is book would not have been completed, or at least not be what it looks like now, without the
support of many colleagues, especially those from the iLearn Center in Shandong University.
It is a pleasure to take this opportunity to acknowledge them for their contributions to this
time-consuming book project.
Our first and foremost thanks undoubtedly go to colleagues who are also the contributors
of some chapters of this book: Dr. Fuli Feng at National University of Singapore, Miss. Xianjing
Han, Miss. Jinhuan Liu, Miss. Xue Dong, and Mr. Xin Yang at iLearn Center in Shandong
University. anks for their active participation in the technical discussion of this book and their
constructive feedback and comments that have been significantly helpful in shaping this book.
Second, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Miss. Qian Liu and Miss.
Xiaoli Li, who spared no effort in polishing the earlier drafts.
ird, we are very grateful to the anonymous reviewer. Despite his/her busy schedule, the
reviewer read the book very carefully and gave us many insightful and constructive suggestions,
making the book more readable.
Fourth, we sincerely extend our thanks to Morgan & Claypool and particularly the editor,
Dr. Gary Marchionini, and the Executive Editor, Ms. Diane Cerra, for their valuable sugges-
tions on this book. ey also helped to make the book publishing process smooth and enjoyable.
Last, our thanks are reserved to our beloved families for their selfless consideration, endless
love, and unconditional support.
Xuemeng Song, Liqiang Nie, and Yinglong Wang
September 2019
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