Experiment Settings. In our context of matching bottoms for a given top, we only con-
sidered the outfits that either contain a top and a bottom, or a coat plus a bottom/dress, where we
treated the coat as the “top” while the bottom/dress as the bottom.” As one user may coordinate
different shoes or accessories for the same top-bottom pair to make different outfits, we removed
the duplicated top-bottom pairs from the dataset, resulting in 217,806 unique top-bottom pairs.
Regarding the evaluation, we adopted the leave-one-out strategy, where we randomly sampled
one top-bottom pair for each user and retained it as the testing sample. en we generated the
quadruple set D
, D
, and D
according to Eq. (6.7), where for each positive top-bottom
pair .t
; b
/ of the user u
, we randomly sampled a negative bottom b
from the whole bottom
dataset (i.e., B) to comprise a quadruplet .m; i; j; k/. Finally, we adopted the AUC [133] as the
evaluation metric.
For optimization, we employed the adaptive moment estimation method (Adam) [58].
We adopted the grid search strategy to determine the optimal values for the regularization
parameter and trade-off parameters (, , and ). In addition, the mini-batch size, the
number of hidden units and learning rate were searched in Œ32; 64; 128, Œ256; 512; 1024, and
Œ0:0005; 0:001; 0:005; 0:01, respectively. e proposed model was fine-tuned for 40 epochs, and
the performance on the testing set was reported. We empirically set the number of hidden layers
in representation learning K D 1.
We chose the following state-of-the-art methods as the baselines to evaluate the proposed
POP-T: We used the popularity of the bottom to measure its compatibility with top, which
is defined as the number of outfits that the bottom appeared in the training set.
POP-U: Similarly, in this baseline, we defined the “popularity of the bottom as the number
of users who once interacted with the bottom in the training set.
RAND: We randomly assigned the compatibility scores of m
and m
between items.
Bi-LSTM: We chose the bidirectional LSTM model in [31] which explores the outfit com-
patibility by sequentially predicting the next item conditioned on previous ones. In our con-
text, we adapted Bi-LSTM to deal with an outfit comprising of a top and a bottom.
BPR-DAE: We selected the content-based neural scheme introduced by [108] that is capa-
ble of jointly modeling the coherent relation between different modalities of fashion items
and the implicit preference among items via a dual autoencoder network. It is worth noting
that BPR-DAE overlooks the user factor in the compatibility modeling.
BPR-MF: We used the pairwise ranking method introduced in [100], where the latent user-
item relations are captured by the MF method.
VBPR: We adopted the VBPR in [34], which exploits the visual data of fashion items with
the factorization method to recommend an item for the user.
TBPR: We derived TBPR from VBPR by replacing the visual signals with the contextual
modality of fashion items.
VTBPR: We extended VBPR in [34] by further introducing the context factor to compre-
hensively characterize the users preference from both the visual and contextual perspectives.
Table 6.1 shows the performance comparison among different approaches. From this ta-
ble, we have the following observations. (1) BPR-DAE shows superiority over Bi-LSTM, which
implies that the content-based scheme performs better than the sequential model in the general
compatibility modeling between fashion items. (2) VTBPR outperforms VBPR, TBPR, and
BPR-MF, which confirms the advantage of considering both the visual and contextual modali-
ties in the personal preference modeling. Interestingly, we found that TBPR slightly surpasses
VBPR, demonstrating the great potential of contextual data in characterizing users’ personal
preference of items. (3) GP-BPR achieves better performance than all the other methods that
focus on either the general compatibility modeling or person preference modeling, validating the
necessity of incorporating both the general item-item compatibility and user-item preference in
the context of personalized clothing matching.
Table 6.1: Performance comparison among different approaches in terms of AUC
Approach AUC
POP-T 0.6042
POP-U 0.5951
RAND 0.5014
Bi-LSTM 0.6739
BPR-DAE 0.7096
BPR-MF 0.7958
VBPR 0.8170
TBPR 0.8190
VTBPR 0.8232
GP-BPR 0.8388
To evaluate the contribution of each modality in our model, we further compared
GP-BPR with its two derivatives: GP-BPR-V and GP-BPR-T, where only the visual and con-
textual modality of fashion items were explored, respectively. Table 6.2 shows the performance
comparison of our model with different modalities. We observed that our model outperforms
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