The more adapt, the more interesting you are.
—Martha Stewart


In this chapter, you’ll learn how to achieve compile-time polymorphism with templates. You’ll learn how to declare and use templates, enforce type safety, and survey some of the templates’ more advanced usages. This chapter concludes with a comparison of runtime and compile-time polymorphism in C++.


C++ achieves compile-time polymorphism through templates. A template is a class or function with template parameters. These parameters can stand in for any type, including fundamental and user-defined types. When the compiler sees a template used with a type, it stamps out a bespoke template instantiation.

Template instantiation is the process of creating a class or a function from a template. Somewhat confusingly, you can also refer to “a template instantiation” as the result of the template instantiation process. Template instantiations are sometimes called concrete classes and concrete types.

The big idea is that, rather than copying and pasting common code all over the place, you write a single template; the compiler generates new template instances when it encounters a new combination of types in the template parameters.

Declaring Templates

You declare templates with a template prefix, which consists of the keyword template followed by angle brackets < >. Within the angle brackets, you place the declarations of one or more template parameters. You can declare template parameters using either the typename or class keywords followed by an identifier. For example, the template prefix template<typename T> declares that the template takes a template parameter T.


The coexistence of the typename and class keywords is unfortunate and confusing. They mean the same thing. (They’re both supported for historical reasons.) This chapter always uses typename.

Template Class Definitions

Consider MyTemplateClass in Listing 6-1, which takes three template parameters: X, Y, and Z.

template<typename X, typename Y, typename Z> 
struct MyTemplateClass {
  X foo(Y&); 
  Z* member; 

Listing 6-1: A template class with three template parameters

The template keyword begins the template prefix, which contains the template parameters . This template preamble leads to something special about the remaining declaration of MyTemplateClass . Within MyTemplateClass, you use X, Y, and Z as if they were any fully specified type, like an int or a user-defined class.

The foo method takes a Y reference and returns an X . You can declare members with types that include template parameters, like a pointer to Z . Besides the special prefix beginning , this template class is essentially identical to a non-template class.

Template Function Definitions

You can also specify template functions, like the my_template_function in Listing 6-2 that also takes three template parameters: X, Y, and Z.

template<typename X, typename Y, typename Z>
X my_template_function(Y& arg1, const Z* arg2) {

Listing 6-2: A template function with three template parameters

Within the body of my_template_function, you can use arg1 and arg2 however you’d like, as long as you return an object of type X.

Instantiating Templates

To instantiate a template class, use the following syntax:

tc_name<t_param1, t_param2, ...> my_concrete_class{ ... };

The tc_name is where you place the template class’s name. Next, you fill in your template parameters . Finally, you treat this combination of template name and parameters as if it were a normal type: you use whatever initialization syntax you like .

Instantiating a template function is similar:

auto result = tf_name<t_param1, t_param2, ...>(f_param1, f_param2, ...);

The tf_name is where you put the template function’s name. You fill in the parameters just as you do for template classes . You use the combination of template name and parameters as if it were a normal type. You invoke this template function instantiation with parentheses and function parameters .

All this new notation might be daunting to a newcomer, but it’s not so bad once you get used to it. In fact, it’s used in a set of language features called named conversion functions.

Named Conversion Functions

Named conversions are language features that explicitly convert one type into another type. You use named conversions sparingly in situations where you cannot use implicit conversions or constructors to get the types you need.

All named conversions accept a single object parameter, which is the object you want to cast object-to-cast, and a single type parameter, which is the type you want to cast to desired-type:


For example, if you need to modify a const object, you would first need to cast away the const qualifier. The named conversion function const_cast allows you to perform this operation. Other named conversions help you to reverse implicit casts (static_cast) or reinterpret memory with a different type (reinterpret_cast).


Although named conversion functions aren’t technically template functions, they are conceptually very close to templates—a relationship reflected in their syntactic similarity.


The const_cast function shucks away the const modifier, allowing the modification of const values. The object-to-cast is of some const type, and the desired-type is that type minus the const qualifier.

Consider the carbon_thaw function in Listing 6-3, which takes a const reference to an encased_solo argument.

void carbon_thaw(const int& encased_solo) {
  //encased_solo++;  // Compiler error; modifying const
  auto& hibernation_sick_solo = const_cast<int&>(encased_solo);

Listing 6-3: A function using const_cast. Uncommenting yields a compiler error.

The encased_solo parameter is const , so any attempt to modify it would result in a compiler error. You use const_cast to obtain the non-const reference hibernation_sick_solo. The const_cast takes a single template parameter, the type you want to cast into . It also takes a function parameter, the object you want to remove const from . You’re then free to modify the int pointed to by encased_solo via the new, non-const reference .

Only use const_cast to obtain write access to const objects. Any other type conversion will result in a compiler error.


Trivially, you can use const_cast to add const to an object’s type, but you shouldn’t because it’s verbose and unnecessary. Use an implicit cast instead. In Chapter 7, you’ll learn what the volatile modifier is. You can also use const_cast to remove the volatile modifier from an object.


The static_cast reverses a well-defined implicit conversion, such as an integer type to another integer type. The object-to-cast is of some type that the desired-type implicitly converts to. The reason you might need static_cast is that, generally, implicit casts aren’t reversible.

The program in Listing 6-4 defines an increment_as_short function that takes a void pointer argument. It employs a static_cast to create a short pointer from this argument, increment the pointed-to short, and return the result. In some low-level applications, such as network programming or handling binary file formats, you might need to interpret raw bytes as an integer type.

#include <cstdio>
short increment_as_short(void* target) {
  auto as_short = static_cast<short*>(target);
  *as_short = *as_short + 1;
  return *as_short;

int main() {
  short beast{ 665 };
  auto mark_of_the_beast = increment_as_short(&beast);
  printf("%d is the mark_of_the_beast.", mark_of_the_beast);
666 is the mark_of_the_beast.

Listing 6-4: A program using static_cast

The target parameter is a void pointer . You employ static_cast to cast target into a short* . The template parameter is the desired type , and the function parameter is the object you want to cast into .

Notice that the implicit conversion of short* to void* is well defined. Attempting ill-defined conversions with static_cast, such as converting a char* to a float*, will result in a compiler error:

float on = 3.5166666666;
auto not_alright = static_cast<char*>(&on); // Bang!

To perform such chainsaw juggling, you need to use reinterpret_cast.


Sometimes in low-level programming, you must perform type conversions that are not well defined. In system programming and especially in embedded environments, you often need complete control over how to interpret memory. The reinterpret_cast gives you such control, but ensuring the correctness of these conversions is entirely your responsibility.

Suppose your embedded device keeps an unsigned long timer at memory address 0x1000. You could use reinterpret_cast to read from the timer, as demonstrated in Listing 6-5.

#include <cstdio>
int main() {
  auto timer = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned long*>(0x1000);
  printf("Timer is %lu.", *timer);

Listing 6-5: A program using reinterpret_cast. This program will compile, but you should expect a runtime crash unless 0x1000 is readable.

The reinterpret_cast takes a type parameter corresponding to the desired pointer type and the memory address the result should point to .

Of course, the compiler has no idea whether the memory at address 0x1000 contains an unsigned long. It’s entirely up to you to ensure correctness. Because you’re taking full responsibility for this very dangerous construction, the compiler forces you to employ reinterpret_cast. You couldn’t, for example, replace the initialization of timer with the following line:

const unsigned long* timer{ 0x1000 };

The compiler will grumble about converting an int to a pointer.


Listing 6-6 illustrates a custom static_cast that performs a runtime check for narrowing. Narrowing is a loss in information. Think about converting from an int to a short. As long as the value of int fits into a short, the conversion is reversible and no narrowing occurs. If the value of int is too big for the short, the conversion isn’t reversible and results in narrowing.

Let’s implement a named conversion called narrow_cast that checks for narrowing and throws a runtime_error if it’s detected.

#include <stdexcept>
template <typename To, typename From>
To narrow_cast(From value) {
  const auto converted = static_cast<To>(value); 
  const auto backwards = static_cast<From>(converted); 
  if (value != backwards) throw std::runtime_error{ "Narrowed!" }; 
  return converted; 

Listing 6-6: A narrow_cast definition

The narrow_cast function template takes two template parameters: the type you’re casting To and the type you’re casting From . You can see these template parameters in action as the return type of the function and the type of the parameter value . First, you perform the requested conversion using static_cast to yield converted . Next, you perform the conversion in the opposite direction (from converted to type From) to yield backwards . If value doesn’t equal backwards, you’ve narrowed, so you throw an exception . Otherwise, you return converted .

You can see narrow_cast in action in Listing 6-7.

#include <cstdio>
#include <stdexcept>

template <typename To, typename From>
To narrow_cast(From value) {
int main() {
  int perfect{ 496 }; 
  const auto perfect_short = narrow_cast<short>(perfect); 
  printf("perfect_short: %d
", perfect_short); 
  try {
    int cyclic{ 142857 }; 
    const auto cyclic_short = narrow_cast<short>(cyclic); 
    printf("cyclic_short: %d
", cyclic_short);
  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
    printf("Exception: %s
", e.what()); 
perfect_short: 496 
Exception: Narrowed! 

Listing 6-7: A program using narrow_cast. (The output comes from an execution on Windows 10 x64.)

You first initialize perfect to 496 and then narrow_cast it to the short perfect_short . This proceeds without exception because the value 496 fits easily into a 2-byte short on Windows 10 x64 (maximum value 32767). You see the output as expected . Next, you initialize cyclic to 142857 and attempt to narrow_cast to the short cyclic_short . This throws a runtime_error because 142857 is greater than the short’s maximum value of 32767. The check within narrow_cast will fail. You see the exception printed in the output .

Notice that you need to provide only a single template parameter, the return type, upon instantiation ➊➍. The compiler can deduce the From parameter based on usage.

mean: A Template Function Example

Consider the function in Listing 6-8 that computes the mean of a double array using the sum-and-divide approach.

#include <cstddef>

double mean(const double* values, size_t length) {
  double result{}; 
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i]; 
  return result / length; 

Listing 6-8: A function for computing the mean of an array

You initialize a result variable to zero . Next, you sum over values by iterating over each index i, adding the corresponding element to result . Then you divide result by length and return .

Genericizing mean

Suppose you want to support mean calculations for other numeric types, such as float or long. You might be thinking, “That’s what function overloads are for!” Essentially, you would be correct.

Listing 6-9 overloads mean to accept a long array. The straightforward approach is to copy and paste the original, then replace instances of double with long.

#include <cstddef>

long mean(const long* values, size_t length) {
  long result{}; 
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

Listing 6-9: An overload of Listing 6-8 accepting a long array

That sure is a lot of copying and pasting, and you’ve changed very little: the return type , the function argument , and result .

This approach doesn’t scale as you add more types. What if you want to support other integral types, such as short types or uint_64 types? What about float types? What if, later on, you want to refactor some logic in mean? You’re in for a lot of tedious and error-prone maintenance.

There are three changes to mean in Listing 6-9, and all of them involve finding and replacing double types with long types. Ideally, you could have the compiler automatically generate versions of the function for you whenever it encounters usage with a different type. The key is that none of the logic changes—only the types.

What you need to solve this copy-and-paste problem is generic programming, a programming style where you program with yet-to-be-specified types. You achieve generic programming using the support C++ has for templates. Templates allow the compiler to instantiate a custom class or function based on the types in use.

Now that you know how to declare templates, consider the mean function again. You still want mean to accept a wide range of types—not just double types—but you don’t want to have to copy and paste the same code over and over again.

Consider how you can refactor Listing 6-8 into a template function, as demonstrated in Listing 6-10.

#include <cstddef>

template<typename T> 
T mean(T* values, size_t length) {
  T result{};
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

Listing 6-10: Refactoring Listing 6-8 into a template function

Listing 6-10 kicks off with a template prefix . This prefix communicates a single template parameter T. Next, you update mean to use T instead of double ➋➌➍.

Now you can use mean with many different types. Each time the compiler encounters a usage of mean with a new type, it performs template instantiation. It’s as if you had done the copy-paste-and-replace-types procedure, but the compiler is much better at doing detail-oriented, monotonous tasks than you are. Consider the example in Listing 6-11, which computes means for double, float, and size_t types.

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>

template<typename T>
T mean(const T* values, size_t length) {

int main() {
  const double nums_d[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
  const auto result1 = mean<double>(nums_d, 4); 
  printf("double: %f
", result1);

  const float nums_f[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
  const auto result2 = mean<float>(nums_f, 4); 
  printf("float: %f
", result2);

  const size_t nums_c[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
  const auto result3 = mean<size_t>(nums_c, 4); 
  printf("size_t: %zd
", result3);
double: 2.500000
float: 2.500000
size_t: 2

Listing 6-11: A program using the template function mean

Three templates are instantiated ➊➋➌; it’s as if you generated the overloads isolated in Listing 6-12 by hand. (Each template instantiation contains types, shown in bold, where the compiler substituted a type for a template parameter.)

double mean(const double* values, size_t length) {
  double result{};
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

float mean(const float* values, size_t length) {
  float result{};
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

char mean(const char* values, size_t length) {
  char result{};
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

Listing 6-12: The template instantiations for Listing 6-11

The compiler has done a lot of work for you, but you might have noticed that you had to type the pointed-to array type twice: once to declare an array and again to specify a template parameter. This gets tedious and can cause errors. If the template parameter doesn’t match, you’ll likely get a compiler error or cause unintended casting.

Fortunately, you can generally omit the template parameters when invoking a template function. The process that the compiler uses to determine the correct template parameters is called template type deduction.

Template Type Deduction

Generally, you don’t have to provide template function parameters. The compiler can deduce them from usage, so a rewrite of Listing 6-11 without them is shown in Listing 6-13.

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>

template<typename T>
T mean(const T* values, size_t length) {

int main() {
  const double nums_d[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
  const auto result1 = mean(nums_d, 4); 
  printf("double: %f
", result1);

  const float nums_f[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
  const auto result2 = mean(nums_f, 4); 
  printf("float: %f
", result2);

  const size_t nums_c[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
  const auto result3 = mean(nums_c, 4); 
  printf("size_t: %zd
", result3);
double: 2.500000
float: 2.500000
size_t: 2

Listing 6-13: A refactor of Listing 6-11 without explicit template parameters

It’s clear from usage that the template parameters are double ➊, float , and size_t .


Template type deduction mostly works the way you might expect, but there is some nuance you’ll want to become familiar with if you’re writing a lot of generic code. For more information, see the ISO standard [temp]. Also, refer to Item 1 of Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers and Section 23.5.1 of The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Sometimes, template arguments cannot be deduced. For example, if a template function’s return type is a template argument, you must specify template arguments explicitly.

SimpleUniquePointer: A Template Class Example

A unique pointer is an RAII wrapper around a free-store-allocated object. As its name suggests, the unique pointer has a single owner at a time, so when a unique pointer’s lifetime ends, the pointed-to object gets destructed.

The underlying object’s type in unique pointers doesn’t matter, making them a prime candidate for a template class. Consider the implementation in Listing 6-14.

template <typename T> 
struct SimpleUniquePointer {
  SimpleUniquePointer() = default; 
  SimpleUniquePointer(T* pointer)
    : pointer{ pointer } { 
  ~SimpleUniquePointer() { 
    if(pointer) delete pointer;
  SimpleUniquePointer(const SimpleUniquePointer&) = delete;
  SimpleUniquePointer& operator=(const SimpleUniquePointer&) = delete; 
  SimpleUniquePointer(SimpleUniquePointer&& other) noexcept 
    : pointer{ other.pointer } {
    other.pointer = nullptr;
  SimpleUniquePointer& operator=(SimpleUniquePointer&& other) noexcept { 
    if(pointer) delete pointer;
    pointer = other.pointer;
    other.pointer = nullptr;
    return *this;
  T* get() { 
    return pointer;
  T* pointer;

Listing 6-14: A simple unique pointer implementation

You announce the template class with a template prefix , which establishes T as the wrapped object’s type. Next, you specify a default constructor using the default keyword . (Recall from Chapter 4 that you need default when you want both a default constructor and a non-default constructor.) The generated default constructor will set the private member T* pointer to nullptr thanks to default initialization rules. You have a non-default constructor that takes a T* and sets the private member pointer . Because the pointer is possibly nullptr, the destructor checks before deleting .

Because you want to allow only a single owner of the pointed-to object, you delete the copy constructor and the copy-assignment operator . This prevents double-free issues, which were discussed in Chapter 4. However, you can make your unique pointer moveable by adding a move constructor . This steals the value of pointer from other and then sets the pointer of other to nullptr, handing responsibility of the pointed-to object to this. Once the move constructor returns, the moved-from object is destroyed. Because the moved-from object’s pointer is set to nullptr, the destructor will not delete the pointed-to object.

The possibility that this already owns an object complicates the move assignment . You must check explicitly for prior ownership, because failure to delete a pointer leaks a resource. After this check, you perform the same operations as in the copy constructor: you set pointer to the value of other.pointer and then set other.pointer to nullptr. This ensures that the moved-from object doesn’t delete the pointed-to object.

You can obtain direct access to the underlying pointer by calling the get method .

Let’s enlist our old friend Tracer from Listing 4-5 to investigate SimpleUniquePointer. Consider the program in Listing 6-15.

#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>

template <typename T>
struct SimpleUniquePointer {

struct Tracer {
  Tracer(const char* name) : name{ name } {
    printf("%s constructed.
", name); 
  ~Tracer() {
    printf("%s destructed.
", name); 
  const char* const name;

void consumer(SimpleUniquePointer<Tracer> consumer_ptr) {
  printf("(cons) consumer_ptr: 0x%p
", consumer_ptr.get()); 

int main() {
  auto ptr_a = SimpleUniquePointer(new Tracer{ "ptr_a" });
  printf("(main) ptr_a: 0x%p
", ptr_a.get()); 
  printf("(main) ptr_a: 0x%p
", ptr_a.get()); 
ptr_a constructed. 
(main) ptr_a: 0x000001936B5A2970 
(cons) consumer_ptr: 0x000001936B5A2970 
ptr_a destructed. 
(main) ptr_a: 0x0000000000000000 

Listing 6-15: A program investigating SimpleUniquePointers with the Tracer class

First, you dynamically allocate a Tracer with the message ptr_a. This prints the first message . You use the resulting Tracer pointer to construct a SimpleUniquePointer called ptr_a. Next, you use the get() method of ptr_a to retrieve the address of its Tracer, which you print . Then you use std::move to relinquish the Tracer of ptr_a to the consumer function, which moves ptr_a into the consumer_ptr argument.

Now, consumer_ptr owns the Tracer. You use the get() method of consumer_ptr to retrieve the address of Tracer, then print . Notice this address matches the one printed at . When consumer returns, consumer_ptr dies because its storage duration is the scope of consumer. As a result, ptr_a gets destructed .

Recall that ptr_a is in a moved-from state—you moved its Tracer into consumer. You use the get() method of ptr_a to illustrate that it now holds a nullptr .

Thanks to SimpleUniquePointer, you won’t leak a dynamically allocated object; also, because the SimpleUniquePointer is just carrying around a pointer under the hood, move semantics are efficient.


The SimpleUniquePointer is a pedagogical implementation of the stdlib’s std::unique_ptr, which is a member of the family of RAII templates called smart pointers. You’ll learn about these in Part II.

Type Checking in Templates

Templates are type safe. During template instantiation, the compiler pastes in the template parameters. If the resulting code is incorrect, the compiler will not generate the instantiation.

Consider the template function in Listing 6-16, which squares an element and returns the result.

template<typename T>
T square(T value) {
  return value * value; 

Listing 6-16: A template function that squares a value

The T has a silent requirement: it must support multiplication .

If you try to use square with, say, a char*, the compilation will fail, as shown in Listing 6-17.

template<typename T>
T square(T value) {
  return value * value;

int main() {
  char my_char{ 'Q' };
  auto result = square(&my_char);  // Bang!

Listing 6-17: A program with a failed template instantiation. (This program fails to compile.)

Pointers don’t support multiplication, so template initialization fails .

The square function is trivially small, but the failed template initialization’s error message isn’t. On MSVC v141, you get this:

main.cpp(3): error C2296: '*': illegal, left operand has type 'char *'
main.cpp(8): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'T *square<char*>(T)' being compiled
            T=char *
main.cpp(3): error C2297: '*': illegal, right operand has type 'char *'

And on GCC 7.3, you get this:

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'T square(T) [with T = char*]':
main.cpp:8:32:   required from here
main.cpp:3:16: error: invalid operands of types 'char*' and 'char*' to binary
   return value * value;

These error messages exemplify the notoriously cryptic error messages emitted by template initialization failures.

Although template instantiation ensures type safety, the checking happens very late in the compilation process. When the compiler instantiates a template, it pastes the template parameter types into the template. After type insertion, the compiler attempts to compile the result. If instantiation fails, the compiler emits the dying words inside the template instantiation.

C++ template programming shares similarities with duck-typed languages. Duck-typed languages (like Python) defer type checking until runtime. The underlying philosophy is that if an object looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be type duck. Unfortunately, this means you can’t generally know whether an object supports a particular operation until you execute the program.

With templates, you cannot know whether an instantiation will succeed until you try to compile it. Although duck-typed languages might blow up at runtime, templates might blow up at compile time.

This situation is widely regarded as unacceptable by right-thinking people in the C++ community, so there is a splendid solution called concepts.


Concepts constrain template parameters, allowing for parameter checking at the point of instantiation rather than the point of first use. By catching usage issues at the point of instantiation, the compiler can give you a friendly, informative error code—for example, “You tried to instantiate this template with a char*, but this template requires a type that supports multiplication.”

Concepts allow you to express requirements on template parameters directly in the language.

Unfortunately, concepts aren’t yet officially part of the C++ standard, although they’ve been voted into C++ 20. At press time, GCC 6.0 and later support the Concepts Technical Specification, and Microsoft is actively working toward implementing concepts in its C++ compiler, MSVC. Regardless of its unofficial status, it’s worth exploring concepts in some detail for a few reasons:

  • They’ll fundamentally change the way you achieve compile-time polymorphism. Familiarity with concepts will pay major dividends.
  • They provide a conceptual framework for understanding some of the makeshift solutions that you can put in place to get better compiler errors when templates are misused.
  • They provide an excellent conceptual bridge from compile-time templates to interfaces, the primary mechanism for runtime polymorphism (covered in Chapter 5).
  • If you can use GCC 6.0 or later, concepts are available by turning on the -fconcepts compiler flag.


C++ 20’s final concept specification will almost certainly deviate from the Concepts Technical Specification. This section presents concepts as specified in the Concepts Technical Specification so you can follow along.

Defining a Concept

A concept is a template. It’s a constant expression involving template arguments, evaluated at compile time. Think of a concept as one big predicate: a function that evaluates to true or false.

If a set of template parameters meets the criteria for a given concept, that concept evaluates to true when instantiated with those parameters; otherwise, it will evaluate to false. When a concept evaluates to false, template instantiation fails.

You declare concepts using the keyword concept on an otherwise familiar template function definition:

template<typename T1, typename T2, ...>
concept bool ConceptName() {

Type Traits

Concepts validate type parameters. Within concepts, you manipulate types to inspect their properties. You can hand roll these manipulations, or you can use the type support library built into the stdlib. The library contains utilities for inspecting type properties. These utilities are collectively called type traits. They’re available in the <type_traits> header and are part of the std namespace. Table 6-1 lists some commonly used type traits.


See Chapter 5.4 of The C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition, by Nicolai M. Josuttis for an exhaustive listing of type traits available in the stdlib.

Table 6-1: Selected Type Traits from the <type_traits> Header

Type trait

Checks if template argument is …






bool, a char type, an int type, a short type, a long type, or a long long type


float, double, or long double


Any of is_void, is_null_pointer, is_integral, or is_floating_point


An array; that is, a type containing square brackets []


An enumeration type (enum)


A class type (but not a union type)


A function


A pointer; function pointers count, but pointers to class members and nullptr do not


A reference (either lvalue or rvalue)


is_floating_point or is_integral


A plain-old-data type; that is, a type that can be represented as a data type in plain C


Default constructible; that is, it can be constructed without arguments or initialization values


Constructible with the given template parameters: this type trait allows the user to provide additional template parameters beyond the type under consideration


Copy constructible


Move constructible




The same type as the additional template parameter type (including const and volatile modifiers)


Invocable with the given template parameters: this type trait allows the user to provide additional template parameters beyond the type under consideration

Each type trait is a template class that takes a single template parameter, the type you want to inspect. You extract the results using the template’s static member value. This member equals true if the type parameter meets the criteria; otherwise, it’s false.

Consider the type trait classes is_integral and is_floating_point. These are useful for checking if a type is (you guessed it) integral or floating point. Both of these templates take a single template parameter. The example in Listing 6-18 investigates type traits with several types.

#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>

constexpr const char* as_str(bool x) { return x ? "True" : "False"; } 

int main() {
", as_str(std::is_integral<int>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<const int>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<char>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<uint64_t>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<int&>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<int*>::value)); 
", as_str(std::is_integral<float>::value)); 

Listing 6-18: A program using type traits

Listing 6-18 defines the convenience function as_str to print Boolean values with the string True or False. Within main, you print the result of various type trait instantiations. The template parameters int ➋, const int , char , and uint64_t all return true when passed to is_integral. Reference types ➏➐ and floating-point types return false.


Recall that printf doesn’t have a format specifier for bool. Rather than using the integer format specifier %d as a stand-in, Listing 6-18 employs the as_str function, which returns the string literal True or False depending on the value of the bool. Because these values are string literals, you can capitalize them however you like.

Type traits are often the building blocks for a concept, but sometimes you need more flexibility. Type traits tell you what types are, but sometimes you must also specify how the template will use them. For this, you use requirements.


Requirements are ad hoc constraints on template parameters. Each concept can specify any number of requirements on its template parameters. Requirements are encoded into requires expressions denoted by the requires keyword followed by function arguments and a body.

A sequence of syntactic requirements comprises the requirements expression’s body. Each syntactic requirement puts a constraint on the template parameters. Together, requires expressions have the following form:

requires (arg-1, arg-2, ...) {
  { expression1 } -> return-type1;
  { expression2 } -> return-type2;

Requires expressions take arguments that you place after the requires keyword . These arguments have types derived from template parameters. The syntactic requirements follow, each denoted with { } ->. You put an arbitrary expression within each of the braces . This expression can involve any number of the arguments to the argument expression.

If an instantiation causes a syntactic expression not to compile, that syntactic requirement fails. Supposing the expression evaluates without error, the next check is whether the return type of that expression matches the type given after the arrow -> . If the expression result’s evaluated type can’t implicitly convert to the return type , the syntactic requirement fails.

If any of the syntactic requirements fail, the requires expression evaluates to false. If all of the syntactic requirements pass, the requires expression evaluates to true.

Suppose you have two types, T and U, and you want to know whether you can compare objects of these types using the equality == and inequality != operators. One way to encode this requirement is to use the following expression.

// T, U are types
requires (T t, U u) {
  { t == u } -> bool; // syntactic requirement 1
  { u == t } -> bool; // syntactic requirement 2
  { t != u } -> bool; // syntactic requirement 3
  { u != t } -> bool; // syntactic requirement 4

The requires expression takes two arguments, one each of types T and U. Each of the syntactic requirements contained in the requires expression is an expression using t and u with either == or !=. All four syntactic requirements enforce a bool result. Any two types that satisfy this requires expression are guaranteed to support comparison with == and !=.

Building Concepts from Requires Expressions

Because requires expressions are evaluated at compile time, concepts can contain any number of them. Try to construct a concept that guards against the misuse of mean. Listing 6-19 annotates some of the implicit requirements used earlier in Listing 6-10.

template<typename T>
T mean(T* values, size_t length) {
  T result{}; 
  for(size_t i{}; i<length; i++) {
    result += values[i];
  return result / length;

Listing 6-19: A relisting of 6-10 with annotations for some implicit requirements on T

You can see three requirements implied by this code:

  • T must be default constructible .
  • T supports operator+= .
  • Dividing a T by a size_t yields a T .

From these requirements, you could create a concept called Averageable, as demonstrated in Listing 6-20.

template<typename T>
concept bool Averageable() {
  return std::is_default_constructible<T>::value 
    && requires (T a, T b) {
      { a += b } -> T; 
      { a / size_t{ 1 } } -> T; 

Listing 6-20: An Averageable concept. Annotations are consistent with the requirements and the body of mean.

You use the type trait is_default_constructible to ensure that T is default constructible , that you can add two T types , and that you can divide a T by a size_t and get a result of type T.

Recall that concepts are just predicates; you’re building a Boolean expression that evaluates to true when the template parameters are supported and false when they’re not. The concept is composed of three Boolean expressions AND-ed (&&) together: two type traits ➊➌ and a requires expression. If any of the three returns false, the concept’s constraints are not met.

Using Concepts

Declaring concepts is a lot more work than using them. To use a concept, just use the concept’s name in place of the typename keyword.

For example, you can refactor Listing 6-13 with the Averageable concept, as shown in Listing 6-21.

#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
concept bool Averageable() { 

template<Averageable T>
T mean(const T* values, size_t length) {

int main() {
  const double nums_d[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
  const auto result1 = mean(nums_d, 4);
  printf("double: %f
", result1);

  const float nums_f[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
  const auto result2 = mean(nums_f, 4);
  printf("float: %f
", result2);

  const size_t nums_c[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
  const auto result3 = mean(nums_c, 4);
  printf("size_t: %d
", result3);
double: 2.500000
float: 2.500000
size_t: 2

Listing 6-21: A refactor of Listing 6-13 using Averageable

After defining Averageable , you just use it in place of typename . No further modification is necessary. The code generated from compiling Listing 6-13 is identical to the code generated from compiling Listing 6-21.

The payoff is when you get to try to use mean with a type that is not Averageable: you get a compiler error at the point of instantiation. This produces much better compiler error messages than you would obtain from a raw template.

Look at the instantiation of mean in Listing 6-22 where you “accidentally” try to average an array of double pointers.

int main() {
  auto value1 = 0.0;
  auto value2 = 1.0;
  const double* values[] { &value1, &value2 };
  mean(values, 2);

Listing 6-22: A bad template instantiation using a non-Averageable argument

There are several problems with using values . What can the compiler tell you about those problems?

Without concepts, GCC 6.3 produces the error message shown in Listing 6-23.

<source>: In instantiation of 'T mean(const T*, size_t) [with T = const
double*; size_t = long unsigned int]':
<source>:17:17:   required from here
<source>:8:12: error: invalid operands of types 'const double*' and 'const
double*' to binary 'operator+'
     result += values[i]; 
<source>:8:12: error:   in evaluation of 'operator+=(const double*, const
<source>:10:17: error: invalid operands of types 'const double*' and 'size_t'
{aka 'long unsigned int'} to binary 'operator/'
   return result / length; 

Listing 6-23: Error message from GCC 6.3 when compiling Listing 6-22

You might expect a casual user of mean to be extremely confused by this error message. What is i ? Why is a const double* involved in division ?

Concepts provide a far more illuminating error message, as Listing 6-24 demonstrates.

<source>: In function 'int main()':
<source>:28:17: error: cannot call function 'T mean(const T*, size_t) [with T
= const double*; size_t = long unsigned int]'
   mean(values, 2); 
<source>:16:3: note:   constraints not satisfied
 T mean(const T* values, size_t length) {

<source>:6:14: note: within 'template<class T> concept bool Averageable()
[with T = const double*]'
 concept bool Averageable() {
<source>:6:14: note:     with 'const double* a'
<source>:6:14: note:     with 'const double* b'
<source>:6:14: note: the required expression '(a + b)' would be ill-formed 
<source>:6:14: note: the required expression '(a / b)' would be ill-formed 

Listing 6-24: Error message from GCC 7.2 when compiling Listing 6-22 with concepts enabled

This error message is fantastic. The compiler tells you which argument (values) didn’t meet a constraint . Then it tells you that values is not Averageable because it doesn’t satisfy two required expressions ➋➌. You know immediately how to modify your arguments to make this template instantiation successful.

When concepts incorporate into the C++ standard, it’s likely that the stdlib will include many concepts. The design goal of concepts is that a programmer shouldn’t have to define very many concepts on their own; rather, they should be able to combine concepts and ad hoc requirements within a template prefix. Table 6-2 provides a partial listing of some concepts you might expect to be included; these are borrowed from Andrew Sutton’s implementation of concepts in the Origins Library.


See https://github.com/asutton/origin/ for more information on the Origins Library. To compile the examples that follow, you can install Origins and use GCC version 6.0 or later with the -fconcepts flag.

Table 6-2: The Concepts Contained in the Origins Library


A type that …


Can be explicitly converted to bool


Is Conditional and supports !, &&, and || Boolean operations


Supports == and != operations returning a Boolean


Can be destroyed (compare is_destructible)


Is default constructible (compare is_default_constructible)


Supports move semantics: it must be move assignable and move constructible (compare is_move_assignable, is_move_constructible)


Supports copy semantics: it must be copy assignable and copy constructible (compare is_copy_assignable, is_copy_constructible)


Is default constructible, copyable, and Equality_comparable


Is Regular and is totally ordered (essentially, it can be sorted)


Is Ordered and supports math operations like +, -, /, and *


Supports invocation; that is, you can call it (compare is_invocable)


Is a Function and returns bool


Can be iterated over in a range-based for loop

There are several ways to build constraints into a template prefix. If a template parameter is only used to declare the type of a function parameter, you can omit the template prefix entirely:

return-type function-name(Concept1 arg-1, …) {

Because you use a concept rather than a typename to define an argument’s type , the compiler knows that the associated function is a template. You are even free to mix concepts and concrete types in the argument list. In other words, whenever you use a concept as part of a function definition, that function becomes a template.

The template function in Listing 6-25 takes an array of Ordered elements and finds the minimum.

#include <origin/core/concepts.hpp>
size_t index_of_minimum(Ordered* x, size_t length) {
  size_t min_index{};
  for(size_t i{ 1 }; i<length; i++) {
    if(x[i] < x[min_index]) min_index = i;
  return min_index;

Listing 6-25: A template function using the Ordered concept

Even though there’s no template prefix, index_of_minimum is a template because Ordered is a concept. This template can be instantiated in the same way as any other template function, as demonstrated in Listing 6-26.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <origin/core/concepts.hpp>

struct Goblin{};

size_t index_of_minimum(Ordered* x, size_t length) {

int main() {
  int x1[] { -20, 0, 100, 400, -21, 5123 };
", index_of_minimum(x1, 6)); 

  unsigned short x2[] { 42, 51, 900, 400 };
", index_of_minimum(x2, 4)); 

  Goblin x3[] { Goblin{}, Goblin{} };
  //index_of_minimum(x3, 2);  // Bang! Goblin is not Ordered.

Listing 6-26: A listing employing index_of_minimum from Listing 6-25. Uncommenting causes compilation to fail.

The instantiations for int and unsigned short arrays succeed because types are Ordered (see Table 6-2).

However, the Goblin class is not Ordered, and template instantiation would fail if you tried to compile . Crucially, the error message would be informative:

error: cannot call function 'size_t index_
of_minimum(auto:1*, size_t) [with auto:1 = Goblin; size_t = long unsigned int]'
   index_of_minimum(x3, 2); // Bang! Goblin is not Ordered.
note:   constraints not satisfied
 size_t index_of_minimum(Ordered* x, size_t length) {

note: within 'template<class T> concept bool origin::Ordered() [with T =

You know that the index_of_minimum instantiation failed and that the issue is with the Ordered concept.

Ad Hoc Requires Expressions

Concepts are fairly heavyweight mechanisms for enforcing type safety. Sometimes, you just want to enforce some requirement directly in the template prefix. You can embed requires expressions directly into the template definition to accomplish this. Consider the get_copy function in Listing 6-27 that takes a pointer and safely returns a copy of the pointed-to object.

#include <stdexcept>

template<typename T>
  requires is_copy_constructible<T>::value 
T get_copy(T* pointer) {
  if (!pointer) throw std::runtime_error{ "Null-pointer dereference" };
  return *pointer;

Listing 6-27: A template function with an ad hoc requires expression

The template prefix contains the requires keyword , which begins the requires expression. In this case, the type trait is_copy_constructible ensures that T is copyable . This way, if a user accidentally tries to get_copy with a pointer that points to an uncopyable object, they’ll be presented with a clear explanation of why template instantiation failed. Consider the example in Listing 6-28.

#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
  requires std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value
T get_copy(T* pointer) { 

struct Highlander {
  Highlander() = default; 
  Highlander(const Highlander&) = delete; 

int main() {
  Highlander connor; 
  auto connor_ptr = &connor; 
  auto connor_copy = get_copy(connor_ptr); 
In function 'int main()':
error: cannot call function 'T get_copy(T*) [with T = Highlander]'
   auto connor_copy = get_copy(connor_ptr);
note:   constraints not satisfied
 T get_copy(T* pointer) {

note: 'std::is_copy_constructible::value' evaluated to false

Listing 6-28: Program using the get_copy template in Listing 6-27. This code doesn’t compile.

The definition of get_copy is followed by a Highlander class definition, which contains a default constructor and a deleted copy constructor . Within main, you’ve initialized a Highlander , taken its reference , and attempted to instantiate get_copy with the result . Because there can be only one Highlander (it’s not copyable), Listing 6-28 produces an exquisitely clear error message.

static_assert: The Preconcepts Stopgap

As of C++17, concepts aren’t part of the standard, so they’re not guaranteed to be available across compilers. There is a stopgap you can apply in the interim: the static_assert expression. These assertions evaluate at compile time. If an assertion fails, the compiler will issue an error and optionally provide a diagnostic message. A static_assert has the following form:

static_assert(boolean-expression, optional-message);

In the absence of concepts, you can include one or more static_assert expressions in the bodies of templates to assist users in diagnosing usage errors.

Suppose you want to improve the error messages of mean without leaning on concepts. You can use type traits in combination with static_assert to achieve a similar result, as demonstrated in Listing 6-29.

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
T mean(T* values, size_t length) {
    "Type must be default constructible."); 
    "Type must be copy constructible."); 
    "Type must support addition and division."); 
  static_assert(std::is_constructible<T, size_t>(),
    "Type must be constructible from size_t."); 

Listing 6-29: Using static_assert expressions to improve compile time errors in mean in Listing 6-10.

You see the familiar type traits for checking that T is default and copy constructible , and you provide error methods to help users diagnose issues with template instantiation. You use is_arithmetic , which evaluates to true if the type parameter supports arithmetic operations (+, -, /, and *), and is_constructible , which determines whether you can construct a T from a size_t.

Using static_assert as a proxy for concepts is a hack, but it’s widely used. Using type traits, you can limp along until concepts are included in the standard. You’ll often see static_assert if you use modern third-party libraries; if you’re writing code for others (including future you), consider using static_assert and type traits.

Compilers, and often programmers, don’t read documentation. By baking requirements directly into the code, you can avoid stale documentation. In the absence of concepts, static_assert is a fine stopgap.

Non-Type Template Parameters

A template parameter declared with the typename (or class) keyword is called a type template parameter, which is a stand-in for some yet-to-be-specified type. Alternatively, you can use non-type template parameters, which are stand-ins for some yet-to-be-specified value. Non-type template parameters can be any of the following:

  • An integral type
  • An lvalue reference type
  • A pointer (or pointer-to-member) type
  • A std::nullptr_t (the type of nullptr)
  • An enum class

Using a non-type template parameter allows you to inject a value into the generic code at compile time. For example, you can construct a template function called get that checks for out-of-bounds array access at compile time by taking the index you want to access as a non-type template parameter.

Recall from Chapter 3 that if you pass an array to a function, it decays into a pointer. You can instead pass an array reference with a particularly off-putting syntax:


For example, Listing 6-30 contains a get function that makes a first attempt at performing bounds-checked array access.

#include <stdexcept>

int& get(int (&arr)[10], size_t index) {
  if (index >= 10) throw std::out_of_range{ "Out of bounds" }; 
  return arr[index]; 

Listing 6-30: A function for accessing array elements with bounds checking

The get function accepts a reference to an int array of length 10 and an index to extract . If index is out of bounds, it throws an out_of_bounds exception ; otherwise, it returns a reference to the corresponding element .

You can improve Listing 6-30 in three ways, which are all enabled by non-type template parameters genericizing the values out of get.

First, you can relax the requirement that arr refer to an int array by making get a template function, as in Listing 6-31.

#include <stdexcept>

template <typename T>
T& get(T (&arr)[10], size_t index) {
  if (index >= 10) throw std::out_of_range{ "Out of bounds" };
  return arr[index];

Listing 6-31: A refactor of Listing 6-30 to accept an array of a generic type

As you’ve done throughout this chapter, you’ve genericized the function by replacing a concrete type (here, int) with a template parameter ➊➋➌.

Second, you can relax the requirement that arr refer to an array of length 10 by introducing a non-type template parameter Length. Listing 6-32 shows how: simply declare a size_t Length template parameter and use it in place of 10.

#include <stdexcept>

template <typename T, size_t Length>
T& get (T(&arr)[Length], size_t index) {
  if (index >= Length) throw std::out_of_range{ "Out of bounds" };
  return arr[index];

Listing 6-32: A refactor of Listing 6-31 to accept an array of a generic length

The idea is the same: rather than replacing a specific type (int), you’ve replaced a specific integral value (10) ➊➋➌. Now you can use the function with arrays of any size.

Third, you can perform compile time bounds checking by taking size_t index as another non-type template parameter. This allows you to replace the std::out_of_range with a static_assert, as in Listing 6-33.

#include <cstdio>

template <size_t Index, typename T, size_t Length>
T& get(T (&arr)[Length]) {
  static_assert(Index < Length, "Out-of-bounds access"); 
  return arr[Index];

int main() {
  int fib[]{ 1, 1, 2, 0 }; 
  printf("%d %d %d ", get<0>(fib), get<1>(fib), get<2>(fib)); 
  get<3>(fib) = get<1>(fib) + get<2>(fib); 
  printf("%d", get<3>(fib)); 
  //printf("%d", get<4>(fib)); 
1 1 2 3 

Listing 6-33: A program using compile time bounds-checked array accesses

You’ve moved the size_t index parameter into a non-type template parameter and updated the array access with the correct name Index . Because Index is now a compile time constant, you also replace the logic_error with a static_assert, which prints the friendly message Out-of-bounds access whenever you accidentally try to access an out-of-bounds element .

Listing 6-33 also contains example usage of get in main. You’ve first declared an int array fib of length 4 . You then print the first three elements of the array using get , set the fourth element , and print it . If you uncomment the out-of-bounds access , the compiler will generate an error thanks to the static_assert.

Variadic Templates

Sometimes, templates must take in an unknown number of arguments. The compiler knows these arguments at template instantiation, but you want to avoid having to write many different templates each for different numbers of arguments. This is the raison d’être of variadic templates. Variadic templates take a variable number of arguments.

You denote variadic templates using a final template parameter that has a special syntax, namely typename... arguments. The ellipsis indicates that arguments is a parameter pack type, meaning you can declare parameter packs within your template. A parameter pack is a template argument that accepts zero or more function arguments. These definitions can seem a bit abstruse, so consider the following sample variadic template that builds upon SimpleUniquePointer.

Recall from Listing 6-14 that you pass a raw pointer into the constructor of SimpleUniquePointer. Listing 6-34 implements a make_simple_unique function that handles construction of the underlying type.

template <typename T, typename... Arguments>
SimpleUniquePointer<T> make_simple_unique(Arguments... arguments) {
  return SimpleUniquePointer<T>{ new T{ arguments... } };

Listing 6-34: Implementing a make_simple_unique function to ease SimpleUniquePointer usage

You define the parameter pack type Arguments , which declares make_simple_unique as a variadic template. This function passes arguments to the constructor of template parameter T .

The upshot is you can now create SimpleUniquePointers very easily, even when the pointed-to object has a non-default constructor.


There is a slightly more efficient implementation of Listing 6-34. If arguments is an rvalue, you can move it directly into the constructor of T. The stdlib contains a function called std::forward in the <utility> header that will detect whether arguments is an lvalue or rvalue and perform a copy or move, respectively. See Item 23 in Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers.

Advanced Template Topics

For everyday polymorphic programming, templates are your go-to tool. It turns out that templates are also used in a wide range of advanced settings, especially in implementing libraries, high-performance programs, and embedded system firmware. This section outlines some of the major terrain features of this vast space.

Template Specialization

To understand advanced template usage, you must first understand template specialization. Templates can actually take more than just concept and typename parameters (type parameters). They can also accept fundamental types, like char (value parameters), as well as other templates. Given the tremendous flexibility of template parameters, you can make a lot of compile-time decisions about their features. You could have different versions of templates depending on the characteristics of these parameters. For example, if a type parameter is Ordered instead of Regular, you might be able to make a generic program more efficient. Programming this way is called template specialization. Refer to the ISO standard [temp.spec] for more information about template specialization.

Name Binding

Another critical component of how templates get instantiated is name binding. Name binding helps determine the rules for when the compiler matches a named element within a template to a concrete implementation. The named element could, for example, be part of the template definition, a local name, a global name, or from some named namespace. If you want to write heavily templated code, you need to understand how this binding occurs. If you’re in such a situation, refer to Chapter 9, “Names in Templates,” in C++ Templates: The Complete Guide by David Vandevoorde et al. and to [temp.res].

Type Function

A type function takes types as arguments and returns a type. The type traits with which you build up concepts are closely related to type functions. You can combine type functions with compile time control structures to do general computation, such as programming control flow, at compile time. Generally, programming using these techniques is called template metaprogramming.

Template Metaprogramming

Template metaprogramming has a deserved reputation for resulting in code that is exceedingly clever and absolutely inscrutable to all but the mightiest of wizards. Fortunately, once concepts are part of the C++ standard, template metaprogramming should become more approachable to us mere mortals. Until then, tread carefully. For those interested in further detail on this topic, refer to Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu and C++ Templates: The Complete Guide by David Vandevoorde et al.

Template Source Code Organization

Each time a template is instantiated, the compiler must be able to generate all the code necessary to use the template. This means all the information about how to instantiate a custom class or function must be available within the same translation unit as the template instantiation. By far, the most popular way to achieve this is to implement templates entirely within header files.

There are some modest inconveniences associated with this approach. Compile times can increase, because templates with the same parameters might get instantiated multiple times. It also decreases your ability to hide implementation details. Fortunately, the benefits of generic programming far outweigh these inconveniences. (Major compilers will probably minimize the problems of compile times and code duplication anyway.)

There are even a few advantages to having header-only templates:

  • It’s very easy for others to use your code: it’s a matter of applying #include to some headers (rather than compiling the library, ensuring the resulting object files are visible to the linker, and so on).
  • It’s trivially easy for compilers to inline header-only templates, which can lead to faster code at runtime.
  • Compilers can generally do a better job of optimizing code when all of the source is available.

Polymorphism at Runtime vs. Compile Time

When you want polymorphism, you should use templates. But sometimes you can’t use templates because you won’t know the types used with your code until runtime. Remember that template instantiation only occurs when you pair a template’s parameters with types. At this point, the compiler can instantiate a custom class for you. In some situations, you might not be able to perform such pairings until your program is executing (or, at least, performing such pairing at compile time would be tedious).

In such cases, you can use runtime polymorphism. Whereas the template is the mechanism for achieving compile-time polymorphism, the runtime mechanism is the interface.


In this chapter, you explored polymorphism in C++. The chapter started with a discussion of what polymorphism is and why it’s so tremendously useful. You explored how to achieve polymorphism at compile time with templates. You learned about type checking with concepts and then explored some advanced topics, such as variadic templates and template metaprogramming.


6-1. The mode of a series of values is the value that appears most commonly. Implement a mode function using the following signature: int mode(constint* values, size_t length). If you encounter an error condition, such as input having multiple modes and no values, return zero.

6-2. Implement mode as a template function.

6-3. Modify mode to accept an Integer concept. Verify that mode fails to instantiate with floating types like double.

6-4. Refactor mean in Listing 6-13 to accept an array rather than pointer and length arguments. Use Listing 6-33 as a guide.

6-5. Using the example from Chapter 5, make Bank a template class that accepts a template parameter. Use this type parameter as the type of an account rather than long. Verify that your code still works using a Bank<long> class.

6-6. Implement an Account class and instantiate a Bank<Account>. Implement functions in Account to keep track of balances.

6-7. Make Account an interface. Implement a CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount. Create a program with several checking and savings accounts. Use a Bank<Account> to make several transactions between the accounts.


  • C++ Templates: The Complete Guide, 2nd Edition, by David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, and Douglas Gregor (Addison-Wesley, 2017)
  • Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 by Scott Meyers (O’Reilly Media, 2015)
  • The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup (Pearson Education, 2013)
  • Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu (Addison-Wesley, 2001)
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