

404 pages
about, The 404 Page
templates, 404 Page
__() function, Registering a Widget-ready Area


action hooks, Hooks and Filters
add-ons, social media add-ons, Social Media Add-ons
admin panels, adding, Adding an Admin Panel, Adding an Admin Panel
Adobe Photoshop, Theme Design 101
advertising blocks, Advertising Blocks
APIs, widgets API, Introducing the Widgets API
archive templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates
asides, defined, Understanding Widgets and Widget-ready Areas
attachment pages templates, Attachments
audience, planning, Planning for the Audience
author archives pages templates, Author Archives
author bios, showing on posts, Showing an Author Bio on a Post
author templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates


bios, showing on posts, Showing an Author Bio on a Post
blocks, advertising blocks, Advertising Blocks
blog themes, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
blogroll, defined, Media and Links
branding, Branding
mobile browsing, Mobile Browsing
testing, Browser Testing
business site themes, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
buttons, social media, Adding a Social Media Button to Your Posts


carousels, Feature Sliders
Carrington framework, Carrington
Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS)
about, Categories and Tags
templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates, Category Archives
child themes
about, Child Themes: The Smart Way to Build on a Framework
frameworks, Child Themes: The Smart Way to Build on a Framework, Building a Simple Child Theme, Keep Poking Away at Those Styles
templates, The Template Hierarchy and Child Themes, Pimping Your Child Theme, Inserting The Loop
about, Color
multiple color schemes, Multiple Color Schemes
style sheets, Adding the Style Sheets
themes, Adding Color Variants, Adding the Style Sheets
about, Comments, Comments, Comments
using, Comments, Comments, Comments!
composition, Layout and Composition, Layout Options
configuration, options, Custom Configuration Options
constants, STYLESHEETPATH and TEMPLATEPATH, Including Files
constructor functions, Creating the Widget
defined, What is a Theme?
designing based on versus supporting, Avoiding Feature Bloat
dummy content, Preparing Your Canvas
highlighting with header, The Header
planning, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
content rotators, Feature Sliders
convenience factor, selling themes, Convenience
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
child themes, Looking Stylish, Keep Poking Away at Those Styles
frameworks, How do I choose a great framework?, Looking Stylish, Keep Poking Away at Those Styles
using options in themes, Altering CSS
custom fields, Custom Fields
custom fonts, selling themes, Custom Fonts
custom page templates, Custom Page Templates, Custom Page Templates, Custom Page Templates
customization, designing for, The Principles of WordPress Theme Design


date-based archives pages templates, Date-based Archives
deleting widget-ready areas, Removing Widget-ready Areas
based on content versus supporting content, Avoiding Feature Bloat
customization, The Principles of WordPress Theme Design
simplicity in selling themes, Keep It Simple, Student
usability, Planning for Organization and Hierarchy
developer licenses, How will the theme be used?
displaying widget-ready areas, Displaying a Widget-ready Area
about, Documentation
frameworks and, How do I choose a great framework?
dual licensing, selling themes, Dual Licensing
dummy content, Preparing Your Canvas
dynamic leaderboards, Feature Sliders


favicons, adding, Adding a Favicon
feature boxes, Feature Sliders
feature sliders, Feature Sliders
planning and feature bloat, Avoiding Feature Bloat
selling themes, What Makes a Theme Sell?, Pull In the Reins and Solve Problems
fields, custom fields, Custom Fields
including, Including Files, Modifying the Footer
organizing custom functions into, A Place for Everything, and Everything in Its Place
template files, How Templates Work
Thematic framework, Ditching That Sidebar
types of, Theme Frameworks
filter hooks, Hooks and Filters
about, Hooks and Filters, Thematic’s Hooks
Thematic framework, Widget Markup
fixed versus fluid widths, Fixed or Fluid
Font Squirrel, Custom Fonts
selling themes, Custom Fonts
typography, Typography
about, The Footer, The Footer
modifying, Modifying the Footer, Modifying the Footer
form functions, Creating the Widget
comment forms, Comments
options forms, The Options Form, The Options Form, The Options Form
sidebars and, Sidebars and Widgets
frameworks, Theme Frameworks, A Frame to Work With
child themes, Child Themes: The Smart Way to Build on a Framework, Building a Simple Child Theme, Keep Poking Away at Those Styles
choosing, How do I choose a great framework?
CSS, Looking Stylish, Keep Poking Away at Those Styles
freebies, Freebies
paid frameworks, Paid Frameworks
free software, Understanding the GPL
frameworks, Freebies
selling themes, Freebies
front pages, The Home Page
__() function, Registering a Widget-ready Area
constructor functions, Creating the Widget
form functions, Creating the Widget
organizing custom functions, A Place for Everything, and Everything in Its Place
PHP and WordPress functions, Including Files
register_sidebar function, Registering a Widget-ready Area
remove_action function, Hooks and Filters
remove_filter function, Hooks and Filters
update functions, Creating the Widget
widgets API, Introducing the Widgets API, Creating the Widget
wp_enqueue_style function, Adding the Style Sheets
wp_list_pages function, Modifying the Footer


Genesis framework, Genesis
golden ratio, The Golden Ratio
GPL (General Public License)
dual licensing, Dual Licensing
selling themes, Understanding the GPL
Thematic framework, Looking Stylish


image sliders
about, Feature Sliders
selling themes, Image Sliders
image-centric themes, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
images, lightboxes, Lightboxes
including files, Including Files, Modifying the Footer


layout, Layout and Composition, Layout Options
letter spacing, typography, Line Length, Letter Spacing, and Line Height
libraries, WordPress theme library, Theme Research
selling themes, Dual Licensing
with own marketplace, Licensing
lightboxes, Lightboxes
line breaks, Creating Your Child Theme
line height, typography, Line Length, Letter Spacing, and Line Height
line length, typography, Line Length, Letter Spacing, and Line Height
links, Media and Links
localization, Registering a Widget-ready Area
logic, defined, What is a Theme?
logos, designing, Branding
about, The Loop, The Loop
posts with excerpts, Building The Loop, Inserting The Loop


magazine style home pages, Building a Magazine-style Home Page, Ditching That Sidebar
own, Your Own Marketplace
testing, Choosing an Existing, Reputable Marketplace
markup, Looking Stylish
(see also CSS)
using options in themes, Altering Markup
widgets, Widget Markup
media, Media and Links
about, Menus
cusotmizable, Customizable Menus, Customizable Menus
mission statements, Branding
Mobify, Mobile Browsing
mobile browsing, selling themes, Mobile Browsing
Mullenweg, Matt, on the need for WordPress, A Brief History of WordPress


naming conventions, A Case of Mistaken Identities
about, Planning for Organization and Hierarchy
navigation menus, The Navigation Menu
Nettuts+, Planning for the Audience
New York Times’ website, typography, Hierarchy
Notify me of follow-up comments plugin, Comments


404 pages, The 404 Page
about, Pages and Posts
archive, author, category and tag page templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates
custom page templates, Custom Page Templates, Custom Page Templates, Custom Page Templates
front pages, The Home Page
home pages, Home Page, Building a Magazine-style Home Page
HTML test page, Standard Styling for HTML Elements
search results page, The Search Results Page
single post template, The Single Post Template
standard page template, The Standard Page Template
pagination, Pagination
paid frameworks, Paid Frameworks
admin panels, Adding an Admin Panel, Adding an Admin Panel
options panels, Creating an Options Panel, The Options Form
Photoshop, Theme Design 101
OOP, Adding Custom Widgets
and WordPress functions, Including Files
planning, Planning Your Theme, Just Recapping …, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
(see also pages; posts)
audience, Planning for the Audience
content, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
defining success, Defining Success
features, Avoiding Feature Bloat
organization and hierarchy, Planning for Organization and Hierarchy
publishers, Planning for Publishers
research, Doing Your Research, Keep on Scouting
sitemaps and wireframes, The Theme Sitemap and Wireframe
structure and hierarchy of WordPress sites, What do you start with?, Menus
comments, Comments
frameworks and, How do I choose a great framework?
researching, Plugin Research
social media, Social Media Add-ons
versus widgets, Adding Custom Widgets
about, Pages and Posts
adding social media buttons, Adding a Social Media Button to Your Posts
author bios, Showing an Author Bio on a Post
with excerpts, Posts with Excerpts, Inserting The Loop
presentation, defined, What is a Theme?
prettyPhoto 3.0 plugin, Lightboxes
primary asides
defined, Thematic’s Widget-ready Areas
Thematic framework, Widget Markup
Psdtuts+, Planning for the Audience
publishers, planning, Planning for Publishers


register_sidebar function, Registering a Widget-ready Area
registering widget-ready areas, Registering a Widget-ready Area
remove_action function, Hooks and Filters
remove_filter function, Hooks and Filters
removing widget-ready areas, Removing Widget-ready Areas
research, Doing Your Research, Keep on Scouting
plugins, Plugin Research
scripts, Script Research
themes, Theme Research


screencasts, Video Tutorials
Screenr, Video Tutorials
scripts, researching, Script Research
search engine optimization (see SEO)
search pages templates, Search Pages
search results pages, The Search Results Page
secondary asides, defined, Thematic’s Widget-ready Areas
selling themes, Selling Your Theme, Soaking It All Up
community education, Educating the Community
convenience factor, Convenience
documentation, Documentation
dual licensing, Dual Licensing
features, What Makes a Theme Sell?, Pull In the Reins and Solve Problems
GPL, Understanding the GPL
problem-solving benefits, Pull In the Reins and Solve Problems
sales avenues, Three Avenues for Selling Your Themes, Choosing an Existing, Reputable Marketplace
simplicity of design, Keep It Simple, Student
support, Support
technologies, Embracing the Latest Technologies, Mobile Browsing
testing themes, Test, Test, Test
video tutorials, Video Tutorials
SEO (search engine optimization)
frameworks and, How do I choose a great framework?
Thesis framework, Thesis
shortcodes, Shortcodes, Building Your Own Shortcodes
about, Sidebars and Widgets, Sidebars and Widgets
magazine style home pages, Ditching That Sidebar, Ditching That Sidebar
single pages templates, Single Pages
single post templates, The Single Post Template, Single Posts
single-usage licenses, How will the theme be used?
sitemaps, planning, The Theme Sitemap and Wireframe
skins, Thesis skins, Thesis
social media
add-ons, Social Media Add-ons
adding buttons to posts, Adding a Social Media Button to Your Posts
spacing, letters, Line Length, Letter Spacing, and Line Height
standard page template, The Standard Page Template
style sheets, Looking Stylish
(see also CSS)
color, Adding the Style Sheets
Thematic framework, Ditching That Sidebar
STYLESHEETPATH constant, Including Files
styling, HTML elements, Standard Styling for HTML Elements
(see also CSS)
subpages and sub-subpages, navigation, The Navigation Menu
success, defining, Defining Success
about, Support
frameworks and, How do I choose a great framework?


tag archives pages templates, Tag Archives
tag page templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates
taglines, Branding
tags, Categories and Tags
taxonomy archives pages templates, Taxonomy Archives
TEMPLATEPATH constant, Including Files
templates, How Templates Work, Thematic’s Templates
archive, author, category and tag page templates, The Archive, Author, Category, and Tag Page Templates
child themes, The Template Hierarchy and Child Themes, Pimping Your Child Theme, Inserting The Loop
custom page templates, Custom Page Templates
example, Putting It All Together, Time for a Break
hierarchy, Quick-and-dirty Template Hierarchy Reference, The Template Hierarchy and Child Themes
home page templates, The Anatomy of a WordPress Theme, Home Page
page templates, Custom Page Templates, Custom Page Templates
single post template, The Single Post Template
standard page template, The Standard Page Template
Thematic framework, Thematic’s Templates, Ditching That Sidebar
wireframes, The Wireframe
HTML test page, Standard Styling for HTML Elements
plugins, Plugin Testing
themes, Test, Test, Test
The Loop, The Loop, The Loop, Building The Loop, Inserting The Loop
Thematic framework, Looking Stylish
about, Thematic
files, Ditching That Sidebar
filters, Widget Markup
hooks, Thematic’s Hooks
page templates, Custom Page Templates
primary aside, Widget Markup
style sheets, Ditching That Sidebar
templates, Thematic’s Templates, Ditching That Sidebar
widget-ready areas, Thematic’s Widget-ready Areas, Removing Widget-ready Areas
widgets, Adding Custom Widgets
theme designers, WordPress, Why become a WordPress theme designer?
construction, Advanced Theme Construction, Keep On Exploring
design, Theme Design 101, Putting It All Together
frameworks, Theme Frameworks, A Frame to Work With
options, Theme Options, With Great Power …
planning, Planning Your Theme, Just Recapping …
selling, Selling Your Theme, Soaking It All Up
widgets, Widgets, Summary
in WordPress, What is a Theme?
ThemeShaper framework, Thematic
Thesis framework, Thesis
threaded commenting, Comments, Comments
thumbnails, posts, Setting Up Post Thumbnails
tutorials, video tutorials, Video Tutorials
about, Typography, Font Replacement
selling themes with custom fonts, Custom Fonts


uniformity, typography, Uniformity
update functions, Creating the Widget
usability, theme design, Planning for Organization and Hierarchy


video site themes, Letting Your Content Lead the Way
video tutorials, Video Tutorials
visual style, Visual Style
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