
First, I once again thank my Heavenly Father for knowing what I was meant to do, even when in my early adult years I said, “I will never work on computers or write for a living.” God always has a plan. And I know He has a sense of humor!

My life would not have been complete without my surrogate brothers. While you entered my world through tragic circumstances, you have come to be my real brothers. Doug Carey and John Carey, thanks for introducing me to all things Cincinnati Reds, Batman, Star Trek, and Elvis. Thanks for adopting two little sisters, which I know as teenagers must have been trying at times. Love you both! Lynne and Lorrie, we love having you in our family as well! Will Carey, Bobby Carey, Christian Carey, and Jacob Carey, you have fine fathers, and I love watching as you become so much like them!

I would like to acknowledge all my nieces and nephews, who were my surrogate children before God blessed me with my own child. Jordyn Abernathy, Chase Abernathy, Chad Abernathy, Cassie Bonds, Caitie Bonds, Zack Stadler, Noah Stadler, and Gabe Stadler, you were my first children, even though your parents think otherwise. Tyler Loggins, thanks for stepping in as an older brother to the Stadler boys. And finally, Luke and Jordyn McDaniel, our family and your parents waited a long time for you. It is our joy to watch you grow and become a central part of our family stories!

I must thank my wonderful husband, Michael, and son, Jonas, for once again being willing to do “guy things” while I was locked away in the world of project management. You are my world! What a wonderful ride we are on!!!

Thanks to all at Pearson for once again assembling a wonderful team to help me get through this Project+ journey. Robin Drake and Ann Lang, I honestly think this was the best team yet. You two are rock stars!

To you, the reader, I wish you success in your IT certification goals!

—Robin Abernathy

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