Chapter 12. Training for Ranking

Typical machine learning tasks usually predict a single outcome, such as a probability of being in a positive class for classification tasks, or an expected value for regression tasks. Ranking on the other hand, deals with the relative ordering of sets of items. This kind of task is typical of search results or recommendations where the order of items presented is important. In these kinds of problems, usually the score of an item isn’t shown to the user directly, rather they are presented – maybe implicitly – with the ordinal rank of the item, that is, the item at the top of the list is numbered lower than the next item.

In this chapter we will show different kinds of loss functions that machine learning algorithms can use during training. These scores should estimate list orderings such that when compared to each other, result in sets that are ordered more closely to the relevance ordering observed in a training dataset. Here we will focus on introducing the concepts and computations, which you’ll see put to work in the next chapter.

Where Does Ranking Fit in Recommender Systems?

Before we dive into the details of loss functions for ranking we should talk about where ranking fits into the larger scheme of recommender systems as a whole. Typical large scale recommenders will have a retrieval phase, where a cheap function is used to gather a decent amount of candidates items into a candidate set. Usually this retrieval phase is only item based. For example it could be related items to recently consumed or liked items by a user. Or for corpora for which freshness is important, such as news, the newest popular and relevant items for the user. These items are gathered into a candidate set and here we apply ranking to the candidate set.

Also, since the candidate set is usually much smaller than the entire corpus of items, we can use more expensive models and auxiliary features to help the ranking. Such features could be user features or context features. User features would be features that could help in determining how useful the items are to the user, such as the average embedding of recently consumed items. Context features could be something about the current session, such as time of day or recent queries that a user has typed. Some feature that differentiates the current session from others and helps in determining relevant items. Finally we have the representation of the items themselves, which can be anything from content features to learned embeddings that represent the item.

The user, context and item features are then concatenated into one feature vector which we will use to represent the item and we score all the candidates at once and order them. The rank ordered set might then have some extra filtering done to it for business logic, such as near duplicate removal or making the ranked set more diverse in the kinds of items displayed.

In the following examples, we will assume that the items can all be represented by a concatenated feature vector of user, context and item features and the model could be as simple as a linear model with a weight vector W that is dotted with the item vector to obtain a score by which the items may be sorted. These models can be generalized to deep neural networks but the final layer output is still going to be a scalar by which we sort the items.

Now that we have set the context for ranking, let us consider some ways we might rank a set of items represented by vectors.

Learning to Rank

Learning to Rank (LTR) is the name for the kind of models which score an ordered list of items according to their relevancy or importance. This technique is how we go from the potentially raw output of retrieval to a sorted list of items based on their relevance.

There are three main types of LTR problems:

  • Pointwise: It treats individual documents in isolation and assigns them a score or rank. The task becomes a regression or classification problem.

  • Pairwise: It considers pairs of documents simultaneously in the loss function. The goal is to minimize the number of incorrectly ordered pairs.

  • Listwise: It considers the entire list of documents in the loss function. The goal is to find the optimal ordering of the entire list.

Training a Learning to Rank Model

The training data for an LTR model typically consists of a list of items, and each item has a set of features and a label (or ground truth). The features might include information about the item itself, and the label typically represents its relevance or importance. For instance, in our recommender systems, we have item features as we’ve seen, and in the training dataset the labels will show if the item is relevant to the user. Additionally, sometimes LTR models make use of the query or user features.

The training process is about learning a ranking function using these features and labels. These ranking functions are then applied to the retreived items before serving.

Let’s see some examples of how these models are trained.

Classification for Ranking

One way to pose the ranking problem is as a multi-label task. Every item appearing in the training set that is associated to the user are positive examples, while those outside would be negative. This is in effect a multi-label approach at the scale of the set of items. The network could have an architecture with each item’s features as input nodes, and then some user features as well. The output nodes would be in correspondence with the items you wish to label.

With a linear model, if X is the item vector, and Y is the output, then we learn W where sigmoid(WX) = 1 if X is an item in the positive set otherwise sigmoid(WX) = 0. This corresponds to the Binary cross entropy loss in Optax.

Unfortunately, the relative ordering of items isn’t taken into account in this setup, so this loss function consisting of sigmoid activation functions for each item won’t optimize ranking metrics very well. Effectively, this ranking is merely a downstream relevance model which only helps to filter those options retrieved in a previous step.

Another problem with this approach is that we have labelled everything outside of the training set to be negative, but it could simply be the case that the user has never seen a new item that might be relevant to a query, so it would be incorrect to label this new item as a negative, when it is simply unobserved.

You may have realized that that ranking needs to consider the relative positions in the list. Let’s consider this next.

Regression for Ranking

The most naive way to rank a set of items is simply to regress to the rank of some similar number like NDCG or our other personalization metrics which are rank respective.

This is acheived in practice by conditioning the set of items against a query. For example, posing the problem as regression to the NDCG given the query as the context of the ranking. Furthermore, you can supply the query as an embedding context vector, to a feed forward network, that is concatenated with the features of the items in the set and regress towards the NDCG value.

The reason that the query is needed as a context is because a set of item’s ordering might be dependent upon the query. Consider for example typing into a search bar the query “flowers”. One would then expect a set of items most representative of flowers to be in the top results. This demonstrates the query is an important consideration of the scoring function.

With a linear model, if X is the item vector, and Y is the output, then we learn W where WX(i) = NDCG(i) where NDCG(i) is the NDCG for item i. Regression can be learnt using the L2 Loss in Optax.

Ultimately, this approach is about attempting to learn the underlying features of items which lead to higher rank scores in your personalization metric. Unfortunately, this also fails to explicitly consider the relative ordering of items. This is a pretty serious limitation, which we’ll consider shortly.

Another consideration: what do we do for items that aren’t ranked outside of the top K training items? The rank we would assign them would be essentially random as we do not know what number to assign them, so this method needs improvement and we’ll explore see how in the next section.

Classification and Regression for Ranking

Suppose we had a webpage, such as an online bookstore, for which users had to browse items and then click through and purchase them. For such a funnel we could break down the ranking into two parts. The first model could predict the probability of a click on an item given a set of items on display. The second model could be conditioned on a click through and a purchase, the price of the item. Then, a full ranking model could be the product of two models. The first one computing the probability of clicking through an item give a set of competing items. And the second one the expected value of a purchase given that it had been clicked upon. Notice that the first and second model could have different features, depending on the stage of funnel a user is in. The first model has access to features of competing items, while the second model might take into account shipping costs and discounts applied that might change the value of an item. Thus in this setting, it would be advantageous to model both stages of the funnel with different models so as to make use of the most amount of information present at each stage of the funnel.


One possible way to generate a ranking loss stochastically is introduced in the paper WSABIE: Scaling Up To Large Vocabulary Image Annotation and the loss is called WARP (Weighted Approximate-Rank Pairwise). In this scheme, the loss function is broken up into what looks like a pairwise loss. More precisely, if a higher ranked item doesn’t have a score that is more than the margin (which is arbitrarily picked to be 1) than a lower rank item, we apply the hinge loss to the pair of items. This looks like:


With a linear model, if X_pos is the positive item vector, amd X_neg is the negative item vector, then we learn W where WX_pos - WX_neg > 1. The loss for this is Hinge Loss where the predictor outputs is WX_pos - WX_neg and the target is 1.

However, to compensate for the fact that an unobserved item might not be a true negative, just something unobserved, we count the number of times we had to sample from the negative set to find something that violates the ordering of the chosen pair. That is, the number of times we had to look to find something where:


We then construct a monotonically decreasing function of the number of times we sample the universe of items (less the positives) for a violating negative and look up the weight for this number and multiply the loss with it. This means if it was very hard to find a violating negative, the gradient should therefore be lower because either we are close to a good solution already or it might be that the item was never seen before, so we should not be so confident as to assign it a low score just because it was never shown to the user as a result for a query.

Note that WARP loss was developed in the period of time when CPUs were the dominant form of computation to train machine learning models. As such, an approximation to ranking was used to obtain the rank of a negative item. The approximate rank is defined as the number of samples with replacement in the universe of items (less the positive example) before we find a negative item whose score is larger than the the positive by an arbitrary constant, called a margin, of 1.0.

To construct the WARP weight for the pairwise loss, we need a function to go from the approximate rank of the negative item to the WARP weight. A relatively simple bit of code to compute this is as follows:

import numpy as np

def get_warp_weights(n: int) -> np.ndarray:
  """Returns N weights to convert a rank to a loss weight."""

  # The alphas are defined as values that are monotonically decreasing.
  # We take the reciprocal of the natural numbers for the alphas.
  rank = np.arange(1.0, n + 1, 1)
  alpha = 1.0 / rank
  weights = alpha

  # This is the L in the paper, defined as the sum of all previous alphas.
  for i in range(1, n):
    weights[i] = weights[i] + weights[i -1]

  # Divide by the rank.
  weights = weights / rank
  return weights

[1.         0.75       0.61111111 0.52083333 0.45666667]

As you can see, if one finds a negative immediately, then the WARP weight is 1.0, but if it is very difficult to find a negative that violates the margin, then the WARP weight will be small.

This loss function is approximately optimizing precision @ K, and thus a good step towards improving rank estimates in the retrieved set. Even better, WARP is computationally efficient via sampling and thus more memory efficient.

K-order Statistic

Is there a way to improve upon the WARP loss and straight up pairwise hinge loss? Turns out there is a whole spectrum of ways. In the paper, Learning to rank recommendations with the k-order statistic loss, the authors – including one of this book’s coauthor’s – show how this can be done by exploring the variants of losses between hinge loss and WARP loss. The authors of the paper conducted experiments on different corpora and show how the tradeoff between optimizing for a single pairwise vs selecting a harder negative like WARP affects metrics including mean rank and precision and recall at K.

The key generalization is that instead of a single positive item considered during the gradient step, it uses all of them.

Recall again that picking a random positive and a random negative pair optimizes for the ROC, or AUC. This isn’t great for ranking because it doesn’t optimize for the top of the list. WARP loss on the other hand, optimizes for the top of the ranking list for a single positive item, but does not specify how to pick the positive item.

These are several alternate strategies on ordering the top of the list, including optimizing for mean maximum rank, which means that it tries to group the positive items such that the lowest scoring positive item is near the top of the list as possible. The modification that allows this is by providing a probability distribution function over how we pick the positive sample. If the probability is skewed towards the top of the positive item list, we get a loss more like WARP loss. If the probability is uniform, we get AUC loss. If the probability is skewed towards the end of the positive item list, we then optimize for the worse case like mean maximum rank. The numpy function np.random.choice provides a mechanism from sampling from a distribution P.

There is one more optimization to consider – which is K, the number of positive samples to use to construct the positive set. If K=1 this means we only pick a positive random item from the positive set, otherwise we construct the positive set, order them by score and sample from the positive list of size K using the probability distribution P. This optimization made sense in the era of CPUs when compute was expensive but might not make that much sense these days in the era of GPUs and TPUs which we will talk about in the next section.

Stochastic losses and GPUs

A word of caution about the above stochastic losses. They were developed for the era of CPUs where it was cheap and easy to sample and exit if a negative sample was found. These days – with modern GPUs – making branching decisions like this is harder because all the threads on the GPU core have to run the same code over different data in parallel. That usually means both sides of a branch are taken in a batch, so there is less computational savings from these early exits. Consequently, branching code that approximates stochastic losses like WARP and K-order statistic loss appear less efficient.

What are we to do? We will show in the final Putting It All Together: Experimenting and Ranking Chapter 13 how to approximate these losses in code. Long story short, due to how vector processors like GPUs tend to work by processing lots of data in parallel uniformly, we have to find a GPU friendly way to compute these losses. In the Putting It All Together chapter we approximate the negative sampling by generating a large batch of negatives and either scoring them all lower than the negative or looking for the most egregious violating negative or both together as a blend of loss functions.


While much of this book is targeted at recommending items to users, search ranking is a close sister study. In the space of information retrieval, or search ranking for documents, Best Matching 25 (BM25) is an essential tool.

BM25 is an algorithm used in information retrieval systems to rank documents based on their relevance to a given query. This relevance is determined by considering factors like term frequency and inverse document frequency. It’s a bag-of-words retrieval function that ranks a set of documents based on the query terms appearing in each document. It’s also a part of the probabilistic relevance framework and is derived from the probabilistic retrieval model.

The BM25 ranking function calculates a score for each document based on the query. The document with the highest score is considered the most relevant to the query.

Here is a simplified version of the BM25 formula:


In this formula:

  1. D represents a document.

  2. Q is the query that consists of words q1,q2,...,qn.

  3. f(qi,D) is the frequency of query term qi in document D.

  4. |D| is the length of the document (i.e., the number of words) in the document D.

  5. avgdl is the average document length in the collection.

  6. k1 and b are hyperparameters. k1 is a positive tuning parameter that calibrates the document term frequency scaling. b is a parameter that determines the scaling by document length: b=1 corresponds to fully scaling the term weight by the document length, while b=0 corresponds to no length normalization.

  7. IDF(qi) is the Inverse Document Frequency of query term qi, which measures how much information the word provides, i.e., if it’s common or rare across all documents. BM25 applies a variant of IDF that can be computed as:


where N is the total number of documents in the collection, and n(qi) is the number of documents containing qi.

Simply, BM25 combines both Term Frequency (how often a term appears in a document) and Inverse Document Frequency (how much unique information a term provides) to calculate the relevance score. It also introduces the concept of document length normalization, penalizing too-long documents and preventing them from dominating shorter ones, which is a common issue in simple TF-IDF models. The free parameters k1 and b allow the model to be tuned based on the specific characteristics of the document set.

In practice, BM25 provides a robust baseline for most information retrieval tasks, including ad-hoc keyword search and document similarity. It is used in many open-source search engines, such as Lucene and Elasticsearch, and is the defacto standard for what is often called full-text search.

So how might we integrate BM25 into the problems we discuss in this book? The output from BM25 is a list of documents ranked by relevance to the given query, and then Learning to Rank comes into play. You can use the BM25 score as one of the features in an LTR model, along with other features that you believe might influence the relevance of a document to a query.

The general steps to combine BM25 with LTR for ranking are as follows:

  1. Retrieve a list of candidate documents: Given a query, use BM25 to retrieve a list of candidate documents.

  2. Compute features for each document: Compute the BM25 score as one of the features, along with other potential features. This could include various document-specific features, query-document match features, user interaction features, etc.

  3. Train/Evaluate LTR model: Use these feature vectors and their corresponding labels (relevance judgments) to train your LTR model. Or, if you already have a trained model, use it to evaluate and rank the retrieved documents.

  4. Ranking: The LTR model generates a score for each document. Rank the documents based on these scores.

This combination of retrieval (with BM25) and ranking (with LTR) allows you to first narrow down the potential candidate documents from a possibly very large collection (where BM25 shines) and then fine-tune the ranking of these candidates with a model that can consider more complex features and interactions (where LTR shines).

It is worth mentioning that the BM25 score can provide a strong baseline in text document retrieval, and depending on the complexity of the problem and the amount of training data you have, LTR may or may not provide significant improvements.

Multi-modal retrieval

Let’s take another look at this retrieval method, as we can find some powerful leverage. Think back to our second Putting It All Together chapter, we built a co-occurrence model, which illustrated how articles referenced jointly in other articles share meaning and mutual relevance. But how would you integrate search into this?

You may think “oh, I can search the names of the articles.” But that doesn’t quite utilize our co-occurrence model – it underleverages that joint meaning we discovered. A classic approach may be to use something like BM25 on article titles, or articles. More modern approaches may be to do a vector embedding (using something like BERT or other transformer models) of the query and the article titles. However, neither of these really capture both sides of what we’re looking for.

Consider instead the following approach:

  1. Search with intial query via BM25 to get an initial set of “anchors”.

  2. Search with each anchor as a query via your latent model(s).

  3. Train an LTR model to aggregate and rank the union of the searches.

Now we’re using a true multi-modal retrieval, leveraging multiple latent spaces! One additional highlight in this approach is that queries are often out-of-distribution from documents with respect to encoder based latent spaces. This means that when you type “who’s the leader of Mozambique?”, this question looks fairly dissimilar than the article title (Mozambique), or the relevant sentence as of Summer 2023 (“The new government under President Samora Machel established a one-party state based on Marxist principles.”)

When the embeddings are not text at all, this method becomes even more powerful: consider typing text to search for an item of clothing, and hoping to see an entire outfit that goes with it.


Getting things in the right order is an important aspect of Recommendation Systems. By now, we know that it’s not the whole story, but it’s an essential step in the pipeline. We’ve collected our items, and put them in the right order, all that’s left to do is send them off to the user.

We started with the most fundamental concept, learning to rank – comparing with some traditional methods. We then got a big upgrade with WARP and WSABIE. That led us to the K-order statistic which involves utilizing more careful probabilistic sampling. We finally wrapped up with BM25 as a very powerful baseline in text settings.

Before we conquer serving, let’s put these pieces together. In the next chapter, we’re going to turn up the volume and build some playlists. This will be the most intensive chapter yet, so go grab a beverage and a stretch. We’ve got some work to do.

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