Chapter 4
Project Tools and Documentation (Domain 4.0)


  • 4.1 Compare and contrast various project management tools.
    • Project scheduling software
      • Charts
      • Process diagram
      • Histogram
      • Fishbone
      • Pareto chart
      • Run chart
      • Scatter chart
      • Gantt chart
    • Dashboard/status report
    • Knowledge management tools
      • Intranet sites
      • Internet sites
      • Wiki pages
      • Vendor knowledge bases
      • Collaboration tools
    • Performance measurement tools
      • Key performance indicators
      • Key performance parameters
      • Balanced score card
    • SWOT analysis
    • Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) Matrix
  • 4.2 Given a scenario, analyze project-centric documentation.
    • Project charter
    • Project management plan
    • Issues log
    • Organizational chart
    • Scope statement
    • Communication plan
    • Project schedule
    • Status report
    • Dashboard information
    • Action items
    • Meeting agenda/meeting minutes
  • 4.3 Identify common partner or vendor-centric documents and their purpose.
    • Request for Information
    • Request for Proposal
    • Request for Quote
    • Mutually binding documents
      • Agreements/contract
      • Non-disclosure agreement
      • Cease and Desist letter
      • Letters of Intent
      • Statement of Work
      • Memorandum of Understanding
      • Service Level Agreement
      • Purchase Order
      • Warranty
  1. 1. Ralph is the project manager for the opening of a new ice cream parlor. The owner is always asking for status updates from Ralph and pushes Ralph to finish with a quality store that is on-time and on-budget. Which role in a RACI matrix would Ralph hold for the entire project?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  2. 2. Which knowledge management tool would be used for a team to communicate instantly, share information on task ownership and status, and see events for an entire workgroup?

    1. Wiki pages
    2. Intranet sites
    3. Vendor knowledge bases
    4. Collaboration tools
  3. 3. During a weekly project meeting, a list is kept of any assignments that are handed out during the meeting. What type of project document is this?

    1. Issues log
    2. Action items
    3. Meeting minutes
    4. Communication plan
  4. 4. The project’s sponsor is reviewing a communication for the project manager. In the document, she reads that the project is on budget, but there was a delay in getting materials from a supplier since the last communication. Which project document is she reading?

    1. Status report
    2. Scope statement
    3. Risk register
    4. SCRUM retrospective
  5. 5. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Flowchart showing project management tools having 	'Change Control Board	' to 	'Check the Change Form and 	'Customer	' to 	'Form Complete	' via 	'Change Request	'. 	'If yes	' then to 	'Implement Change	' via 	'Check the Change Form	' and 	'if no	' it goes back to 	'Customer	'.
    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Gantt chart
  6. 6. The project schedule contains all of the following elements, EXCEPT

    1. Activity start and finish dates
    2. Activity duration
    3. Activity assignments to resources
    4. Authorization for the project to begin
  7. 7. Nathan is a software game developer assigned to a project to create a revolutionary new virtual reality game. He receives notice that he is to attend a meeting and give a presentation for 45 minutes on the capabilities of the technology that they will be using. Which document did Nathan receive that communicated this requirement?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Meeting minutes
    3. Action items
    4. Wiki pages
  8. 8. Which of the following are a means of communicating the current conditions of a project? (Choose three.)

    1. Dashboard information
    2. Status report
    3. Meeting minutes
    4. Meeting agenda
    5. Communication plan
    6. Project charter
  9. 9. Which of the following tools is used for entering data to generate a Gantt chart, WBS, or activity sequence automatically?

    1. Process diagram
    2. SCRUM retrospective
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Project scheduling software
  10. 10. Which knowledge management tool is used to communicate only with internal employees for an entire organization?

    1. Wiki pages
    2. Intranet sites
    3. Internet sites
    4. Collaboration tools
  11. 11. What is a RACI matrix used for?

    1. Determining key performance indicators
    2. Identifying roles and responsibilities
    3. Analyzing risk at a moment in time
    4. Presenting status via a dashboard
  12. 12. A subject-matter expert who is not directly working on a project receives a phone call to get her opinion on two options facing the team. Which role in a RACI matrix has this stakeholder been assigned?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  13. 13. Carl is the president of a binding company that won the job to bind the books for a new young adult novel. The publishing company needs 100,000 books delivered in 12 days. At the end of each day, Carl asks for the completed number of books to make sure that it is at 8,333 or higher. What does this number represent?

    1. MOU
    2. AC
    3. SPI
    4. KPI
  14. 14. To which project-centric document would you refer to get a description of the project, find out the key deliverables, and gain an understanding of the success and acceptance criteria for the project?

    1. Project charter
    2. Scope statement
    3. Project schedule
    4. Meeting minutes
  15. 15. During a regular meeting, the team creates a list that has next steps to be taken, who owns the task, and when it is due. What kind of project documentation does this list represent?

    1. Action items
    2. Issues log
    3. Status report
    4. Communication plan
  16. 16. In which of the following documents would you find information regarding the high-level budget and milestones for the project?

    1. Request for information
    2. Scope statement
    3. Project charter
    4. Action items
  17. 17. Meghan is a project manager. A team member reported to her an inappropriate and unprofessional interaction with a project team member on a different team. Meghan is not sure to whom this other team member reports. Which project document would help her find the correct person to whom to escalate this issue?

    1. RACI matrix
    2. Request for proposal
    3. Organizational chart
    4. Issues log
  18. 18. A construction project has just completed the demolition and grading of a worksite. The project manager needs to update the status of this task and see what the next task is that needs to start. Which project-centric document would the project manager look to for guidance?

    1. Project charter
    2. Project schedule
    3. Action items
    4. Dashboard information
  19. 19. During a project meeting, a key stakeholder looks at a report and sees that the schedule now has a yellow setting when last week it was set at green. What kind of data is the stakeholder viewing?

    1. Dashboard information
    2. Fishbone diagram
    3. Project management plan
    4. Risk register
  20. 20. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Bar graph showing the project management tool with 	'Product Test Results	' where the highest is on 201 at y axis and 81-90 on x axis and lowest is at 12 on y axis and 51-60 on x axis respectively.
    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto Chart
    4. Gantt Chart
  21. 21. The communication plan contains all of the following components, EXCEPT

    1. Stakeholder information needs
    2. When information should be distributed
    3. Report on status of deliverables and schedule
    4. How information will be delivered
  22. 22. Working on a project as a part of college class, Hannah takes notes on what occurs during a meeting, types up the information including action items, and disseminates the final version to the team. What project document did Hannah create?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Meeting minutes
    3. Status report
    4. Action items
  23. 23. Bert is a project manager assigned to the development of a new piece of hospital equipment. He is looking for the information that spells out who the stakeholders are, what the high-level scope is, assumptions, constraints, and the authorization to proceed. Which document is Bert looking for?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. RACI matrix
    3. Project charter
    4. Balanced score card
  24. 24. What is a document that is distributed prior to a meeting that spells out the topics to be discussed and who will present them at the meeting?

    1. Meeting minutes
    2. Communication plan
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Meeting agenda
  25. 25. Which type of tool would auto-calculate task duration and planned effort by task and allow for assignment and reassignment of resources?

    1. PERT
    2. SIPOC-R
    3. Project scheduling software
    4. Histograms
  26. 26. When creating a RACI matrix, how many different positions can/must have the role of accountable?

    1. Zero
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
  27. 27. The field team sends an update to the project manager letting him know that there were 12 employees at the project site, there were no accidents this week and no issues to report, and that the team is tracking toward on-time completion of their work. The project manager adds this information in a box on a report. What would you call this data provided to the project manager’s report?

    1. Action items
    2. Dashboard information
    3. Organization chart
    4. Project management plan
  28. 28. Monty can’t remember what the key performance indicators are to help measure success on the product the project team is creating. Where can Monty find this information?

    1. Issues log
    2. Scope statement
    3. Communications plan
    4. Action items
  29. 29. Which project plan sets how information will be shared on the project, what the frequency level is with which it will be shared, and with whom it will be shared?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Action items
    3. Project charter
    4. Communication plan
  30. 30. What is a set of quantifiable measures that an organization uses to gauge progress toward project goals?

    1. RACI
    2. SWOT
    3. KPI
    4. NDA
  31. 31. Susan is working on a project, and she is the lone specialist assigned to complete a deliverable on a task. She will do the work to complete the assignment, and she is the person who must answer for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable. Which two participation types of a RACI matrix has she been assigned? (Choose two.)

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  32. 32. What is an inventory of project actions that should be resolved in order to fulfill deliverables?

    1. Histogram
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Action items
    4. Issues log
  33. 33. The project organizational chart would contain all of the following components, EXCEPT

    1. Project authorization
    2. Team member organization
    3. Reporting structures
    4. Visual representation of data elements
  34. 34. Scott is a board director for a nonprofit, and he is looking for an update on the financial aspects of a new project that the organization is attempting. Which document would help bring Scott up to speed on current conditions of the project?

    1. Issues log
    2. Project management plan
    3. SWOT analysis
    4. Status report
  35. 35. There is a question about a project decision that was made at a gathering earlier in a project. Where should the project manager look to help recall the decision and the circumstances that were discussed?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Project charter
    3. Action items list
    4. Meeting minutes
  36. 36. Which tool provides a visual representation of all of the steps required in a process?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Project scheduling software
  37. 37. When a RACI matrix is being created, what person or group of people are assign an “R” for responsible?

    1. The one who is ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the assignment
    2. Those whose opinions are needed before work or a decision is undertaken
    3. Those who do the work needed to complete the task or deliverable
    4. Those who are kept up-to-date when work or a decision is completed
  38. 38. To which document would a project manager refer in order to review the high-level scope, high-level risks, assumptions, and constraints, and to find out who are the key stakeholders?

    1. Scope statement
    2. Project charter
    3. Project management plan
    4. Meeting agenda
  39. 39. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Fishbone diagram showing the project management tool having 	'Quality Failure	' as main bone and 	'Training	', 	'Process	', 	'People	', and 	'Materials	' as branches.
    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Fishbone diagram
  40. 40. During a meeting, the team reports that Brad is sorely underperforming. The project manager needs either to replace or reassign Brad. Where would this task get captured?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Lessons learned
    3. Issues log
    4. Action items
  41. 41. Which is a special form of a bar chart that visually displays the central tendency, dispersion, and distribution for statistical data?

    1. Kanban board
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. SIPOC-R
  42. 42. Which knowledge management tools allow users to freely create and edit web page content using a web browser?

    1. Intranet sites
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Internet sites
  43. 43. Troy, Tony, and Hannah are assigned to a project with several activities where their efforts will produce a deliverable. In a RACI matrix context, what role have these project team members been assigned?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  44. 44. The project sponsor has decided to make a project manager change. Which project-centric document should the incumbent project manager use to get the new project manager up to speed on the project?

    1. Project charter
    2. Action items
    3. Project schedule
    4. Project management plan
  45. 45. Which document provides formal authorization to begin the project and allows the project manager to begin assigning resources to the project?

    1. Project charter
    2. Scope statement
    3. Project management plan
    4. Request for proposal
  46. 46. A project team tasked with creating a new software application has discovered that the programming needed is twice as complex as they thought it would be, and they have informed the project manager that they will need more resources or will need to push the due date out by two months. Where would this topic get recorded in project documentation?

    1. Project charter
    2. Issues log
    3. Action items
    4. Risk register
  47. 47. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Bar graph showing 	'Most reworked items	' on project management tool where the bar is drawn for findings versus requirements like exterior, kitchen, electrical, plumbing, paint, et cetera.
    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Gantt chart
  48. 48. Which of the following is an electronic reporting tool where users can choose elements of the project to monitor project health and status?

    1. Kanban board
    2. Project scheduling software
    3. Vendor knowledge bases
    4. Dashboard information
  49. 49. A status report would contain all of the following information, EXCEPT

    1. Recap of meeting discussion
    2. Tracking toward deliverables
    3. Condition of the project compared to the schedule
    4. Updates on risks and issues
  50. 50. Molly is an expert planner helping to get a new bank branch designed and built to meet customer demand. She indicates that the facility needs to have ATM machines, a drive-through teller, and safe deposit boxes. To which project-centric document would Molly need to make sure that these deliverables are added?

    1. Project charter
    2. Scope statement
    3. Organizational charter
    4. Project schedule
  51. 51. Earl is a load master for an international shipping company. They have been hired to move construction equipment to a different continent by the end of the month. He is aware that the planes required to carry the largest equipment are currently booked until the end of the month on another assignment. Where should Earl record this information?

    1. Risk register
    2. Action items list
    3. Issues log
    4. Status report
  52. 52. There is a delay on a task, and the project sponsor asks if this will have an impact on the entire project. Which document would the project manager reference to see if this task is on the critical path?

    1. Project charter
    2. Issues log
    3. Scope statement
    4. Project schedule
  53. 53. Which type of chart or diagram is used to represent visually the cause and effect of potential problems to help identify their root causes?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Process diagram
    4. Fishbone diagram
  54. 54. A project stakeholder receives a regular status update for various activities and milestones after they are completed. What role in a RACI matrix has this stakeholder been assigned?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  55. 55. Andy is doing a review of a list that contains active problems on the project, their status, owner, and a due date to get resolution. Which project-centric document is Andy looking at?

    1. Issues log
    2. Organizational chart
    3. Action items
    4. Status report
  56. 56. At the completion of a meeting, the person who was designated as a scribe types up his notes along with any decisions that were made and any assignments that were handed out. What type of project-centric document is this?

    1. Action items
    2. Meeting agenda
    3. Status report
    4. Meeting minutes
  57. 57. What is the comprehensive collection of documents that spells out communication, risk management, project schedule, and scope management?

    1. Scope statement
    2. Request for proposal
    3. Project management plan
    4. Dashboard information
  58. 58. Emily has logged into the project website and is looking at various elements of the project health and status. What kind of project-centric documentation is Emily looking at?

    1. Meeting minutes
    2. Project management plan
    3. Action items
    4. Dashboard information
  59. 59. When dealing with a RACI chart, which of the following are true? (Choose three.)

    1. RACI is an acronym for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.
    2. RACI is a hierarchical and seniority-based matrix.
    3. RACI is an acronym for reasonable, accountable, conflicted, and informed.
    4. A RACI is matrix-based chart.
    5. A RACI is a form of a SWOT analysis for risk identification.
    6. A RACI is used to identify roles and responsibilities on a project.
  60. 60. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Line graph showing the curve drawn for dropped calls on new phone switch, where the April 13th has the highest dropped calls and April 29th has the lowest drop call.
    1. Run chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Fishbone diagram
  61. 61. The scope statement contains all of the following components, EXCEPT

    1. Product description
    2. Key deliverables
    3. Activity start and finish dates
    4. Acceptance criteria
  62. 62. Nick is a subject-matter expert assigned to a project to host a major soccer tournament. He is providing input on the amount of time each activity of the project will take and in what order they should be attempted. To which document is Nick contributing?

    1. Project schedule
    2. Scope statement
    3. Meeting agenda
    4. Lessons learned
  63. 63. Before an upcoming meeting, Judy sends a document letting everyone know what needs to be discussed, how much time will be allowed to talk about each item, and who needs to be prepared to speak. What type of project-centric document does this represent?

    1. Action items
    2. Meeting agenda
    3. Issues log
    4. Meeting minutes
  64. 64. Which tool would be used to help find the distribution of issues (or other variables) from highest to lowest as bars on a chart?

    1. Scatter chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Run chart
  65. 65. Which knowledge management tool allows contractors or users of a company’s products to find information about a particular issue or to find a work instruction on how to use a product?

    1. Collaboration tools
    2. Social media
    3. Vendor knowledge bases
    4. Intranet sites
  66. 66. The project management plan consists of all of the following components EXCEPT. (Choose two.)

    1. Project schedule
    2. Scope plan
    3. Action items
    4. Communication plan
    5. Request for proposal
  67. 67. Simon is a high school intern assigned to help get the word out on a project. He is tasked with creating written reports, sending emails, and creating agendas. Which document would tell Simon what tasks need to be created and at what interval?

    1. Communication plan
    2. Lessons learned
    3. Meeting minutes
    4. Project schedule
  68. 68. In each meeting, a project team member is identified as the scribe to take notes on the topics, action items, and other issues identified in the meeting. What document is the scribe assigned with creating?

    1. Meeting minutes
    2. Status report
    3. Dashboard information
    4. Issues log
  69. 69. Which tool would be used to display observed data in a time sequence?

    1. Run chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Scatter diagram
  70. 70. A software development team lets the project manager know that they will need five more days to complete their assigned task. The project manager makes reference to a document and concludes that this will cause a delay of the entire project if nothing else changes. Which document was the project manager using to make this analysis?

    1. Status report
    2. Communication plan
    3. Project schedule
    4. Scope statement
  71. 71. The project team is required to attend a daily stand-up meeting to discuss the project’s activities and roadblocks. Which document lets the project team know they need to attend this meeting?

    1. Project schedule
    2. Communication plan
    3. Project charter
    4. Scope statement
  72. 72. Pattie is a project manager for a firm that performs accreditations for higher education institutions. They have been asked to perform a review of a university system of three schools, so she starts to create a communication plan, scope plan, and project schedule. Into which project-centric document would this information get added?

    1. Project management plan
    2. Business case
    3. Project charter
    4. Lessons learned
  73. 73. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Graph of 	'Calls by time zone	' where graph is plotted for four different zones: Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Scatter chart
  74. 74. A new theater production for Halloween is underway. Josh is the director, Vanessa is in charge of costuming, Ren is in charge of set construction, and Seth is in charge of marketing and business operations. Where would this information be captured?

    1. Project charter
    2. Communications plan
    3. Organizational chart
    4. Balanced score card
  75. 75. Which tool would you use to create a regression line to forecast how the change in an independent variable will change a dependent variable?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Scatter chart
  76. 76. The project manager is reviewing a plan that contains the communication plan, risk management plan, schedule, quality management plan, and scope statement. Which planning document is the project manager looking at?

    1. Project charter
    2. Dashboard information
    3. Meeting agenda
    4. Project management plan
  77. 77. Which tool would you use to create a visual representation of timelines, start dates, durations, and activity sequences?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Pareto chart
    3. Gantt chart
    4. Histogram
  78. 78. Shane is the project manager assigned to a project, and he is creating a graphic that shows the project leads for each subject area along with the resources assigned to them. What type of document is Shane creating?

    1. Communication plan
    2. Pareto diagram
    3. Fishbone diagram
    4. Organizational chart
  79. 79. The project manager is responsible for the creation, updating, and completion of this collection of documents, spelling out intentions for budget, schedule, scope, communication, and risk. What is this collection of documents called?

    1. Communication plan
    2. Project schedule
    3. Memorandum of understanding
    4. Project management plan
  80. 80. The issues log would capture all the following data components, EXCEPT

    1. Issue description
    2. Owner
    3. Mitigation
    4. Due date
  81. 81. In the project meeting minutes, there is a section that contains work that was identified in the meeting to be completed along with the name of the person to perform the work and a due date. What does this section of the meeting minutes represent?

    1. Dashboard information
    2. Kanban board
    3. SIPOC-R
    4. Action items
  82. 82. Which knowledge management tool would an organization use to provide information to the general public, customers, and partners?

    1. Social media
    2. Intranet sites
    3. Internet sites
    4. Vendor knowledge bases
  83. 83. Jean is looking at a visual representation of the reporting structures that describe the project team member organization. What project-centric document is she looking at?

    1. Project charter
    2. Project schedule
    3. Organizational chart
    4. Communication plan
  84. 84. The project charter accomplishes all of the following project components, EXCEPT

    1. Sets high-level scope, budget, and milestones
    2. Sets the hierarchical reporting structure for the project
    3. Authorizes the project to begin
    4. Authorizes resources to begin to be applied to the project
  85. 85. Amelia is struggling to get a meeting with a key subject matter expert to gather project requirements within the planned timeframe. Where should this information be recorded?

    1. Communication plan
    2. Issues log
    3. Project schedule
    4. Action items
  86. 86. During a regular check-in meeting with stakeholders, the project manager presents information on all task areas. Each task area has a column for time, cost, resources, risks, issues, and changes, and each item shows a red, yellow, or green indication representing the condition of each task in each area. What project-centric document is being presented?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Gantt chart
    3. Dashboard information
    4. Run chart
  87. 87. The project sponsor has asked that the stakeholders be brought up to speed on project deliverables, schedule, risks, and issues. What is the project sponsor asking for?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Status report
    3. Action items
    4. Meeting minutes
  88. 88. A large, global project to create a new movie has over a thousand individuals assigned to the project. The project manager needs to find out which individuals are working with the second production unit. Which project-centric document would help give her this information?

    1. Organizational chart
    2. RACI matrix
    3. Fishbone diagram
    4. Project charter
  89. 89. The project manager is working with the project team on a weekly document explaining to stakeholders what tasks have been completed, how much budget has been spent, what issues exist, and any risks that are affecting the project. What document are they working on?

    1. Issues log
    2. Action items
    3. Status report
    4. Project management plan
  90. 90. A new team member is added to a project and asks a question about what work needs to get done and how the team will know that they are successful. Which document would help answer the questions that this team member is asking?

    1. Project charter
    2. Project schedule
    3. Action items
    4. Scope statement
  91. 91. The project coordinator has been instructed to send a weekly status update, by email, to an identified group of stakeholders. Which document would instruct the project coordinator to perform this activity?

    1. Project charter
    2. Project schedule
    3. RACI matrix
    4. Communication plan
  92. 92. A project team member learns from an email that she will need to give a brief presentation at the next meeting to outline the problem facing her team’s tasks on the project along with possible solutions. Which project-centric document is this team member looking at?

    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Meeting minutes
    3. Status report
    4. Project schedule
  93. 93. DewDrops is wondering about the timeliness of their checkout process. Danielle has been tasked with creating a tool to track and display this observed data. What output should she create?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Run chart
    4. Scatter diagram
  94. 94. What is the only role in a RACI matrix that can only be assigned once per task?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  95. 95. Wigit Construction has reviewed an RFP response and has reached an agreement with the seller. How should they communicate the quantity of goods and services they need and the price that will be paid?

    1. Time and materials
    2. Purchase order
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  96. 96. We are here for you! is a temporary staffing firm that has sent two administrative assistants to a project to help keep up with demand. What is the best contract vehicle for them to use to deliver this service?

    1. Cost-reimbursable contract
    2. Purchase order
    3. Fixed-price contract
    4. Time and materials
  97. 97. Two government agencies have agreed to work with each other on a major project. They spend some time creating a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that both parties sign. What best describes what the MOU represents?

    1. Mutually binding document
    2. Non-mutually binding document
    3. An announcement of each agency’s intentions
    4. Procurement method to gain more information
  98. 98. DewDrops has just completed a document with a customer. The document describes the services DewDrops will provide to the customer, what amount they will be paid, and what penalties DewDrops will face if they fail to deliver. What type of document is this?

    1. Request for proposal
    2. Warranty
    3. Nondisclosure agreement
    4. Contract
  99. 99. Hugh has been asked to investigate a new line of medical equipment for a hospital that an executive saw at a trade show. The hospital has no idea who supplies this equipment or how much it might cost. What is the appropriate procurement method Hugh should pursue?

    1. SOW
    2. RFI
    3. RFP
    4. RFQ
  100. 100. What is a SOW?

    1. A procurement method intended to obtain more information about goods and services
    2. A procurement method designed to invite bids, review, select, and purchase goods or services
    3. A procurement document that details the goods and services to be procured from outside the organization
    4. A meeting with prospective vendors prior to completing a proposal
  101. 101. Wigitcom is looking for a new storage solution to handle its increasing data needs. They are unclear exactly what kind of solution they might need, or even what vendors could sell them a solution. What is the best procurement method they should use?

    1. Request for proposal (RFP)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for information (RFI)
    4. Statement of work (SOW)
  102. 102. Erik has been doing an analysis to compare any correlation between an independent and dependent variable. He has created a regression line chart to forecast the changes. What has Erik created?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Scatter chart
  103. 103. Why would a buyer issue a purchase order?

    1. To denote that the situation requires more flexibility and simplicity than a contract
    2. To outline the intent or actions of both parties before entering into a contract
    3. To describe the quantity of goods and services needed and what price will be paid
    4. To stop another company from using their intellectual property and to inform them not to do it again
  104. 104. DewDrops is looking to solicit bids for the creation of a new manufacturing facility and delivery dock. Which vendor solicitation method should DewDrops use?

    1. Statement of work (SOW)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for proposal (RFP)
    4. Request for information (RFI)
  105. 105. What does a warranty specify to the buyer of a product or service?

    1. It specifies the quantity of goods and services needed and what price will be paid.
    2. It provides a guarantee that the product or service will meet expectations and perform as stated.
    3. It outlines the intent or actions of both parties before entering a contract.
    4. It assures that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside the partnership.
  106. 106. The process of submitting a SOW, receiving bids from vendors and suppliers, evaluating responses, and making a selection is known as which one of the following?

    1. C&D
    2. RFP
    3. SCRUM introspective
    4. RFQ
  107. 107. A legal document that describes the goods or services that will be provided, their cost, and any penalties for noncompliance is known as which one of the following?

    1. Request for proposal
    2. Nondisclosure agreement
    3. Contract
    4. Warranty
  108. 108. Vital characteristics, functions, requirements or design basis, which if changed, would have a major impact on product or service performance, scope, schedule, cost, and/or risk. What is this a definition for?

    1. Key performance indicator
    2. Memorandum of agreement
    3. Key performance parameter
    4. Dashboard information
  109. 109. Kim and Bill are co-project managers for a large complex project. They need to calculate and keep track of tasks and due dates, and they must produce reports quickly and accurately. What should they use for this purpose?

    1. Kanban board
    2. Daily SCRUM
    3. Project scheduling software
    4. Vendor knowledge bases
  110. 110. Wigit Construction has won a bid to build a new headquarters for a government agency that issued an RFP. The government agency is concerned that Wigit Construction will not agree to their terms and conditions, and they want assurances that there will not be a long, drawn-out contract negotiation. What document could Wigit Construction use to allow negotiations to begin?

    1. Letter of intent
    2. Warranty
    3. Nondisclosure agreement
    4. Cease and desist letter
  111. 111. What best describes an RFI?

    1. Procurement method to obtain more information about goods and services
    2. Procurement method to invite bids, and review, select, and purchase goods or services
    3. Procurement document that details the goods and services to be procured from outside the organization
    4. A meeting with prospective vendors prior to completing a proposal
  112. 112. DewDrops is the parent company for SunRays, Inc. and DaisyChains, Inc. SunRays and DaisyChains agree to provide services to each other and outline specific performance expectations, with any incentives or penalties spelled out should they not be followed. What is the best method to memorialize the arrangement?

    1. MOU
    2. SLA
    3. NDA
    4. RFP
  113. 113. We are here for you! has done work for DewDrops in the past, and it has begun to advertise and market that DewDrops is a client without DewDrops’ consent. What document should be sent to We are here for you! to correct this behavior?

    1. Nondisclosure agreement
    2. Service-level agreement
    3. Cease and desist letter
    4. Warranty
  114. 114. Wigit Construction has completed a project. They submit an invoice to recover the money spent on special marble that they used in the creation of a dining room floor, which the contract allows them to do. What type of contract is Wigit Construction using?

    1. Time and materials
    2. Statement of work
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  115. 115. Why would two parties create service-level agreements?

    1. To assure that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside the partnership
    2. To outline the intent or actions of both parties before entering into a contract
    3. To outline the performance levels expected between the two organizations
    4. To stop another company from using their intellectual property and to inform them not to do it again
  116. 116. Jeff has completed the creation of a statement of work and submits it to his company’s procurement section in order to solicit bids from vendors. The procurement team lets him know that he will need to evaluate responses from vendors and help make a selection. Which procurement method is described in this scenario?

    1. SOW
    2. RFI
    3. RFP
    4. RFQ
  117. 117. Which vendor solicitation method is best to use when more data is required about the goods and services that need to be procured?

    1. Request for information (RFI)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for proposal (RFP)
    4. Statement of work (SOW)
  118. 118. Why would a technology company send a cease and desist letter to another company?

    1. To outline the service levels expected between the two organizations
    2. To outline the intent or actions of both parties before entering a contract
    3. To assure that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside the partnership
    4. To stop another company from using their intellectual property and to inform them not to do it again
  119. 119. A software development team is sharing their knowledge and progress by using a web browser to edit a common page. Which knowledge management tool are they using?

    1. Wiki pages
    2. Intranet sites
    3. Internet sites
    4. Collaboration tools
  120. 120. Trevor and Harry are working on creating the software code for a project. What RACI category have they been assigned for this task?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  121. 121. DewDrops has issued a document allowing a seller to begin work on a project. The document spells out what the seller will be paid and what the exact deliverables are that need to be provided on the project. What document has DewDrops issued to the seller?

    1. Purchase order
    2. Cost-reimbursable contract
    3. Fixed-price contract
    4. Time and materials
  122. 122. Primarily used by the federal government and utility industry, what are performance attributes of a system considered critical or essential to the development of an effective capability?

    1. Key performance parameter
    2. Intergovernmental agreement
    3. Service-level agreement
    4. Letter of intent
  123. 123. What document provides the guarantee that a product or service will meet expectations and perform as stated?

    1. Warranty
    2. Service-level agreement
    3. Purchase order
    4. Memorandum of understanding
  124. 124. Which vendor solicitation method would be used to invite suppliers into a bidding process to bid on specific products or services?

    1. Request for information (RFI)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for proposal (RFP)
    4. Statement of work (SOW)
  125. 125. What best describes an RFQ?

    1. A meeting with prospective vendors prior to completing a proposal
    2. Procurement document that details the goods and services to be procured from outside the organization
    3. Procurement method to invite bids, review, select, and purchase goods or services
    4. Procurement method to obtain more information about goods and services
  126. 126. All of the following are procurement methods, EXCEPT

    1. RFQ
    2. RACI
    3. RFI
    4. RFP
  127. 127. Vanina has taken over as the project manager for a large complex project. She has worked with the project team to get updated status and start dates on tasks. What tool would she use to turn this information into updated reports?

    1. Kanban board
    2. Project scheduling software
    3. Intranet sites
    4. Vendor knowledge bases
  128. 128. DewDrops is the parent company for SunRays, Inc. and DaisyChains, Inc. SunRays and DaisyChains are agreeing to provide service to each other and outline specific criteria each must follow. What is the best method to memorialize the arrangement?

    1. SLA
    2. MOU
    3. NDA
    4. RFP
  129. 129. Wigitcom has a patent for a mobile device technology that another company is using without their permission and without compensation. What should be Wigitcom’s next step?

    1. Issue a purchase order
    2. Issue a letter of intent
    3. Issue a cease and desist letter
    4. Enter into a nondisclosure agreement
  130. 130. Why would two parties create and share a letter of intent?

    1. To assure that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside the partnership
    2. To outline the intent or actions of both parties before entering a contract
    3. To outline the service levels expected between the two organizations
    4. To stop another company from using their intellectual property and to inform them not to do it again
  131. 131. What vendor-centric document would be used to ensure that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside of the organization?

    1. MOU
    2. SLA
    3. NDA
    4. RFP
  132. 132. When an organization is ready to procure products or services so that work can begin, which procurement method should be used?

    1. Request for information (RFI)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for proposal (RFP)
    4. Statement of work (SOW)
  133. 133. What is a bidder’s conference?

    1. A daily meeting to ask three questions on project progress and hurdles
    2. A meeting with all prospective vendors to answer questions and clarify issues within an RFP
    3. An auction to help find the lowest cost bid for a product or service
    4. A document that spells out the good or service an organization is looking to procure from outside the organization
  134. 134. Wigitcom and DewDrops have entered into a partnership to complete a project. Wigitcom wants to ensure that their trade secrets are not revealed or used by DewDrops. What type of agreement should the two organizations use?

    1. RFP
    2. NDA
    3. SLA
    4. MOU
  135. 135. DewDrops has issued an RFP, but their statement of work is undeveloped because they are not sure what they want the finished product to do. Which type of contract would make sense in this situation?

    1. Cost-reimbursable contract
    2. Purchase order
    3. Fixed-price contract
    4. Time and materials
  136. 136. Wigit Construction is responding to an RFP where the work needed is well defined, clear, and concise. What is the best type of contract to use if they win the work?

    1. Fixed-price contract
    2. Service-level agreement
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Time and materials
  137. 137. Which type of contract is riskiest for the buyer?

    1. Time and materials
    2. SCRUM methodology
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  138. 138. A government agency is looking for a new constituent management system. Though they are unclear about what options are available, they need to be able to make a decision quickly and move forward to procure a solution. What is the best procurement method for them to use?

    1. SOW
    2. RFI
    3. RFP
    4. RFQ
  139. 139. Which of the following are types of mutually binding documents? (Choose three.)

    1. Agreements/contract
    2. Memorandum of understanding
    3. SCRUM retrospective
    4. Issues log
    5. Purchase order
    6. Histogram
  140. 140. Wigitcom is developing a new product, and it needs a specific skills set to help accomplish the project. They find a staffing firm that can provide them with a resource, but Wigitcom is unsure what the specific deliverables of the engagement will be. Which contract vehicle will provide them with the most flexibility?

    1. Time and materials
    2. Purchase order
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  141. 141. DewDrops has issued an RFP, but their statement of work is undeveloped. They decide to use a cost-reimbursable contract with the seller. What best describes the risk condition to DewDrops in this scenario?

    1. Risk doesn’t occur until the project is started and doesn’t matter at the contract phase.
    2. Risk is evenly divided between buyer and seller.
    3. This is the riskiest type of contract because the buyer won’t know the final cost until the project is completed.
    4. This is the least risky type of contract because the seller assumes the risk of unknown costs.
  142. 142. Noreen has been working on a document that outlines several pieces of equipment her company needs as well as the professional services required to install the equipment. What document has Noreen created?

    1. Request for information (RFI)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Request for proposal (RFP)
    4. Statement of work (SOW)
  143. 143. A government agency has issued a request for quotation for a new computer solution to help their constituents. What other procurement method is comparable to an RFQ?

    1. SOW
    2. NDA
    3. RFP
    4. RFI
  144. 144. Why would two parties create a memorandum of understanding agreement? (Choose two.)

    1. The situation requires more flexibility and simplicity than a contract.
    2. The safety of information or trade secrets needs to be protected.
    3. The two parties are unable to enter into a contractual agreement.
    4. To inform another party to stop their actions and not to take them back up again.
  145. 145. Which type of contract would work best when the product or service needed is well defined?

    1. Time and materials
    2. SCRUM methodology
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  146. 146. Wigit Construction is responding to an RFP where the customer wants to use a fixed-price contract. Which of the following statements represents the risk to Wigit Construction should they win the work?

    1. Least risky because the buyer assumes the risk of unknown costs
    2. Riskiest because problems on the project will increase their costs
    3. Risk is evenly divided between buyer and seller
    4. Risk doesn’t occur until the project is started and doesn’t matter at the contract phase
  147. 147. DewDrops has issued an RFP for the purchase of a new enterprise software system. They host a phone call to answer any questions about the RFP and to clarify any issues. This call is an example of which one of the following?

    1. SCRUM retrospective
    2. Meeting minutes
    3. Bidder conference
    4. Fixed-price contract
  148. 148. Which two procurement methods serve a similar purpose of scanning the vendor landscape for number of vendors and to gain a cost estimate? (Choose two.)

    1. RFQ
    2. NDA
    3. RFP
    4. RFI
  149. 149. Which type of contract allows the seller to recover all allowable expenses associated with providing the goods or services?

    1. Cost-reimbursable contract
    2. Time and materials
    3. Statement of work
    4. Fixed-price contract
  150. 150. Wigit Construction has been considering the purchase of a new fleet of dump trucks. Upon receiving funding approval from their board of directors, senior leadership, or other appropriate managing body, they are ready to begin procurement. Which procurement method should they use?

    1. Request for proposal (RFP)
    2. Request for quotation (RFQ)
    3. Statement of work (SOW)
    4. Request for information (RFI)
  151. 151. What best describes an RFP?

    1. Procurement method used to invite bids, review, select, and purchase goods or services
    2. Procurement method used to obtain more information about goods and services
    3. A meeting with prospective vendors prior to completing a proposal
    4. Procurement document that details the goods and services to be procured from outside the organization
  152. 152. What document would be created by a buyer that describes the specifications and quantities of goods or services to be acquired and at what price?

    1. Request for proposal
    2. Purchase order
    3. Request for information
    4. Action items
  153. 153. Which document describes the goods or services an organization is interested in procuring from outside the organization?

    1. SOW
    2. RFI
    3. RFP
    4. RFQ
  154. 154. What document would be created to define performance expectations among two or more parties?

    1. MOU
    2. NDA
    3. SLA
    4. RFP
  155. 155. Which type of contract is riskiest for the seller?

    1. Cost-reimbursable contract
    2. Purchase order
    3. Fixed-price contract
    4. Time and materials
  156. 156. What document would be created to outline specific performance criteria or other actions between two parties?

    1. MOU
    2. SLA
    3. NDA
    4. RFP
  157. 157. A team that is geographically dispersed has the need to work on documents together and to have more tools than phone calls by which they can communicate. What is a good option for them to consider using?

    1. Wiki pages
    2. Intranet sites
    3. Vendor knowledge bases
    4. Collaboration tools
  158. 158. A long meeting is taking place to document all of the steps that have been taken to build a house in order to try to find improvement opportunities. What type of deliverable will be created?

    1. Gantt chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Process diagram
    4. Pareto chart
  159. 159. The project charter should contain all of the following information, EXCEPT

    1. High-level requirements
    2. High-level budget
    3. High-level action items
    4. Assumptions and constraints
  160. 160. A vendor is very strict in applying formal change control on a project for a customer, and few changes are actually getting approved. Which contract vehicle would cause a vendor to behave this way?

    1. Cost-reimbursable
    2. Fixed-price
    3. Time and materials
    4. Request for proposal
  161. 161. Alex is using a SWOT analysis to determine the internal strengths and weakness facing the project. What else would this analysis give him?

    1. The external opportunities and threats
    2. The internal opportunities and threats
    3. The external strengths and weaknesses
    4. There are no other contributions from the SWOT analysis
  162. 162. Which type of contract would be used in a staff augmentation situation?

    1. Time and materials
    2. Purchase order
    3. Cost-reimbursable contract
    4. Fixed-price contract
  163. 163. The project sponsor receives a phone call letting her know that a major task has been completed successfully and there were no safety issues to report. Which role has the project sponsor been assigned on this task?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  164. 164. DewDrops is helping a customer implement a new business practice, and they are stuck on a problem that is holding up the project. The DewDrops consultant checks the company database to see if other clients have had this problem and what they did about it. Which knowledge management tool is this consultant using?

    1. Vendor knowledge bases
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Internet sites
  165. 165. At a gate check meeting, the committee is presented with a report that shows health in different areas of a project: Schedule = Green, Budget = Yellow, Scope = Green, Risk = Yellow, and Publicity = Red. What type of tool is the committee looking at?

    1. Collaboration tool
    2. Scatter chart
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Balanced score card
  166. 166. Jack, Jill, and Harry are three shift managers who help a project work around the clock. What kind of tool would help them keep a log to allow for easy shift change?

    1. Social media
    2. Internet sites
    3. Wiki pages
    4. Vendor knowledge bases
  167. 167. After a change in leadership, the new project manager wants to get a sense of the structure and reporting relationships of the project. Which document would give them this information?

    1. Organizational chart
    2. Project chart
    3. Meeting minutes
    4. Lessons learned
  168. 168. Which type of document would be given to a committee during a gate check?

    1. Status report
    2. Communications plan
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Project scheduling software
  169. 169. At the completion of a government project requiring security clearance, what document would a vendor likely be asked to sign?

    1. Service-level agreement
    2. Warranty
    3. Request for proposal
    4. Nondisclosure agreement
  170. 170. The project adds a consultant to help determine all the steps needed in the invoice payment process for a company. Which tool would the consultant most likely use?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Pareto chart
    3. Project scheduling software
    4. Project charter
  171. 171. The project sponsor considers the project to be a failure because the budget continues to climb. What tool can the project manager use to help confirm or deny the project sponsor’s suspicion?

    1. Balanced score card
    2. RACI matrix
    3. Gantt chart
    4. Project management plan
  172. 172. Which type of contract offers the greatest flexibility to change scope on a project?

    1. Cost-reimbursable contract
    2. Purchase order
    3. Fixed-price contract
    4. Time and materials
  173. 173. The project team is a ready to move forward with a cut over to the new system. Prior to beginning the task, they call Karen, who is a subject matter expert, to make sure that everything is ready. What role in an RACI chart is Karen assigned for this task?

    1. Responsible
    2. Accountable
    3. Consulted
    4. Informed
  174. 174. What type of project management tool is depicted here?

    Graph showing the bars plotted for months from April to July versus activity numbers from 1 to 5. The longest bar is at 4 from April to June end and shortest is at 3 from May end to June end.
    1. Process diagram
    2. Gantt chart
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Scatter chart
  175. 175. What is the best tool for sharing information across an entire organization but that shields that information from those outside the organization?

    1. Intranet sites
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Internet sites
  176. 176. How should a project team memorialize what was said and agreed to during project gatherings?

    1. Create a business case
    2. Create a project management plan
    3. Create a scope statement
    4. Create meeting minutes
  177. 177. A company has received a cease and desist letter regarding the building of a wall on a property line. What is this letter telling the company to do?

    1. Only bill them for time and materials for the wall’s construction
    2. Reveal no information about the secrets of the wall
    3. Set the service-level expectations for care of the wall
    4. Stop building the wall, and do not resume this activity
  178. 178. Dean has been working on a project for six months, though he is not a permanent employee of the company—he is a contract employee provided by a vendor. Which contract vehicle makes the most sense to use in this case?

    1. Cost-reimbursable
    2. Fixed-price contract
    3. Time and materials
    4. Request for proposal
  179. 179. A project team member is spending time typing task information into a computer application that includes tasks, start and end date, and duration. Which project management tool is this team member using?

    1. Collaboration tools
    2. Key performance indicators
    3. Project scheduling software
    4. Project management plan
  180. 180. Wigit Construction needs to complete the replacement of six bridges as a part of a road-widening project. They need to complete one bridge every ten weeks for the project to be finished on time. What does the completion of a bridge every ten weeks represent?

    1. COQ
    2. KPI
    3. ETC
    4. KPP
  181. 181. Why would an organization and vendor enter into a nondisclosure agreement?

    1. To inform one party to stop doing an activity and to not do that activity again
    2. To ensure that sensitive or trade secret information is not shared outside the organization
    3. To announce the intent or actions of both parties before entering a contractual agreement
    4. To define the service-level performance expectations between the parties
  182. 182. An electronic board has six areas that contain information from different parts of a project. What is this screen displaying?

    1. Wiki pages
    2. Dashboard information
    3. Internet sites
    4. Collaboration tools
  183. 183. The project manager is reviewing a document with the team, and together they are determining the critical path for the project. What part of the project are they analyzing?

    1. Scope statement
    2. Project schedule
    3. Budget variance
    4. Kanban board
  184. 184. JoAnn has been tasked with tracking the production data for a prototype product for the first three months in order to ensure that it meets the forecast for quality. Which tool should she use for this analysis?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. Run chart
    3. Fishbone diagram
    4. Wiki pages
  185. 185. The project sponsor is looking for an environmental scan to determine if the project is well placed to be a success, especially when comparing their company to the competition. What is the best tool to complete this scan?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Vendor knowledge bases
    4. SWOT analysis
  186. 186. We are here for you! is a startup company offering staff augmentations for certain project implementations. What kind of tool would they use for customers to gain knowledge about their business?

    1. Intranet sites
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Internet sites
  187. 187. What document would be used to outline the intent or actions of different parties prior to entering into a contract or other mutually binding agreement?

    1. Cease and desist letter
    2. Service level agreement
    3. Nondisclosure agreement
    4. Letter of intent
  188. 188. The project team is testing the prototype product they have built and trying to see how many times it can be used before it fails. What tool would they use to do analysis?

    1. Scatter chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Pareto chart
    4. Run chart
  189. 189. The list of items that need to be monitored and/or escalated to minimize the impact on the project team is called which one of the following?

    1. Issues log
    2. Action items
    3. Risk register
    4. Budget report
  190. 190. Valentine has been asked to determine the root cause of communication problems on a global project. Which tool should she use to help her with this analysis?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. Run chart
    3. Wiki pages
    4. Fishbone diagram
  191. 191. The project manager has been closely monitoring staff hours on a certain phase of the project. This phase has a potential risk that could cause both a schedule and budget overrun on the project. What do staff hours represent in this scenario?

    1. SWOT analysis
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Key performance indicator
    4. Risk register
  192. 192. What document would be used to force another party to quit doing a certain activity and let them know not to begin that activity again?

    1. Cease and desist letter
    2. Service level agreement
    3. Nondisclosure agreement
    4. Warranty
  193. 193. The project manager is given a bar chart representing the statistical distribution of traffic on a stretch of road that needs work. What tool has the project manager been handed?

    1. Pareto chart
    2. Histogram
    3. Process diagram
    4. Fishbone diagram
  194. 194. What kind of tool would automate the creation of critical path, float, WBS, and activity sequence?

    1. Project scheduling software
    2. SIPOC-R
    3. PERT
    4. Run chart
  195. 195. A vendor has provided an invoice for their time spent on a project, travel expenses and per diem, and the cost of supplies used on the project. What contract is being used here?

    1. Cease and desist
    2. Time and materials
    3. Cost-reimbursable
    4. Fixed-price
  196. 196. Roy is struggling with several issues on a project that are overwhelming productivity. He wants to see which issues are causing the biggest disruption to the project. Which tool should he use?

    1. Histogram
    2. Pareto chart
    3. Run chart
    4. Scatter chart
  197. 197. A project team has locations in two different cities, and two team members in the different locations are trying to solve a problem. They use software that allows them to share their screens with each other. What type of knowledge management tool are they using?

    1. Intranet sites
    2. Wiki pages
    3. Collaboration tools
    4. Internet sites
  198. 198. Miranda is a functional manager whose business will be disrupted with the implementation of a new piece of software. She is invited to vendor demonstrations so that she can see the new production process and offer her opinion before a final selection is made. What role is Miranda assigned for this task?

    1. Consulted
    2. Informed
    3. Responsible
    4. Accountable
  199. 199. The project manager is excited to share with the team that they have received the formal authorization to begin the project. What did they receive that gave them this authority?

    1. Request for proposal
    2. Scope statement
    3. Project charter
    4. Project management plan
  200. 200. A subject matter expert on a project has been monitoring the distribution of support calls received each hour during the day to determine staffing needs for a project. Which tool is this person most likely using?

    1. Process diagram
    2. Histogram
    3. Run chart
    4. Gantt
  201. 201. William works for the public relations office of a government agency. He receives word that construction on a new bridge is complete and that traffic can resume normal operation so that he can issue a press release. What role has William been assigned for this task update?

    1. Consulted
    2. Informed
    3. Responsible
    4. Accountable
  202. 202. A buyer knows mostly what they want out of a project, but they are unable to state completely what the product will need to do. Which contract vehicle would make the most sense in this scenario?

    1. Time and materials
    2. Cost-reimbursable contract
    3. The project is not attempted
    4. Fixed-price contract
  203. 203. A customer wants a firm fixed-price for their arrangement with a vendor on a project. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.)

    1. Contract negations will take longer to ensure that the scope is explicit.
    2. The risk for the contract shifts to the buyer.
    3. The risk for the contract shifts to the seller.
    4. There will likely be lots of change orders on this project.
  204. 204. A project sponsor is scanning a document that has grades for the status of scope, budget, and schedule on a project, plus some additional KPIs. What document is the project sponsor looking at?

    1. Key performance parameters
    2. Balanced score card
    3. SWOT analysis
    4. Key performance indicators
  205. 205. What does SWOT stand for?

    1. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
    2. Strengths, work, opportunities, traceability
    3. Situation, weaknesses, open source, threats
    4. Situation, work, open source, traceability
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