
How did you come to find this book? Did you see an ad for it on a website? Maybe a friend or mentor suggested it; or perhaps you saw a post on social media that referenced it. Could it be that you found it sitting on a shelf in a bookstore; a bookstore that your trusty maps app led you to? However you came to find it, you’ve almost certainly come to this book via a recommendation system.

Implementing and designing systems which provide suggestions to users is among the most popular and most essential applications of Machine Learning to any business. Whether you want to help your users find the best clothing to match their tastes, the most appealing items to buy from an online store, videos to enrich and entertain them, surface maximally engaging content from their networks, or the news highlights they need to know on that day, recommendation systems provide the way.

Modern recommendation system (often abbreviated RecSys) designs are as diverse as the domains they serve. RecSys consist of the computer software architectures to implement and execute such product goals in addition to the algorithmic components of ranking. Methods for ranking recommendions can come from traditional statistical learning algorithms, linear algebraic inspirations, geometric considerations, and, of course, gradient based methods. Just as the algorithmic methods are diverse, so too are the modeling and evaluation considerations for recommending: personalized ranking, search recommendations, sequence modeling, and the scoring for all of the above are now need-to-know for the working ML Engineer in the space of recommendation systems.

If you’re a machine learning practitioner you are probably aware of recommendation systems, and you may know one or two of the simplest modeling approaches, with the ability to speak intelligently about the relevant data structures and model architectures; however, RecSys (what practitioners call the field, and sometimes the systems themselves) frequently falls outside the core curriculum of Data Science and Machine Learning. Many a senior Data Scientist with years of experience in the industry knows little about actually building a recommendation system, and may feel intimidated when the topic comes up. Despite drawing on similar foundations and skills as other Machine Learning problems, RecSys has a vibrant community with a fast-moving focus that can make it easy to relegate building recommendation systems to other Data Scientists who have already invested the time, or are willing to stay on top of the latest information.

The reason this book exists, is to break through those perceived barriers. Understanding recommendation systems at a practical level is not only useful for business cases where content needs to be served to users, but the underlying ideas of RecSys often bridge gaps between an incredibly diverse set of other types of Machine Learning–take for example an article recommendation system which may utilize NLP to find representations of the articles, sequential modeling to promote longer engagement, and contextual components to allow user-queries to guide results. If you’re approaching the field from a purely academic interest, no matter what aspects of mathematics one finds themselves interested in, sooner or later, there appears a link or application in RecSys! Finally, if connections to other fields, applications of nearly all of mathematics, or the obvious business utility aren’t enough to get you interested in RecSys, the stunning cutting edge technology might: RecSys is at and beyond the forefront of Machine Learning at all times–one benefit of having very obvious revenue impact is that companies and practitioners need to always be pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and how they go about it. The most advanced Deep Learning architectures and best code infrastructures are brought to bear on this field. Hardly a surprise when you consider that at the heart of 4 of the 5 letters in FAANG, lies one or many recommendation systems 1

As a practitioner, you’ll need to understand:

  • How to take your data and business problem, and frame it as a RecSys problem.

  • What the essential data are to get started building a RecSys.

  • What the appropriate models are for your RecSys problem and how should you evaluate them.

  • How to implement, train, test, and deploy the aforementioned models?

  • What metrics you should be tracking to ensure your system is working as planned.

  • How to incrementally improve your system as you learn more about your users, products, and business case.

This book will illustrate the core concepts and examples necessary to answer these questions–whatever the industry or scale. In this book we’ll guide you through the math, ideas, and implementation details for building recommendation systems – whether it’s your first or your fiftieth. We illustrate how to build these systems with Python and JAX.

If you’re not yet familiar, JAX is a python framework from Google that seeks to make autodifferentiation and functional programming paradigms first class objects. Additionally, it uses a NumPy API style especially convenient for ML Practitioners from a variety of backgrounds.

We will show code examples and architecture models that capture the essential concepts necessary and provide the way to scale these systems to production applications.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This element signifies a tip or suggestion.


This element signifies a general note.


This element indicates a warning or caution.

Using Code Examples

The included code-snippets reference notebooks that will run on moderate, and in most cases free, resources. To facilitate easy experimentation and exploration we provide the code via Google Colab notebooks.

Supplemental material (code examples, exercises, etc.) is available for download at ESRecsys on GitHub.

If you have a technical question or a problem using the code examples, please send email to .

This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission.

We appreciate, but generally do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Building Production Recommendation Systems in Python and JAX by Bryan Bischof and Hector Yee. Copyright 2023 O’Reilly Media, 978-1-492-09799-0.”

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Hector would like to thank his husband Donald for the loving support he was given during the writing of this book and the snacks his sister Serena sends all the time. He would also like to dedicate this book to his relatives who have passed. A big thank you goes to the Google reviewers Ed Chi, Courtney Hohne, Sally Goldman, Richa Nigam, Mingliang Jiang, Anselm Levskaya. Thanks to Bryan Hughes for reviewing the Wikipedia code.

Bryan would like to thank his colleagues from Stitch Fix where he learned many of the key ideas in this book. In particular, Ian Horn’s patient guidance on transfer learning, Dr. Molly Davies’ mentorship on experimentation and effect estimates, Mark Weiss’ deep partnership on understanding the relationship between availability and recommendations, Dr. Reza Sohrabi’s introduction to transformers, Dr. Xi Chen’s encouragement on GNNs for Recs, and Dr. Leland McInnes for his careful advice on dimension reduction and approximate nearest neighbors. I benefit a lot from conversations with Dr. Natalia Gardiol, Dr. Daniel Fleischman, Dr. Andrew Ho, Jason Liu, Dr. Dan Marthaler, Dr. Chris Moody, Oz Raza, Dr. Anna Schneider, Ujjwal Sarin, Agnieszka Szefer, Dr. Daniel Tasse, Diyang Tang, Zach Winston, and others I’ve almost certainly forgotten. Outside of my incredible Stitch Fix colleagues I especially want to thank Dr. Eric Bunch, Dr. Lee Goerl, Dr. Will Chernoff, Leo Rosenberg, and Janu Verma for collaboration over the years. Dr. Brian Amadio as an excellent colleague and originally suggested that I write this book. Dr. Even Oldridge for encouraging me to actually try it. Eugene Yan and Karl Higley – neither of who I’ve met, but have been significantly inspired by. I’d like to thank Dr. Zhongzhu Lin and Dr. Alexander Rosenberg who both had formative impacts on his my career. Cianna Salvatora who assisted in early literature review, and Valentina Besprozvannykh who greatly assisted in reading very early draft notes and providing guidance.

Both authors thank Tobias Zwingmann, Ted Dunning, Vicki Boykis, Eric Schles, Shaked Zychlinski, and Will Kurt who spend much time giving careful technical feedback on book manuscripts; without which this book would have been incomprehensible. Rebecca Novack who harangued us into signing up for this project. And Jill Leonard who removed nearly 100 erroneous instance of the word utilize from the manuscript, in addition to an incredible amount of patient partnership on the book text.

1 Some may quibble that Apple has core recommendation systems at the heart of their company also. While it’s certainly true that the App Store forms a crucial strategic product for the company, we remain conservative in our 4 out of 5 assessment above and say that it’s not the companies primary revenue generating capability.

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