
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


accessModes, PVC

ReadOnlyMany 117

ReadWriteMany 117

ReadWriteOnce 117

ReadWriteOncePod 117

aggregation layers 86

Alertmanager 203

Alpine 173

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) 64

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

URL 39

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 147, 184

Anchore 66

API Gateway 188

AppArmor 65

application configuration 123

example 124-126


debugging 151-155

state, ensuring 131-134

Automotive Grade Linux 24

autoscaling 15, 183, 184, 186, 205

Autoscaling Groups 184

availability zones (AZs) 83, 147, 173, 189

AWS Lambda 188


Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 161

Borgmon 200

Buildah project 23


Calico 61

capital expenditure or upfront costs (CAPEX) 26

Ceph 24

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) 28, 227

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) 28

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) 28, 227

cgroups 41

Chaos Monkey tool 189

CI/CD Pipeline 214, 215

Cilium 61

Clair 66

client libraries 84

cloud 3, 5

evolution 6

hybrid 5

private 5

public 5

Cloud Architect 26

Cloud Engineer 27

CloudFormation 219

Cloud Native 182

architectures 182

autoscaling 183-186

benefits 183

best practices 189, 190

resiliency 183-186

Cloud Native applications

applications, delivering 211, 212

cloud-native career 257, 258

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 14, 21, 24, 170, 188, 227

community and governance 25

End User Community (EUC) 25

Governing Board (GB) 25

graduated 25

incubating 25

reference link 24

sandbox 24

Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) 25

cloud-native, roles and personas 26, 27

Cloud Architect 26

Cloud Engineer 27

Data Engineer 27

DevOps Engineer 26

DevSecOps Engineer 27

FinOps Engineer 27

Full Stack Developer 27

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) 27

Cloud Native security

4Cs 170, 171

cloud service delivery models

comparison 7

FaaS 6

IaaS 6

PaaS 6

SaaS 6

Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) 8

Cluster Autoscaler 186

cluster-level logging 152


Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) 169

ConfigMaps 123, 126

container 8, 9

executing 42-44

exploring 44-46

networking 58-61

runtime 56, 57

security 64-66

storage 61-64

container deployment

versus virtualized deployment 10

container images 9

building 47-50

Container Network Interface (CNI) 61

container orchestration system 12

container runtime 9, 58

Container Runtime Interface (CRI) 56

Container Storage Interface (CSI) 64, 116

container technology

exploring 40, 41

container to container communication 162

container types

namespaced 57

sandboxed 57

virtualized 57

Continuous Delivery (CD) 213

Continuous Deployment (CD) 213

Continuous Integration (CI) 213

continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) 26, 227

control plane nodes 80

API server 80

cloud controller manager 81

cluster data store 81

controller manager 81

scheduler 81

cost management

with FinOps 204

CRC project 90

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) 86


Daemon 115

DaemonSets 115, 152

use cases 116

Dagda 66

dashboard (kube-dashboard) 84

Data Engineer 27


applications 151

declarative API 84

Deployment 106

experimenting with 109, 110

rolling updates, performing with 111-115

development (Dev) 26

DevOps Engineer 26

DevSecOps Engineer 27

direct instrumentation 203

Docker 38

architecture 40

command-line interface (CLI) 38

installing 42

Docker Compose 39

dockerd (Docker daemon) 38

Docker Desktop 39

Docker Engine 38

Dockerfile 47

Docker Hub 39

URL 39, 66

Docker Registry 39

Dockershim 39

Docker Swarm 39

Domain Name System (DNS) 126


East-West traffic 162

Elastic Stack (ELK) 152

ephemeral containers 61


feature gates 86

financial (Fin) 27

FinOps 204

cost management 204

FinOps Engineer 27

flannel 61

Fluent Bit 116

Full Stack Developer 27

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) 6, 7


Git 211

GitOps 213-217

IaC 216

merge requests 216

Golang 50

Google Cloud Functions 188

Google Container Registry

URL 39

Google’s Borg 200

Grafana 201

Grafana Loki 152

graphical user interface (GUI) 39

gRPC (Remote Procedure Call) 56

guest VMs 5

gVisor 57


Helm 168, 169

v3 architecture 170

Helm chart 169

Helm release 169

Helm repository 169

helper containers 82

high availability (HA) 147

Homebrew formula 169

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) 185

versus Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) 186

horizontal scaling 185

HTTP REST calls 84

hybrid cloud 5

Hyper-V 51


Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) 218, 219

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 6

infrastructure drift 216

Init Containers 83

IP Address Management (IPAM) 163

IPtables 60

iSCSI 62


Jaeger 199

Java 50


Kaniko project 23

Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVMs) 4

Kind 90

Kindnet 164

Knative 88

Kubectl 84, 97

Kubeless 88

Kubelet 81

Kubernetes 13

architecture 79

automated rollouts and rollbacks 87

automatic bin packing 87

batch execution 87

best practices 170-172

clusters 15

components 80

control plane nodes 80

development workflow example 89

exploring, with minibuke 91-97

features 14, 87, 88

Helm 168

history 13

horizontal scaling 87

installing, with minibuke 90

namespaces 93

networking essentials 161-163

objects 89

pod 89

scheduling 141

secret and configuration management 87

self-healing 87

service discovery and load balancing 87

storage orchestration 87

worker nodes 80

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) 28

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam 227

tips 228

Kubernetes API 84

control loops 85

declarative 84

feature life cycle 86

Kubernetes certification path 28, 29

Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal (KEP) 86

Kubernetes event 154

kube-scheduler 142

filtering stage 142

scoring stage 142

KubeVirt 88

Kustomize 170


labels 127

least privilege principle 164

Lens 84

Linkerd mesh

automatic retry and timeouts 69

fault injection 69

load balancing 69

traffic splitting 69

Linux DEB package 169

Linux Foundation 21, 23

Linux kernel namespaces 41

Linuxkit virtual machine 51

liveness probe 131

pod, examining with 132, 133

logs 196, 197


main container 82

Mercurial 211

metrics 197, 198

microservices 182


reference link 90

requirements 90

used, for exploring K8s 92-97

used, for K8s installation 90, 91

modern application lifecycle

benefits 212

modified nginx deployment

creating 120

monolith applications

versus microservices application 10-12

Multus 61

mutually-authenticated Transport Layer Security (mTLS) 68


namespaced container 57


interprocess communication (IPC) 41

mount namespace 41

network namespace 41

Process ID (PID) namespace 41

UNIX Time-Sharing (UTS) 41

user namespace 41

NetApp Trident 64

Network Address Translation (NAT) 60

Network File System (NFS) 62

network types

bridge 60

host 60

none 60

nodeAffinity 146

nodeAntiAffinity 146

Node.js 50

node logging agents 152

nodes 79

North-South traffic 162


observability 196

Octant 84

on-demand capacity model 204

OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) 24

Open Container Initiative (OCI) 22, 39, 57

distribution specification 23

image specification 23

runtime specification 23

OpenFaas 88

open source projects

contributing to 258, 259

open source software (OSS) 21, 22

open standards 22, 23

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model 70

OpenTelemetry (OTel) 199

operational expenditures or simply speaking running costs (OPEX) 26

operations (Ops) 26

OS-level virtualization 8

Out Of Memory (OOM) error 149

outside world communication 162

overlay network 60


PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) 117

accessModes 117

PersistentVolume (PV) 116, 154

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 6

pod 82

shared memory 83

shared networking 83

shared storage 83

podAffinity 146

podAntiAffinity 146

Podman project 23

pod network 162

pod to pod communication 162

port forwarding 155

POSIX shared memory 83

PostgreSQL 116

preemptible instances 204

private cloud 5

probes 131

liveness 131

readiness 131

startup 131

Prometheus 116, 199

architecture 202

for alerting 203

for monitoring 200-202

Prometheus Exporter 201

public cloud 5

public cloud providers

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 5

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 5

Microsoft Azure 5

Python 50

Python Package Index (PyPI) 169



URL 39


readiness probe 131

Real-Time Linux 24

ReplicaSet 106

using 106-109

reserved instances 204

resiliency 183-186

resource limit 148

example 149-151

resource request 148

Rightsizing strategy 205

role-based access control (RBAC) 164

ClusterRole 165

ClusterRoleBinding 165

examples 164

real-world scenarios 164-167

Redis instances 169

role 165

RoleBinding 165

ServiceAccount 165

RPM package 169

Ruby 50


sandboxed container 57

scaling down 185

scaling in 185

scaling out 185

scaling up 185

scheduling 141

real-world example 142-147

Secret 123, 126

Secure Shell (SSH) protocol 115, 156

Security-Enchanced Linux (SELinux) 65

selectors 127

self-healing 14, 183

semantic versioning 212

Serverless 6, 187-189

Service 127

ClusterIP 130

creating 128, 129

ExternalName 130

LoadBalancer 130

NodePort 130

service abstraction 128

Service concept 96

service discovery 126-130

service-level agreements (SLAs) 27

service-level objectives (SLOs) 27

service meshes 66-70

control plane 69

data plane 69

examples 67

Service Mesh Interface (SMI) 69

shared responsibility model 7

sidecar containers 68

sidecars 82

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) 27

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 6, 7

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 86

spot instances 204

standard output (stdout) 153

startup probe 132

stateful applications 62

StatefulSet 121

stateful workloads

running 116-123

stateless containers 61

stderr (standard error) 153

storage classes 117

Subversion 211

systemd 82

SystemV semaphores 83


telemetry 195, 196

telemetry signals

logs 195, 196

metrics 195, 197, 198

traces 195, 198, 199

Terraform 218

Time Series Database (TSDB) 200

topology spread constraints 146

traces 198, 199

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 172


unique identifier (UUID) 47

user ID (UID) 49

user interface (UI) 27


Version Control System (VCS) 211

Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) 186

versus Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) 186

vertical scaling 185

virtual CPU (vCPU) core 149

Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) 161

virtualization 4

benefits 5

virtualized container 57

virtual machine (VM) 149

volumeMounts 120

volumes 62


Weave 61

worker nodes 80

container runtime 81

Kubelet 81

proxy 81

WSL 2 51


XEN 24


YAML formatted file 39

YTT 170


zero downtime 111

Zero Trust security approach 67

Zipkin 199

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