 172

in maps, 149, 152

as process of the brain, 99

three filters of, 145–147

democracy, 29, 132 See also Founders and Framers

Democratic Party. See liberals/Democratic Party

Descartes, René, 57

desperation, 28, 29

Diebold, 27

distortion. See deletion/distortion/generalization

dominator culture, 20, 31, 150–151, 175

Don’t Think of an Elephant (Lakoff), 129

Draine, Sean C., 78

Dukakis, Michael, 53–56, 90

East India Company, 22, 28

ecology check, 5, 31

economic “security,” 163

Edison, Thomas, 7

Edison Gene, The (Hartmann), 134

Edwards, John, 49, 118–120

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 89

Eisler, Riane, 20

elected representatives, 91, 96–97

elections, 53–56, 69–71, 103–106, 124–127

electronic commons, 199

Emancipation Proclamation, 176–178

emotions. See feelings


Founders and King George, 96–97, 150

Hobbes and conservatism in, 17–20, 28

influence of Locke in, 21, 23, 28

role in Boston Tea Party, 22

Enlightenment, 25, 28

environmental concerns, 26, 175–176, 179–180, 196

equality, 18, 20–21, 23–25, 142–143, 150

estate tax, 123–127, 129–133

Estrich, Susan, 55

evil, 18–21, 28, 39, 58, 92

failure, 7–8

Fairness Doctrine, 65


the Bush strategy, 161–165, 189–192

fight-or-flight reaction, 2, 30, 56, 165

persuasion through, 30

politicians’ misuse of, 31–32

Roosevelt on, 165

Sarkozy on alleviating, 156

features, 170, 178, 198

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 72

feedback, 7–8


coming before thinking, 2, 56–57, 129

distorting experiences to accommodate, 146

effect on communication, 57–59

evoked by “Willie Horton ads,” 53–56

modifying, 60–61, 63–66

stories as bridge to, 102

and the submodalities code, 59–63 See also anchoring

feminism, 142–143, 150

fight-or-flight reaction, 2, 30, 56, 165

filters. See deletion/distortion/generalization

Flowers, Dave, 74

forced pregnancy, 152

Ford, Gerald, 135

Ford, Henry, 7

Foster, Bill, 132

Founders and Framers

belief in representative government, 96–98

core of rationality, 57–58

and King George, 96–97, 150

on private property and liberty, 22–25, 129, 143, 150

story of the, 3

support of the “Press,” 66


estate or “death” tax, 131–133

fighting frames with frames, 133–134

hope and pleasure, 165

of John McCain, 123–127

larger values and specific maps, 173

“manipulation,” 9–10

of Social Security benefits, 171–172

on taxes, 129–131

truth as durable, 121–123

war versus occupation, 134–137

your worldview, 127–129

“free market,” 3, 21, 26, 200

freedom, 17, 95–96, 200

French national election (2007), 155–156


modifying the, 114–118

peaceful and harmonious, 118–120

future pacing

Bush’s use of, 30

the cigar code, 110–114

goal of, 110

by John Edwards, 118–120

John McCain and the estate tax, 126–127

modifying the future through, 114–118

by Nancy Pelosi, 109–110

Gandhi, Mohandas, 192

Gates, Bill, 132

generalization. See deletion/distortion/generalization

George, King (England), 96–97, 150

Germany’s 100,000 Roofs Programme, 179–180

Gingrich, Newt

anchor words, 67–69, 125, 132

conservatives’ emulation of, 129

use of communication theory, 10, 16

global warming, 26, 196

good of the society, 17, 23, 27

goodness, 23–24, 28

Google, 161

Goosalini (goose), 1–2, 30, 78

government, 6, 20–21, 23–24, 26–28, 199

government programs, 170–171, 179–180

Great Britain. See England

Great Depression, 31–32

Great Liberal Era, 27

Grenada invasion, 135

Grinder, John, 16

gun control, 121–123

Halliburton, 27

handgun ownership, 121–123

Hartmann, Louise, 40, 44, 81, 93–94

Hawking, Stephen, 16

Healing ADD (Hartmann), 187

health care, 73–75, 170, 180–181, 198–199

“Health Research Group Publication #1778” (Public Citizen), 78–79

historical overview

American Revolution, 96

of Americans at war, 135

Boston Tea Party, 22, 96

conservative story, 17–20

Declaration of Independence, 22–23

Emancipation Proclamation, 177–178

feminist movement, 142–143, 150

of immigrants, 6–7

modern liberal worldview, 21–25

Progressive Era, 130

Hobbes, Thomas

on crime and civilization, 28

excerpts from writings of, 203n5, 204nn6–7, 205nn8–10

human nature as essentially evil, 18–20

influence on conservatives, 23

homelessness, 83–84

hope, 192, 193

Horton, Willie, 54, 55

human nature, 4, 18–21, 23–24, 27–30, 39

human rights, 18, 20–21, 23–25, 142–143, 150

hunter-versus-farmer frame, 133–134

Hurricane Katrina, 27, 170

Hussein, Saddam, 28, 30

Hutchison, Michael, 172–173

hypnosis, 100–101

identity code

discovering the core self, 183–188

multiple identities, 185–188

the “NASCAR dad,” 188–189

targeting our best parts, 192–193

targeting the fear part’s code, 189–192

immigrants, 6–7

individual rights, 18, 20–21, 23–25, 142–143, 150

infotainment industry, 3, 65–66, 201–202

inheritance tax, 123–127, 129–133

Iraq war/occupation

Bush linking 9/11 to, 190–191

Bush’s speech prior to, 29–30

causing desperation among Iraqi people, 29

emotional justification for, 65

as Operation Iraqi Freedom, 95

Pelosi’s use of future pacing regarding, 109, 110, 114–118

private corporations and the, 27

public disapproval of, 196

war versus occupation, 134–137

Irish Catholic immigrants, 6–7

IRS “death tax,” 123–127

Italian immigrants, 7

Jackson, Darrell, 80

James II, King (England), 21

Jefferson, Thomas

belief in rationality, 58

drawing on Locke’s theories, 22

on happiness, 23, 24

as part of the Enlightenment, 3

support of free speech, 200–202

supporting tax on wealth, 129–130

as unconsciously competent, 32

Jefferson Bible, The (Jefferson), 58

Jesus (the Christ), 24, 58, 192

Johnson, Lyndon, 135

Kennedy, John F., 64, 65, 193, 197

Kennedy family dynasty, 131

Kerry, John, 70–72, 94, 103–106

Khrushchev, Nikita, 201, 202

kinesthetic modality, 40–41, 45–46, 59, 101, 196

kinesthetic submodalities, 59, 101

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 192

Korean war, 135

labor unions, 14, 25–26, 82–83

Lakoff, George, 129

“Language: A Key Mechanism of Control” (memo; Gingrich), 67

learning trance

basics of the, 99–101

building a, 106–107

how to induce, 101–103

modality shifting, 103–105

pacing, 105–106

visuals to induce, 124–126

legends, 148, 149

Lemire, David, 46 Leviathan (Hobbes), 18, 203n5, 204nn6–7, 205nn8–10

liberals/Democratic Party

absence of brand, 197–198

agenda of the, 196

belief in rationality, 58

and the conservative/Republican story, 17–21, 195–198

employing future pacing, 117

on the environment, 26, 175

Great Liberal Era, 27

losing control of their story, 89–90

misuse of power by, 31

moving-toward-pleasure strategy, 156, 159

need to employ anchoring, 72, 73–75

reclaiming their story, 198–202

role of government, 17, 26–27

single-payer health insurance argument, 181

on Social Security, 25, 172–173

talking points of, 13–14, 25–27, 94–96, 193

on unions, 25–26

use of framing, 129, 130, 136–137

working toward the good, 4

worldview of, 3, 21–25, 27–30, 39, 92

“limbic brain,” 56–59

Lincoln, Abraham, 30, 77, 176–178

listening, 39–41, 99

Locke, John, 3, 21–23, 206n12

love, 192

Luntz, Frank, 10, 16, 129, 132

lying, 30–31, 77, 85

“mammalian brain,” 56–59

management motivational strategy, 161

“manipulation,” 9–10


abortion debate and, 149–153

filters, 149, 152

identity, 185

and our sensory experiences, 143–147

and politics, 3

as stories, 2

versus territory, 2–3, 148–149

McCain, John, 123–127

meaning of communication, response as, 2, 90–91, 93–94, 185

media, 3, 65–66, 201–202

memory, 61–64

Mesmer, Franz Anton, 100

middle class, 27, 28

Miller, Mark Crispin, 191–192

Mini-Me, 185–186

mistakes, 7–8


auditory, 40–41, 44–45, 100, 104, 196

becoming multimodal, 46–51

kinesthetic modality, 40–41, 45–46, 59, 101, 196

primary sense quiz, 42–44

Republican experience as multimodal, 196

shifting, 102–105

three basic, 41, 44–46

utilized in the learning trance, 100, 103–105

visual, 40–41, 44–46, 101, 104, 196 See also submodalities code

morality, 20, 24, 94–95

Mother Nature, 36

motivation code

coding Social Security Insurance, 171–173

creating a “We the People” code, 170–171

fear and the Bush strategy, 161–165

moving-toward-pleasure strategy, 157–161

the two-strategy solution, 155–156, 160–161

“Which Motivational Strategy?” radio transcript, 166–169

workings of the, 159–160 See also moving-away-from-pain strategy

movie trance, 101, 102

moving-away-from-pain strategy

Bush’s use of fear, 161–164, 190

conservatives’ use of, 155, 156, 159

effectiveness of the, 156–157

government programs containing, 170

Roosevelt’s effective use of, 164–165

in the two-strategy solution, 160–161


strategy, 157–161, 170

multiple-personality disorder (MPD), 187

music, in film, 102, 103

Myers, Mike, 185

Nader, Ralph, 15, 78

“nanny state,” 171, 173

“NASCAR dad,” 188–189

national health care, 170, 181

National Rifle Association, 122

National Security Agency (NSA), 53

Native Americans, 19–21

“negative” code

ecology check, 84–85

“indirect you,” 82–84

power of you, 81–82

sending the wrong message, 77–81

used in political ad, 125

neocortex, 57, 59

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 16, 53, 93


Bush’s use of, 28, 29, 162, 191

Hillary Clinton’s response to, 72–73

modalities and memory of, 46

politicians’ use of, 65, 188

Nixon, Richard, 77, 135, 164, 193

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), 16, 53, 93

Norquist, Grover, 170

“nurturing family,” government as, 17

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI), 171–173

Operation Blessing, 27

“original state,” 4, 18–21, 23–24, 27–30, 39

outcomes, 4–8

pacing, 102, 103, 105–106 See also future pacing

pain, 156–157, 160–161

Paine, Thomas, 32

parenting, 79–80, 92

Pavlov, Ivan, 8

Pelosi, Nancy, 109, 110, 114–118

personal identity. See identity code

personal liberty, 17, 95–96, 200

personal self-interest, 17, 175–176, 178, 179, 181

persuasion, 9–10, 16

pleasure, 157–158, 160–161

political ad analysis, 53–56, 70–71, 103–106, 124–127

political playlist, 25–27

politics, 3, 13–14, 80

power plays, 85

power systems, 198

primary sense quiz, 42–44

private property, 21, 22–23

privatization, 27, 65–66, 181

“pro-life” or “pro choice,” 142–143, 150–153

Progressive Era, 130

Public Citizen, 78–79

public good, 17, 23, 27

public programs, 170–171, 179–180

radio program transcripts, 61–63, 114, 166–169

rationality, 57–58

reading trance, 101, 103

Reagan, Ronald (Reagan era)

attack on welfare, 69–70

Brandenburg Gate remarks, 47–48

changes in health-care companies, 75

Cuomo’s speech about, 49–50

dismantling government by, 170

failure to invest in public good, 27

“free market” story of, 3

as natural communicator, 15, 49, 101

reason behind success of, 89, 195–196

release of the airwaves to corporations, 65–66

use of submodalities, 64–65

war in Grenada, 135

“War on Labor,” 14

Renewable Energies Law (Germany), 179–180

representatives, 91, 96–97

“reptilian brain,” 56, 59, 60

Republican National Convention (2004), 151, 162

Republican Party. See conservatives/Republican Party

response, as meaning of communication, 2, 90–91, 93–94, 185

restraint, 6, 20–21, 24, 27

rhythm, 102

“rich kids’ tax,” 132

Richards, Michael, 77, 78

Robertson, Pat, 27

Robinson, Peter, 48–49

Rockefeller family dynasty, 131

Roe v. Wade, 142, 143, 150, 196

Roland, Leif, 93

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

appeal to hope, 193

boost from World War II, 135

creation of Social Security by, 173

Democratic brands under, 197

on fear, 31–32

“Four Freedoms” speech, 164–165, 199

New Deal, 3, 30

as unconsciously competent, 32

Roosevelt, Theodore, 32, 130

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 3

Rove, Karl, 16, 129

Royal, Ségolène, 156–157

Rumsfeld, Donald, 5

Sanders, Bernie, 97–98

Sargent, Francis W., 54

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 155–156

Screwed (Hartmann), 132, 192

security, 29, 163, 164, 196

self-interest, 17, 175–176, 178, 179, 181

sensory code

becoming multimodal, 47–51

brain functioning and the, 57

Bush’s use of the, 30

cracking the modal code, 46–47

ecology check, 65

listening, 39–40

primary sense quiz, 42–44

as value-neutral, 41 See also modalities; submodalities code

sensory experience, 142–147

September 11, 2001, attacks. See 9/11

single-payer health insurance, 170, 181

slavery, 176–178

Social Security, 25, 170

Social Security Insurance, 171–173

societal good, 17, 23, 27

solar power, 175–176, 179–180

Solomon, Norman, 66

Spy Who Shagged Me, The (film), 185–186

Stalin, Joseph, 17, 201

Stanford University political ad analysis, 103

Stinson, Clark, 121–122


bicyclist on Greenway, 90–91

boy and the squirrels/skunk, 34–36

cigar code, 110–114

conservative becoming a liberal, 13–14

crack in the road, 8

Dave Flowers on health care, 74–75

Goosalini, 1–2, 30, 78

gun control, 121–123

How I Love You, 93–94

as passing down cultural wisdom, 36

riding a bike, 15

story, core. See core story

strategies. See motivation code

“strict father,” government as, 17

submodalities code

basics of, 59–60

changing the, 60–65

ecology check, 65

in movies/ads, 101, 125

Republicans’ use of anchoring, 67–69

three submodalities, 59, 101

Summary View of the Rights of British America, A (Jefferson), 22

taxes, 95, 129–131, 190, 196 See also estate tax

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 66

tempo, 102


abortion debate, 149–153

filters of sensory experience, 143–147

maps versus, 2–3, 148–149

thinking, 2, 56–59 See also brain processes

Thom Hartmann Program (radio)

transcripts, 61–63, 114, 166–169

trance states, 100–102 See also learning trance

Trotsky, Leon, 17

Troyer, Verne, 186

Two Treatises on Government (Locke), 21, 206n12

unconsciously competent/incompetent, 15, 16, 101, 141, 184

unemployment, 170

unions, 14, 25–26, 82–83

United Nations, 29, 30

universal single-payer health insurance, 170, 181

U.S. Constitution, 24–25, 200

usefulness, 184–185

values, 8–9, 16, 94–95

Vietnam War, 135

visual modality, 40–41, 44–46, 101, 104, 196

visual submodalities, 59

Wade, Roe v., 142, 143, 150, 196

Walking Your Blues Away (Hartmann), 64

Walters, Barbara, 115

Walton family, 133

war, 19–20, 134–137

“War on Drugs,” 6, 70

Washington Post (newspaper), 114–115

wealth, 21–23, 129–131 welfare, 69–70

“Willie Horton ads,” 53–56

Winthrop, John, 64, 65

Wizards of Media Oz (Cohen/Solomon), 66

word choice, 67–69, 71–73

World War II, 135

worldview code

and the communication code, 14–16

conservative story, 17–21

cracking the conservative/liberal, 25–30

modern liberal story, 21–25

politics as sets of stories, 13–14

using ecology checks, 30–32

Zajonc, Robert, 57, 58

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