Event-Driven Architectural Patterns

Why do organizations need event-driven architecture (EDA)? Organizations across the world are operating in an agile manner and changing their structure frequently. They are evolving into business structures that can operate as independent service providers and consumers. These service providers and consumers need not necessarily exist within the organization. Some business services are outsourced to external business partners and other business services within the organization are looking to provide their services to external organizations in addition to internal business lines. All these emerging trends necessitate process architectures that have high levels of autonomy, or in other words, loose coupling between various application components that exist within an organization. The need for loosely coupled architecture with high levels of autonomy led to the evolution of EDA. Using EDA, organizations can rapidly reorganize their structure without changing their application constructions. Now, let us get started with the details of EDA.

An event in a generic sense refers to any change in state that is of interest to an organization/business/end user. The signal in a car indicating that the gas is low, the ringing of a mobile phone, and the ringing of a smoke alarm in a house are all examples of some real-world events that we come across in our everyday lives. Understanding the concept of an event is easier with the help of an example, as depicted in the following diagram:

The diagram depicts the flow of actions in an order management system. As soon as an order management system receives an order from a website or from an order entry system, the next step would be to notify other systems about the order. In this step, receiving an order is an event. This event needs to be published to other systems that would be interested in this event. In this example, the other systems that would be interested in this event are a warehouse management system that would check the order item in the inventory stored in the warehouse to ensure its availability and a finance system that would check the credit balance or the payment mechanism that is associated with the order.

Each of these systems will, in turn, publish an event to other systems that are required to complete the next step in order processing. Accordingly, the warehouse system may publish an inventory allocated event and the financial system may publish a payment validated event to the shipping system. The shipping system will, in turn, make necessary arrangements to ship the order to the customer. In this specific flow of events, these are the component systems that are a part of the event flow. But there could be several other systems that could form a part of the event flow based on the outcomes of event processing at each step. For example, if the warehouse management system detects low inventory levels for the item placed in the order, it will trigger an event to the procurement system to procure the item. Similarly, if the financial system detects a low credit balance or an incorrect payment option, it will trigger an email notification to the customer that the credit balance is low or the payment was not completed successfully.

From this example, we understand that the crux of EDA is the concept of publish/subscribe. In the preceding example, the order management system publishes the order event to two other interested parties that have subscribed to the event warehouse management system and financial system. These two systems, in turn, publish events to shipping systems and so on. The three important definitions in the context of the EDA pattern are the following:

  • Event: An event is a runtime operation, executed by a software element to make some information (including the information that it occurred) available for potential use by software elements not specified by the operation.
  • Publisher: To trigger (or publish) an event is to execute it. A software element that may trigger events is a publisher. A software element that may use the event's information is a subscriber.
  • Context: In event-driven design, a context is a Boolean expression specified by a subscriber at registration time, but evaluated at triggering time, such that the registered action will only be executed if the evaluation yields true.

The event-driven pattern is a class of patterns that has gained a lot of traction of late because of the rapidly changing industry paradigm. Many folks get easily confused between service-oriented architecture (SOA) and EDA patterns. In the next section, we will try to analyze and understand the differences between the two.

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