Chapter 5
Advanced Theme Construction

In the previous chapter, we explored how to create a new child theme from the Thematic framework using a few files and some CSS smarts. Now you’re probably wondering how to make that child theme work a bit harder for you and put your own stamp on it. If so, this is the chapter for you!

Before we start messing with code, however, it’s time to reiterate what we learned in Chapter 4: hands off the parent theme! Even if you decide you absolutely detest the way a particular part of your parent theme works, and you’re desperate to change it, it’s best to avoid hacking the guts out of the parent theme. We have ways to modify it in a safe, simple fashion.

Understanding how to do so first requires some explanation of how WordPress thinks about your templates—here’s the backstory.

How Templates Work

Template files are a blend of HTML and PHP and can contain your own code, as well as calls to WordPress’s core functionality. When developing your theme, one of your main tasks will be to look through your parent theme’s templates and find the places where the markup you want to modify is being generated. In order to do that you need to have some background knowledge of how WordPress templates work, so we’ll start there.

When WordPress renders a page, it checks in the active theme’s directory for the right template to use for the type of content it’s going to display. How does it know which template file to pick? It depends on the type of page being rendered at the time, and which templates are available for use. WordPress will check for template files with very specific names, in a very specific order, before finally falling back to index.php; this serves as a sort of catch-all for rendering pages when no particular templates are defined.

Quick-and-dirty Template Hierarchy Reference

Here’s a quick reference to the filenames WordPress looks for when it renders each type of page.

Home Page

In WordPress 3.0, a blog administrator can specify whether to show the latest posts or a static page as the blog’s home page. The templates WordPress looks for, in order, are:

  1. front-page.php

  2. page.php or home.php, depending on what was chosen in the blog’s settings

  3. index.php

WordPress 2.x lacks this feature, so the order will simply be:

  1. home.php

  2. index.php

Single Posts

  1. single-posttype.php, where posttype represents one of WordPress 3.0’s post types. For example, if your blog was about recipes, and you had a post type called Recipes, WordPress would look for a template called single-recipes.php.

  2. single.php

  3. index.php

Single Pages

  1. WordPress will first look for a template specified in the page’s template setting—more on this later.

  2. page-slug.php, where slug is the slug specified on the page. For example, if you had a page called About, WordPress would first look for page-about.php.

  3. page-id.php, being the numeric ID of the page. If your About page had an ID of 2, then the template WordPress would look for is page-2.php.

  4. page.php

  5. index.php


  1. MIMEtype.php, where MIMEtype represents the broad type of your attachment—like audio.php, image.php, text.php, or video.php

  2. attachment.php

  3. index.php

Note: What are mimes doing in WordPress?

On the Internet, the format of a piece of data, such as a document or a web page, is specified by a header called a MIME type. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, although MIME headers are in use for more than just mail. Common MIME types for familiar documents include text/html for HTML documents, application/zip for ZIP documents, image/gif for GIF images, and so on.

Category Archives

  1. category-slug.php, where slug is the category’s slug.

  2. category-id.php, where id is the category’s numeric ID.

  3. category.php

  4. archive.php

  5. index.php

Tag Archives

  1. tag-slug.php, where slug is the tag’s slug.

  2. tag-id.php, where id is the tag’s numeric ID.

  3. tag.php

  4. archive.php

  5. index.php

Taxonomy Archives

Custom taxonomies are new to WordPress 3, so these templates are never called by WordPress 2.

  1. taxonomy-taxonomyname-term.php, where taxonomyname represents the slug of the custom taxonomy, and term represents that of the term. If your taxonomy was called Cheeses and your term was Brie, then WordPress will look for taxonomy-cheese-brie.php when listing items from that term.

  2. taxonomy-taxonomyname.php, similar to the above, but without the term.

  3. taxonomy.php

  4. archive.php

  5. index.php

Author Archives

  1. author-nicename.php, where nicename is the author’s username made suitable for URLs—all lowercase, with spaces transformed into hyphens. If an author’s username was Kelly Steele, then the template WordPress would look for would be author-kelly-steele.php (WP3).

  2. author-id.php, where the id is the author. If Kelly’s ID were 3, then author-3.php would be the template WordPress would choose (WP3).

  3. author.php

  4. archive.php

  5. index.php

Date-based Archives

  1. date.php

  2. archive.php

  3. index.php

Search Pages

  1. search.php

  2. index.php

404 Page

  1. 404.php

  2. index.php

That sure is a lot of stuff to remember. Fortunately, Rami from wp-tricks has made a neat diagram that explains the template hierarchy visually. You might like to print it and use it as a cheat sheet!

Note: Always in Motion Is the Future

New versions of WordPress arrive roughly every three to four months, and new template names could be added to any of the upcoming releases. Check the WordPress Codex Template Hierarchy page for the latest and greatest.

The Template Hierarchy and Child Themes

When you’re using a child theme, the template hierarchy becomes a little more complex. WordPress will first look for the most specific template in your child theme, then to the parent, then back to the child for the next most specific, then back to the parent again—all the way down the line until it finally falls back on the parent’s index.php file. Is your head spinning yet? Here’s an example.

Let’s say you have an FAQ page with a slug of faq and an ID of 12. WordPress will first check whether you’ve specified a template in the page’s settings; if not, it checks for the following files in order:

  1. the child theme’s page-faq.php

  2. the parent’s page-faq.php

  3. the child again for page-12.php

  4. the parent’s page-12.php

  5. the child’s page.php (Are we detecting a pattern here?)

  6. the parent’s page.php

  7. the child’s index.php

  8. finally, the parent’s index.php

Of course, WordPress can do all this in the blink of an eye.

Thematic’s Templates

As we learned back in Chapter 4, Thematic is a great framework because it’s packed with cool functionality. To best understand how to build on its templates, we should spend some time finding out how they’re put together.

Let’s take a look again inside Thematic’s directory; you’ll see a pile of template files, and if you were paying close attention to the previous section, many of these should be familiar to you:

  • 404.php

  • archive.php

  • archives.php

  • attachment.php

  • author.php

  • category.php

  • comments.php

  • footer.php

  • functions.php

  • header.php

  • index.php

  • links.php

  • page.php

  • search.php

  • searchform.php

  • sidebar-index-bottom.php

  • sidebar-index-insert.php

  • sidebar-index-top.php

  • sidebar-page-bottom.php

  • sidebar-page-top.php

  • sidebar-single-bottom.php

  • sidebar-single-insert.php

  • sidebar-single-top.php

  • sidebar-subsidiary.php

  • sidebar.php

  • single.php

  • tag.php

There’s also a curious-looking directory, library, which is filled with directories for styles, languages, scripts, and so on. The most interesting subdirectory in there is extensions—it contains all the stuff that makes Thematic do the voodoo that it do. Erm, does. Here’s what’s inside:

  • comments-extensions.php

  • content-extensions.php

  • discussion.php

  • dynamic-classes.php

  • footer-extensions.php

  • header-extensions.php

  • helpers.php

  • shortcodes.php

  • sidebar-extensions.php

  • theme-options.php

  • widgets-extensions.php

  • widgets.php

The names of each of these files should give you a clue as to what they deal with: footer-extensions.php obviously relates to footers, comments-extensions.php to comments, and so on.

Building a Magazine-style Home Page

Now that we’ve acquired some understanding of how WordPress deals with templates, let’s put that knowledge into practice and begin customizing our theme.

The default look and behavior of Thematic is, well, kind of bloggy—nothing against blogs, mind you, but we want our theme to have a bit more zing. Throughout the rest of this chapter, we’ll modify the home page by ditching that sidebar, creating an area to list the excerpts and post thumbnails from a few of the most recent posts, and adding a homepage-specific footer element that repeats the page listing. We’ll also add social media links and an author bio to each post, wherever it happens to be displayed.

Ditching That Sidebar

When you’re working with a theme framework, the simple way to build your own theme template is to copy the relevant file from the parent and place it into your child theme. As we’ve just seen, when WordPress is rendering a page, it will check the child theme first, so any template we put in our child theme will override the equivalent template in Thematic. For our first trick, we want to remove the sidebar from the home page. When WordPress wants to render the home page, it will first check the settings to see whether the blog administrator has specified a page to act as the home page; otherwise, it will look for the home.php template.

Thematic lacks a home.php file to copy, but index.php will suit our purposes nicely as it currently includes all the page elements we want, as well as a list of recent posts. Copy it from Thematic, place it into your child theme, and rename it to home.php. Here’s the new template in its entirety:


  // calling the header.php

  // action hook for placing content above #container


    <div id="container">
        <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?>
        <div id="content">


      // create the navigation above the content

      // calling the widget area 'index-top'

      // action hook for placing content above the index loop

      // action hook creating the index loop

      // action hook for placing content below the index loop

      // calling the widget area 'index-bottom'

      // create the navigation below the content


        </div><!-- #content -->
        <?php thematic_belowcontent(); ?>
    </div><!-- #container -->


  // action hook for placing content below #container

  // calling the standard sidebar 

  // calling footer.php


Were you expecting a bunch of HTML, curly braces, and a mess of if statements? All we have here is a couple of lonely div elements, and a whole lot of PHP function calls.

The reason for this is that Thematic templates are extremely modular—that extensions folder we noticed earlier is where much of the real action takes place. We’ll delve deeper into what all these functions do and how to make sense of this sort of template later in the chapter. For now, let’s focus on accomplishing our first task.

Looking at our freshly copied template, it’s easy to see where the sidebar is coming from:

// calling the standard sidebar 

Removing it, of course, will be as simple as removing the call to the thematic_sidebar: feel free to remove or comment out[4] those two lines.

Since we’d like the content to now span the width of the entire page, we’ll need to modify the CSS applied to the main content column. We’re importing Thematic’s style sheets in our example, so there are two selectors that apply to the two divs: #container and #content, each specifying a width. We also learned back in Chapter 4 that Thematic loads up a bunch of classes on the body element, one of which we know will tell us we’re on the home page.

You CSS whizzes have surely already figured this one out: we can alter the CSS in our child theme so that #container and #content have a greater width when they descend from a body with a class of home. To do that, simply insert the following styles into your style.css file:

chapter_05/v1/wicked/newstyles.css (excerpt)
/* =Homepage specific styles 
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
body.home #container { 
  float: none;
  margin: 0;
  width: 960px;
body.home #content {
  width: 900px; 
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 0 0 0 10px;
body.home .hentry {
  width: inherit;


Now, open your browser and take a look at your site’s home page—you should find that the content occupies the entire width of the page, with nary a hint of a sidebar. And, if you navigate to any other page, you will see the sidebar reappear and the main content column take on its previous proportions.

Quite simple, right? But what we’ve just discovered is important: we’ve seen how easy it is to switch off an entire Thematic area without touching a single part of the parent theme’s templates.

Including Files

Now that you have an idea of how the template hierarchy works and how to use it to your advantage, it’s time to learn another key feature of WordPress themes. You’ve already seen a hint of this if you paid close attention to the list of Thematic’s template files earlier. Some of them, like header.php, aren’t particular to a specific page or type of page on the site. So when and how are they used? As it happens, WordPress provides a group of functions that include various common page components:

  • get_header grabs header.php

  • get_footer grabs footer.php

  • get_sidebar grabs sidebar.php

  • get_searchform grabs searchform.php—if this is missing, WordPress simply renders a default search form

  • comments_template grabs comments.php

What’s more, WordPress gives you two more useful ways to include goodies. First, you can optionally use those functions with an argument for the name: get_header('custom'), for example, will grab a file called header-custom.php. And, if you’d like to include other types of files that don’t fit into any of those formats, you can use get_template_part('partname'), which grabs a template called partname.php.

The more PHP-inclined among you may be wondering why WordPress provides these functions when we have a perfectly good include method in PHP. I’m glad you asked. The reason why you might choose the get_ functions over include is because they have some nifty, built-in dummy-proofing. Let’s imagine your template needs to use a file called footer-foobar.php, which you’d call on like so:


Let’s also imagine that some clumsy but well-meaning user deleted footer-foobar.php. If you’d used include, any page calling on it would show a couple of PHP errors that would tell every visitor that there’s no such file or directory, making your theme’s user look bad. With get_footer, however, WordPress will first check for footer-foobar.php, then try to include footer.php as a fallback. If footer.php is also missing, WordPress will give up quietly, leaving your poor user’s reputation intact. Sweet!

If you really do have a need to use good old PHP includes, WordPress also provides you with constants called STYLESHEETPATH and TEMPLATEPATH for easy use with regular PHP include statements. TEMPLATEPATH is for use with standalone themes, and STYLESHEETPATH is for child themes. You’d use them like so:

include(STYLESHEETPATH . '/extrastuff/somefile.php'),

Modifying the Footer

The next step in our custom home page layout is to modify the footer so that it includes a list of the blog’s top-level pages. We now know that get_footer will look for a file called footer.php and include it. But if you call it with an argument, as in get_footer('homepage'), it will instead pull in footer-homepage.php. Near the bottom of home.php, you’ll see where home.php calls on get_footer:

chapter_05/v1/wicked/home.php (excerpt)
// calling footer.php

To call on another file instead, give it an argument:

chapter_05/v2/wicked/home.php (excerpt)
// calling footer.php

Of course, this will do very little for us at the moment—we’ll need to create footer-homepage.php. Again, copying from the parent theme is a great idea. We’ll copy footer.php from Thematic, and place it into our child theme, renaming it footer-homepage.php. It looks like this:

  </div><!-- #main -->


  // action hook for placing content above the footer


    <div id="footer">


    // action hook creating the footer 


    </div><!-- #footer -->


  // action hook for placing content below the footer
  if (apply_filters('thematic_close_wrapper', true)) {
    echo '</div><!-- #wrapper .hfeed -->';


// calling WordPress's footer action hook

// action hook for placing content before closing the BODY tag



Around line 13, thematic_footer appears: this controls the display of the footer text, which you can set in the options panel Thematic provides to the WordPress admin section. We’ll learn more about custom options panels and how you can create one for your child theme in Chapter 7.

Now, to put the list of pages in: WordPress’s wp_list_pages function will do exactly that. Most times when you find yourself wanting to include some additional content in your theme, WordPress will have a function ready to provide the information you need. Just have a look around the Codex: most functions have names that give a clear idea of what they do.

We could plop wp_list_pages right there in our new home page footer template, and it’d all work fine. But as a point of good housekeeping, it’s a better idea to stash this away in our functions.php file. functions.php tends to serve as a catch-all for the custom functionality you add to your child theme. By storing our page list generator in there, we ensure that if we ever need to call on it in some other part of our template, we can find it easily and refer to it in a simple fashion. Pop open that functions.php file and write your first custom function:

function wicked_footer_pagelinks() {
  echo '<ul id="simplepages">';
  echo '</ul>';

It’s fairly straightforward: we’re using PHP’s echo function to spit out a ul element wrapping the list of pages, with an id so we can target it easily in our CSS. The only tricky part is the argument string passed to wp_list_pages.

As always, the ultimate reference for understanding how to use a WordPress function is the Codex, but I’ll break down the arguments I’m using here. depth specifies how far WordPress should dig into the site’s page hierarchy. By specifying 1, we’re telling WordPress that we only want top-level pages. sort_column specifies how the pages should be sorted. There are a number of different options that can be provided here: you can sort by ID, name, author, date modified, and so on. menu_order is the way the pages are ordered by the user in the admin section, so it’s a sensible choice. title_li is used to set a title that will appear at the top of the list. By passing in '' (an empty string), we’re telling WordPress to omit the title, and also not to wrap the pages in a ul (since we’re providing that ourselves).

Again, all these parameters (and several others) are described on the Codex page for the wp_list_pages, so you should have a read through that, or the page of any WordPress function you plan on using.

Now that we’ve created our function in functions.php, back in our footer we can call on the function like so:

chapter_05/v2/wicked/footer-homepage.php (excerpt)
<div id="footer">
    // action hook creating the footer 
</div><!-- #footer -->

Save all your changes, jump into your browser, and head on over to your child theme’s home page. If all went well, your list of pages will be waiting for you at the bottom. Now all you need to do is add some CSS to make them pretty, and you’re ready to rumble! Here are some starter styles that display the items horizontally and lose those pesky bullet points:

chapter_05/v2/wicked/newstyles.css (excerpt)
body.home ul#simplepages {
  width: 940px;
  margin: 0 auto;

body.home ul#simplepages li {
  list-style-type: none;
  display: inline;
  margin-right: 30px;

What we’ve learned here is how to insert some new content using WordPress’s template tags, and how to take advantage of WordPress’s custom template includes. That’s great, but there’s one more big piece of the WordPress and Thematic puzzle that you’ll need to master: hooks and filters.

Hooks and Filters

In the above example we put the markup generation inside a function in our functions.php file, but we still had to edit a template file to insert a call to that function. This works, but it turns out we can do this in an even cleaner way: WordPress exposes two different kinds of hooks, so called because code attached to a hook grabs on to WordPress’s functionality like Velcro. We can create new functions in functions.php, attach them to these hooks, and have them modify parts of the theme’s output without touching any template files.

Action hooks are provided for events, such as when a post is displayed or a page’s footer is rendered. You’ll commonly use an action hook when you want to attach a function you’ve written to a certain activity—for example, when WordPress displays a comment or widget.

Filter hooks allow you to pass content through a function and return it to WordPress—generally, these are used to modify text. For example, if you wanted to highlight certain words in your post’s content, or append a special icon image to links, you’d use a filter hook on the content of your posts.

In both cases, you write your function, then write a simple line of code that registers your hook with WordPress. Then, when WordPress wants to display content or take some action that triggers one of those hooks, it goes looking for any functions that were registered to it, and executes them. No need to worry if this seems confusing right now: as soon as you’ve seen a few practical examples it will make perfect sense.

This book is far too small to explain every single hook in WordPress—there are over 1,100 of them! You’ll find a list of all the actions available to you in the WordPress Codex Action Reference. For filters, check out the WordPress Codex Filter Reference. Another great reference is Adam R. Brown’s WordPress Hooks Database, which includes information on which hooks and filters were added or removed in each version of WordPress; you’ll find that this information is absolutely essential if you’re developing themes to be backwards-compatible with older versions of WordPress.

Note: Wait a minute ... eleven hundred hooks?!

Yup, WordPress sure does provide a whole lot of hooks. It’s okay—many of these hooks are about stuff like posting or pingbacks, and these are better suited to plugins. The most useful hooks for themers are the ones that relate to displaying markup and content.

Hooks are simple enough to use—write your function and then tell WordPress you intend to hook into it. Adding an action or filter hook is done with functions named add_action and add_filter, strangely enough:

add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);
add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args);

The $tag parameter is where you specify the hook you want to add to; $function_to_add is the name of your function. The next two are optional, but worth knowing about: $priority is used to determine the order in which your action ought to occur, relative to other actions that might be happening on the same hook—larger numbers happen later. $accepted_args is a number that tells WordPress how many arguments your function will expect to receive.

If you decide that you want to “unhook” an action or filter from a hook, that is simple too. Call WordPress’s remove_filter. It’s constructed in much the same way, with one slight caveat: you can’t call it directly, so you need to hook it onto WordPress’s init action. init is an action hook that WordPress runs as soon as it loads. By delaying our remove_some_filter function slightly, we ensure that the action we’re trying to remove has already been added; otherwise this would produce an error. Here’s how you use remove_filter:

function remove_some_filter() {
  remove_filter(tag, function, priority, args);

add_action('init', 'remove_some_filter')

Note: What about remove_action?

What happened to remove_action, you wonder? It turns out that it’s an alias for remove_filter: when you call remove_action, WordPress simply calls remove_filter, which can remove either action or filter hooks. If you’d rather keep your code readable by always using remove_action for hooks you know to be actions, go right ahead. If you find it simpler just to use remove_filter all the time, then feel free to do that instead. Either approach is quite correct.

Warning: Get Your Priorities Straight

If an action or filter was assigned a priority when it was added, you must specify the same priority if you remove it. Otherwise WordPress won’t remove it, nor give you any clues as to why not. This can be particularly frustrating if you’re unaware of this rule! So remember: if remove_filter is failing, be sure to check if the hook was added with a priority.

A thoughtfully developed theme framework will also bring its own hooks to the table, each of which you can augment, remove, or replace. Thematic, of course, provides plenty—we’ll talk about those in more detail later.

Adding a Favicon

Let’s have a look at one simple example of how you can use a hook to modify your theme. Favicons are those little icons you see in the tabs, titles, bookmarks, and history areas of your browser. Why not add one to your theme? And while you’re at it, you might like to add a larger icon for iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

First, create your favicon—there are plenty of online resources to help you out. Call your icon favicon.ico, and upload it to your theme’s directory.

Next, in functions.php, we’ll make a simple function that constructs a link to the location of the favicon. The URL of your theme’s files is provided by WordPress’s get_bloginfo function, and we’ll specify the rest of the URL ourselves:

chapter_05/v3/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_favicon() {
  echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' 
      . get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') 
      . '/images/favicon.ico"/>';

Note that in the above code, we’ve assumed that your favicon will live in a directory called images—if you put them elsewhere, be sure to say so in your function.

Now, we need to add the action to the theme’s head. Fortunately WordPress has an action hook that’s triggered when the head element is being constructed: it’s called wp_head. So, following the format we saw above for using add_action, all we need to write is:

chapter_05/v3/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
add_action('wp_head', 'wicked_favicon'),

Because the order of links in the head is of no consequence to us, there’s no need to worry about specifying a priority; our wicked_favicon function accepts no arguments, so it’s unnecessary to specify $accepted_args either. That leaves us with just the action we want to hook into, and the function we want to attach.

The same technique works for including extra style sheets or JavaScript files—anything that ought to go in the head can be added to wp_head.

Thematic’s Hooks

Of course, adding markup to your theme’s head element is fairly uninteresting: most times you’ll want to be playing with markup inside the site’s body. Fortunately, Thematic provides a number of its own hooks, which we can use to add, remove, or adjust code at varying points throughout any page. Most of them are named according to where they are in the template, or what they do; here are the hooks you’ll find most useful as a themer:

  • thematic_before

  • thematic_aboveheader

  • thematic_header—this builds the entire header div and also contains the following actions:

    • thematic_brandingopen

    • thematic_blogtitle

    • thematic_blogdescription

    • thematic_brandingclose

    • thematic_access—this builds the menu, and a “skip to content” link

  • thematic_belowheader

  • thematic_abovecontent

  • thematic_abovepost

  • thematic_belowpost

  • thematic_abovecomments

  • thematic_belowcomments

  • thematic_abovecommentslist

  • thematic_belowcommentslist

  • thematic_abovetrackbackslist

  • thematic_belowtrackbackslist

  • thematic_abovecommentsform

  • thematic_belowcommentsform

  • thematic_show_subscription_checkbox

  • thematic_show_manual_subscription_form

  • thematic_abovemainasides—asides are what Thematic calls its widget areas

  • thematic_betweenmainasides

  • thematic_belowmainasides

  • thematic_abovefooter

  • thematic_after

If you’re the more visual type, check out this nifty wireframe by ThemeShaper Forums member dwenaus. It shows every widget area, major chunks of markup, and the most useful hooks as they appear in a template.

Unless you have a much better memory than me, though, you’ll probably never remember every hook and function available to you, so there’s no sense in trying to learn them. Instead, you should focus on learning the process of finding what you want. Dig into the templates and Thematic’s extension files, and consult the WordPress Codex when you run into functions that are part of WordPress’s core functionality. To give you an idea of how that’s done, let’s tackle an example from top to bottom.

Putting It All Together

Before we move onto some more sophisticated modifications of our theme, I want to show you just one example of how all those template files and hooks work together to create the markup that you see when you load the site in your browser. single.php is a good template to start with; it’s the one that controls the display of a single post. Pop it open with your favorite text editor and take a peek:


  // calling the header.php

  // action hook for placing content above #container


    <div id="container">
    <?php thematic_abovecontent(); ?>

    <div id="content">



      // create the navigation above the content

      // calling the widget area 'single-top'

      // action hook creating the single post

      // calling the widget area 'single-insert'

      // create the navigation below the content

      // calling the comments template

      // calling the widget area 'single-bottom'


    </div><!-- #content -->
    <?php thematic_belowcontent(); ?>

  </div><!-- #container -->


  // action hook for placing content below #container

  // calling the standard sidebar 

  // calling footer.php


As we saw when we looked at home.php and footer.php, there’s little in the way of actual markup in this file. If we want to find out how the post’s heading, byline, and body are put together, we’re going to have to dig a little deeper.

Tip: It’s a Jungle in There

Thematic’s extension files are well-commented, but they’re often quite long. You’ll soon be making fast friends with the search function in your text editor. If it features a project-wide search function that lets you search for a string across multiple files in your working directory, it’s definitely a good idea to become acquainted with it now.

If your favorite editor lacks this functionality, one alternative is to search Thematic’s source code on Google Code, where it’s hosted. Just click on the Source tab, and then search for the function or hook that you’re looking for. Google Code will show you every occurrence of that text across Thematic’s entire codebase, complete with context and line numbers.

thematic_singlepost is the function that pulls in the post itself. Searching for “thematic_singlepost” across the entire thematic directory reveals that the function declaration lies in library/extensions/content-extensions.php:

thematic/library/extensions/content-extensions.php (excerpt)
// Located in single.php
// The Post
function thematic_singlepost() {
} //end thematic_singlepost

do_action is a way to tell WordPress that an action is taking place, so it should execute any functions that are hooked to that action. This is an important concept that might be a little confusing, so let’s break it down:

  1. When WordPress is rendering the single.php template, it comes across a call to the thematic_singlepost() function.

  2. When it runs that function, Thematic tells WordPress to trigger the thematic_singlepost action.

  3. At that point, any functions that have been attached to that hook—via add_action as we saw above—will be executed.

So, in order to find out what exactly Thematic does next, we just need to find the functions that are hooked to that action. Let’s search for the next instance of the string “thematic_singlepost,” which turns out to be further down in the same file:

thematic/library/extensions/content-extensions.php (excerpt)
add_action('thematic_singlepost', 'thematic_single_post'),

Aha! There’s our add_action call. It’s telling WordPress that when the event thematic_singlepost occurs, we want to do whatever’s contained in the function thematic_single_post (note the extra underscore). We’re getting warmer! Lucky for us, that function is located just above the add_action call:

thematic/library/extensions/content-extensions.php (excerpt)
function thematic_single_post() { ?>
<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="<?php thematic_post_class(); ?>">
  <?php thematic_postheader(); ?>
    <div class="entry-content">
      <?php thematic_content(); ?>
      <?php wp_link_pages('before=<div class="page-link">' . 
↵__('Pages:', 'thematic') . '&after=</div>') ?>
  <?php thematic_postfooter(); ?>
</div><!-- .post -->

Found it! Well, mostly—much of this code is still calling on other functions we’ve yet to discover. Some of them, like thematic_content, are other functions in Thematic’s library. Others, like wp_link_pages, are built-in WordPress functionality. Despite these other function calls, however, this code bears a resemblance to what we think a post should be made of. There’s a div with some classes and an id, a post header function, another div with the content inside, pagination, and a post footer function.

That sure is a lot of searching to find out how one little object works. Why, you might ask, is everything stashed away in function upon function upon function? While it might seem like a lot of fiddling about, it’s actually for your benefit—breaking up all the functional elements into tiny chunks means that we can target specific parts of the template, reuse a lot of those Thematic functions in our own work, and generally have a lot of flexibility to change stuff.

Time for a Break

That was a lot of information, and we’re yet to do very much actual template hacking! Rest assured, it’s all important: the more you understand the WordPress theming engine, the better equipped you are to make some seriously wicked themes. As you become acquainted with WordPress and Thematic, you’ll find that a good understanding of all these bits and pieces will make it easier for you to make precision changes to existing templates, or even build all-new ones.

For now, though, it’s probably time to grab a snack or tasty beverage. When you return, we’ll start putting that big, fat stack of knowledge to good use.

Pimping Your Child Theme

Back already? Great! We’re ready to start hacking on some of those juicy templates. We’ll make three more changes, in increasing order of complexity: first, we’ll add social media share buttons to every post; then, we’ll add author bios to the bottom of the posts; and finally, we’ll finish our magazine-style home page layout with a full-width featured post and a few excerpts.

Adding a Social Media Button to Your Posts

All of the modifications we’ve made so far have relied on action hooks. Let’s try one with a filter hook, shall we? Unlike an action, a filter will receive some content from WordPress that it can modify and must then pass along, so that lower priority filters can act on it, and so that it can be output. This means that your filter function should accept an argument (the initial content), and needs to return the modified content (the output) when it’s done.

For this example, we’ll be adding a social media share button to the end of every post. We’ll grab a nifty combined share button from AddThis, though you could use whatever share buttons or combination of them you prefer. Head on over to and grab yourself a button (choose Website from Select your service, as the WordPress option provides you with a plugin rather than a code snippet). At the end of the process, you’ll be given some HTML to copy and paste into your template. We’ll use that in our function:

chapter_05/v4/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_linklove($content) {
  if(is_single()) {
    $content .= '<div class="linklove">
      Did you love this post? Tell everyone you know, right now!
      … Paste the markup you received from AddThis here.
  return $content;

Notice that, unlike the action hook functions we wrote previously, this one accepts an argument: $content. That parameter will contain whatever content WordPress is applying a filter to. We take that variable and append our new .linklove div to it, then return it for subsequent filters or for display (if our filter was the last one).

Warning: Pass It Along

If you forget to return the content at the end of your filter, your filter will act like a black hole: WordPress will pass the content in, but nothing will come out. That would result in the entire contents of all our posts disappearing!

We’re also using a quick if statement to check if the post is being displayed on its own page: we only want to display the share link on the full view, not in excerpts. This is accomplished with WordPress’s is_page function. WordPress has a great selection of these conditional tags that allow you to display content based on the conditions met by the current page; it’s worth becoming familiar with them.

Now to tell WordPress to apply this filter to each post’s content. Thematic passes the full content of every post through a filter handily named thematic_post, so let’s try using that:

chapter_05/v4/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
add_filter('thematic_post','wicked_linklove', 90);

We have used a priority of 90 to try to ensure that our filter will execute after any other filters modifying the same content; the priority argument is entirely relative to the other filters, so if it appears in the wrong place just try adjusting the number up or down. Load it up in your browser: instant social media rockstardom is yours!

Showing an Author Bio on a Post

Many blogs often include a small biography of the author/s at the bottom of a post. Here’s how to add a bio box to the end of your posts. We’ll be using the same thematic_post filter that we used above.

First, let’s write our function—the pattern should be growing familiar to you by now! The first if statement checks to see if we’re in a single post or a page (as we only want to display the author bio on the full view, and not in lists of posts). Assuming either of these conditions is true, our function then builds a div, a heading for the author’s name, the author’s Gravatar at a size of 50 pixels, and the bio from the author’s WordPress profile. We then return the post content with the new div attached. Here’s our function:

chapter_05/v5/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_showbio($content)  {  
  if (is_single()) {  
    $content .=  '<div id="authorbio">';
    $content .= '<h3>About ' . get_the_author() . '</h3>';
    $content .= '<p>' . get_avatar(get_the_author_meta("user_email"), "50");
    $content .= get_the_author_description() .'</p></div>';  
  return $content;

You’ll see that we’ve used some functions beginning with the word “get”—get_the_author, get_avatar, get_the_author_meta, and get_the_author_description. These are functions WordPress provides to retrieve author info and avatars.

Tip: Is there an echo in here?

As a general rule, WordPress functions beginning with the_ include an echo statement, whereas those beginning with get_the_ don’t. For example, WordPress includes both the_author and get_the_author methods. Both retrieve the same information, but get_the_author returns it for you to use in your PHP code, whereas the_author outputs it directly using echo.


<?php the_author ?>

is exactly the same as:

<?php echo get_the_author ?>

If you tried to use the_author by mistake in the wicked_showbio function, you’d end up with a mess: PHP would output the author name as soon as you called the_author, which is well before you return $content to the filter. This would result in the author names showing up at the top of the post, instead of where you wanted them.

In functions.php, a filter for thematic_post will take care of attaching our function to the end of the post content:

chapter_05/v5/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
add_filter('thematic_post','wicked_showbio', '70'),

Remember to add some CSS to your theme to make that new div look sexy.

Posts with Excerpts

For our last trick, we’ll take some more drastic action: we’ll remove the default list of posts from the front page and replace it with a list of our own making. We’ll grab the four most recent posts: the newest will live in a large feature area and display its post thumbnail, with the next three arranged chronologically beneath it. Imagine a similar layout to Figure 5.1.

A big feature area

Figure 5.1. A big feature area

Setting Up Post Thumbnails

First, we’ll need to include post thumbnail support for our theme. Post thumbnails were introduced in version 2.9 of WordPress, enabling you to attach a feature image when you create a post. Your theme can provide support for this feature, define a number of various thumbnail sizes, and use different versions of the thumbnail in various listings. For example, you might want to use a small, square-sized thumbnail for search results and archive listings, a medium square for the home page, and a large, full-width size for single posts.

To enable thumbnail support in our theme, let’s add this code to functions.php:


set_post_thumbnail_size is the WordPress function used to specify a default size for the image, while add_image_size defines other thumbnail sizes. Our home page is likely to be the only place where we’ll want a square image of this size; if we want to add thumbnails to other parts of the template, such as the single post template, they’ll almost certainly be a different size. So let’s make the default one nice and big, and choose a medium size for the home page image:

set_post_thumbnail_size(540, 300, true);
add_image_size('homepage-thumbnail', 300, 200, true);

Both of those functions accept the same three parameters: the width of the thumbnail, its height, and a Boolean option that tells WordPress whether or not to hard crop the images. If you set this to false or omit it, the images will be scaled to fit in a box of the given dimensions while retaining their proportions; if you set it to true they will be cropped to exactly those dimensions—a hard crop, if you like. From now on, whenever a user of the theme attaches a new featured image, WordPress will create those two sizes for us. Sorted!

Building The Loop

Our next task is to create a function to build a new Loop. As Brandon mentioned back in Chapter 2, The Loop is a process that grabs one or more posts, and it’s used wherever you need post information to appear. Any code that lives inside The Loop will appear for every post in the list. You can read all about The Loop on the WordPress Codex.

On a blog’s home page, The Loop grabs a list of the most recent blog posts. The number of posts it retrieves for listing pages is defined in the WordPress settings, under Reading. We only want four posts on our home page, so if we wanted to be lazy we could ask our users to enter 4 in that field. But this is impractical; that setting would also be used for search results, category and tag pages, and monthly archives, too. Instead, we should be polite and override that behavior just for our home page.

To start with, we’ll use WordPress’s function for retrieving lists of posts: query_posts. This way we can choose what sorts of posts should appear in a list, in which order, and the amount. Our needs are simple: we just want the four most recent posts. We’ll create a new function, wicked_indexloop, and call on query_posts like so:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_indexloop() {

This will grab the first four posts to display on the front page. Next, we’ll include the loop—excuse me, The Loop—in our function:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_indexloop() {
  if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>(1)
    … we'll do some stuff here
  <?php endwhile; else: ?>(2)
    … if there are no posts, we'll display an error
  <?php endif;


These statements check to see if we have posts; for each post, we’ll display some content, though we don’t need to worry about that just yet.


If the query fails to find any posts, we’ll display a message.


Finally, we tidy up The Loop by using wp_reset_query, which destroys the query we started with—failing to do so could interfere with conditional tags further down the page.

Note: The Loop Is Your New Best Friend

As you become a more accomplished themer, you’ll find that query_posts and The Loop will become some of your favorite tools. When you’re done playing with these examples, it’s well worth your time to check out the Codex entries for each.

Tip: Advanced Querying

query_posts replaces the active Loop on a page. If, down the road, you find yourself wanting to display your custom Loop in addition to the default Loop, or if you want multiple custom Loops, you’ll need to dig into the documentation for the WP_Query class—a more flexible way of using The Loop. It’s beyond the scope of what we want to do here, but you might want to become familiar with it as you become more experienced with WordPress.

We’re now ready to start plugging in the code that will make our posts appear. Remember earlier in the chapter when we went hunting for the function thematic_single_post? It’d be great for our custom Loop to still have all that juicy Thematic functionality, so we’ll reuse some of the functions we found there: thematic_post_class, which generates that big collection of classes we find on every post, and thematic_postheader, which builds a heading, byline, date, and edit link.

We also need to include the post’s thumbnail for the first item only, so we’ll use a counter to figure out which post we’re up to. If the counter is at 1, we’ll include the post’s home page thumbnail using the WordPress template tag the_post_thumbnail. At the end of The Loop, we’ll increment the counter by 1. Below is the first part of The Loop:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
$counter = 1;
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
  <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="<?php thematic_post_class() ?>">
    <?php thematic_postheader();
    if ($counter == 1 && has_post_thumbnail()) {
    } ?>
    <div class="entry-content">
      <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
      <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="more"><?php echo more_text() ?>
      <?php $counter++; ?>
  </div><!-- .post -->
<?php endwhile; else: ?>

The only other new function used here is more_text: it’s a Thematic method that displays a “Read More” link that’s been passed through a filter, so it’s easy to modify on a site-wide basis.

Our last little task is to define a message to display if the query retrieved no posts:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
  <p>There are no posts to show!</p>
<?php endif;

Here’s the entire function, put together:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/functions.php (excerpt)
function wicked_indexloop() {
  $counter = 1;
  if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="<?php thematic_post_class() ?>">
      <?php thematic_postheader();
      if ($counter == 1 && has_post_thumbnail() && !is_paged()) {
      } ?>
      <div class="entry-content">
        <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="more">
↵<?php echo more_text() ?></a>
        <?php $counter++; ?>
    </div><!-- .post -->
  <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <p>There are no posts to show!</p>
  <?php endif;

Inserting The Loop

Whew! With all that done, we can now insert it into the home.php template. Look for the line where thematic_indexloop is called:

// action hook creating the index loop

All you need to do is replace it with a comment of your own and a call to the wicked_indexloop function:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/home.php (excerpt)
// action hook creating the index loop

// a custom homepage loop

Check out your blog’s home page; you should now see four posts, and if the most recent one has a thumbnail attached to it, that should be sitting there too.

There’s one slight problem, though: because we’ve replaced the default Loop with our own, the pagination links to older posts no longer work as intended. Because we’re going for a magazine-style home page rather than a straight-up blog, we can simply remove those links, which are generated by the call to thematic_navigation_below:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/home.php (excerpt)
// create the navigation below the content

Remove or comment out that line, and you should be good to go!

All that’s left now is to style up those four posts as you see fit: Thematic’s dynamic classes will take care of identifying them for you, and arranging them should be a piece of cake. The following example styles will create the basic layout:

chapter_05/v6/wicked/newstyles.css (excerpt)
body.home div.p1 {
  font-size: 120%;

body.home div.p1 img {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 30px;

body.home div.p2 {
  clear: left;

body.home div.p2,
body.home div.p3,
body.home div.p4 {
  width: 270px;
  float: left;
  margin-top: 22px;

body.home div.p3 {
  margin-left: 30px;
  margin-right: 30px;

Red-hot Tips for Themers

As we’ve progressed through this chapter, you’ve seen three different ways to modify your child theme: by creating and modifying template files, by using WordPress’s file include functionality, or by hooking into actions and filters in your functions.php file. We’ve also seen quite a few examples of how to bend WordPress and Thematic to your will using those three techniques.

I want to close off this chapter with a few hints and tips that will help you be the best themer you can be.

Comments, Comments, Comments!

Have you ever found yourself lost in a maze of unfamiliar code, looking for a sign—any sign—of what it does and why it’s there? Worse yet, has it been code you’ve written yourself? Sure, right now you might know your code backwards and forwards, but what about in three or six months’ time when you want to update it? And what if you’re releasing your theme to the public?

Save yourself, and your users, some aggravation by leaving copious comments in your code. Bits are free!

A Place for Everything, and Everything in Its Place

If you have more than a few custom functions in your functions.php file, it’s probably time to start organizing them into separate files.

For example, you might want to move all your content filters into their own file. To do so, grab them out of your functions file and paste them into a new one—let’s call it functions-contentfilters.php. For extra neatness, create a new subdirectory in your theme’s directory, and give it a useful name—say, library.

Next, in your functions.php file, include it like so:


Separating your functions by purpose means that you, and your theme’s users, will find it super-easy to locate your handiwork later on.

A Case of Mistaken Identities

Remember, your theme will form just one part of a website. WordPress, plugins, and your theme all work together. If any of your functions’ names clash with one from a plugin or WordPress itself, there’ll be confusion—and bugs—aplenty. It’s a good idea to prefix all your function names with a reasonably unique string—the prevailing best practice in the WordPress community is to use an abbreviated form of your theme’s name, as we’ve done with our Wicked theme throughout the chapter.

Important: What’s in a name?

It might be tempting to start all your function names with wp (for WordPress) or theme (because it is one, right?), but strings like these are often in use by WordPress and may well cause conflicts. Seriously, stick with the name.

Keep On Exploring

In this chapter, we learned how to override Thematic’s templates with code of our own making: we looked at how to create an all-new home page for our child theme with just a little poking and prodding, and how to add new features with hooks and filters.

What we’ve seen here is only a taster of what’s possible: it’s time for you to go out there, explore, and come up with some wicked new ways to enhance your theme.

By the way, many of the skills you pick up when adding functions to your theme will stand you in good stead if you ever plan to become a plugin developer: the methodology is much the same. Bonus!

[4] Meaning wrap in comments, so as to temporarily disable it while keeping the ability to restore it easily.

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