

Accept the Acquired Product practice, 169–170

Acceptance criteria for measurements, 275

Acceptance levels in solicitation packages, 457

Acceptance review dates in General Motors case study, 125

Acceptance tests

General Motors case study, 125

Standard project type, 111

Achieve Specific Goals goal, 145

Achievement profiles, 39

Acquisition Module, 9

Acquisition Requirements Development (ARD) process area, 45–46, 48

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Acquisition Validation relation, 200

Acquisition Verification relation, 208

Analyze and Validate Requirements goal, 182–186

Develop Contractual Requirements goal, 178–182

Develop Customer Requirements goal, 175–178

General Motors case study, 113–117

government acquisition, 76

introductory notes, 173–174

Project Planning relation, 368

purpose, 173

related process areas, 175

Requirements Management relation, 426

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 452

Acquisition strategy, establishing and maintaining, 370–373

Acquisition Technical Management (ATM) process area, 47–48

Acquisition Requirements Development, 175

Acquisition Validation relation, 200

Acquisition Verification relation, 208

Agreement Management relation, 166

Evaluate Technical Solutions goal, 189–196

General Motors case study, 123–124

government acquisition, 69, 76, 79, 85

introductory notes, 187–188

Perform Interface Management goal, 196–198

Process and Product Quality Assurance relation, 400

Project Planning relation, 368

purpose, 187

related process areas, 188

sample page, 21

Acquisition Validation (AVAL) process area

Acquisition Requirements Development relation, 175

Acquisition Verification relation, 208

Agreement Management relation, 166

General Motors case study, 124–125

government acquisition, 78–79, 85

introductory notes, 199–200

Prepare for Validation goal, 201–205

Process and Product Quality Assurance relation, 400

purpose, 199

related process areas, 200

Validate Selected Products and Product Components goal, 205–206

Acquisition Verification (AVER) process area, 48

General Motors case study, 126–127

introductory notes, 207–208

Perform Peer Reviews goal, 212–213

Prepare for Verification goal, 209–212

purpose, 207

related process areas, 208

Verify Selected Work Products goal, 214–215

Address Causes of Defects goal, 222

Evaluate the Effect of Changes practice, 224–225

Implement Action Proposals practice, 222–224

Record Data practice, 225

Adherence, evaluating, 152

Agreement Management (AM) process area, 46–47

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Acquisition Validation relation, 200

Configuration Management relation, 229

General Motors case study, 126

government acquisition, 76

Integrated Project Management relation, 251

introductory notes, 165

Process and Product Quality Assurance relation, 400

Project Monitoring and Control relation, 354

purpose, 165

related process areas, 166

Satisfy Supplier Agreements goal, 166–171

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 453


General Motors case study, 122–123

government acquisition, 75–77

supplier. See Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development (SSAD) process area

Air Force Center for Systems Engineering (AF CSE), 87

Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model (AF SEAM), 86–90

Align Measurement and Analysis Activities goal, 269

Establish Measurement Objectives practice, 270–272

Specify Analysis Procedures practice, 277–279

Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures practice, 275–277

Specify Measures practice, 272–275

Allocate Contractual Requirements practice, 181–182

Alternatives, evaluating, 241–247


defects, 220–222

General Motors case study, 127–129

improvement proposals, 288–292

innovations, 292–293

issues, 364–365

Measurement and Analysis process area. See Measurement and Analysis (MA) process area

measurement data, 281–282

peer review, 213

requirements, 182–185

risk, 443

technical solutions, 191–194

validation results, 206

verification results, 214–215

Analyze and Validate Requirements goal, 182

Analyze Requirements practice, 183–184

Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance practice, 184–185

Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios practice, 182–183

Validate Requirements practice, 185–186

Analyze Causes practice, 220–222

Analyze Issues practice, 364–365

Analyze Measurement Data practice, 281–282

Analyze Peer Review Data practice, 213

Analyze Requirements practice, 183–184

Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance practice, 184–185

Analyze Selected Technical Solutions practice, 191–194

Analyze Validation Results practice, 206

Analyze Verification Results practice, 214–215

Apply Statistical Methods to Understand Variation practice, 419–422

Applying generic practices, 158–159

Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) document, 58–59

Appraisals, 24

CMMI, 58–61

considerations, 59–61

processes, 318–319

SCAMPI, 59, 133–134

Appraise the Organization’s Processes practice, 318–319

Approval in RASIC chart, 121

Architecture function in PIO organizations, 106

Assess Training Effectiveness practice, 351


risk, 443

training effectiveness, 351

Asset library, 310–311

Assign Responsibility practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 147–148

process area support for, 160

Assignable causes, 419

Associate contractor agreements, 83

Attributes of work products and tasks

estimating, 375–377

monitoring, 356


configuration, 237

government acquisition, 79–80

Automatic collection of data, 277


Base measures, 272–273, 280


configuration, 230–234

establishing, 335–337

integrity, 236–237

Bidirectional traceability of requirements, 430–431

Bills-of-IT, 123

Budgets, 381–383

Business considerations in acquisition strategy, 372

Business Management Factory (BMF), 104

Business Services process area, 105



acquisition strategy, 371

interoperable, 83

training, 343, 346–348

Capability levels, 24, 26–27

advancing through, 29–30

defined processes, 28

incomplete processes, 27

managed processes, 28

performed processes, 27

quantitatively managed processes, 28–29

quantitatively optimizing processes, 29

Capability Maturity Models, 5–7

Case studies

General Motors. See General Motors case study

government acquisition, 92–96

Categories, risk, 435–438, 442–444

Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) process area, 52–53

Address Causes of Defects goal, 222–225

Determine Causes of Defects goal, 219–222

generic practice support by, 164

introductory notes, 217–218

purpose, 217

Quantitative Project Management relation, 408

related process areas, 218–219


change management system, 232–233

evaluating effects of, 224–225

General Motors case study, 129–132

requirements, 429–430

tracking and controlling, 234–236

Chief Systems & Technology Office (CS&TO) organization, 106–107

CIO organizations, 105

CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ) model

Capability Maturity Models, 5–7

CMMI evolution, 7–8

CMMI Framework Architecture, 8–9

government. See Government CMMI-ACQ

history, 9

overview, 3–5

CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV) model, 98, 102–104

CMMI Model Foundation (CMF), 5, 8

CMMI models, 55

adopting, 55–56

appraisals, 58–61

overview, 57–58

process improvement programs, 56

selections, 56–57

training, 61

Coaches in General Motors case study, 131–132

Collaboration, 263–265

Collect and Analyze Improvement Proposals practice, 288–292

Collect Improvement Information practice

Institutionalize a Defined Process, 153–154

process area support for, 162


data, 385–387

improvement proposals, 288–292

measurements, 276–277


monitoring, 357–358

to plans, 394–396

to requirements, 428–429

Communicate and Ensure the Resolution of Noncompliance Issues practices, 402–404

Communicate Results practice, 283–284


General Motors case study, 131–132

measurements, 274, 283–284

as success factor, 4

Component requirements, 389

Compose the Defined Process practice, 411–413

Conduct Milestone Reviews practice, 361–362

Conduct Peer Reviews practice, 213

Conduct Progress Reviews practice, 360–361

Conduct Technical Reviews practice, 194–196

Configuration Control Boards (CCBs), 234

Configuration Management (CM) process area, 50–51

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Establish Baselines goal, 230–234

Establish Integrity goal, 236–237

generic practice support by, 159–160

introductory notes, 227–229

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 268

purpose, 227

related process areas, 229

Requirements Management relation, 426

Track and Control Changes goal, 234–236

Conflicts, quality and objectives, 410–411

Consistency, work and requirements, 431

Constellations, 8–9


budget and schedule, 381–382

contractual requirements, 180

government acquisition, 90–96

Constructive interoperability, 82–83

Consulting in RASIC chart, 121

Contingency plans, 445, 447

Continuous representations, 24

process areas, 35–36

structures, 25–26


government acquisition, 76

requirements, 178–182

Contribute to Organizational Process Assets practice, 262–263

Control, process, 150–151

Control Configuration Items practice, 235–236

Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders goal

Manage Dependencies practice, 264–265

Manage Stakeholder Involvement practice, 263

Resolve Coordination Issues practice, 265

Correct Root Causes of Problems practice

Institutionalize an Optimizing Process, 158

process area support for, 164

Corrective actions

budgets and schedules, 383

managing to closure, 364–366

process variation, 422

quantitatively managed processes, 142–143

supplier agreements, 167–168


estimating, 378–380

monitoring, 356

risk identification, 441

Create or Release Baselines practice, 233–234


acceptance, 275

alternatives evaluation, 243–246

budget and schedule deviation, 383

evaluation, 240

measurement, 279

process appraisal, 319

requirements, 427

risk parameters, 438

solicitation package evaluation, 457

tailoring, 306–308

validation, 204–205, 281

verification, 211–212

Crosby, Phillip, 7

Cross-functional teams, 131

Current Reality Tree tool, 158

Customer requirements

Develop Contractual Requirements goal, 178–182

Develop Customer Requirements goal, 175–178



collection mechanisms, 275–277

defect, 219–220

integrity checks, 280–281

managing, 385–387

measurement, 281–282

monitoring, 359

recording, 225

storing, 282–283

Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) process area, 50–52

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Evaluate Alternatives goal, 241–247

introductory notes, 239–241

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 288

Organizational Training relation, 343

purpose, 239

related process areas, 241

Risk Management relation, 435

sample page, 20

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 453


addressing causes, 222–225

determining causes, 219–222

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, 73

Defense Acquisition Performance Assessment Report (DAPA report), 63–65

Defense Acquisition University (DAU), 70, 73

Deficiencies, quality and performance, 416

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) improvement methodology, 90

Define Project Lifecycle Phases practice, 377–378

Define Risk Parameters practice, 437–438

Defined maturity level, 31–32

Defined processes

capability levels, 28

composing, 411–413

establishing, 153, 252–254

generic goals and generic practices, 140–141

Use the Project’s Defined Process goal, 251–263

Deliver Training practice, 349–350

Delivering value, 84–86

Delivery Center function, 106

Deming, W. Edwards, 7


budget and schedule, 382

managing, 264–265

Deploy Improvements goal

Manage the Deployment practice, 298–300

Measure Improvement Effects practice, 300

Plan the Deployment practice, 296–297

Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Experiences goal, 323

Deploy Organizational Process Assets practice, 323–324

Deploy Standard Processes practice, 325–326

Incorporate Experiences into Organizational Process Assets practice, 327–328

Monitor the Implementation practice, 326

Deploy Organizational Process Assets practice, 323–324

Deploy phase in Standard project type, 110

Deploy Standard Processes practice, 325–326

Derived measures, 272–273, 280

Determine Causes of Defects goal, 219

Analyze Causes practice, 220–222

Select Defect Data for Analysis practice, 219–220

Determine Process Improvement Opportunities goal, 317

Appraise the Organization’s Processes practice, 318–319

Establish Organizational Process Needs practice, 317–318

Identify the Organization’s Process Improvements practice, 319–321

Determine Risk Sources and Categories practice, 435–437

Determine Which Training Needs are the Responsibility of the Organization practice, 344–345

Develop a Project Plan goal, 380

Establish the Budget and Schedule practice, 381–383

Establish the Project Plan practice, 393–394

Identify Project Risks practice, 383–385

Plan Data Management practice, 385–387

Plan Needed Knowledge and Skills practice, 389–390

Plan Stakeholder Involvement practice, 390–392

Plan the Project’s Resources practice, 387–389

Plan Transition to Operations and Support practice, 392–393

Develop and Prioritize Customer Requirements practice, 177–178

Develop Contractual Requirements goal, 178–179

Allocate Contractual Requirements practice, 181–182

Establish Contractual Requirements practice, 179–181

Develop Customer Requirements goal, 175–176

Develop and Prioritize Customer Requirements practice, 177–178

Elicit Stakeholder Needs practice, 176–177

Develop Risk Mitigation Plans practice, 444–447

Distribute and Maintain the Solicitation Package practice, 461


alternatives evaluation, 240, 243–244

configuration management, 236–237

quality assurance activities, 404

risks, 440–442

solicitation packages, 458–460

training, 350

Due diligence, 463


Earned Value Management (EVM), 272–273, 356

Effectiveness, training, 351

Effort, estimating, 378–380

Elicit Stakeholder Needs practice, 176–177

Emerging Technologies function, 107

England, Gordon, 63

Ensure Continuous Process Improvement practice

Institutionalize an Optimizing Process, 156–158

process area support for, 163


establishing, 254–256

risk identification, 442

standards, 311

validation, 203–204

verification, 210–211

Equipment requirements, 389

Equivalent staging, 38–42

Establish a Configuration Management System practice, 232–233

Establish a Defined Process practice

Institutionalize a Defined Process, 153

process area support for, 162

Establish a Risk Management Strategy practice, 438–439

Establish a Solicitation Package practice, 455–460

Establish a Training Capability practice, 346–348

Establish an Organizational Policy practice, 145

Establish an Organizational Training Capability goal, 343

Determine Which Training Needs are the Responsibility of the Organization practice, 344–345

Establish a Training Capability practice, 346–348

Establish an Organizational Training Tactical Plan practice, 345–346

Establish Strategic Training Needs practice, 343–344

Establish an Organizational Training Tactical Plan practice, 345–346

Establish an Understanding of the Agreement practice, 465

Establish Baselines goal, 230

Create or Release Baselines practice, 233–234

Establish a Configuration Management System practice, 232–233

Identify Configuration Items practice, 230–232

Establish Configuration Management Records practice, 236–237

Establish Contractual Requirements practice, 179–181

Establish Estimates goal, 369–370

Define Project Lifecycle Phases practice, 377–378

Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes practice, 375–377

Establish the Acquisition Strategy practice, 370–373

Estimate Effort and Cost practice, 378–380

Estimate the Scope of the project practice, 374–375

Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes practice, 375–377

Establish Evaluation Criteria practice, 243–244

Establish Guidelines for Decision Analysis practice, 241–243

Establish Integrated Teams practice, 260–261

Establish Integrity goal, 236

Establish Configuration Management Records practice, 236–237

Perform Configuration Audits practice, 237

Establish Lifecycle Model Descriptions practice, 305–306

Establish Measurement Objectives practice, 270–272

Establish Negotiation Plans practice, 463–464

Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios practice, 182–183

Establish Organizational Process Assets goal, 302

Establish Lifecycle Model Descriptions practice, 305–306

Establish Rules and Guidelines for Integrated Teams practice, 312–313

Establish Standard Processes practice, 303–305

Establish Tailoring Criteria and Guidelines practice, 306–308

Establish the Organization’s Measurement Repository practice, 308–310

Establish the Organization’s Process Asset Library practice, 310–311

Establish Work Environment Standards practice, 311

Establish Organizational Process Needs practice, 317–318

Establish Performance Baselines and Models goal, 331

Establish Process-Performance Baselines practice, 335–337

Establish Process-Performance Measures practice, 333–334

Establish Process-Performance Models practice, 337–339

Establish Quality and Process-Performance Objectives practice, 334–335

Select Processes practice, 332

Establish Process Action Plans practice, 321–322

Establish Process-Performance Baselines practice, 335–337

Establish Process-Performance Measures practice, 333–334

Establish Process-Performance Models practice, 337–339

Establish Quality and Process-Performance Objectives practice, 334–335

Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process practice

Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process, 154–155

process area support for, 163

Establish Records practice, 404

Establish Rules and Guidelines for Integrated Teams practice, 312–313

Establish Standard Processes practice, 303–305

Establish Strategic Training Needs practice, 343–344

Establish Supplier Agreements goal, 465

Establish an Understanding of the Agreement practice, 465

Establish the Supplier Agreement practice, 466–467

Establish Tailoring Criteria and Guidelines practice, 306–308

Establish the Budget and Schedule practice, 381–383

Establish the Organization’s Measurement Repository practice, 308–310

Establish the Organization’s Process Asset Library practice, 310–311

Establish the Project Plan practice, 393–394

Establish the Project’s Defined Process practice, 252–254

Establish the Project’s Objectives practice, 408–411

Establish the Project’s Work Environment practice, 254–256

Establish the Supplier Agreement practice, 466–467

Establish the Validation Environment practice, 203–204

Establish the Verification Environment practice, 210–211

Establish Training Records practice, 350

Establish Validation Procedures and Criteria practice, 204–205

Establish Verification Procedures and Criteria practice, 211–212

Establish Work Environment Standards practice, 311

Estimate Effort and Cost practice, 378–380

Estimate the Scope of the project practice, 374–375

Estimates, establishing, 369–380

Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks practice, 442–444

Evaluate Alternatives goal, 241

Establish Evaluation Criteria practice, 243–244

Establish Guidelines for Decision Analysis practice, 241–243

Evaluate Alternatives practice, 246

Identify Alternative Solutions practice, 244

Select Evaluation Methods practice, 245

Select Solutions practice, 247

Evaluate Alternatives practice, 246

Evaluate Proposed Solutions practice, 462–463

Evaluate Technical Solutions goal, 189

Analyze Selected Technical Solutions practice, 191–194

Conduct Technical Reviews practice, 194–196

Select Technical Solutions for Analysis practice, 189–191

Evaluate the Effect of Changes practice, 224–225


processes and work products goal, 400–402

risks, 442–444

solicitation packages criteria, 457

work products and services practice, 402

Evolution of CMMI, 7–8

Examples, 18

Execute the Supplier Agreement practice, 166–168

Executive summary in General Motors case study, 97–100

Expected process area components, 11–12

Expended effort, monitoring, 356

Express projects, 110

Express-Lite projects, 110


Factory structure in IS&S, 104–105

Failure mode and effects analysis, 437

First-generation sourcing in IS&S, 101

Fishbone diagrams, 158


in CMMI, 6

in tailoring processes, 307

Formal evaluation processes, 239–240


General Motors case study

acquisition requirements development, 113–117

acquisition technical management, 123–124

acquisition validation, 124–125

acquisition verification, 126–127

agreement management, 126

appraisals, 133–134

executive summary, 97–100

future actions, 135–136

Information Systems & Services, 101–105

integrated project management, 120–122

Integrated Tools Enable High-Performance Acquisition framework, 132–133

measurement and analysis, 127–129

overview, 100–101

practice mapping, 129

process deployment and change management, 129–132

Project Planning and Project Monitoring and Control, 117–120

solicitation and supplier agreement development, 122–123

summary, 136

supplier relationships, 134–135

system delivery factory, 105–108

system delivery process alignment to CMMI-ACQ, 108–113

General service contracts (GSCs), 122

Generic goals

Achieve Specific Goals, 145

institutionalization, 139–144

Institutionalize a Defined Process, 153–154

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 145–152

Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process, 154–156

Institutionalize an Optimizing Process, 156–158

numbering schemes, 19

overview, 15, 139

Generic practices

applying, 158–159

institutionalization, 139–144

numbering schemes, 19

overview, 17, 139

process area support, 159–164

Government CMMI-ACQ, 63

agreements, 75–77

Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model, 86–90

case study, 92–96

critical issues, 63–69

delivering value, 84–86

improvements, 90–92

interoperable acquisitions, 81–84

strategies, 70–75

verification, 77–81


alternatives evaluation, 240–243

integrated teams, 312–313

tailoring, 306–308


High maturity process areas, 52–53

Higher-level management reviews, 152

Humphrey, Watts, 7


Identify Alternative Solutions practice, 244

Identify and Analyze Innovations practice, 292–293

Identify and Analyze Risks goal, 439

Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks practice, 442–444

Identify Risks practice, 440–442

Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 149–150

process area support for, 161

Identify Configuration Items practice, 230–232

Identify Inconsistencies Between Project Work and Requirements practice, 430–431

Identify Potential Suppliers practice, 453–454

Identify Project Risks practice, 383–385

Identify Risks practice, 440–442

Identify the Organization’s Process Improvements practice, 319–321

Implement Action Proposals practice, 222–224

Implement Process Action Plans practice, 322–323

Implement Risk Mitigation Plans practice, 447–449

Implementation, monitoring, 326

Improvement paths, 24


continuous process, 156–158

deploying, 296–300

government acquisition, 90–92

information collection for, 153–154

selecting, 288–295

Incomplete processes in capability levels, 27

Inconsistencies, identifying, 430–431

Incorporate Experiences into Organizational Process Assets practice, 327–328

Information in RASIC chart, 121

Information Systems & Services (IS&S) organization, 97–99

factory structure, 104–105

overview, 101–104

Information Technology Service Requests (ITSRs), 122–123

Informative process area components, 12

Initial maturity level, 31

Initiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting, and Learning (IDEAL) model, 56, 90–91

Innovations. See Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) process area

Institutionalization of processes, 139–144

Institutionalize a Defined Process goal

Collect Improvement Information practice, 153–154

Establish a Defined Process practice, 153

Institutionalize a Managed Process goal

Assign Responsibility practice, 147–148

Establish an Organizational Policy practice, 145

Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders practice, 149–150

Manage Configurations practice, 148–149

Monitor and Control the Process practice, 150–151

Objectively Evaluate Adherence practice, 152

Plan the Process practice, 145–147

Provide Resources practice, 147

Review Status with Higher Level Management practice, 152

Train People practice, 148

Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process goal

Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process practice, 154–155

Stabilize Subprocess Performance practice, 155–156

Institutionalize an Optimizing Process goal

Correct Root Causes of Problems practice, 158

Ensure Continuous Process Improvement practice, 156–158

Integrate Plans practice, 256–258

Integrated Master Plan, 394

Integrated Master Schedule, 394

Integrated Project Management (IPM) process area, 47–48

Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders goal, 263–265

Decision Analysis and Resolution relation, 241

General Motors case study, 120–122

generic practice support by, 161–162

introductory notes, 249–251

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 288

purpose, 249

Quantitative Project Management relation, 408

related process areas, 251

Use the Project’s Defined Process goal, 251–263

Integrated Project Plan (IPP), 120

Integrated teams rules and guidelines, 312–313

Integrated Tools Enable High-Performance Acquisition (IT-ERP) framework, 132–133

Integrator Project Management Office (IPMO), 122


baseline, 236–237

data checks, 280–281

Intercoder reliability, 281


managing, 196–198

requirements, 180

International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) standards, 7

Interoperable Acquisition for Systems of Systems, 67

Interoperable acquisitions, 81–84

Introductory notes

Acquisition Requirements Development, 173–174

Acquisition Technical Management, 187–188

Acquisition Validation, 199–200

Acquisition Verification, 207–208

Agreement Management, 165

Causal Analysis and Resolution, 217–218

Configuration Management, 227–229

Decision Analysis and Resolution, 239–241

Integrated Project Management, 249–251

Measurement and Analysis, 267–268

Organizational Innovation and Deployment, 285–287

Organizational Process Definition, 301–302

Organizational Process Focus, 315–316

Organizational Process Performance, 329–330

Organizational Training, 341–342

overview, 14, 18

Process and Product Quality Assurance, 397–400

Project Monitoring and Control, 353–354

Project Planning, 367–368

Quantitative Project Management, 405–407

Requirements Management, 425–426

Risk Management, 433–434

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development, 451–452

Ishikawa diagrams, 158


Joint Architecture Management Council (JAMC), 107–108, 132

Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), 64

Joint forums, 134

Juran, Joseph, 7


Knowledge and skills

monitoring, 357

planning, 389–390


Lean Six Sigma, 92

Levels, 23–24, 26

capability, 27–30

control, 148–149

maturity, 30–35

Libraries, process asset, 310–311

Lifecycle models, descriptions, 305–306

Lifecycle phases, defining, 377–378

Literature searches for alternatives, 244


Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements practice, 430–431

Maintenance and support responsibilities

Distribute and Maintain the Solicitation Package practice, 461

government acquisition, 85

Manage Configurations practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 148–149

process area support for, 160

Manage Corrective Action to Closure goal, 364

Analyze Issues practice, 364–365

Manage Corrective Actions practice, 366

Take Corrective Action practice, 365–366

Manage Corrective Actions practice, 366

Manage Dependencies practice, 264–265

Manage Project Performance practice, 414–417

Manage Requirements Changes practice, 429–430

Manage Requirements goal, 426–427

Identify Inconsistencies Between Project Work and Requirements practice, 430–431

Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements practice, 430–431

Manage Requirements Changes practice, 429–430

Obtain Commitment to Requirements practice, 428–429

Understand Requirements practice, 427–428

Manage Selected Interfaces practices, 197–198

Manage Stakeholder Involvement practice, 263

Manage Supplier Invoices practice, 170–171

Manage the Deployment practice, 298–300

Manage the Project Using Integrated Plans practice, 258–260

Managed maturity level, 31

Managed processes

capability levels, 28

generic goals and generic practices, 140


configuration management system, 232–233

project. See Integrated Project Management (IPM) process area

quantitative. See Quantitative Project Management (QPM) process area

requirements. See Requirements Management (REQM) process area

Review Status with Higher Level Management practice, 152

supplier agreement reviews, 167

Managing the Software Process, 7

Manufacturing and Quality process area, 105

Manufacturing in AF-SEAM model, 89

Manufacturing process, 6

Mapping in General Motors case study, 129

Matrices, traceability, 431

Maturity levels, 24, 26

advancing through, 34–35

defined, 31–32

initial, 31

managed, 31

optimizing, 33–34

overview, 30

process areas, 37–38

quantitatively managed, 32–33

Measure Improvement Effects practice, 300


General Motors case study, 127–129

improvement effects, 300

repository establishment and maintenance, 308–310

selecting, 417–419

Measurement and Analysis (MA) process area, 50–51

Agreement Management relation, 166

Align Measurement and Analysis Activities goal, 269–279

Causal Analysis and Resolution relation, 218–219

generic practice support by, 161

Integrated Project Management relation, 251

introductory notes, 267–268

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 288

Organizational Process Focus relation, 316

Organizational Process Performance relation, 331

Project Monitoring and Control relation, 354

Project Planning relation, 369

Provide Measurement Results goal, 279–284

purpose, 267

Quantitative Project Management relation, 407

related process areas, 268–269

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 452

Meetings in General Motors case study, 131

Mentors in General Motors case study, 134–135

Method Definition Documents (MDDs), 59–60


budget and schedule, 381

reviewing, 361–362

Mitigate Risks goal, 444

Develop Risk Mitigation Plans practice, 444–447

Implement Risk Mitigation Plans practice, 447–449


AF-SEAM, 86–90

CMF, 5, 8

CMMI, 55–61


CMMI-DEV, 98, 102–104

effort and cost estimates, 379

lifecycle, 305–306

process-performance, 337–339

SOSI, 81

Monitor and Control the Process practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 150–151

process area support for, 161

Monitor Commitments practice, 357–358

Monitor Data Management practice, 359

Monitor Project Planning Parameters practice, 355–357

Monitor Project Risks practice, 358–359

Monitor Selected Supplier Processes practice, 168–169

Monitor Stakeholder Involvement practice, 359–360

Monitor the Implementation practice, 326

Monitor the Performance of Selected Subprocesses practice, 422–424

Monitor the Project Against the Plan goal, 355

Conduct Milestone Reviews practice, 361–362

Conduct Progress Reviews practice, 360–361

Monitor Commitments practice, 357–358

Monitor Data Management practice, 359

Monitor Project Planning Parameters practice, 355–357

Monitor Project Risks practice, 358–359

Monitor Stakeholder Involvement practice, 359–360

Monitor Transition to Operations and Support practice, 362–364

Monitor Transition to Operations and Support practice, 362–364


Negotiation plans, 463–464

Non-numeric criteria, 243

Noncompliance issues

detecting, 401

resolution, 402–404

Numbering schemes, 19

Numeric criteria, 240


Objectively Evaluate Adherence practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 152

process area support for, 161

Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products goal, 400

Objectively Evaluate Processes practice, 400–401

Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services practice, 402

Objectively Evaluate Processes practice, 400–401

Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services practice, 402


acquisition strategy, 371

establishing, 334–335

measurement, 270–272

project, 408–411

Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, 90

Obtain Commitment to Requirements practice, 428–429

Obtain Commitment to the Plan goal, 394

Obtain Plan Commitment practice, 395–396

Reconcile Work and Resource Levels practice, 395

Review Plans That Affect the Project practice, 394–395

Obtain Measurement Data practice, 280–281

Obtain Plan Commitment practice, 395–396

OnStar process area, 105

Optimizing maturity level, 33–34

Optimizing processes, 29, 143, 156–158

Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) process area, 52–53

Causal Analysis and Resolution relation, 218

Deploy Improvements goal, 296–300

generic practice support by, 163

introductory notes, 285–287

purpose, 285

Quantitative Project Management relation, 408

related process areas, 287–288

Select Improvements goal, 288–295

Organizational process areas, 49–50

Organizational process assets

contributing to, 262–263

planning project activities, 254

Organizational Process Definition (OPD) process area, 49, 69

Establish Organizational Process Assets goal, 302–313

generic practice support by, 159, 162

Integrated Project Management relation, 251

introductory notes, 301–302

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 269

Organizational Process Focus relation, 316

Organizational Process Performance relation, 331

Organizational Training relation, 342

purpose, 301

Quantitative Project Management relation, 407

related process areas, 302

Organizational Process Focus (OPF) process area, 49

Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Experiences goal, 323–328

Determine Process Improvement Opportunities goal, 317–321

generic practice support by, 162

introductory notes, 315–316

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 287

Plan and Implement Process Actions goal, 321–323

purpose, 315

related process areas, 316

Organizational Process Performance (OPP) process area, 52

Establish Performance Baselines and Models goal, 331–339

generic practice support by, 163

introductory notes, 329–330

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 287

purpose, 329

Quantitative Project Management relation, 407

related process areas, 331

Organizational Training (OT) process area, 49

Establish an Organizational Training Capability goal, 343–348

generic practice support by, 160

introductory notes, 341–342

Organizational Innovation and Deployment relation, 287

Organizational Process Focus relation, 316

Provide Necessary Training goal, 348–351

purpose, 341

related process areas, 342–343

Orientation in acquirer processes, 390

Oversight in government acquisition, 66



planning, 355–357

risk, 437–438

Peer reviews, 48

General Motors case study, 126–127

Perform Peer Reviews goal, 212–213

People focus in Capability Maturity Models, 5–6

Perform Configuration Audits practice, 237

Perform Interface Management goal, 196

Manage Selected Interfaces practice, 197–198

Select Interfaces to Manage practice, 196–197

Perform Peer Reviews goal, 212

Analyze Peer Review Data practice, 213

Conduct Peer Reviews practice, 213

Prepare for Peer Reviews practice, 212

Perform Specific Practices practice, 145

Perform Validation practice, 205

Perform Verification practice, 214


managing, 414–417

monitoring, 422–424

process-performance measures, 333–334

process-performance objectives, 409–410

requirements, 180

risk identification, 441–442

subprocess, 417–424

Performed processes

capability levels, 27

generic goals and generic practices, 140

Pilot Improvements practice, 293–294

Plan and Implement Process Actions goal, 321

Establish Process Action Plans practice, 321–322

Implement Process Action Plans practice, 322–323

Plan Data Management practice, 385–387

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) improvement loop, 90

Plan Needed Knowledge and Skills practice, 389–390

Plan Stakeholder Involvement practice, 390–392

Plan the Deployment practice, 296–297

Plan the Process practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 145–147

process area support for, 160

Plan the Project’s Resources practice, 387–389

Plan Transition to Operations and Support practice, 392–393

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system, 64, 66–67


deployment, 296–297

government acquisition strategies, 70–75

integrating, 256–258

managed processes, 145–147

monitoring, 355–357

negotiation, 463–464

organizational process assets for, 254

process action, 321–323

project plan development, 380–394

risk mitigation, 447–449

Prepare for Peer Reviews practice, 212

Prepare for Risk Management goal, 435

Define Risk Parameters practice, 437–438

Determine Risk Sources and Categories practice, 435–437

Establish a Risk Management Strategy practice, 438–439

Prepare for Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development goal

Distribute and Maintain the Solicitation Package practice, 461

Establish a Solicitation Package practice, 455–460

Identify Potential Suppliers practice, 453–454

Review the Solicitation Package practice, 460

Prepare for Validation goal, 201

Establish the Validation Environment practice, 203–204

Establish Validation Procedures and Criteria practice, 204–205

Select Products for Validation practice, 201–203

Prepare for Verification goal, 209

Establish the Verification Environment practice, 210–211

Establish Verification Procedures and Criteria practice, 211–212

Select Work Products for Verification practice, 209–210


customer requirements, 177–178

data, 277

measurements, 275

requirements, 181

risks, 442–444

Privacy, 387

Probability in risk analysis, 383–384, 444

Procedures and methods focus in Capability Maturity Models, 5–6

Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) process area, 50–51

introductory notes, 397–400

Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products goal, 400–402

Provide Objective Insight goal, 402–404

purpose, 397

related process areas, 400

Process and Program Management function in PIO organizations, 107

Process areas, 5. See also specific process areas by name

components, 11–13

equivalent staging, 38–42

examples, 18

generic goals, 15

generic practices, 17

introductory notes, 14

list, 13–14

notes, 18

numbering schemes, 19

purpose statements, 14

references, 18–19

relationships among, 14–15, 43, 159–164

representations, 35–38

specific goals, 15

specific practices, 16

subpractices, 17

typical supplier deliverables, 16–17

typical work products, 16

typographical conventions, 19–21

Process asset library, 310–311

Process capability, analyzing, 423

Process definition. See Organizational Process Definition (OPD) process area

Process deployment and change in General Motors case study, 129–132

Process elements, 302

Process improvements

establishing, 56

identifying, 157

Process Information Officer (PIO) organizations, 105–107, 132

Processes in Capability Maturity Models, 6

Product Development process area, 105

Product support in acquisition strategy, 373

Profiles, 39–41

Program Management Reviews (PMRs), 92

Program structure in government acquisition, 65

Programmatic interoperability, 82


monitoring, 356

reviewing, 360–361

Project and support groups, 342

Project failure causes, 4

Project management

General Motors case study, 120–122

process area. See Integrated Project Management (IPM) process area

Project Management Organization (PMO), 92, 120

Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) process area, 46–48

Agreement Management relation, 166

Configuration Management relation, 229

General Motors case study, 117–120

generic practice support by, 161–162

government acquisition, 84

Integrated Project Management relation, 251

introductory notes, 353–354

Manage Corrective Action to Closure goal, 364–366

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 268

Monitor the Project Against the Plan goal, 355–364

purpose, 353

Quantitative Project Management relation, 407

related process areas, 354

Requirements Management relation, 426

Risk Management relation, 434

Project Planning (PP) process area, 45

Configuration Management relation, 229

Develop a Project Plan goal, 380–394

Establish Estimates goal, 369–380

General Motors case study, 117–120

generic practice support by, 160–161

government acquisition, 84

Integrated Project Management relation, 251

introductory notes, 367–368

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 268

Obtain Commitment to the Plan goal, 394–396

Organizational Training relation, 343

Project Monitoring and Control relation, 354

purpose, 367

related process areas, 368–369

Requirements Management relation, 426

Risk Management relation, 434

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 452

Prototypes in General Motors case study, 115

Provide Measurement Results goal, 279–280

Analyze Measurement Data practice, 281–282

Communicate Results practice, 283–284

Obtain Measurement Data practice, 280–281

Store Data and Results practice, 282–283

Provide Necessary Training goal, 348–349

Assess Training Effectiveness practice, 351

Deliver Training practice, 349–350

Establish Training Records practice, 350

Provide Objective Insight goal

Communicate and Ensure the Resolution of Noncompliance Issues practices, 402–404

Establish Records practice, 404

Provide Resources practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 147

process area support for, 160

Purchasing and Supply Chain process area, 105

Purpose statements

Acquisition Requirements Development, 173

Acquisition Technical Management, 187

Acquisition Validation, 199

Acquisition Verification, 207

Agreement Management, 165

Causal Analysis and Resolution, 217

Configuration Management, 227

Decision Analysis and Resolution, 239

Integrated Project Management, 249

Measurement and Analysis, 267

Organizational Innovation and Deployment, 285

Organizational Process Definition, 301

Organizational Process Focus, 315

Organizational Process Performance, 329

Organizational Training, 341

overview, 14

Process and Product Quality Assurance, 397

Project Monitoring and Control, 353

Project Planning, 367

Quantitative Project Management, 405

Requirements Management, 425

Risk Management, 433

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development, 451



assurance. See Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) process area

establishing, 334–335

Quality Function Deployment (QFD), 411

Quantitative process improvement, 157

Quantitative Project Management (QPM) process area, 52–53

Causal Analysis and Resolution relation, 218

generic practice support by, 163

introductory notes, 405–407

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 269

Organizational Process Performance relation, 331

purpose, 405

Quantitatively Manage the Project goal, 408–417

related process areas, 407–408

Statistically Manage Subprocess Performance goal, 417–424

Quantitatively Manage the Project goal

Compose the Defined Process practice, 411–413

Establish the Project’s Objectives practice, 408–411

Manage Project Performance practice, 414–417

Select Subprocesses to Be Statistically Managed practice, 413–414

Quantitatively managed maturity level, 32–33

Quantitatively managed processes

capability levels, 28–29

generic goals and generic practices, 142–143

Quantitatively optimizing processes, 29


Radice, Ron, 7

RASIC tool, 120–122

Reconcile Work and Resource Levels practice, 395

Record Data practice, 225

Record Statistical Management Data practice, 424


configuration, 236–237

establishing, 404

training, 350

References, 18–19

Relationships among process areas, 43–44

Acquisition Requirements Development, 175

Acquisition Validation, 200

Acquisition Verification, 208

Agreement Management, 166

Causal Analysis and Resolution, 218–219

Configuration Management, 229

Decision Analysis and Resolution, 241

General Motors case study, 134–135

generic goals and generic practices, 143–144

high maturity process areas, 52–53

Integrated Project Management, 251

Measurement and Analysis, 268–269

Organizational Innovation and Deployment, 287–288

organizational process areas, 49–50

Organizational Process Definition, 302

Organizational Process Focus, 316

Organizational Process Performance, 331

Organizational Training, 342–343

overview, 14–15

Process and Product Quality Assurance, 400

Project Monitoring and Control, 354

Project Planning, 368–369

project process areas, 44–48

Quantitative Project Management, 407–408

Requirements Management, 426

Risk Management, 434–435

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development, 452–453

support process areas, 50–52

Reliability, intercoder, 281

Repeatability of measurements, 275

Repositories, measurement, 308–310

Representations, 24

process areas, 35–38

structures, 25–26

Required process area components, 11


acquisition, 113–117

analysis, 182–185

component, 389

contractual, 178–182

customer, 175–178

in government acquisition, 65–66

validating, 185–186

Requirements analysts, 113

Requirements lead role, 113

Requirements Management (REQM) process area, 46

Acquisition Requirements Development relation, 175

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Acquisition Verification process area relation, 208

introductory notes, 425–426

Manage Requirements goal, 426–431

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 269

Project Planning relation, 368

purpose, 425

related process areas, 426

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development relation, 452

Resolve Coordination Issues practice, 265


levels, 395

monitoring, 357

planning, 387–389

providing, 147


assigning, 147–148

in RASIC chart, 121

Review Plans That Affect the Project practice, 394–395

Review Status with Higher Level Management practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 152

process area support for, 162

Review the Solicitation Package practice, 460


data, 277

measurements, 275

“Risk Management Considerations for Interoperable Acquisition” report, 84

Risk Management (RSKM) process area, 47

Acquisition Requirements Development relation, 175

Acquisition Technical Management relation, 188

Decision Analysis and Resolution relation, 241

government acquisition, 68

Identify and Analyze Risks goal, 439–444

introductory notes, 433–434

Mitigate Risks goal, 444–449

Prepare for Risk Management goal, 435–439

Project Planning relation, 368

purpose, 433

related process areas, 434–435

Requirements Management relation, 426


acquisition strategy, 373

government acquisition, 71

identifying, 383–385

managing, 416

monitoring, 358–359

Rules for integrated teams, 312–313


Sales-Service and Marketing process area, 105

Satisfy Supplier Agreements goal

Accept the Acquired Product practice, 169–170

Execute the Supplier Agreement practice, 166–168

Manage Supplier Invoices practice, 170–171

Monitor Selected Supplier Processes practice, 168–169


establishing, 381–383

risks, 441


estimating, 374–375

process appraisal, 319

SDP RASIC tool, 120–122

Second-generation sourcing in IS&S, 101–102

Security, 387

Select Defect Data for Analysis practice, 219–220

Select Evaluation Methods practice, 245

Select Improvements for Deployment practice, 295

Select Improvements goal, 288

Collect and Analyze Improvement Proposals practice, 288–292

Identify and Analyze Innovations practice, 292–293

Pilot Improvements practice, 293–294

Select Improvements for Deployment practice, 295

Select Interfaces to Manage practice, 196–197

Select Measures and Analytic Techniques practice, 417–419

Select Processes practice, 332

Select Products for Validation practice, 201–203

Select Solutions practice, 247

Select Subprocesses to Be Statistically Managed practice, 413–414

Select Suppliers goal, 461–462

Establish Negotiation Plans practice, 463–464

Evaluate Proposed Solutions practice, 462–463

Select Suppliers practice, 464–465

Select Suppliers practice, 464–465

Select Technical Solutions for Analysis practice, 189–191

Select Work Products for Verification practice, 209–210

Senior management

acquisition strategy, 373

commitment negotiation, 396

sponsorship, 55

Services, evaluating, 402

Services Factory (SF), 104

Shewhart, Walter, 7

Skills and knowledge

monitoring, 357

planning, 389–390

Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development (SSAD) process area, 45–46

Acquisition Requirements Development relation, 175

Agreement Management relation, 166

Establish Supplier Agreements goal, 465–467

General Motors case study, 122–123, 133–134

government acquisition, 76, 79, 83

introductory notes, 451–452

Measurement and Analysis process relation, 269

Prepare for Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development goal, 453–461

Process and Product Quality Assurance relation, 400

Project Monitoring and Control relation, 354

Project Planning relation, 369

purpose, 451

Quantitative Project Management relation, 408

related process areas, 452–453

Risk Management relation, 435

Select Suppliers goal, 461–465

Sources, risk, 435–437

Specific goals and practices, 15–16, 19

Specify Analysis Procedures practice, 277–279

Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures practice, 275–277

Specify Measures practice, 272–275

Stabilize Subprocess Performance practice

Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process, 155–156

process area support for, 163

Staffing requirements, 388–389

Staged representations, 24

process areas, 35–37

structures, 25–26


commitment negotiation, 396

communicating results to, 284

coordinate and collaborate with, 263–265

identifying and involving, 149–150

involvement, 359–360, 390–392

needs, 176–177

Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI)

appraisal methods, 59, 133–134

government acquisition, 92–94

purpose, 38–39

Standard processes

deploying, 325–326

establishing, 303–305

Standard project type, 110–113, 125

Standardized work, 109

Statement of Work (SOW)

contents, 383

solicitation packages, 456–457

Statistical managed subprocesses, 413–414

Statistical quality control, 7

Statistically Manage Subprocess Performance goal, 417

Apply Statistical Methods to Understand Variation practice, 419–422

Monitor the Performance of Selected Subprocesses practice, 422–424

Record Statistical Management Data practice, 424

Select Measures and Analytic Techniques practice, 417–419

Store Data and Results practice, 282–283

Strategic training needs, establishing, 343–344


acquisition, 370–373

government acquisition, 70–75

risk management, 438–439

Strategy function in PIO organizations, 106

Subpractices, 17

Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) process area, 75

Supplier agreements

General Motors case study, 122–123, 133–134

government acquisition, 75–77, 83

process area. See Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development (SSAD) process area

types, 373


data management, 386

data monitoring, 359

General Motors case study, 134–135

invoice management, 170–171

process monitoring, 168–169

risk monitoring, 358

Support in RASIC chart, 121

Support process areas, 50–52

Sustain function in PIO organizations, 106

Sustainment in AF-SEAM, 89

System Delivery Factory (SDF), 104

General Motors case study, 105–107

governance, 107–108

System Delivery Process (SDP) framework, 109–110

System Factory Management Council (SFMC), 107, 132

System of Systems Interoperability (SOSI) model, 81

System requirement specification (SRS)

coaches, 131–132

enhancement, 115

Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule, 394

Systems Engineering function in PIO organizations, 107

Systems Engineering Management Plan, 394

Systems Engineering Master Schedule, 394

Szygenda, Ralph, 101


Tactical training plans, 345–346

Tailoring criteria, 306–308

Take Corrective Action practice, 365–366

Target profiles, 39–41

Target staging, 40


attribute estimates, 375–377

dependencies, 382

Team Risk Management approach, 68–69

Teams, integrated

establishing, 260–261

rules and guidelines, 312–313

Technical management in General Motors case study, 123–124

Technical reviews, 194–196

Technical solutions

analyzing, 191–194

selecting for analysis, 189–191

Technology improvements

piloting, 293–294

proposals, 289–292

Test and evaluation master plan (TEMP), 79–80


General Motors case study, 125

government acquisition, 79–80

Standard project type, 110–111, 125

Theory of Constraints, 92–96

Third-generation sourcing in IS&S, 102–104


risk categories, 438

supplier risks, 446

Tools and equipment focus in Capability Maturity Models, 5–6

Town hall-style meetings, 131


quality and process-performance objectives, 411

requirements, bidirectional, 430–431

Track and Control Changes goal, 234

Control Configuration Items practice, 235–236

Track Change Requests practice, 234–235

Track Change Requests practice, 234–235

Train People practice

Institutionalize a Managed Process, 148

process area support for, 160


CMMI-related, 61

peer review, 213

Plan Needed Knowledge and Skills practice, 390

process area. See Organizational Training (OT) process area

Transition to operations and support

monitoring, 362–364

planning, 392–393

Typical supplier deliverables, 16–17

Typical work products, 16

Typographical conventions, 19–21


Understand Requirements practice, 427–428

Use cases, 115

Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities practices, 254

Use the Project’s Defined Process goal, 251–252

Contribute to Organizational Process Assets practice, 262–263

Establish Integrated Teams practice, 260–261

Establish the Project’s Defined Process practice, 252–254

Establish the Project’s Work Environment practice, 254–256

Integrate Plans practice, 256–258

Manage the Project Using Integrated Plans practice, 258–260

Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities practices, 254


Validate Requirements practice, 185–186

Validate Selected Products and Product Components goal, 205

Analyze Validation Results practice, 206

Perform Validation practice, 205


acquisition. See Acquisition Validation (AVAL) process area

criterion, 281

General Motors case study, 124–125

preparing for, 201–205

requirements, 180, 185–186

selected products and product components goal, 205–206

Validation process area, 78–79


acquisition. See Acquisition Verification (AVER) process area

General Motors case study, 126–127

government acquisition, 77–81

preparing for, 209–212

supplier products, 180

Verification process area, 78–79

Verify Selected Work Products goal, 214

Analyze Verification Results practice, 214–215

Perform Verification practice, 214

Visualization techniques, 115


Weights for evaluation criteria, 240

Work breakdown structure (WBS)

establishing, 374

working with, 388

Work environment

establishing, 254–256

standards, 311

Work level reconciliation, 395

Work packages, 374

Work products

estimating, 375–377

evaluating, 400–402

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