
Books like this involve work from many people, and as authors, we truly appreciate the hard work and dedication that the team at Wiley shows. We would especially like to thank senior acquisitions editor Kenyon Brown. We have worked with Ken on multiple projects and consistently enjoy our work with him.

We also greatly appreciated the editing and production team for the book. First and foremost, we'd like to thank our friend and colleague, Dr. Jen Waddell. Jen provided us with invaluable insight as we worked our way through the many challenges inherent in putting out a book covering a brand-new certification. Jen's a whiz at statistics and analytics, and we couldn't have completed this book without her support. We also benefited greatly from the work of two of our students at Notre Dame. Ricky Chapple did a final read-through of this book to ensure that it was ready to go, and Matthew Howard helped create the instructor materials that accompany this book.

We'd also like to thank the many people who helped us make this project successful, including Adaobi Obi Tulton, our project editor, who brought years of experience and great talent to the project, and Barath Kumar Rajasekaran, our content refinement specialist, who guided us through layouts, formatting, and final cleanup to produce a great book. We would also like to thank the many behind-the-scenes contributors, including the graphics, production, and technical teams who make the book and companion materials into a finished product.

Our agent, Carole Jelen of Waterside Productions, continues to provide us with wonderful opportunities, advice, and assistance throughout our writing careers.

Finally, we would like to thank our families who support us through the late evenings, busy weekends, and long hours that a book like this requires to write, edit, and get to press.

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