9.12. Other Popular Mobile App Platforms

According to ABI Research, 56 billion smartphone apps and 14 billion tablet apps will be downloaded in 2013.10 By porting your Android apps to other mobile app platforms, especially to iOS (for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices), you could reach an even bigger audience (Fig. 9.15). Android can be developed on Windows, Linux or Mac computers with Java—one of the world’s most widely used programming languages. However, iOS apps must be developed on Macs, which can be costly, and with the Objective-C programming language, which only a small percentage of developers know. Google has created the open-source J2ObjC tool to help you translate your Java app code to Objective-C for iOS apps. To learn more, see http://code.google.com/p/j2objc/.

10. http://www.abiresearch.com/press/android-will-account-for-58-of-smartphone-app-down.

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