Pedagogic Features

Syntax Shading. For readability, we syntax shade the code, similar to Eclipse’s and Android Studio’s use of syntax coloring. Our syntax-shading conventions are as follows:

comments appear in gray
constants and literal values appear in bold darker gray
keywords appear in bold black
all other code appears in non-bold black

Code Highlighting. We emphasize the key code segments in each program by enclosing them in light gray rectangles.

Using Fonts for Emphasis. We use various font conventions:

• The defining occurrences of key terms appear in bold for easy reference.

• On-screen IDE components appear in bold Helvetica (e.g., the File menu).

• Program source code appears in Lucida (e.g., int x = 5;).

In this book you’ll create GUIs using a combination of visual programming (point and click, drag and drop) and writing code.

We use different fonts when we refer to GUI elements in program code versus GUI elements displayed in the IDE:

• When we refer to a GUI component that we create in a program, we place its class name and object name in a Lucida font—e.g., “Button saveContactButton.”

• When we refer to a GUI component that’s part of the IDE, we place the component’s text in a bold Helvetica font and use a plain text font for the component’s type—e.g., “the File menu” or “the Run button.”

Using the > Character. We use the > character to indicate selecting a menu item from a menu. For example, we use the notation File > New to indicate that you should select the New menu item from the File menu.

Source Code. All of the book’s source code is available for download from:

Chapter Objectives. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives.

Figures. Hundreds of tables, source code listings and screen shots are included.

Software Engineering. We stress program clarity and performance, and concentrate on building well-engineered, object-oriented software.

Self-Review Exercises and Answers. Extensive self-review exercises and answers are included for self study.

Exercises with a Current Flair. We’ve worked hard to create topical Android app-development exercises. You’ll develop apps using a broad array of current technologies. All of the Android programming exercises require the implementation of complete apps. You’ll be asked to enhance the existing chapter apps, develop similar apps, use your creativity to develop your own apps that use the chapter technologies and build new apps based on open-source apps available on the Internet (and again, be sure to read and comply with the open-source code-license terms for each app). The Android exercises also include short-answer fill-in and true/false questions.

In the Java exercises, you’ll be asked to recall important terms and concepts; indicate what code segments do; indicate what’s wrong with a portion of code; write Java statements, methods and classes; and write complete Java programs.

Index. We include an extensive index for reference. The page number of the defining occurrence of each key term in the book is highlighted in the index in bold.

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