

AC (actual cost), 52, 261

accepting risks, 160

accommodating. See smoothing


business, 234

resources, 90


items, 283

risks, 159


charting, 256

predecessor, 207


communication, 159

defined, 147, 151

identification, 152-153

planning, 151-152

prioritization, 154

quantification, 153-154

register, 155, 159

response planning, 154

reviewing, 155

scheduling, 70

baselines, 77

critical paths, 72-76

dependencies, 71

governance gates, 78

milestones, 71

predecessors, 71

quality gates, 77-78

resource allocation, 76

sequencing/prioritizing tasks, 72

tasks, 70-71

successor, 207

actual cost (AC), 52, 261

ad hoc resource allocation, 40

adaptive planning, 111

adjourning (team building), 90

agendas (meetings), 284

Agile definition, 107

Agile development

adaptive planning, 111

backlogs, 114

incremental processes, 111-112

iterative processes, 111-112

predictive planning, 111

requirements gathering, 112

scrum, 113-114

burndown charts, 115-119

continuous feedback, 115

daily meetings, 114-115

masters, 113

product owners, 113

retrospectives, 119

sprint planning, 114

self-organized/self-directed teams, 120

story mapping, 113

user stories, 112

Agile manifesto, 107


cease-and-desist letters, 300

LOIs, 300

MOUs, 294, 300

NDAs, 299-300

POs, 301

procurements, 297-299

SOW, 301

warranties, 302

allocating resources, 76, 99-100

appetite (risks), 147

approval authority (change requests), 78, 222

archiving documents, 19

assessing risks, 159

assumptions, 12

attributes (resources), 100


benefits, 199

communicating results, 199-200


conflict resolution, 96-97

risks, 161


backlogs, 114

backward pass, 75

balanced matrix team structures, 38

balanced score cards (BSCs), 262-263


costs, 50, 201, 277

project management plans, 277

schedule, 77, 201, 277

scope, 14, 201, 277

behavioral constraints, 183

benched resources, 101

brainstorming, 153

breakdown structure (resources), 77

BSCs (balanced score cards), 262-263


AC, 52

change requests, 57

changes, 205, 227

costs, 50-51, 130-131

EVs, 52

EVM, 52-54

expenditure tracking/reporting, 50-51

forecasting, 54-56

Monitoring and Controlling phase, 18

Planning phase, 15

reserves, 57, 130

risks, 152

TCPI, 56-57

burn rate, 52-54

burndown charts, 115-119

advantages, 119

blue lines, 116-117

inconsistent work, 118

push at end of sprint, 117

slow pace, 116

typical mistakes, 118

burndown dashboards, 257


acquisitions, 234

cases, 12

continuity, 208-209

demergers, 234-235

mergers, 234

process changes, 235

splits, 234-235


calculating costs

AC, 52

change requests, 57

EVs, 52

EVM, 52-54

forecasting, 54-56

reserve analysis, 57

TCPI, 56-57

calendar (resource), 77

categories (risks), 152

cause-and-effect diagrams, 251

causes (risks), 147

cautious personalities, 188

CCB (change control board), 203, 219

cease-and-desist letters, 300

champions, 33, 140

change control board (CCB), 203, 219

change control process, 17

approval authority, 222

budget, 205

CCB, 203, 219

change logs, 201

change requests, 136-137

communication, 201-203

cost performance analysis, 57

information required, 220

issues, compared, 279

template, 220

types, 220

communication, 224

constraints, 129

defined, 219

documents, updating, 223

impact evaluation, 222

implementing changes, 223

justification, 222

management plan, 15

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

organizational changes, 233

business demergers/splits, 234-235

business mergers/acquisitions, 234

business process changes, 235

internal reorganizations, 235

outsourcing, 236

relocation, 236

project changes, 224

budget, 227

communication, 231-232

emergency, 233

procurements, 232-233

quality, 229-230

requirements, 229

resources, 230-231

risk events, 228

schedule, 225-227

scope, 231

stakeholders, 232

quality, 223

regression plans, 222

resources, 204-205

schedules, 203

stakeholders, 204

validation, 223

characteristics (projects), 8-9

charters, 11-12, 277

charts, 247-248

burndown, 115-119

advantages, 119

blue lines, 116-117

inconsistent work, 118

push at end of sprint, 117

slow pace, 116

typical mistakes, 118

Gantt, 256

histograms, 250

organizational, 280

Pareto, 251-252

run, 252-253

scatter, 253-255

closed status (risks), 159

Closing phase, 18

contracts, 19

documents, archiving, 19

lessons learned, 19

project sign-off, 18

releasing resources, 19

transition/integration plan, 18

closure meetings, 175


tools, 259

negotiation, 97


change control process, 224

changes, 231-232

email, 176

face-to-face, 178

faxes, 176

influences, 180

criticality levels, 186

cultural differences, 183-184

geographical factors, 181-182

interorganizational differences, 184

intraorganizational differences, 184

language barriers, 180

message content, 186

personal preferences, 184

rapport, 185

stakeholder requirements, 186-188

technology, 182-183

time zones, 181-182

instant messaging, 177-178

management, 21

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

mediums, 169

meetings, 173

closure, 175

impromptu, 175

in-person, 174

kickoff meetings, 173-174

scheduled, 175

virtual, 174

methods, 169

noise, 169

plans, 15, 281

versus management plan, 200

target audience, 201

potential channels, 170

printed media, 179

risk, 159

sender/receiver, 169

social media, 179

teams, 92-93

technologies, 170

text messaging, 177-178

triggers, 195

audits, 199-200

budget changes, 205

business continuity, 208-209

change requests, 201-203

gate reviews, 207-208

incident responses, 208

milestones, 206

project planning, 200-201

resource changes, 204-205

risk register updates, 206

schedule changes, 203

stakeholder changes, 204

task initiation/completion, 207

types, 169

video/voice conferencing, 176

competing (conflict resolution), 94

competitive negotiation, 97

completing tasks, 207

compromising (conflict resolution), 95

confidentiality, 187-188

configuration management plans

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

conflict resolution (teams), 94

avoiding conflicts, 96-97

compromising, 95

confronting, 95-96

forcing, 94

negotiating, 97-98

smoothing, 94

confronting (conflict resolution), 95-96


behavioral, 183

changing, 129

cost, 130-131

defined, 12, 129

deliverables, 132

emotional, 183

environment, 133-134

establishing, 129

interaction between, 139-140

quality, 132-133

reprioritization, 138

requirements, 135-136

resources, 134-135

schedule, 131

scope, 131

time, 131

triple, 129

change requests, 137

constraint reprioritization, 139

management influences, 140

scope creep, 137

sponsor influences, 140

stakeholder influences, 140

contention (resources), 101

contingency reserves, 57

continuous feedback, 115


closing, 19

procurements, 297-299

SLAs, 301

controlling PMOs, 36

coordinators, 34

corporate environment, 133

correlation charts, 253-255

correlations between variables (scatter charts), 253

cost overview dashboards, 257


baselines, 50

project management plans, 277

target audience, 201

change requests, 57

constraints, 130-131

control calculations

AC, 52

EVs, 52

EVM, 52-54

forecasting, 54-56

reserve analysis, 57

TCPI, 56-57

expenditure tracking/reporting, 50-51

management plan, 21

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

OPCs, 50

performance index (CPI), 52, 261

plus award fee (CPAF) contracts, 298

plus fixed fee (CPFF) contracts, 298

plus incentive fee (CPIF) contracts, 298

processes, managing, 261

report, 51

reserves, 130

TEC, 50

total project, 50

variance (CV), 52, 261

CPAF (cost plus award fee) contracts, 298

CPFF (cost plus fixed fee) contracts, 298

CPI (cost performance index), 52, 261

CPIF (cost plus incentive fee) contracts, 298

creep (scope), 137-138

critical paths, calculating, 72-76

criticality levels, 186

crossed deadlines, 261

cultural differences (communication), 183-184

Customer section (BSC), 262

CV (cost variance), 52, 261


daily scrum meetings, 114-115

dashboards, 257, 282


gathering, 250

trends, 252

databases, 259

day-to-day operations, 7

dedicated resources, 99


constraint, 132

defined, 16

Delphi technique, 153

demergers (business), 234-235


interproject, 101

task, scheduling, 71

detailed risks, 14

diagrams, 247-248

fishbone, 251

process, 248-250

procurements example, 248

software, 250

symbols, 248

risks, 153

scatter, 253-255

directing, 94

directive PMOs, 36

DISC (Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Cautious) method, 188

distributing resources, 250


archiving, 19

printed media, 179


action items, 283

charters, 277

communication plans, 281

dashboards, 282

issues logs, 279-280

meeting agendas, 284

organizational charts, 280

project management plans, 277-278

schedule, 281

scope statements, 281

status reports, 282

updating, 223


agreements/contracts, 297-299

cease-and-desist letters, 300

LOIs, 300

MOUs, 294, 300

mutually binding documents, 297

NDAs, 299-300

POs, 301

RFIs, 294-295

RFPs, 295-296

RFQs, 296-297

SLAs, 301

SOW, 301

warranties, 302

DoD (U.S. Department of Defense), 260

Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Cautious (DISC) method, 188

dominant personalities, 188

durations (tasks), scheduling, 71


EAC (estimate at completion), 54

early start (ES), 74-75

earned value (EV), 52, 261

earned value management (EVM), 52-54

EF (early finish), 74-75

email, 176

emergency changes, 233

emotional constraints, 183

enhancement (risks), 162


constraint, 133-134

corporate, 133

global, 133

project, 134

ES (early start), 74-75

estimate at completion (EAC), 54

ETC (estimate to complete), 55

EV (earned value), 52, 261

EVM (earned value management), 52-54

exam preparations

exam preparation tasks, 308

examples, reviewing, 309

memory tables appendixes, 309

Pearson Test Prep, 309

vocabulary differences, 307

Executing phase, 16

expenditure tracking/reporting, 50-51

exploitation (risks), 162

external communication, 169

external factors, 263


face-to-face communication, 178

far-term timeline, 159

faxes, 176

feedback, 115

FF (finish-to-finish) activity, 207

FFP (firm fixed price) contracts, 297

Financial section (BSC), 262

finish dates

projects, 8

tasks, 71

finish-to-start (FS) activity, 207

fishbone diagrams, 251

fixed price incentive fee (FPIF) contracts, 297

fixed price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA) contracts, 298

float, 74

flowcharts, 248-250

procurements example, 248

software, 250

symbols, 248

forcing (conflict resolution), 94

forecasting, 54-56

formal communication, 169

forming teams, 89

forward pass, 74

FP-EPA (fixed price with economic price adjustment) contracts, 298

FPIF (fixed price incentive fee) contracts, 297

FS (finish-to-start) activity, 207

functional team structures, 37


Gantt charts, 256


governance, 78

quality, 77-78

reviews, 207-208

geographical factors (communication), 181-182

global environment, 133


gates, 78

quality control, 17

graphic display tools

charts/diagrams, 247-248

fishbone diagrams, 251

Gantt charts, 256

histograms, 250

Pareto charts, 251-252

process diagrams, 248-250

run charts, 252-253

scatter charts, 253-255

dashboards, 257, 282

graphs. See charts

groupthink, 93


high-level risks, 12

high-level scope definition, 12

histograms, 250

horizontal communication, 170

human resource management, 21

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201



problems (diagrams), 251

risks, 147-153

impact (risks), 147, 152, 159

impact evaluation (change requests), 222

implementing changes, 223

impromptu meetings, 175

incidents. See issues

incremental processes, 111-112

influencer personalities, 188


change requests, 136-137

common, 136

communication, 180

criticality levels, 186

cultural differences, 183-184

geographical factors, 181-182

interorganizational differences, 184

intraorganizational differences, 184

language barriers, 180

message content, 186

personal preferences, 184

rapport, 185

stakeholder requirements, 186-188

technology, 182-183

time zones, 181-182

constraint reprioritization, 138

defined, 136

interaction between constraints, 139-140

management, 140

other projects, 140-141

scope creep, 137-138

sponsors, 140

stakeholders, 140

informal communication, 169

information-gathering techniques, 153

Initiating phase, 11

business cases, 12

high-level risks, 12

high-level scope definition, 12

project charter, 11

stakeholder register, 12

initiating tasks, 207

in-person meetings, 174

instant messaging, 177-178

intangible outcomes, 8


projects, 20

teams, 18

interactive communication, 169

internal communication, 169

Internal Process section (BSC), 262

internal reorganizations, 235

Internet sites. See websites

interorganizational differences (communication), 184

interproject dependencies (resources), 101

interviewing, 153

intranet sites, 258

intraorganizational differences (communication), 184

Ishikawa diagrams, 251

issues, 208

action items, compared, 283

change requests, compared, 279

logs, 16-17, 279-280

risks, compared, 279

iterative processes, 111-112

J – K

justification (changes), 222

key performance indicators (KPIs), 260-262

key performance parameters (KPPs), 260-262

kickoff meetings, 173-174

knowledge areas, 19-20

communication management, 21

cost management, 21

human resource management, 21

procurement management, 22

project integration, 20

quality management, 21

risk management, 22

scope management, 20

stakeholder management, 22

time management, 20

knowledge management tools, 257

collaboration tools, 259

Internet sites, 258

intranet sites, 258

vendor knowledge bases, 259

wiki pages, 258-259

KPIs (key performance indicators), 260-262

KPPs (key performance parameters), 260-262


language barriers (communication), 180

Learning and Growth section (BSC), 263

lessons learned documents, 19

leveling resources, 77

LF (late finish), 74-75


change logs, 201

issues, 16-17, 279-280

LOI (letter of intent), 294, 300

lose-lose solutions, 95

low-quality resources, 100-101

LS (late start), 74-75



influences, 140

issues, 208

knowledge management tools, 257

collaboration tools, 259

Internet sites, 258

intranet sites, 258

vendor knowledge bases, 259

wiki pages, 258-259

personnel, 89

communication, 92-93

conflict resolution, 94-98

remote versus in-house teams, 91

removing/replacing members, 92

team building, 89-90

team selection, 90-91

reserves, 57

resources, 98

allocation, 99-100

benched, 101

contention, 101

dedicated, 99

interproject dependencies, 101

low-quality, 100-101

overallocation, 100

shared, 98

shortages, 100

risks, 22, 152

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

managers (project), 33

masters (scrum), 113

material resources, 230

matrix team structures, 38-39

medium-term timeline, 159

mediums (communication), 169


agendas, 284

closure, 175

communication, 173

closure, 175

impromptu, 175

in-person, 174

kickoff meetings, 173-174

scheduled, 175

virtual, 174

daily scrum, 114-115

impromptu, 175

in-person, 174

kickoff, 173-174

minutes, 284

scheduled, 175

virtual, 174

memorandum of understanding (MOU), 294, 300

memory tables appendixes, 309

mergers (business), 234


content, 186

instant, 177-178

text, 177-178

Microsoft Excel charts, 248

milestones, 71

communication, 206

missed, 261

minutes (meetings), 284

missed milestones, 261

mitigating risks, 161

Monitoring and Controlling phase, 16

budgets, 18

change control, 17

issues log, 16-17

performance measuring and reporting, 17

quality assurance/governance, 17

MOU (memorandum of understanding), 294, 300

moved to issue status (risks), 159

mutually binding documents, 297

agreements/contracts, 297-299

cease-and-desist letters, 300

LOIs, 300

MOUs, 294, 300

NDAs, 299-300

POs, 301

SLAs, 301

SOW, 301

warranties, 302


NDAs (non-disclosure agreements), 294, 299-300

near-term timeline, 159

negative risks. See threats


conflict resolution, 97-98

resources, 90

noise (communication), 169

nonverbal communication, 170

norming (team building), 90


official communication, 170

OPCs (other project costs), 50

open status (risks), 159

opportunities, 147

enhancement, 162

exploitation, 162

responses, 160

sharing, 162

oral communication, 170

organizational changes, 233

business demergers/splits, 234-235

business mergers/acquisitions, 234

business process changes, 235

internal reorganizations, 235

outsourcing, 236

relocation, 236

organizational charts, 280

other project costs (OPCs), 50

outcomes (projects), 8

outsourcing, 236

overallocating resources, 100

overdue tasks, 261


Pareto charts, 251-252

paths, 72

Pearson Test Prep, 309

percentage of canceled projects, 261

percentage of projects completed on time, 261

percentage of tasks completed, 261

performance measurement tools, 17, 260

BSCs, 262-263

KPIs/KPPs, 260-262

RACI matrix, 265-266

SWOT analysis, 263-264

performing (team building), 90

personal preferences (communication), 184

personalities (stakeholder behavioral styles), 188

personnel management, 89

communication, 92-93

conflict resolution, 94

avoiding conflicts, 96-97

compromising, 95

confronting, 95-96

forcing, 94

negotiating, 97-98

smoothing, 94

organizational charts, 280

outsourcing, 236

resources, 230

stakeholders. See stakeholders


building, 89-90

remote versus in-house teams, 91

removing/replacing members, 92

selection, 90-91

virtual, 91

phase-gate model, 207-208

phases (projects), 10-11

Closing, 18

contracts, 19

documents, archiving, 19

lessons learned, 19

project sign-off, 18

releasing resources, 19

transition/integration plan, 18

Executing, 16

Initiating, 11

business cases, 12

high-level risks, 12

high-level scope definition, 12

project charter, 11

stakeholder register, 12

Monitoring and Controlling, 16

budgets, 18

change control, 17

issues log, 16-17

performance measuring and reporting, 17

quality assurance/governance, 17

Planning, 12-13

budgets, 15

change management plan, 15

communication plan, 15

detailed risks, 14

procurement management plan, 15

requirements, 14

resources, 14

schedule, 13

scope, 13-14

stakeholder management plan, 15

WBS, 14

planned values (PVs), 52, 261


projects, 200-201

risk response, 154

risks, 151-152

Planning phase, 12-13

budgets, 15

change management plan, 15

communication plan, 15

detailed risks, 14

procurement management plan, 15

requirements, 14

resources, 14

schedule, 13

scope, 13-14

stakeholder management plan, 15

WBS, 14

PMOs (project management offices), 36

POs (purchase orders), 294, 301

portfolios, 9, 10

positive risks. See opportunities

potential communication channels, 170

preassigned resources, 90


activities, 207

task, scheduling, 71

predictive planning, 111

printed media, 179


constraints, 138

risks, 154

tasks, 72

probability (risks), 152, 159


identifying with fishbone diagrams, 251

solving, 95-96

process diagrams, 248-250

procurements example, 248

software, 250

symbols, 248


groups. See phases

improvement plan, 201, 278

incremental, 111-112

iterative, 111-112

managing costs, 261


changes, 232-233

defined, 291


agreements/contracts, 297-299

cease-and-desist letters, 300

LOIs, 300

MOUs, 294, 300

mutually binding documents, 297

NDAs, 299-300

POs, 301

RFIs, 294-295

RFPs, 295-296

RFQs, 296-297

SLAs, 301

SOW, 301

warranties, 302

management plan, 15, 22

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

process diagram example, 248

vendors, 294

product owners, 113


defined, 9

portfolio relationship, 10

project relationship, 9-10

project management offices (PMOs), 36

project overview dashboards, 257

projectized team structures, 40


defined, 7

environment, 134

influencing other projects, 140-141

integration, 20

management plans, 277-278

outcomes, 8

phases, 10-11

Closing, 18-19

Executing, 16

Initiating, 11-12

Monitoring and Controlling, 16-18

Planning, 12-15

purpose, 9

quality, 21

requirements, 14

scheduling software, 247

sign-off, 18

start/finish dates, 8

temporary nature, 8

time management, 20

unique, 8

pull communication, 169

purchase orders (POs), 294, 301

purpose (projects), 9

push communication, 169

PVs (planned values), 52, 261


qualitative risk analysis, 153


assurance/governance, 17

changes, 223, 229-230

constraint, 132-133

gates, 77-78

histograms, 250

management, 21

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

tools, 251

quantification (risks), 153-154


RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) matrix, 265-266

rapport (communication), 185

receiver (communication), 169

register (risk), 155, 159

assessment information, 159

basic notes, 158

response details, 159

template, 155

updates, communicating, 206

regression plans (change requests), 222


influences on communication, 185

tasks, 207

releasing resources, 19

relocations (business), 236

reorganizations, 235


dashboards, 257

expenditures, 50-51

performance, 17

risks, 152

stakeholder communication requirements, 187

status, 282

reprioritizing constraints, 138

request for information (RFI), 294

request for proposal (RFP), 294

request for quote (RFQ), 294


changes, 229

constraint, 135-136

gathering, 112

management plan, 15

project management plans, 277

target audience, 201

Planning phase documentation, 14

stakeholder communication, 186

communication styles, 188

confidentiality, 187-188

frequency, 186

level of report detail, 187

types of communication, 187

story mapping, 113


analysis, 57

contingency, 57

defined, 57, 130

management, 57


acquired, 90

ad hoc allocation, 40

allocating, 76, 99-100

attributes, 100

benched, 101

breakdown structure, 77

calendar, 77, 90

changes, 204-205, 230-231

constraint, 134-135

contention, 101

dedicated, 99

distribution, 250

governance gates, 78

interproject dependencies, 101

leveling, 77

low-quality, 100-101

managing, 98-99

material, 230

negotiated, 90

overallocation, 100

personnel, 91, 230

Planning phase, 14

preassigned, 90

quality gates, 77-78

releasing, 19

shared, 98

shortages, 100

smoothing, 77

utilization, 261


issues, 208

risks, 160

acceptance, 160

avoidance, 161

enhancement, 162

exploitation, 162

mitigation, 161

planning, 154

sharing, 162

transference, 161


coordinators, 34

PMO, 36

product owners, 113

project managers, 33

risk management, 152

schedulers, 35

sponsors, 33

stakeholders, 34

teams, 35

responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed (RACI) matrix, 265

retrospectives (scrum), 119

return on investment (ROI), 261


gate, 207-208

risks, 155

RFI (request for information), 294-295

RFP (request for proposal), 294-296

RFQ (request for quote), 294-297


actions, 159

activities, 147, 151

appetite, 147

budget, 152

categories, 152

causes, 147

communication, 159

defined, 12, 147

descriptions, 158

detailed, 14

events, 228

high-level, 12

identification, 147, 152-153

impacts, 147, 159

issues, compared, 279

management plan, 22, 152

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

negative. See threats

numbers, 158

planning, 151-152

positive. See opportunities

prioritization, 154

probability/impact, 152, 159

quantification, 153-154

register, 14, 155, 159

assessment information, 159

basic notes, 158

response details, 159

template, 155

updates, communicating, 206

reporting, 152

response planning, 154

reviewing, 155

stakeholder tolerances, 152

status, 159

strategies, 160

acceptance, 160

avoidance, 161

defined, 147

enhancement, 162

exploitation, 162

mitigation, 161

responses, 160

sharing, 162

transference, 161

team roles/responsibilities, 152

timeline, 159

tolerance, 147

tracking, 152

triggers, 155

ROI (return on investment), 261


coordinators, 34

PMO, 36

product owners, 113

project managers, 33

risk management, 152

schedulers, 35

sponsors, 33

stakeholders, 34

teams, 35

roll wave planning, 69

root-cause analysis, 153

run charts, 252-253


SANs (storage area networks), 298

scatter charts, 253-255

schedule performance index (SPI), 52, 261

scheduled meetings, 175

schedulers, 35


baselines, 77

project management plans, 277

target audience, 201

changes, 203, 225-227

constraints, 131

creating, 70

baselines, 77

critical paths, 72-76

governance gates, 78

milestones, 71

predecessors/dependencies, 71

quality gates, 77-78

resource allocation, 76

sequencing/prioritizing tasks, 72

task durations, 71

tasks, 70

documentation, 281

management plan

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

Planning phase, 13

project scheduling software, 247

variance (SV), 52, 261

WBS, 67, 70


baselines, 14

project management plans, 277

target audience, 201

changes, 231

constraints, 131

creep, 137-138

management, 20

Planning phase, 13

project management plans, 277

target audience, 201

statements, 14, 281

scrum development, 113-114

burndown charts, 115-119

advantages, 119

blue lines, 116

inconsistent work, 118

push at end of sprint, 117

slow pace, 116

sprint commitments not being met, 117

typical mistakes, 118

continuous feedback, 115

daily meetings, 114-115

masters, 113

product owners, 113

retrospectives, 119

sprint planning, 114

security (technology), 182

self-directed teams, 120

self-organized teams, 120

sender (communication), 169

sequencing tasks, 72

service-level agreements (SLAs), 294

SF (start-to-finish) activity, 207


resources, 98

risks, 162

shortages (resources), 100

sign-offs, 18

SLAs (service-level agreements), 294, 301

slack, 74


conflict resolution, 94

resources, 77

social media, 179


chart making, 248

collaboration tools, 260

dashboards, 257

fishbone diagrams, 251

process diagrams, 250

SOW (statement of work), 294, 301

SPI (schedule performance index), 52, 261

splits (business), 234-235

sponsors, 33, 140

spreadsheet applications, 248


defined, 113

planning, 114

tracking, 119

SS (start-to-start) activity, 207

stakeholders, 34

behavioral styles, 188

changes, 204, 232

influences, 140

influences on communication, 186-188

management plan, 15, 22

project management plans, 278

target audience, 201

register, 12

risk tolerance, 152

user stories, 112

start dates

projects, 8

tasks, 71

start-to-finish (SF) activity, 207

start-to-start (SS) activity, 207

statement of work (SOW), 294, 301

statements (scope), 14, 281

status (risks), 159

status reports, 282

steadiness personalities, 188

storage area networks (SANs), 298

storming (team building), 90

story mapping, 113

strategies (risks), 160

acceptance, 160

avoidance, 161

defined, 147

enhancement, 162

exploitation, 162

mitigation, 161

responses, 160

sharing, 162

transference, 161

strengths analysis, 263

strong matrix team structures, 39

structures (teams), 36

functional, 37

influences on projects, 36

matrix, 38-39

projectized, 40

subsidiary plans, 277-278

successor activities, 207

supportive PMOs, 36

SV (schedule variance), 52, 261

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, 263-264


T&M (time and materials) contracts, 299

tangible outcomes, 8

target audiences (plans), 201


charting, 256

completion, 207

critical paths, 72-76

dependencies, 71

determining, 70

durations, scheduling, 71

initiation, 207

lists, 70

overdue, 261

percentage completed, 261

predecessors, 71

relationships, 207

sequencing/prioritizing, 72

TCPI (To-Complete Performance Index), 56-57


building, 89-90

communication. See communication

conflict resolution, 94

avoiding conflicts, 96-97

compromising, 95

confronting, 95-96

forcing, 94

negotiating, 97-98

smoothing, 94

human resource management, 21

rapport, 185

remote versus in-house, 91

removing/replacing members, 92

responsibilities, 35

selection, 90-91

self-organized/self-directed, 120

structures, 36

functional, 37

influences on projects, 36

matrix, 38-39

projectized, 40

transition/integration plan, 18

virtual, 91

TEC (total estimated costs), 50


communication, 170

influences on communication, 182-183

project scheduling software, 247

security, 182


change requests, 220

RACI matrix, 265

risk register, 155

temporary projects, 8

text messaging, 177-178

threats, 14, 154. See also risks

avoiding, 161

mitigation, 161

responses, 160

transference, 161

time constraints, 8, 20, 131

time zones, 181-182

timelines (risks), 159

To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI), 56-57

tolerance (risks), 147


charts/diagrams, 247-248

fishbone diagrams, 251

Gantt charts, 256

histograms, 250

organizational charts, 280

Pareto charts, 251-252

process diagrams, 248-250

run charts, 252-253

scatter charts, 253-255

dashboards, 257

knowledge management, 257

collaboration tools, 259

Internet sites, 258

intranet sites, 258

vendor knowledge bases, 259

wiki pages, 258-259

performance measurement, 260

BSCs, 262-263

KPIs/KPPs, 260-262

project scheduling software, 247

RACI matrix, 265-266

SWOT analysis, 263-264

total estimated costs (TEC), 50

total project costs, 50


expenditures, 50-51

risks, 152

sprints (burndown charts), 115-119

transference (risks), 161

transitioning project teams, 18


communication, 195

audits, 199-200

budget changes, 205

business continuity, 208-209

change requests, 201-203

gate reviews, 207-208

incident responses, 208

milestones, 206

project planning, 200-201

resource changes, 204-205

risk register updates, 206

schedule changes, 203

stakeholder changes, 204

task initiation/completion, 207

risks, 155

triple constraints, 129

change requests, 137

constraint reprioritization, 139

management influences, 140

scope creep, 137

sponsor influences, 140

stakeholder influences, 140

Tuckman ladder, 89



organizational, 233-236

project, 225-233

requests, 220

communication, 169

procurement contracts, 297


unofficial communication, 170


documentation, 223

risk register, 206

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), 260

user stories, 112


validating changes, 223

variable correlations (scatter charts), 253


defined, 294


mutually binding. See mutually binding documents

RFIs, 294-295

RFPs, 295-296

RFQs, 296-297

knowledge bases, 259

verbal communication, 170

vertical communication, 169

video conferencing, 176

virtual meetings, 174

virtual teams, 91

vocabulary differences, 307

voice conferencing, 176

W & Z

warranties, 302

WBS (work breakdown structure), 50, 67, 70

activities, scheduling, 70

baselines, 77

critical paths, 72-76

governance gates, 78

milestones, 71

predecessors/dependencies, 71

quality gates, 77-78

resource allocation, 76

sequencing/prioritizing tasks, 72

tasks, 70-71

dictionary, 14, 67

example, 67

expenditure tracking, 51

Planning phase, 14

work packages, 67

weak matrix team structures, 38


Agile manifesto, 107

as knowledge management tools, 258

wiki pages, 258-259

wiki pages, 258-259

win-win solutions, 94

withdrawing. See avoidance

work breakdown structure. See WBS

work overview dashboards, 257

work packages, 67

written communication, 170

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