Issue Attentiveness

The success or demise of a corporate structure begins with vigilance or its lack toward issues of relevance and concern for a corporate entity. Knowing, recognizing, and acting upon issues inherent in the life and future maturation and growth of a corporation is the defining feature of projected success. Issues are akin to a kernel or seed that can give rise to excellence when understood and engaged or to the inevitability of decline when ignored. Issues are the beginning of flourishing life capable of propelling or derailing a corporate structure.

Chapter 1, “Issue Clarity,” defines an issue in performative terms. Issues are not static dictionary definitions but live in the ongoing fiber of decision-making within an organization. Issues are best understood with direct engagement of theory and strategic direction. When the performative nature of an emerging issue finds explication through theory and strategic initiatives, responsive leadership defines the management of a given corporate structure.

Chapter 2, “Issue and Stakeholder Influence,” examines the multiplicity of stakeholders influenced by a given issue. Theory and strategic engagement of issues determines future outcomes for corporate structures. Leadership responsiveness must take stakeholders seriously as they announce issue concern. Theory and strategic engagement of their issues differentiates futures meeting in a fork in the road that separates success and failure.

Chapter 3, “Communication Ethics in Action: BP and Issue Thoughtlessness,” illustrates the link between communication ethics in action and smart leadership. The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster offers a portrait of unreflective engagement of issues that have pragmatic consequences that move leadership from the intelligence of communication ethics in action to the stupidity of short-term considerations, ever hopeful that they will not get caught.

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