
I would like to thank Sam Tomaino for attempting to explain to me many, many years ago how computers work; Dan Ferguson for never complaining about the bombardment of questions I continually fling his way and for fostering my never-ceasing curiosity and quest for knowledge; and my Dad (Tom Conlon), who had the courage to renew and deepen our relationship. Each one of these people has helped me write this book in more ways than they will ever know.

For my fourth edition, I would also like to thank the following individuals for taking the time to help me with some new topics:

  • Dr. Burt Kaliski, vice president of research at RSA Security and chief scientist of its research center, RSA Laboratories. Thanks for answering those questions that no one else could!

  • Dr. Dorothy Denning, professor in the Department of Defense Analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School, for always graciously answering my questions whenever I’ve hit a wall.

  • David Miller, whose work ethic, loyalty, and friendship have inspired me. I am truly grateful to have David as part of my life. I never would have known the secret world of tequila without him.

  • Allen Harper, whose knowledge, impeccable character, and honesty have made him a role model to many in this world—including myself. He is an officer in the Marines who voluntarily went to war (Baghdad, Iraq) this year (2007); we are all thankful for your dedication and sacrifices for all of us, Allen.

  • Clement Dupuis, who, with his deep passion for sharing and helping others, has proven a wonderful and irreplaceable mentor and friend.

  • Jay Libove, whose knowledge base about information security is extremely advanced. I hope to grow up and be as smart as he is one day.

  • Mike Lester, who is probably the smartest and funniest guy I have ever known, and really comes through when I need him the most. Thanks a lot, Sparky. We will work on getting you to understand the months of the year and where static electricity comes from.

  • Joe Hoofnagle, who has always been there when I needed help, is a good friend, and is the only person with whom I play Twister through e-mail.

  • Jason Radar, who helped me when I called upon him as the deadlines for this monster of a book loomed over me. I am looking forward to you being a new member of our Logical Security team!

  • Tom and Kathy Conlon, my parents. Without their love and support, my life would be a whole lot different today.

Most especially, I would like to thank my husband, David Harris, for his continual support and love. Without his steadfast confidence in me, I would not have been able to accomplish half the things I have taken on in my life.

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