
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation point)
as negation symbol, Alias Naming Conventions
in filter rule, Network Protocol
to escape to command prompt, Running the Installation Program
# (hash mark), for comments, Sectors and Disklabels
$ (dollar sign), in pathnames, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
$BLOCKSIZE environment variable, How Full Is That Partition?
$DESTDIR environment variable, Building a Release, Bundling the Base System
$DISTDIR variable, The make fetch Stage
$EDITOR environment variable, sudo Disadvantages, sudoedit
$FLAVOR environment variable, Flavors
$HOME/.cwmrc file, Booting into X
$HOME/.tmux.conf file, Using tmux Commands
$HOME/.xsession file, Booting into X
$PKG_PATH environment variable, The Ports and Packages System, sysmerge and Edited Files
$RELEASEDIR environment variable, Building a Release, Bundling the Base System
$SUDO_EDITOR environment variable, sudoedit
$VISUAL environment variable, sudoedit
% (percent sign), for groups in user aliases, /etc/sudoers Aliases
* (asterisk), as wildcard, Sorting Messages via syslogd(8)
-alldirs option, for mount point in partition, The OpenBSD NFS Server
-current version of OpenBSD, Upgrading
building, Bundling Xenocara
source code for, Preparing the Base Operating System
updating to, Updating to -stable
-stable version of OpenBSD, OpenBSD Releases
building, Updating to -stable
source code for, Preparing the Base Operating System
tag for, Updating Source Code
updating to, Source Code Repositories and Tags
.cwmrc file, Booting into X
mapping keys in, Decorating cwm
.rodata segments, OpenBSD Memory Protection
/ (root) partition (see root (/) partition)
/altroot partition, Booting a Different Kernel File
backup to, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
/bsd file, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
/dev/console file, /etc/termcap
/etc directory, Everything /etc
across Unix variants, /etc Across Unix Variants
files in, /etc Across Unix Variants
merging changes, Following -current
updating, Upgrading Over the Network
sysmerge(8) to compare files, Updating /etc
/etc/adduser.conf file, /etc Across Unix Variants
/etc/aliases file, Scheduled Tasks
/etc/amd file, /etc Across Unix Variants
/etc/authpf directory, /etc Across Unix Variants
/etc/bgpd.conf file, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/boot.conf file, Finding the Partition, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/bootparams file, Using rarpd(8) for Reverse ARP
/etc/changelist file, /etc/bgpd.conf, Security Checks
/etc/chio.conf file, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/csh.* files, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/daily file, VERBOSESTATUS, Adding Vital Files
/etc/daily.local file, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition, /etc/bgpd.conf, Scheduled Tasks
/etc/dhclient.conf file, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/dhcpd.conf file, /etc/bgpd.conf, Configuring dhcpd(8)
/etc/disklabels/ directory, /etc/bgpd.conf
/etc/disktab file, /etc/disktab
/etc/dumpdates file, /etc/disktab
/etc/dvmrpd.conf file, /etc/disktab
/etc/ethers file, Completing Diskless Installation
/etc/exports file, The OpenBSD NFS Server, /etc/disktab, Using rarpd(8) for Reverse ARP
/etc/fastboot script, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
/etc/fbtab file, /etc/disktab
/etc/firmware file, /etc/disktab
/etc/fonts/ directory, /etc/firmware
/etc/fstab file, Creating FFS Filesystems, Memory Filesystems, /etc/firmware
CD and FAT flash drive entry, Removable Media
for mounting NFS share, NFS Clients
/etc/fstab filesystem table, and DUID for disk, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
/etc/ftpchroot file, /etc/firmware
/etc/ftpusers file, /etc/firmware
/etc/gettytab file, /etc/firmware
/etc/group file, Using Groups, /etc/gettytab
editing, Editing User Accounts
/etc/hostapd.conf file, /etc/gettytab
/etc/hostname. files, /etc/gettytab
/etc/hostname.if file, route statement in, Route Flags
/etc/hostname.interfacename file, Configuring Default Routes
/etc/hosts file, Preferred IP Protocol, /etc/gettytab
/etc/hosts.equiv file, /etc/gettytab
/etc/hosts.lpd file, /etc/gettytab
/etc/hotplug/ file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/ifstated.conf file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/iked.conf file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/iked/ file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/inetd.conf file, /etc/hosts.lpd, Sensors
/etc/ipsec.conf file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/isakmpd file, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/kbdtype file, Keyboard Mapping, /etc/hosts.lpd
/etc/kerberosV/ directory, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/ksh.kshrc file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/ldap/ file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/ldapd.conf file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/localtime file, Software Configuration, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/locate.rc file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/login.conf file, Login Classes, /etc/kerberosV/
changing, Login Class Definitions
environment variables, Setting Resource Limits
legal values for variables, Login Class Definitions
sample entries from default, Changing Authentication Methods
/etc/lynx.cfg file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/magic file, /etc/kerberosV/
/etc/mail.rc file, /etc/mail/
/etc/mail/ directory, /etc/mail/
/etc/mail/aliases file, Setting Name Service Servers, /etc/mail/
/etc/mailer.conf file, /etc/mail/
/etc/man.conf file, /etc/man.conf
/etc/master.passwd file, Configuring adduser, Groups in Batch Mode
editing, Editing User Accounts, Editing /etc/master.passwd
fields, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/mixerctl.conf file, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/mk.conf file, Secondary Ports, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/moduli file, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/monthly file, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/monthly.local file, /etc/master.passwd Fields
/etc/motd file, /etc/motd
/etc/mrouted.conf file, /etc/motd
/etc/mtree/ directory, /etc/motd
/etc/mygate script, /etc/motd
/etc/myname file, Setting the Time with ntpd(8), /etc/motd
/etc/named.conf file, sudo Password Caching
/etc/netstart script, Hostname, The /etc/rc.conf.local Script, Configuring Default Routes, /etc/motd
/etc/networks file, /etc/motd
/etc/newsyslog.conf file, /etc/motd, Log File Maintenance
/etc/nginx/ file, /etc/motd
/etc/nsd.conf file, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/ntpd.conf file, Time and Date, /etc/nsd.conf, Command to Execute, Time Sources
/etc/ospf6d.conf file, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/ospfd.conf file, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/passwd file, editing, Editing User Accounts
/etc/pf.conf file, /etc/nsd.conf, Firewalls, PF Components, Packet Filtering with Tables
anchor rules in, Anchor Rules from Files
anchor setting, Interface Groups
and FTP proxy, FTP and PF
options, Interface Groups
/etc/pf.os file, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/ppp/ file, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/printcap file, /etc/nsd.conf, The lpd Printing Daemon
/etc/protocols file, The Network Layer, /etc/nsd.conf
/etc/pwd.db file, Editing /etc/master.passwd
/etc/raddb/servers file, Using Login Classes for RADIUS Authentication
/etc/rbootd.conf file, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/rc script, Software Configuration, Changing the Client Serial Port, Startup System Scripts, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/rc.conf file, Software Configuration
OpenBSD defaults in, Software Configuration
/etc/rc.conf script, Startup System Scripts
/etc/rc.conf.local script, Software Configuration, The /etc/rc.conf.local Script, Serving Time
deactivating functions in, Startup System Scripts
enabling dhcpd, Static IP Address Assignments
ftp-proxy enabled in, FTP and PF
snmpd to enable, Configuring snmpd
to disable PF, Firewalls
to disable sshd, The SSH Server sshd
/etc/rc.d directory, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
/etc/rc.firsttime script, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
/etc/rc.local script, The /etc/rc.conf.local Script
/etc/rc.securelevel script, The /etc/rc.conf.local Script, Setting the System Securelevel
/etc/rc.shutdown script, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
/etc/relayd.conf file, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/remote file, Serial Console Physical Setup, Changing the Serial Console Speed, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/resolv.conf file, DNS Resolution, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/resolv.conf.tail file, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/ripd.conf file, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/rmt file, /etc/rbootd.conf
/etc/rpc file, /etc/rpc
/etc/sasyncd.conf file, /etc/rpc
/etc/sensorsd.conf file, /etc/rpc, Sensor Configuration
/etc/services file, Transport Protocol Ports, /etc/rpc, Sensors, Interface Main Address
/etc/shells file, Configuring adduser, /etc/rpc
/etc/skel/ file, /etc/rpc
/etc/sliphome/ file, /etc/rpc
/etc/snmpd.conf file, /etc/snmpd.conf, SNMP Security
/etc/spwd.db file, Editing /etc/master.passwd
/etc/ssh/ file, /etc/snmpd.conf
/etc/ssh/sshd_config file, The SSH Server sshd
/etc/ssl/ file, /etc/snmpd.conf
/etc/sudoers file, sudo Disadvantages, The visudo(8) Command, Host Aliases, /etc/snmpd.conf
aliases, Running Commands As Non-root Users
multiple entries in one field, The /etc/sudoers File
running commands as non-root users, Running Commands As Non-root Users
/etc/sysctl.conf file, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, Setting the System Securelevel, /etc/snmpd.conf, Sysctl MIBs, Numerical Sysctls
machdep.allowaperture=2 sysctl in, Setting Up X
/etc/syslog.conf file, /etc/snmpd.conf, Priority
/etc/systrace/ directory, /etc/snmpd.conf
/etc/termcap file, /etc/termcap
/etc/tmux.conf file, Using tmux Commands
/etc/ttys file, /etc/termcap
/etc/weekly.local script, Making /etc/ttys Changes Take Effect
/etc/wsconsctl.conf file, Making /etc/ttys Changes Take Effect
/etc/X11 directory, Making /etc/ttys Changes Take Effect
/etc/ypldap.conf file, Making /etc/ttys Changes Take Effect
/home partition, /usr/obj Partition, Adding Users Interactively
creating, Creating Disklabel Partitions
/sbin/nologin shell, Unprivileged User Accounts
/tmp directory, Root Partition
/usr partition, /var Partition
/usr/local directory, Which Files Are Installed?
/usr/local partition, /var Partition
/usr/mdec/ directory, Per-Network Configuration
/usr/obj directory, for build, Preparing the Base Operating System
/usr/obj partition, /var Partition
/usr/ports directory, Keyboard Mapping, Using Ports
for build, Preparing the Base Operating System
/usr/ports/emulators file, Virtualizing OpenBSD
/usr/ports/INDEX file, Read-Only Ports Tree
/usr/ports/sysutils/mtools, Inodes vs. Vnodes
/usr/share/zoneinfo directory, Time and Date
/usr/src directory, for build, Preparing the Base Operating System
/usr/src partition, /var Partition
/usr/src/sys/arch file, Machine-Independent Configuration
/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64 file, Bogus Hardware
/usr/src/sys/conf file, Pseudo-Devices
/usr/X11R6 partition, /var Partition
/usr/X11R6/share/X11/rgb.txt file, Using Keyboard Navigation
/usr/xenocara directory, for build, Preparing the Base Operating System
/usr/xobj directory, for build, Preparing the Base Operating System
/var partition, /var Partition
/var/backups file, Security Checks
/var/db/pkg file, Ambiguous Packages
/var/log/daemon file, Settings in sensorsd.conf
/var/log/pflog file, Reading PF Logs
/var/log/secure file, The Biggest sudo Mistake: Exclusions
/var/run/dmesg.boot file, Kernel Configuration
/var/www directory, Choosing the Directory
> symbol, for disklabel(8) command prompt, Custom Disk Layout
@ symbol, to send messages to another host, Logging to a Remote Host
(backslash), for line continuation, Changing the Serial Console Speed, Running Commands As Non-root Users
_ (underscore), for unprivileged user names, Unprivileged User Accounts
_build keyword, Adding to Man Page Directories
_default keyword, /etc/man.conf
_subdir keyword, Adding to Man Page Directories
_whatdb keyword, /etc/man.conf
~ (tilde), in pathnames, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
“Don’t Track Access Time” mounts, in FFS, Soft Update Mounts


a command, Creating Disklabel Partitions
abandoned IP addresses, dhcpd and Firewalls
abbreviations, for disk sizes, Creating Disklabel Partitions
ABIs (application binary interfaces), OpenBSD’s Support Model
abort (fdisk), Adding and Removing Partitions
account information access, controlling, Editing /etc/master.passwd
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), Startup Messages
acpi0 device, Startup Messages
activ method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
active FTP, Nested Anchors: /*
active partition, marking, Adding and Removing Partitions
address families, in packet filtering, Direction
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), The Datalink Layer
IPv4 addresses and, IPv4 and ARP
address space layout randomization, Guard Pages
adduser(8), Adding Users Interactively
-batch flag, Creating User Accounts
configuring default settings, Adding Users Interactively
options, Passwords and Batch Mode
administrator accounts, creating, Passwords and Batch Mode
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), Startup Messages
advanced persistent threat (APT), Disaffected Users
[email protected], OpenBSD Mailing Lists
afterboot(8) man page, Post-Install Setup
aggressive optimization for PF, The set optimization Option
aliases, Running Commands As Non-root Users
naming conventions, Alias Naming Conventions
nesting, Using Aliases in /etc/sudoers
ALTQ bandwidth management system, PF Configuration and the FTP Proxy
amd64 platform, OpenBSD Hardware
boot floppies, FFS support by, Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
floppy image for, Making Boot Floppies
Intel Preboot Execution Environment on, Diskless Installation
kernel configuration directory, Machine-Independent Configuration
anchors in PF, Anchors, PF Configuration and the FTP Proxy
adding rules, Anchors
conditional filtering, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
nested, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
viewing and flushing, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
[email protected], Mirrors
anonymous CVS, Source Code Repositories and Tags
antispoofing rule, Packet Reassembly
Apache web server, Source Code and Software
APIs (application programming interfaces), OpenBSD’s Support Model
application binary interfaces (ABIs), OpenBSD’s Support Model
application menu, creating in X Windows System, Locking the Screen
application programming interfaces (APIs), OpenBSD’s Support Model
applications, NFS Clients
(see also software)
PF and, “My Network Can Do No Wrong”
preventing coverage by window, Decorating cwm
applications layer (OSI), The Network Layer
apropos(1), Viewing Man Pages
APT (advanced persistent threat), Disaffected Users
archives, of mailing lists, Read-Only Mailing Lists
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), The Datalink Layer
IPv4 addresses and, IPv4 and ARP
arp(8), IPv4 and ARP
asking questions, OpenBSD experts reaction to, Using Internet Searches
asterisk (*), as wildcard, Sorting Messages via syslogd(8)
asynchronous mounts, in FFS, Read-Only Mounts
AT&T, What Is BSD?, The BSD License
atexit(), Guard Pages
audio, /etc/master.passwd Fields
audio device, Using the help and list Commands
auth facility, System Logs
auth-defaults class, Changing Authentication Methods, Using Login Classes for RADIUS Authentication
auth-ftp-defaults class, Changing Authentication Methods
authenticating packet filter configuration, /etc Across Unix Variants
authentication methods for user accounts, Password and Login Options
authorized users, repository of, Exporting Filesystems
authpf(8), Using Login Classes for RADIUS Authentication
anchors for, Anchors
authpriv facility, System Logs
of ports, Using Ports
packet filtering tables and, Changing Tables
automounter daemon, /etc Across Unix Variants
autonegotiation, in Ethernet network, Speed and Duplex
availability, Introduction


back channel in FTP, Nested Anchors: /*
background color of desktop, Using Keyboard Navigation
backslash (), for line continuation, Changing the Serial Console Speed, Running Commands As Non-root Users
before install, Installation Walk-Through
in daily maintenance, Security Checks
of default kernel, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
of GENERIC kernel, Problems Running Custom Kernels
of userland for diskless station, Populating the Diskless Userland
to /altroot partition, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
bandwidth management in PF, PF Configuration and the FTP Proxy
assigning traffic to queues, A CBQ Ruleset
child queues, Child Queue Definitions
for parent queue, Queues for Bandwidth Management
queue options, Child Queue Definitions
base operating system, preparing for your own OpenBSD, Why Build Your Own OpenBSD?
baseXX.tgz file set, File Sets, Populating the Diskless Userland
Basic Input/Output System (see BIOS (Basic Input/Output System))
beep of computer, Configuring Your Console with wscons
Berkeley Internet Name Domain server (BIND), Using Domain and Search
BerliOS, mirrors for, Preferred Collection Mirrors
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), IP Routing
BGP daemon, /etc/bgpd.conf
bgpd(8), Viewing Routes, /etc/bgpd.conf
bidirectional NAT, Multiple or Specific Public Addresses
and packet filter rule order, Bidirectional NAT and Security
and security, Bidirectional NAT and Security
redirection, Packet Filtering, Bidirectional NAT, and Rule Order
Big Giant Lock method, Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
bigptrmove, Unmapping and Remapping Keys
binary object device drivers, OpenBSD Hardware
binary objects (blobs), OpenBSD Hardware
binat-to keyword, Multiple or Specific Public Addresses
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain server), Using Domain and Search
bind command, for mapping keys, Decorating cwm
binding, key sequence to cwm command, Modifier Keys
bioctl(8), NFS Clients
-d flag, Rebuilding Failed softraid Volumes
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
clock, Setting Up Services and the First User
configuration, Hardware Setup
in boot process, Power-On and the Boot Loader
bios0 device, Startup Messages
blanking screen, Configuring Your Console with wscons
blobs (binary objects), OpenBSD Hardware
block devices, Device Nodes
block statement, Filtering Rules
blocks in FFS, FFS Versions
number of used, How Full Is That Partition?
bogons, Packet Filtering with Tables
bonding, Configuring the Network at Boot
Boolean sysctls, Numerical Sysctls
boot command, Power-On and the Boot Loader
boot loader, The Boot Process, Power-On and the Boot Loader
information on disk devices, Booting a Different Kernel File
making settings permanent, Finding the Partition
prompt, Power-On and the Boot Loader
boot media, Release Directories
creating, Hardware Setup
boot CDs, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
boot floppies, Making Boot Floppies
boot process, The Boot Process
and X Windows System, Setting Up X
configuring VLANs, Configuring VLAN Devices
delaying, Power-On and the Boot Loader
Ethernet network configuration at, Configuring Default Routes
for kernel, Finding the Partition
from alternate hard disk, Booting a Different Kernel File
from softraid(4) devices, Reusing softraid Disks
in alternate kernel, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode
in single-user mode, Power-On and the Boot Loader
interrupting, Installing OpenBSD, Power-On and the Boot Loader
kernel configuration in, Changing Kernel Constants
multiuser startup, Changing the Client Serial Port
options before completing, Power-On and the Boot Loader
serial consoles, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
setting sysctls at, Numerical Sysctls
setting wscons variables, Screen Blanking
to graphic console, Booting to a Graphic Console
trunks at, Trunk Configuration
boot-time securelevel, Setting the System Securelevel
bootable partition, Adding and Removing Partitions
bootparamd(8) daemon, running, Completing Diskless Installation
bootstrap tools, installing, Following the Upgrade Guide
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), IP Routing
borders for windows, Decorating cwm
botnets, Securing Your System
Brauer, Henning, Foreword, /etc/master.passwd Fields, Which Version Should You Use?
bridge(4) interfaces, “My Network Can Do No Wrong”
broadcast address, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask
broadcast protocol, Ethernet as, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
BSD, What Is BSD?
license, What Is BSD?, The BSD License
BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
bsd file set, Choosing Install Media file set, Choosing Install Media
bsd.rd file set, Choosing Install Media
BUFCACHEPERCENT value in kernel, Using the help and list Commands
identifying, The Code Is Fine. What’s Wrong with You?
in releases, Post-Install Setup
BUGS section, in man pages, Man Page Contents
build files for ports, Secondary Ports
custom kernels, Bogus Hardware
troubleshooting errors in, Bogus Hardware
programs, virtual terminal SSH connections for, Screen Blanking
your own OpenBSD
getting source code, Preparing the Base Operating System
preparations for, Why Build Your Own OpenBSD?
reasons for, Package Messages
burncd (Unix), Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
business card attachments, How to Be Ignored


C compiler, File Sets
C++ compiler, File Sets
canaries, Guard Pages
cap_mkdb(8), Login Class Definitions
CARP (Command Address Redundancy Protocol), Debugging snmpd, Sensors
CAT5 cable, Serial Console Physical Setup
CBQ (class-based queuing), Bandwidth Management
borrow option, Default
ruleset, Default
CD drives, emulating floppies, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
cdemuXX.iso image, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
cdio(1), ext2fs
cdrecord (Unix), Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
CDs (compact discs), Removable Media
booting from, Hardware Setup, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
mounting, ext2fs
obtaining official, Official CDs
cdXX.iso image, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
Changelogs directory, Official CDs
character devices, Block Devices
chargen function (inetd), Sensors
check command, Software Startup Scripts
chflags(1), File Flag Types
child queue, definitions, Child Queue Definitions
chio(1) medium changer, /etc/bgpd.conf
chpass(1), Editing User Accounts, Password and Login Options, Editing /etc/master.passwd
chroot, Post-Install Shell Scripts
chrooting users, sshd Network Options
class-based queuing (CBQ), Bandwidth Management
borrow option, Default
ruleset, Default
cleaning filesystems, Execution Forbidden Mounts, Upgrading from Official Media
client for serial console, Serial Console Physical Setup
port, Changing the Serial Console Speed
clock in BIOS, Setting Up Services and the First User
correcting, Command to Execute
clri(8), for dirty filesystem, Execution Forbidden Mounts
collision domain, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
Command Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP), Debugging snmpd, Sensors
command alias, Host Aliases
command prompt (see prompt)
comments, hash mark (#) for, Sectors and Disklabels
committers, OpenBSD Contributors
communities in SNMP, SNMP Security
compact discs (see CDs (compact discs))
compilers, /usr partition for, /var Partition
compressed tar files, for code snapshots, Preparing the Base Operating System
Computer Science Research Group (CSRG), What Is BSD?
compXX.tgz file set, File Sets
concatenated disks, RAID Types
Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Updating Source Code
mirrors, Source Code Repositories and Tags
conditional filtering, anchors for, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
confidentiality, Introduction
for kernel changes, Setting Sysctls at Boot
backup of default kernel, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
changing constants, Finding and Enabling Devices
help and list commands, Enabling Drivers
for testing custom kernel, Gutting the Kernel
configuration, testing by rebooting, Post-Install Setup
connectionless protocol, UDP
conservative optimization for PF, The states Limit
console, /etc/termcap
configuration with wscons, Configuring Your Console with wscons
const keyword (PF), for table, Packet Filtering with Tables
content farms, bandwidth control machines for, Bandwidth Management
contributors to OpenBSD, The OpenBSD Community
converting ISO images, Populating the Diskless Userland
cooked device node, Device Nodes
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Setting Up Services and the First User
coordinator for OpenBSD, OpenBSD Contributors
copycenter, The BSD License
disk images to disk, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
files to other servers, Adding Vital Files
copyleft, The BSD License
core programs, File Sets
coredumpsize variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
country code, for USB keyboards, Keyboard Mapping
cp(1), copying files with, Creating a Disklabel
cpio(1), copying files with, Creating a Disklabel
cputime variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
cron facility, System Logs
cron(8), Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
cross-compiling, Why Build Your Own OpenBSD?
crypto method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
cryptography, OpenBSD support for, Read-Only Mailing Lists
csh(1), system-wide defaults for, /etc/bgpd.conf
CSRG (Computer Science Research Group), What Is BSD?
CTRL-ALT-DEL, effect of, Setting Sysctls at Boot
current resource limit, specifying, Setting Resource Limits
cursor, controlling with keyboard, Using Keyboard Navigation
custom kernels, Building Custom Kernels
building, Bogus Hardware
cautions, Building Custom Kernels
configuration, Kernel Configuration
device drivers, Kernel Configuration
keywords, Pseudo-Devices
pseudo-devices, Kernel Configuration
configuration file, Your Kernel Configuration
identifying running, Kernel Build Errors
installing, Kernel Build Errors
preparations for, Problems Running Custom Kernels
problems building, Why Build Custom Kernels?
problems running, Problems Running Custom Kernels
reasons for, Don’t Build Custom Kernels
removing devices, Removing Options
removing options, Your Kernel Configuration
stripping down, Removing Options
testing, Gutting the Kernel
CVS (Concurrent Versions System), Updating Source Code
mirrors, Source Code Repositories and Tags
CVS directory, The Ports Tree
cwm(1) window manager, Setting Up X, Booting into X
configuration file loss, Modifier Keys
configuring, Booting into X
modifier keys, Booting into X
creating windows, Modifier Keys
decorating, Using Keyboard Navigation
exiting, Creating cwm Windows
locking screen, Creating cwm Windows
resizing terminal window, Creating cwm Windows
cylinders, Disklabel Partitions


d command, Viewing Disklabels
checking for running, Software Startup Scripts
instructed to reread configuration file, Software Startup Scripts
unprivileged account for each, Unprivileged User Accounts
daemon facility, System Logs
DaemonForums, Mirrors
daily maintenance, Scheduled Tasks
daily(8), Scheduled Tasks
damaged filesystem, recovering, Filesystem Integrity
data connection for FTP, Nested Anchors: /*
data integrity, synchronous mounts for, Read-Only Mounts
datalink layer (OSI), The Datalink Layer, Applications
datasize variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
date(1), Time and Date, Setting the Time with ntpd(8)
date, setting, Time and Date
DB9-to-RJ45 converters, Serial Console Physical Setup
dd(1), Making Boot Floppies
ddb.console sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
ddb.panic sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
de Raadt, Theo, AT&T vs. the World, OpenBSD Contributors, Free
decrypted partition
automatic, Automatic Decryption
unmounting, Creating Encrypted Partitions
default accept, vs. default deny, Stateful Inspection
default answers, for installer, Running the Installation Program
default BSD pager, Viewing Man Pages
default gateway, Static IP Addresses
default login class, for user, Adding Users Interactively
default partitioning, by installer, Partitioning
default permit or default deny, Filtering Rules
default route, IP Routing
adding to routing table, Route Flags
on Ethernet, configuring, Configuring Default Routes
default screensaver in cwm, Locking the Screen
default search domains, DNS Resolution
default shell for user, Adding Users Interactively
default user class, Login Classes
definition, Login Classes
Defaults statement, Alias Naming Conventions
delete command (pfctl), Changing Tables
partitions, Viewing Disklabels
routes, Route Flags
softraid(4) devices, Rebuilding Failed softraid Volumes
user accounts, Other Batch Mode Options
for packages, Ambiguous Packages, Identifying Where Files Originate, Updating the Package Repository
ports and, Finding via SQL, Flavors
DESCRIPTION section, in man pages, Man Page Contents
desktop OpenBSD, Desktop OpenBSD
background color, Using Keyboard Navigation
console configuration with wscons, Configuring Your Console with wscons
cwm(1) window manager for, Booting into X
tmux for virtual terminals, Screen Blanking
X graphical interface setup, Setting Up X
destination address, in filter rule, Network Protocol
destination port, in filter rule, Interface Main Address
detaching vnode devices from images, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
developers’ logs, OpenBSD’s Support Model
device drivers
attachment to hardware, Startup Messages
binary object, OpenBSD Hardware
custom kernel configuration for, Kernel Configuration
enabling, Enabling Drivers, Finding and Enabling Devices
finding, Finding and Enabling Devices
for hardware sensors, Device Drivers
for physical sensors, Device Drivers
in OpenBSD, Installing OpenBSD
kernel and, Kernel Configuration, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
minimizing number in custom kernel, Removing Options
device names
device attachment vs., Block Devices
for floppy drives, Making Boot Floppies
for hard drives, Booting a Different Kernel File
device nodes, Device Nodes
df(1), Unmounting Partitions
dhclient(8), Configuring Default Routes
DHCP, Preferred IP Protocol
getting IPv4 address from, Configuring Default Routes
server setup for diskless install, DHCP Server Setup
static IP address and, Running the Installation Program, Static IP Address Assignments
dhcpd (DHCP daemon), The lpd Printing Daemon
enabling, Static IP Address Assignments
dial-up modem, /etc/nsd.conf
Diffie-Hellman cryptography, /etc/master.passwd Fields
for new releases, Building a Release
for tftpd, dhcpd and Firewalls
locking users in, sshd Network Options
number of used filesystem blocks, How Full Is That Partition?
dirty filesystems, Execution Forbidden Mounts
discard function (inetd), Sensors
disk drives, Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
(see also hard drives)
CD drives emulating floppies, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
changing basic parameters, Adding More Disks
device names, Sectors and Lies
mounting, in single-user mode, Power-On and the Boot Loader
setup when installing OpenBSD, Setting the Time Zone
custom layout, Choosing File Sets
disk images, attaching vnode devices to, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
disklabel partitions, Disklabel Partitions, Custom Disk Layout
creating, Viewing Disklabels, Labeling Disks
for softraid device, RAID Types
disklabel unique identifier (DUID), Sectors and Disklabels
and /etc/fstab filesystem table, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
disklabel(8), File Sets
command prompt, Custom Disk Layout
expert mode for, Modifying Existing Partitions
help for, Modifying Existing Partitions
disklabels, Disklabel Partitions
advanced commands, Adding More Disks
backing up and restoring, Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
creating, Setting $BLOCKSIZE
erasing, Viewing Disklabels
printing, Custom Disk Layout, Creating Disklabel Partitions
viewing, Custom Disk Layout, Labeling Disks
writing new, Creating Disklabel Partitions
writing to disk, Creating Disklabel Partitions
diskless installation, Virtualizing OpenBSD
DHCP server setup, DHCP Server Setup
power for, Populating the Diskless Userland
running, Completing Diskless Installation
TFTP server setup, Per-Network Configuration
display (see screen)
display.kbdact variable, Screen Blanking
display.msact variable, Screen Blanking
display.outact variable, Screen Blanking
display.screen_off variable, Screen Blanking
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), /etc/disktab
distfiles directory, Official CDs
distfiles, for ports, The make fetch Stage
divert-to keyword (PF), Port Manipulation and Ranges
dmassage package, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
dmesg(8), Kernel Configuration
DMZ, hosts in, IPv4 Routed Network Example
DNS (Domain Name Service) servers, Setting Name Service Servers
DNS queries, Stateful Inspection
DNS resolution, DNS Resolution
/etc/hosts file, Preferred IP Protocol
resolver vs. dynamic configuration, Preferred IP Protocol
DNS spoofing attacks, Host Aliases
doc directory, Mirror Site Layout
documentation, Portability
distribution set for, Choosing Install Media
man pages, The Code Is Fine. What’s Wrong with You?
not provided by vendors, OpenBSD Hardware
dollar sign ($), in pathnames, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
domain, DNS Resolution
Domain Name Service (DNS) servers, Setting Name Service Servers
du(1), How Full Is That Partition?
dual-stacked setup, The Life and Times of a Network Request
DUID (disklabel unique identifier), Sectors and Disklabels
and /etc/fstab filesystem table, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
dump(8), Device Attachment vs. Device Name, Filesystem Integrity
avoiding for NFS mount, NFS Clients
backup, /etc/disktab
copying files with, Creating a Disklabel
DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol), /etc/disktab
dvmrpd(8), /etc/disktab
Dvorak layout, Keyboard Mapping
dynamic clients, dhcpd for configuring, The lpd Printing Daemon
dynamic configuration, vs. resolver, Preferred IP Protocol
dynamic network configuration, Static IP Addresses


e command, Adding More Disks
echo function (inetd), Sensors
ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification), Setting Sysctls at Boot, Default
EISA hardware, OpenBSD Hardware
attachments, How to Be Ignored
for help request, Using Mailing Lists
maintenance tasks results to local root account, Setting Name Service Servers
responding to, Responding to Email
sending, How to Be Ignored
email software, configuration files for, /etc/mail/
embedded systems, and sylogd(8), Listening to the Network
emergency root partition, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
emulated CPUs, Virtualization
enc0 (encapsulating interface), Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, Configuring Ethernet
encrypt(1), Passwords and Batch Mode
encrypted partitions, Reusing softraid Disks
automatic decryption, Automatic Decryption
encryption algorithm, for user passwords, Configuring adduser
Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI), Sectors and Disklabels
environment variables
and sudo(8), Overriding Defaults per Run As
in /etc/login.conf file, Setting Resource Limits
erasing, Viewing Disklabels
(see also deleting)
disklabels, Viewing Disklabels
error messages
from snmpd, Configuring snmpd
mmap: Cannot allocate memory, Memory Filesystems
NFS-related, Basic NFS Setup
errors, from custom kernel, Gutting the Kernel
ESDI (Enhanced Small Device Interface), Sectors and Disklabels
ESXi, Virtualization
etcXX.tgz file set, File Sets, Populating the Diskless Userland
Ethernet, Connecting to the Network, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
configuring, Speed and Duplex
default routes, Configuring Default Routes
dynamic network, Configuring Default Routes
network at boot, Configuring Default Routes
multiple IP addresses on one card, Multiple IP Addresses on One Ethernet Card
speed and duplex, Speed and Duplex
Ethernet cards, configuration file, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
Ethernet interfaces, Hostname
ex2fs filesystem, ext2fs
ex3fs filesystem, ext2fs
exclamation point (!)
as negation symbol, Alias Naming Conventions
in filter rule, Network Protocol
to escape to command prompt, Running the Installation Program
exclusions to packet filtering lists, Using Macros
execution forbidden mounts, Soft Update Mounts
exit command (config), Finding and Enabling Devices
exit command (fdisk), Adding and Removing Partitions
exiting, cwm, Creating cwm Windows
expert mode, for disklabel, Modifying Existing Partitions
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), Setting Sysctls at Boot, Default
exporting filesystems, Basic NFS Setup
exports, NFS client mounting of, Basic NFS Setup


facilities for system logs, System Logs
combining, Sorting Messages via syslogd(8)
failover, Configuring the Network at Boot
fallback mirrors, Preferred Collection Mirrors
family keyword, Preferred IP Protocol
Fast File System (FFS), /usr/obj Partition, Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
blocks, fragments, and inodes, FFS Versions
creating, FFS Versions
integrity, Execution Forbidden Mounts
mount options, Creating FFS Filesystems
versions, Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
FAT filesystems, Mounting an MFS at Boot
fdisk(8), Multiple Hard Drives
and MBR partitions, DUIDs and /etc/fstab, Setting $BLOCKSIZE
exiting, Adding and Removing Partitions
feh, Using Keyboard Navigation
FFS (see Fast File System (FFS))
FIFO (first-in, first-out) queuing, Bandwidth Management
file flags, And More!
file sets, Choosing Install Media
custom, Customizing OpenBSD Installations
for upgrade, Upgrading Over the Network
selecting when installing OpenBSD, Setting Up the Disk
File Transport Protocol (see FTP (File Transport Protocol))
assigning ownership of, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
copying to other servers, Adding Vital Files
identifying origin of, Ambiguous Packages
logging to, Selecting by Program Name
removing during upgrade, Following the Upgrade Guide
filesize variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
adding new, Adding New Filesystems
cleaning, Execution Forbidden Mounts, Upgrading from Official Media
exporting, Basic NFS Setup, The OpenBSD NFS Server
foreign, Mounting an MFS at Boot
impact of block size on partition size, Creating Disklabel Partitions
integrity checks, Power-On and the Boot Loader, Adding Vital Files
partition size and, Partitioning
integrity in FFS, Execution Forbidden Mounts
memory, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
mounting at nonstandard locations, Mounting Standard Filesystems
mounting for upgrade, Updating /etc
mounting images, Removable Media
mounting remote, Permitted Clients
mounting standard, Mounting Standard Filesystems
partition, /usr/obj Partition
recovering damaged, Filesystem Integrity
type on partition, Sectors and Disklabels
filtering, tcpdump, Reading PF Logs
finding (see search)
fingerprint scanners, Changing Authentication Methods
firewall, IPv4 Routed Network Example, Packet Filtering
avoiding install of unneeded file sets, Choosing File Sets
dhcpd and, Static IP Address Assignments
NAT and, Tables and Automation
firmware, OpenBSD Hardware, /etc/firmware
first-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing, Bandwidth Management
flag command (fdisk), Adding and Removing Partitions
flash drives, Removable Media
floppy disk
boot loader information on drive, Booting a Different Kernel File
booting installer from, Release Directories, Hardware Setup
floppyBXX.fs image, Making Boot Floppies
floppyCXX.fs image, Making Boot Floppies
floppyXX.fs image, Making Boot Floppies
flush command (pfctl), Changing Tables
force-starting software, Software Startup Scripts
foreign filesystems, Mounting an MFS at Boot
fragmentation behavior of filesystem, Sectors and Disklabels
fragmented packets, Stateful Inspection
frags limit and, frags Limit
fragments in FFS, FFS Versions
frame in datalink layer, Applications
free lines, in kernel, Using the help and list Commands
free use of OpenBSD, Free
fsck(8), Power-On and the Boot Loader, Upgrading from Official Media
avoiding for NFS mount, NFS Clients
for dirty filesystem, Execution Forbidden Mounts
running, Filesystem Integrity
trusting, Filesystem Integrity
fsdb(8), for dirty filesystem, Execution Forbidden Mounts
fstat, Using netstat
fstype, Sectors and Disklabels
FTP (File Transport Protocol)
password source for connections, Using Login Classes for RADIUS Authentication
pf(4) and, Nested Anchors: /*
proxy, PF configuration and, FTP and PF
ftp facility, System Logs
FTP server, installing OpenBSD from, Choosing Install Media, Choosing File Sets
ftp-proxy(8), FTP and PF
anchors for, Anchors
ftplist file, Mirror Site Layout
full-duplex connection, Speed and Duplex
fvwm(1), Booting into X
fw_update script, /etc/firmware


gameXX.tgz file set, File Sets
gateway, default, Static IP Addresses
GENERIC kernel, Don’t Build Custom Kernels
backup of, Problems Running Custom Kernels
configuration file, Machine-Independent Configuration
configuring, Pseudo-Devices
geometry of disks, Disklabel Partitions
getty(8), Changing the Client Serial Port, Startup System Scripts
GID (group unique number), Using Groups
gigabytes, for displaying partition size, Viewing Disklabels
global settings in tmux, Using tmux Commands
Gnome, Booting into X
Gnu C Compiler Project, Preferred Collection Mirrors
GNU mirror site, Preferred Collection Mirrors
graphic console, Setting Up Services and the First User
booting to, Booting to a Graphic Console
group unique number (GID), Using Groups
groups, The Root Password
creating, Using Groups
in user aliases, /etc/sudoers Aliases
unprivileged user accounts and group permissions, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
user assignment to, Configuring adduser
in batch mode, Groups in Batch Mode
guard pages, Guard Pages


hacker, definition of, Skilled Attackers
half-duplex connection, Speed and Duplex
Hansteen, Peter, The Book of PF, /etc Across Unix Variants, Packet Filtering, Filtering tcpdump
hard drives, Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
(see also disk drives)
adding new, Setting $BLOCKSIZE
booting from alternate, Booting a Different Kernel File
finding for booting, Booting a Different Kernel File
multiple, /usr/obj Partition
partitioning additional, Adding More Disks
hardened host, Enabling and Configuring PF
hardware, OpenBSD Hardware
connection to kernel, Connections and Numbering
device driver attachment to, Startup Messages
diskless, for OpenBSD, Diskless Installation
dmassage to view installed devices, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
setup for installing OpenBSD, Hardware Setup
hardware sensors, Serving Time
configuring, Sensor Configuration
device drivers for, Device Drivers
time, Time Sources
triggering action, Settings in sensorsd.conf
hardware serial console, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
hash mark (#), for comments, Sectors and Disklabels
HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), The Datalink Layer
heads on disk drives, Disklabel Partitions
creating good request, Using Mailing Lists
for disklabel prompt, Modifying Existing Partitions
help command (config), Enabling Drivers
help function, Power-On and the Boot Loader
hiding cwm windows, Creating cwm Windows
high-latency optimization for PF, The set optimization Option
High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), The Datalink Layer
mapping keys in, Decorating cwm
home directories
configuring for user, Adding Users Interactively
for unprivileged users, Unprivileged User Accounts
macros to represent, sshd Network Options
host access point daemon, /etc/gettytab
host aliases, Host Aliases
host MIBs, MIB References
hostapd(8), /etc/gettytab
hosting operation, Afterword
hostname, Hostname
hostname.if file, Configuring Default Routes
hostnames, DNS Resolution
of system, Running the Installation Program
setting, Setting the Time with ntpd(8)
hosts file, DNS Resolution
HTML, avoiding for email help request, How to Be Ignored
HTTP protocol, Transport Protocol Ports
installation, Release Directories
hubs, in Ethernet network, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
Hurricane Electric, IPv6 tunnel service, Configuring VLAN Devices
hushlogin variable, Setting Resource Limits
hw.allowpowerdown sysctl, Securelevel 1
hw.ncpufound sysctl, Viewing Sysctls


i386 platform, OpenBSD Hardware
boot floppies, FFS support by, Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
floppy images for, Making Boot Floppies
hard drive size limitations, Partitioning
Intel Preboot Execution Environment on, Diskless Installation
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), The Network Layer, Assigning IPv6 Addresses
redirects, sysctl to control, Setting Sysctls at Boot
states, UDP States
id(1), Using Groups
IDE drives, /usr/obj Partition
ifconfig(8), Hostname, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask, Viewing IPv6 Addresses, Configuring Ethernet, Configuring Default Routes
delete option, Using ifconfig(8)
to display VLAN interface, Configuring VLAN Devices
ifstated(8) (interface state daemon), /etc/hosts.lpd
ifTable (interface table), MIB References
ignorenologin variable, Setting Resource Limits
illegal packets, Using Macros
in keyword, for direction in packet filtering, Filtering Rules
include statement
in kernel configuration, Pseudo-Devices
in pf.conf, Using the match Keyword
incoming connections, restricting, Configuring inetd
INDEX file, Using Ports
building database of, The Ports Index
index nodes (see inodes (index nodes))
indexing OpenBSD release, Bundling Xenocara
inet, Configuring Default Routes
inetd(8) (small-server handler), /etc/hosts.lpd, The inetd Small-Server Handler
init(8), Software Configuration, Power-On and the Boot Loader
inodes (index nodes), FFS Versions
vs. vnodes, Mounting an MFS at Boot
install document, in OpenBSD release, Installation Preparations
installation preparations, Installation Preparations
customizing, Customizing OpenBSD Installations
disklabels, Disklabel Partitions
file sets, Choosing Install Media
getting OpenBSD, Virtualization
multiple hard drives, /usr/obj Partition
OpenBSD hardware, OpenBSD Hardware
partition filesystems, /usr/obj Partition
partitions, File Sets, Multiple Hard Drives
custom kernel, Kernel Build Errors
multiple operating systems on computer, Installation Walk-Through
packages, Finding Packages on the Web
ports and source code, Keyboard Mapping
installing OpenBSD, Installation Preparations
(see also installation preparations; setup after install)
BIOS configuration, Hardware Setup
boot media creation, Hardware Setup
boot CDs, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
boot floppies, Making Boot Floppies
disk drive
custom layout, Choosing File Sets
setup, Setting the Time Zone
file sets selection, Setting Up the Disk
hardware setup, Hardware Setup
multiple network cards and, Running the Installation Program
running installation program, Installing OpenBSD
setting time zone, Setting Up Services and the First User
setting up services, Setting Up Services and the First User
installXX.iso image, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
integrity, Introduction
of packages, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), Device Drivers
interface groups, PF Components
interface main address, in filter rule, Source and Destination Variants
interface state daemon (ifstated(8)), /etc/hosts.lpd
dynamic configuration, Configuring the Network at Boot
setting PF to not manage, The set optimization Option
interim releases of OpenBSD, OpenBSD-current
Internet connection, Overview of TCP/IP
(see also TCP/IP)
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), The Network Layer, Assigning IPv6 Addresses
redirects, sysctl to control, Setting Sysctls at Boot
states, UDP States
Internet downloads of OpenBSD, Official CDs
Internet Protocol (IP), The Datalink Layer
Internet searches, on OpenBSD crypto hardware, Using Internet Searches
Internet small service listener (inetd(8)), /etc/hosts.lpd
Internet, finding packages on, Finding Packages on the Web
interrupt request (IRQ), Altering the Kernel with config(8)
interrupting boot process, Installing OpenBSD
IP addresses, The Datalink Layer, Network Stacks
abandoned, dhcpd and Firewalls
adding, Using ifconfig(8)
multiple, on one Ethernet card, Multiple IP Addresses on One Ethernet Card
private NAT, Tables and Automation
removing, Using ifconfig(8)
static, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
table in pf.conf file, PF Configuration
IP aliases, Multiple IP Addresses on One Ethernet Card
IP routing, Using netstat
deleting routes, Route Flags
IPv4, IP Routing
route flags, Viewing Routes
route(8) for managing, IPv4 Routed Network Example
ipcalc package, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask
IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface), Device Drivers
ipmi(4) driver, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
IPsec standard for VPNs, /etc/hosts.lpd
IPv4 addresses
and ARP, IPv4 and ARP
netmask calculation, IPv4 Addresses and Subnets
network stacks, The Life and Times of a Network Request
pitfalls, Special IPv4 Addresses
search for records, Preferred IP Protocol
special, Special IPv4 Addresses
static, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
unusable, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask
viewing, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask
IPv4 packets, sysctl to control forwarding, Setting Sysctls at Boot
IPv6 addresses, Running the Installation Program, Special IPv4 Addresses
and neighbor discovery, IPv4 and ARP
assigning, localhost
format for, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
NAT and, Tables and Automation
network stacks, The Life and Times of a Network Request
over tunnels, Configuring VLAN Devices
special, Viewing IPv6 Addresses
subnets, Viewing IPv6 Addresses
IPv6 packets, forwarding, sysctl to control, Setting Sysctls at Boot
IRQ (interrupt request), Altering the Kernel with config(8)
ISA hardware, OpenBSD Hardware, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
ISO 8601 restricted time format, Count
ISO images, converting, Populating the Diskless Userland
ISO-9660 filesystem, ext2fs
istatus keyword, to ignore sensor, Settings in sensorsd.conf


job control, What Is BSD?


kbd(8), Keyboard Mapping
KDE, Booting into X
Kerberos, Exporting Filesystems
kern facility, System Logs
kern.hostname sysctl, Numerical Sysctls
kern.maxproc sysctl, Numerical Sysctls
kern.ostype sysctl, Sysctl MIBs, Numerical Sysctls
kern.osversion sysctl, Sysctl MIBs
kern.version sysctl, Sysctl MIBs
kernel, Choosing Install Media, Power-On and the Boot Loader
(see also custom kernels; sysctls (system controls))
basics, Kernel Configuration
boot-time configuration, Changing Kernel Constants
booting, Finding the Partition
booting alternate, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode
code snapshot for, Preparing the Base Operating System
config(8) for changing, Setting Sysctls at Boot
backup of default kernel, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
changing constants, Finding and Enabling Devices
help and list commands, Enabling Drivers
device drivers, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
enabling, Enabling Drivers, Finding and Enabling Devices
finding, Finding and Enabling Devices
GENERIC, Don’t Build Custom Kernels
backup, Problems Running Custom Kernels
identifying running, Kernel Build Errors
messages to userland, Kernel Configuration
modules, Securelevel 1
startup messages, Kernel Configuration
upgrading, Updating to -current
for X Windows navigation, Using Keyboard Navigation
mapping, Keyboard Mapping
modifer keys in cwm window manager, Booting into X
unmapping and remapping, Decorating cwm
keyboard-video-mouse (KVM) system, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
keyboard.type variable, Configuring Your Console with wscons
for man page searches, Viewing Man Pages
in custom kernel configuration, Pseudo-Devices
kill -session command (tmux), Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Managing Sessions
kill command (pfctl), Changing Tables
Kozierok, Charles M., The TCP/IP Guide, Overview of TCP/IP, Firewalls
krb5 method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
krb5-or-pwd method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
KVM (keyboard-vide-mouse) system, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
KVM hypervisor (Linux), Virtualization
KVM virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD


LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), Configuring the Network at Boot
lchpass method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) daemon, Exporting Filesystems, /etc/kerberosV/
integration, Changing Authentication Methods
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, Overriding Defaults per Run As
leases in DHCP, The lpd Printing Daemon
least privilege approach, The Root Account
libraries, /usr partition for, /var Partition
Lightweight Discovery Access Protocol (LDAP) daemon, Exporting Filesystems, /etc/kerberosV/
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), Configuring the Network at Boot
link aggregation protocols, Configuring the Network at Boot
link local addresses, for IPv6, localhost
Linux, KVM hypervisor, Virtualization
list command (config), Enabling Drivers
lists, packet filtering with, UDP States
exclusions and negations, Using Macros
lladdr (link local address), Configuring Ethernet
lo0 (loopback) interface, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, Configuring Ethernet
load balancer, /etc/rbootd.conf, Afterword
local distfile mirrors, The make build Stage
local installation server, install from, Choosing Install Media
local0 facility, System Logs
localcipher password control, Password and Login Options
for IPv4, Special IPv4 Addresses
for IPv6, localhost
locking users, in directory, sshd Network Options
log files
for PF, Skipping Matches with quick
reading, Reading PF Logs
maintenance, Listening to the Network
adding PID file, Monitoring Logs
monitoring, Monitoring Logs
newsyslog.conf fields, Log File Maintenance
signal name, Monitoring Logs
log rotation, Listening to the Network
log sockets, Logging to a Remote Host
logging daemon (syslogd(8)), /etc/snmpd.conf
customizing, Logging to a Remote Host
logging host, Logging to a Remote Host
logical interfaces, in OpenBSD, Configuring Ethernet
logical port, TCP
login classes, Login Classes
definitions, Login Classes
for RADIUS authentication, Changing Authentication Methods
for user, Creating User Accounts
login-backoff password control, Password and Login Options
default class for user, Adding Users Interactively
to serial consoles, Changing the Client Serial Port
login_radius(8), Using Login Classes for RADIUS Authentication
for system maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
actions, Selecting by Program Name
and embedded systems, Listening to the Network
customizing syslogd, Logging to a Remote Host
facilities, System Logs
priority, Priority
sorting messages with syslogd(8), Priority
monitoring, Monitoring Logs
of TFTP transfers, Specifying a tftpd Directory
lookup keyword, for DNS resolution, Using Domain and Search
loopback address, Viewing Routes
lost+found directory, Filesystem Integrity
lpd (printer daemon), The lpd Printing Daemon
lpr facility, System Logs
-la, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
-lo, File Flag Types
lynx(1) text-mode web browser, /etc/kerberosV/


m command, Modifying Existing Partitions
MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, The Datalink Layer, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
for DHCP server client identity, The lpd Printing Daemon
machdep.allowaperture sysctl, Securelevel 1, Setting Up X, Setting Sysctls at Boot
machdep.kbdreset sysctl, Securelevel 1, Setting Sysctls at Boot
machine diskinfo command, Booting a Different Kernel File
machine keyword, in kernel configuration, Pseudo-Devices
machine-dependent kernel configuration files, Machine-Independent Configuration
machine-independent kernel configuration files, Pseudo-Devices
macppc (PowerPC-based Macintosh computers), OpenBSD Hardware
macros, packet filtering with, Using Lists
magic number, /etc/kerberosV/
mail aliases, setup after install, Setting Name Service Servers
mail facility, System Logs
mail server program, /etc/mail/
mailing lists on OpenBSD, Mirrors, Using Internet Searches
archives of, Read-Only Mailing Lists
read-only, OpenBSD Mailing Lists
mailq, /etc/mail/
mainbus0, Startup Messages
Maint (maintainer), for software, The Ports Index
maintenance tasks, emailing results to local root account, Setting Name Service Servers
make build stage, Building a Release
in port build, The make build Stage
make checksum stage in port build, The make fetch Stage
make clean stage in port build, The make build Stage
make configure stage in port build, The make prepare Stage
make extract stage in port build, The make prepare Stage
make fake stage in port build, The make build Stage
make fetch stage in port build, The make fetch Stage
make install stage, Finding via SQL
in port build, The make build Stage
make package stage in port build, The make build Stage
make patch stage in port build, The make prepare Stage
make prepare stage in port build, The make prepare Stage
make print-index, Read-Only Ports Tree
make update command, in port, Following -current
make(1) program, Software Management
configuring, /etc/master.passwd Fields
makefile, Software Management, Using Ports, Secondary Ports
makeoptions keyword, in kernel configuration, Pseudo-Devices
makewhatis(8), /etc/man.conf
making software, Software Management
malloc(), Guard Pages
malware, “My Network Can Do No Wrong”
man (manual) pages, Portability, Portability, The Code Is Fine. What’s Wrong with You?, /etc/man.conf
adding to directories, /etc/man.conf
contents, Finding Man Pages
defining sections, Adding to Man Page Directories
displaying, Adding to Man Page Directories
finding, Viewing Man Pages
for disklabel(8), Modifying Existing Partitions
moving through, Viewing Man Pages
on web, Man Page Contents
overlapping names, Finding Man Pages
search for cryptography, Read-Only Mailing Lists
viewing, Man Pages
Management Information Base (see MIBs (Management Information Base))
management-addresses file, Using the match Keyword
manual pages (see man (manual) pages)
manXX.tgz file set, File Sets
filesystems to mount points, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
keyboard, Decorating cwm
mark facility, System Logs
marker in logs, Marking Time
MASTER_SITE_BERIOS variable, Preferred Collection Mirrors
MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE variable, Primary Mirror
Match keyword, Choosing the Directory
match keyword, for bandwidth management, A CBQ Ruleset
maximizing cwm windows, Creating cwm Windows
maxproc variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
maxusers keyword, in kernel configuration, Pseudo-Devices
MBR partitions, Multiple Hard Drives
and fdisk(8), DUIDs and /etc/fstab
creating, Setting the Time Zone, MBR Partitions and fdisk(8), Setting $BLOCKSIZE
for softraid device, RAID Types
viewing, MBR Partitions and fdisk(8)
mbrowse package, MIB References
Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, The Datalink Layer, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
for DHCP server client identity, The lpd Printing Daemon
megabytes, for displaying partition size, Custom Disk Layout
memory (RAM), Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
interface use by, Sensors
log messages to, Listening to the Network
protection, Skilled Attackers
memory filesystems (MFS), Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
mounting at boot, Memory Filesystems
partitions, creating, Memory Filesystems
memorylocked variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
memoryuse variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
merging /etc file changes during upgrade, sysmerge and Edited Files, Following -current
message of the day (MOTD), /etc/motd
at kernel startup, Kernel Configuration
displaying for packages, Identifying Where Files Originate
from kernel to userland, Kernel Configuration
from upgraded packages, Updating the Package Repository
metadata, FFS Versions
from softraid, Reusing softraid Disks
Meyer, Scott, Applications
MFS (see memory filesystems (MFS))
MIBs (Management Information Base)
for SNMP, The SNMP Agent snmpd
PF SNMP, Debugging snmpd
sysctl, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
Microsoft systems
Burn to Disc command, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
floppy creation on, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
NTFS partitions, Mounting an MFS at Boot
virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD
minpasswordlen password control, Password and Login Options
mirroring (RAID-1), RAID Types
CVS, Source Code Repositories and Tags
fallback, Preferred Collection Mirrors
local distfile, The make build Stage
of OpenBSD website, Mirrors
preferred collection, Preferred Collection Mirrors
primary, Primary Mirror
site layout for obtaining OpenBSD copy, Official CDs
[email protected], OpenBSD Mailing Lists, How to Be Ignored
help for building custom kernel, Why Build Custom Kernels?
mixectl(8), /etc/master.passwd Fields
mkhybrid(8), ext2fs
monthly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
more(1), Viewing Man Pages
MOTD (message of the day), /etc/motd
mount command, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
mount point
for partition, Creating Disklabel Partitions
mapping filesystems to, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
mount(8), Blindly Trusting fsck
mountd startup script, reload argument, Exporting Filesystems
mountd(8) daemon, Basic NFS Setup
mounted files, listing all, Blindly Trusting fsck
in FFS, Creating FFS Filesystems
in single-user mode, Power-On and the Boot Loader
filesystem images, Removable Media
filesystems at nonstandard locations, Mounting Standard Filesystems
filesystems, for upgrade, Updating /etc
memory filesystems, at boot, Memory Filesystems
partitions, Blindly Trusting fsck
standard filesystems, Mounting Standard Filesystems
with options, Unmounting Partitions
mounts, stackable, Adding New Filesystems
mount_cd9660(8), ext2fs
mount_ext2fs(8), ext2fs
mount_mfs(8), Memory Filesystems
mount_msdos(8), Inodes vs. Vnodes
mount_ntfs(8), Inodes vs. Vnodes
mouse, emulating three-button in X, Booting into X
moving, partitions, Creating a Disklabel
(see also navigation)
mrouted(8), /etc/motd
MS-DOS filesystem, Inodes vs. Vnodes
multicast routing, /etc/motd
multipackages, Subpackages
multiple hard drives, /usr/obj Partition
multiple network cards, installing OpenBSD and, Running the Installation Program
multiprocessor kernel, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode
multiprocessor support, Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
multiuser startup, Changing the Client Serial Port
Mutt mail client, noatime mount option and, Soft Update Mounts
mv(1), copying files with, Creating a Disklabel


NAME section, in man pages, Man Page Contents
name service servers, Setting Name Service Servers, Using Domain and Search
named user account, Unprivileged User Accounts
for aliases, Alias Naming Conventions
for default kernel backup, Altering the Kernel with config(8)
for disk device nodes, Device Nodes
for groups, Using Groups
for man pages, overlapping, Finding Man Pages
for user accounts, Other Batch Mode Options
for windows
in cwm, Creating cwm Windows
in tmux, Changing the Current Window
NAT (network address translation), Packet Filtering
bidirectional, Multiple or Specific Public Addresses
and rule order, Bidirectional NAT and Security
and security, Bidirectional NAT and Security
redirection, Packet Filtering, Bidirectional NAT, and Rule Order
configuring, Configuring NAT
how it works, Configuring NAT
multiple addresses and interface groups, Redirection
multiple or specific public addresses, How NAT Works
packet filtering with, Tables and Automation
port manipulation and ranges, Redirection
transparent interception, Port Manipulation and Ranges
nat-to keyword, Configuring NAT
navigation, through man pages, Viewing Man Pages
ND (Neighbor Discovery), The Datalink Layer
IPv6 addresses and, IPv4 and ARP
ndp(8), IPv4 and ARP
negation symbol, exclamation point (!) as, Alias Naming Conventions
in filter rule, Network Protocol
negations in packet filtering lists, Using Macros
Neighbor Discovery (ND), The Datalink Layer
IPv6 addresses and, IPv4 and ARP
nested anchors in PF, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
nesting aliases, Using Aliases in /etc/sudoers
net-snmp package of command-line tools, MIB References
net.inet.icmp.rediraccept sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
net.inet.ip.forwarding sysctl, Viewing Sysctls, Setting Sysctls at Boot
net.inet.ip.sourceroute sysctl, Securelevel 1
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
net.inet6.icmp6.rediraccept sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
net.inet6.ip6.forwarding sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
netmask, Running the Installation Program
for alias addresses, Multiple IP Addresses on One Ethernet Card
for IP addresses, Network Stacks
netstat, for determining open TCP ports, Reserved Ports
network adapter teaming, Configuring the Network at Boot
network address, Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask
network address translation (see NAT (network address translation))
network cards, multiple, installing OpenBSD and, Running the Installation Program
network connection, Connecting to the Network
DNS resolution, DNS Resolution
Ethernet, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
trunking, Configuring the Network at Boot
upgrading over, Upgrading from Official Media
network devices, gathering information on, The SNMP Agent snmpd
Network File System (see NFS (Network File System))
network interfaces
interrupting installer to identifying, Running the Installation Program
list of recognized, Hostname
recognition during install, Running the Installation Program
network layers (OSI), Overview of TCP/IP
applications layer, The Network Layer
datalink layer, The Datalink Layer, Applications
network layer, The Datalink Layer, Applications
physical layer, Overview of TCP/IP, Applications
transport layer, The Network Layer, Applications
network protocol, for packet filtering, Direction
network request, data transmission for, Applications
network servers, Network Servers
DHCP daemon (dhcpd), The lpd Printing Daemon
printer daemon (lpd), The lpd Printing Daemon
small-server handler (inetd), The inetd Small-Server Handler
SNMP agent (snmpd), The SNMP Agent snmpd
SSH daemon (sshd), Sensors
TFTP daemon (tftpd), dhcpd and Firewalls
network stacks, The Life and Times of a Network Request
Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon (ntpd(8)), Setting Up Services and the First User
configuring, Command to Execute
using, Serving Time
network.conf file, Preferred Collection Mirrors, Preferred Collection Mirrors
MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE variable, Primary Mirror
setup after install, Hostname
default gateway, Static IP Addresses
dynamic configuration, Static IP Addresses
Ethernet interfaces, Hostname
name service servers, Setting Name Service Servers
starting in single-user mode, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode
newaliases(8), Setting Name Service Servers, /etc/mail/
newcomers, in OpenBSD community, The OpenBSD Community
newfs(1), Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
newfs(8), FFS Versions, Filesystem Integrity, Creating a Disklabel
news facility, System Logs
newsyslog(8), /etc/motd, Log File Maintenance
NFS (Network File System)
and users, Exporting Filesystems
clients, Permitted Clients
permitted, NFS and Users
multiple exports for one partition, Permitted Clients
read-only mounts, Exporting Filesystems
root directory setup, Using rarpd(8) for Reverse ARP
setup, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
NFS server, Basic NFS Setup
nfsd(8) daemon, Basic NFS Setup
nginx web server, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
NKMEMPAGES value in kernel, Using the help and list Commands
noatime mount option, in FFS, Soft Update Mounts
noauto mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
in FFS, Execution Forbidden Mounts
nobody account, Unprivileged User Accounts, NFS and Users
nodev mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
in FFS, Soft Update Mounts
nodump file flag, File Flag Types
noexec mount option, in FFS, Soft Update Mounts
nologin variable, Setting Resource Limits
normal optimization for PF, The states Limit
nosuid mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
NTFS filesystem, Inodes vs. Vnodes
NTFS partitions (Microsoft), Mounting an MFS at Boot
ntpd(8) (NTP [Network Time Protocol] daemon), Setting Up Services and the First User, Time and Date
configuring, Command to Execute
using, Serving Time
ntpd_flags variable, Software Configuration
ntrw.exe program, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
null modem cable, for serial console, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
numerical sysctls, Numerical Sysctls


OATH one-time passwords, Changing Authentication Methods
official CDs, Official CDs, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
package files on, The Ports and Packages System
upgrading from, Which Version Should You Use?, Prepare Package Upgrades
for disklabel partition, Creating Disklabel Partitions
for MBR partition, Sectors and Disklabels
on keyword, for packet filtering interface matching, Direction
one-to-one NAT, Multiple or Specific Public Addresses
open code, OpenBSD’s Support Model
open ports, testing for TCP, TCP
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), IP Routing
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol stack, Overview of TCP/IP
Applications layer, The Network Layer
Datalink layer, The Datalink Layer, Applications
Network layer, The Datalink Layer, Applications
Physical layer, Overview of TCP/IP, Applications
Transport layer, The Network Layer, Applications
OpenBGPD directory, Mirror Site Layout
OpenBSD, Desktop OpenBSD
(see also desktop OpenBSD)
birth of, AT&T vs. the World
build your own
preparations for, Why Build Your Own OpenBSD?
reasons to, Package Messages
choosing install media, Release Directories
community, The OpenBSD Community
information sources, Getting Additional Help
customizing, Customizing OpenBSD
diskless installation, Virtualizing OpenBSD
installations, Customizing OpenBSD Installations
running diskless, Completing Diskless Installation
upgrades, Post-Install Shell Scripts
USB installation media, USB Installation Media
virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD
FAQ, Mirrors, Installation Walk-Through
information sources, The Code Is Fine. What’s Wrong with You?
mailing lists, Mirrors
man pages, The Code Is Fine. What’s Wrong with You?
manual, Man Pages
obtaining a copy of, Virtualization
boot media, Release Directories
Internet downloads, Official CDs
mirror site layout, Official CDs
official CDs, Official CDs, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
release directories, Mirror Site Layout
problem-solving resources, Read-Only Mailing Lists
security announcements, Skilled Attackers
security flaws, Securing Your System
source of problems, OpenBSD’s Support Model
strengths, OpenBSD Contributors
support model, OpenBSD’s Support Model
upgrade process, Which Version Should You Use?
uses, OpenBSD’s Uses
versions, Upgrading
website, Man Page Contents
for hardware compatibility lists, Hardware Setup
OpenBSD Ports website, Finding Packages on the Web
OpenBSD Upgrade Guide, Which Version Should You Use?, Post-Install Shell Scripts
OpenBSD-specific functions, MIBs for, MIB References
openfiles variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
OpenNTPD daemon, Time and Date, Command to Execute
OpenNTPD directory, Mirror Site Layout
OpenOffice, Decorating cwm
OpenSSH directory, Mirror Site Layout
operating systems
/usr partition for programs, /var Partition
installing multiple on one computer, Installation Walk-Through
multiple, Virtualization
source code for, installing, Keyboard Mapping
Oracle VirtualBox, Virtualizing OpenBSD
orphaned devices, custom kernels and, Gutting the Kernel
OSI (see Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol stack)
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), IP Routing
ospfd(8), Viewing Routes
out keyword, for direction in packet filtering, Filtering Rules
outgoing traffic, control of, “My Network Can Do No Wrong”
overlapping names, for man pages, Finding Man Pages
ownership, foreign filesystems and, ext2fs


p command, Custom Disk Layout
package respository, updating, sysmerge and Edited Files
ambiguous, Which Files Are Installed?
and rc.d scripts, Subpackages
dependencies for, Ambiguous Packages, Identifying Where Files Originate, Updating the Package Repository
descriptions of, Identifying Where Files Originate
finding, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
on Web, Finding Packages on the Web
with command prompt, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
for installing OpenBSD software, Source Code and Software, The Ports and Packages System
installing, Finding Packages on the Web
limitations, Uninstalling Packages
listing files installed, Finding Packages on the Web
preparing upgrades, Following the Upgrade Guide
uninstalling, Identifying Where Files Originate
updating installed, sysmerge and Edited Files
packages directory, Mirror Site Layout
packet filtering, Packet Filtering
(see also /etc/pf.conf file; firewall; pf(4))
activating rules, Source and Destination Port
as firewall, Firewalls
basics, Enabling and Configuring PF
blocking spoofed packets, Packet Reassembly
complete ruleset, Source and Destination Port
components, PF Components
control and configuration, PF Components
interface groups, PF Components
default accept vs. default deny, Stateful Inspection
limitations, “My Network Can Do No Wrong”
PF MIB for statistics, Debugging snmpd
reassembling packet, Packet Reassembly
rules, PF Configuration
and state table, Viewing Active Rules
default permit or default deny, Filtering Rules
packet pattern matching, Filtering Rules
sanitizing traffic, Using Macros
with lists, UDP States
with macros, Using Lists
with NAT, Tables and Automation
packets, Applications
fragmentation, Stateful Inspection
parent queue, defining, Queues for Bandwidth Management
partition filesystems, /usr/obj Partition
partitioning hard drive, data deleted for, Setting the Time Zone
partitioning scheme, for multiple disks, Choosing File Sets
partitions, File Sets, Multiple Hard Drives
bootable, Adding and Removing Partitions
cylinder boundary to end, Creating Disklabel Partitions
deleting, Viewing Disklabels
disklabel, Disklabel Partitions
(see also disklabel partitions)
displaying size in gigabytes, Viewing Disklabels
displaying size in megabytes, Custom Disk Layout
encrypted, Reusing softraid Disks
exporting, The OpenBSD NFS Server
finding for booting, Booting a Different Kernel File
free space on, Unmounting Partitions
MBR, Multiple Hard Drives
and fdisk(8), DUIDs and /etc/fstab
creating, Setting the Time Zone, MBR Partitions and fdisk(8), Setting $BLOCKSIZE
viewing, MBR Partitions and fdisk(8)
MFS, creating, Memory Filesystems
modifying existing, Modifying Existing Partitions
mount point for, Creating Disklabel Partitions
mounting and unmounting, Blindly Trusting fsck
multiple exports for one, Permitted Clients
removing, Adding and Removing Partitions
setting not to mount, Execution Forbidden Mounts
unmounting, Mounting Standard Filesystems
viewing contents, Booting a Different Kernel File
pass number, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
passive FTP, Nested Anchors: /*
passphrase, for encrypted partition, Creating Encrypted Partitions, Automatic Decryption
passwd method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
passwd(1) command, Post-Install Setup
password-dead password control, Password and Login Options
password-warn password control, Password and Login Options
passwordcheck password control, Password and Login Options
files for, Adding to Man Page Directories
for groups, Using Groups
for user account, Adding Users Interactively, Creating User Accounts
and batch mode, Groups in Batch Mode
options, Password and Login Options
non-echoing prompt, Passwords and Batch Mode
root, Setting Up Services and the First User
sudo caching, sudo and the Environment
passwordtime password control, Password and Login Options
passwordtries password control, Password and Login Options
patches directory, Mirror Site Layout
path variable, Setting Resource Limits
in default class, Login Class Definitions
pathnames, tilde (~) in, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
pausing boot process, Power-On and the Boot Loader
per-host basis, @ symbol to override sudo defaults, Changing sudo’s Default Behavior
per-user basis, @ symbol to override sudo defaults, Changing sudo’s Default Behavior
percent sign (%), for groups in user aliases, /etc/sudoers Aliases
permanently insecure mode, Setting the System Securelevel
permission denied error, The Root Account
error from ntrw, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
setuid or setgid, File Sets
TFTP use of, Specifying a tftpd Directory
viewing for existing files, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
permissions scheme, file flags in, And More!
persist keyword (PF), for table, Packet Filtering with Tables
PF mailing list, OpenBSD Mailing Lists
pf(4) (PF), /etc/nsd.conf, Packet Filtering
anchors, Anchors
adding rules, Anchors
bandwidth management, PF Configuration and the FTP Proxy
queues for, Bandwidth Management
configuration, and FTP proxy, FTP and PF
enabling and configuring, Firewalls
FTP and, Nested Anchors: /*
include files, Using the match Keyword
logging, Skipping Matches with quick
options, PF Options
fragmented packets, frags Limit
set block-policy, PF Options
set limit, PF Options
set optimization, The states Limit
set skip, The set optimization Option
src-nodes limit, frags Limit
states limit, frags Limit
packet management, Advanced PF
with tables, Packet Filtering with Tables
quick keyword, Skipping Matches with quick
ruleset tracing, Filtering tcpdump
viewing active rules, Activating Rules
pf.conf(5), scrub keyword, Packet Reassembly
pfctl(8), PF Components, Source and Destination Port, Using the match Keyword
commands for tables, Defining Tables
for anchor rule changes, Anchor Rules from Files
to view state table, Viewing Active Rules
viewing and flushing anchors with, Viewing and Flushing Anchors
pflog(4) pseudo-device, Using the help and list Commands
pflog0 (PF logging), Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
pflogd(8), Skipping Matches with quick
pflow(4) NetFlow exporter, Filtering tcpdump
physical interface for disk drive, Sectors and Disklabels
physical layer (OSI), Overview of TCP/IP, Applications
PID file, adding, Monitoring Logs
ping(8), Calculating a Decimal IPv4 Netmask, Assigning IPv6 Addresses, DNS Resolution
pkglocatedb, Identifying Where Files Originate
pkg_add(1), The Ports and Packages System, Finding Packages on the Web, The make build Stage, Updating the Package Repository
verbose mode, Which Files Are Installed?
pkg_delete(1), Identifying Where Files Originate
pkg_info(1), Package Files and $PKG_PATH
pkill command, Software Startup Scripts
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), The Datalink Layer
pointer movement commands, Unmapping and Remapping Keys
portability of OpenBSD, Portability
portmap(8) daemon, Basic NFS Setup
build stages, What a Port Installation Does
code snapshot for, Preparing the Base Operating System
customizing, The make build Stage
local distfile mirrors, The make build Stage
preferred collection mirrors, Preferred Collection Mirrors
flavors, Primary Mirror
and dependencies, Flavors
uninstalling, Flavors and Dependencies
installing, Keyboard Mapping
subpackages, Flavors and Dependencies
troubleshooting build failure, What a Port Installation Does
upgrading, Following -current
ports (TCP), TCP
determining which are open, Reserved Ports
with fstat, Using netstat
with netstat, Reserved Ports
filtering tcpdump on, Reading PF Logs
reserved, Transport Protocol Ports
ports and packages system, Source Code and Software
ports collection, Uninstalling Packages, Updating Source Code
automation, Using Ports
building ports, Finding via SQL
finding software, Read-Only Ports Tree
secondary ports, The Ports Tree
ports index, Read-Only Ports Tree
ports tree, Keyboard Mapping, Using Ports
read-only, Secondary Ports
ports.tar.gz file, Mirror Site Layout, Keyboard Mapping, Using Ports, Preparing the Base Operating System
POSIX time zones, Time and Date
PostgreSQL port, Following the Upgrade Guide
PostScript, The lpd Printing Daemon
power button, Securelevel 1
power of Open BSD, Portability
power sensors, Device Drivers
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), The Datalink Layer
Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) diskless booting method, Release Directories, Virtualizing OpenBSD
preening of filesystems, Execution Forbidden Mounts
preferred collection mirrors, Preferred Collection Mirrors
primary mirror, Primary Mirror
primary partitions, Multiple Hard Drives
print (fdisk), MBR Partitions and fdisk(8)
printer capability file, /etc/nsd.conf
printer daemon (lpd), The lpd Printing Daemon
printing disklabels, Custom Disk Layout, Creating Disklabel Partitions
for log message, Priority
for queue, Child Queue Definitions
priority queuing (PRIQ), Bandwidth Management
priority variable, Setting Resource Limits
PRIQ (priority queuing), Bandwidth Management
private communities in SNMP agents, SNMP Security
private NAT addresses, Tables and Automation
private networks, IP addresses for, Special IPv4 Addresses
privilege, minimum level of, The Root Account
privileged account, risks from regular use, The Root Account
processors, Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware
program name, sorting syslog messages by, Marking Time
programs (see software)
boot loader, Power-On and the Boot Loader
escaping to, Running the Installation Program
for disklabel(8), Custom Disk Layout
for finding packages, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
in tmux, Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Managing Sessions
ukc> for kernel editor, Changing Kernel Constants
ProPolice, OpenBSD Memory Protection, Guard Pages
proprietary hardware, OpenBSD Hardware
proto keyword, for packet filtering, Direction
pseudo-devices, Using the help and list Commands
custom kernel configuration for, Kernel Configuration
pseudo-terminals, /etc/termcap
ptrmove, Unmapping and Remapping Keys
public communities in SNMP agents, SNMP Security
PuTTY, Serial Console Physical Setup
PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) diskless booting method, Release Directories, Virtualizing OpenBSD


q command, to write disklabel to disk, Creating Disklabel Partitions
qemu, Virtualization
queues for bandwidth management, Bandwidth Management
assigning traffic to, A CBQ Ruleset
child queue, Child Queue Definitions
match keyword, A CBQ Ruleset
options, Child Queue Definitions
parent queue, Queues for Bandwidth Management
priority for, Child Queue Definitions
viewing, Using the match Keyword
quit command
with config, Changing Kernel Constants
with fdisk, Adding and Removing Partitions


RADIUS authentication, Password and Login Options
login classes for, Changing Authentication Methods
radius method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
checking health status of devices in array, Creating softraid Devices
sensors for controllers, Device Drivers
software, NFS Clients
types, RAID Types
RAM (see memory (RAM))
random early detection, of packet loss, Default
ranges of ports, pf(4) redirection of, Port Manipulation and Ranges
rarpd(8), for reverse ARP, Completing Diskless Installation
raw devices, Block Devices
rbootd(8), /etc/rbootd.conf
rc.d scripts, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
for third-party software, Software Startup Scripts
rdist(1) program, Adding Vital Files
read-only mailing lists, OpenBSD Mailing Lists
read-only mount (ro), Device Attachment vs. Device Name
read-only mounts
in FFS, Creating FFS Filesystems
in NFS, Exporting Filesystems
read-only ports tree, Secondary Ports
read-write (rw) mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
read-write mounts, in FFS, Read-Only Mounts
reboot, Choosing File Sets
as part of upgrade, sysmerge and Edited Files
to test configuration, Post-Install Setup
redirecting email messages, Setting Name Service Servers
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (see RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks))
reinstalling OpenBSD, vs. upgrade, Which Version Should You Use?
reject method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
relayd(8), /etc/rbootd.conf
anchors for, Anchors
release directories, Mirror Site Layout
contents after build, Bundling the Base System
releases of OpenBSD, OpenBSD-current
building, Building the Userland
bundling base system, Building a Release
indexing, Bundling Xenocara
using, Bundling Xenocara
remote filesystem, mounting, Permitted Clients
remote host, logging to, Logging to a Remote Host
remote machines, connecting with SSH, Locking the Screen
remote magnetic tape command (rmt), /etc/rbootd.conf
removable media, Removable Media
removing (see deleting)
repositories, for source code, Updating Source Code
Request for Comments (see RFC (Request for Comments))
requirehome variable, Setting Resource Limits
reserved ports (TCP), Transport Protocol Ports
resolver, DNS Resolution
vs. dynamic configuration, Preferred IP Protocol
resource limits, for user account, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
responding to email, Responding to Email
restore(8), copying files with, Creating a Disklabel
reverse ARP, rarpd(8) for, Completing Diskless Installation
RFC (Request for Comments)
1918 on private networks, Special IPv4 Addresses, Tables and Automation
5737 on IPv4 addresses, Tables and Automation
RIP (Routing Information Protocol), IP Routing
RIP daemon, /etc/rbootd.conf
ripd(8), /etc/rbootd.conf
rmoption keyword, Your Kernel Configuration
rmt (remote magnetic tape command), /etc/rbootd.conf
rmuser(8), Other Batch Mode Options
rndc(8), Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
ro (read-only) mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
root (/) partition, Partitioning, Setting the Time Zone
duplicating, Backing Up to the /altroot Partition
multiple disks and, Choosing File Sets
password, Setting Up Services and the First User, The Root Password
setting, Post-Install Setup
preparing for upgrade, Upgrading from Official Media
root account, The Root Account, Root, and How to Avoid It
disallowing logins directly to, Configuring Terminals
email alias for, Scheduled Tasks
emailing maintenance tasks results to local, Setting Name Service Servers
for initial setup, Post-Install Setup
hiding with sudo, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
secure console for, Configuring Terminals
roundrobin method, Configuring the Network at Boot
route add command, Route Flags
route delete command, Route Flags
route(8), IPv4 Routed Network Example, Configuring Default Routes
router advertisements, sysctl to control, Setting Sysctls at Boot
router discovery, localhost
routing, IP Routing
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), IP Routing
routing table, IPv4 Routed Network Example
RPC, /etc/rpc
Rufus, USB Installation Media
run as alias, /etc/sudoers Aliases
override sudo defaults, Overriding Defaults per Run As
rw (read-write) mount option, Device Attachment vs. Device Name


salt for password, Groups in Batch Mode
sanitizing packet filtering traffic, Using Macros
sappnd file flag, And More!, Securelevel 1
sasyncd(8) (security association synchronization daemon), /etc/rpc
SATA drives, /usr/obj Partition
scheduled tasks, System Maintenance
custom scripts, Weekly Maintenance
daily maintenance, Scheduled Tasks
monthly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
weekly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
schg file flag, And More!, Securelevel 1
blanking, Configuring Your Console with wscons
locking in cwm, Creating cwm Windows
turning off display, Screen Blanking
script kiddies, Securing Your System
script man page, What a Port Installation Does
for maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
startup system, Startup System Scripts
scrub keyword, Packet Reassembly
scrubbing, Stateful Inspection
SCSI drives, /usr/obj Partition
SCSI multipathing feature, experimental, Your Kernel Configuration
search, DNS Resolution
search domains, default, DNS Resolution
search index, adding to routing table, /etc/man.conf
for man pages, Viewing Man Pages
for packages, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
on Web, Finding Packages on the Web
with command prompt, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
for software
by keyword, The Ports Index
with SQL, The Ports Index
Internet, Using Internet Searches
tables for packet filtering, Viewing Tables
within man page, Viewing Man Pages
for cryptography, Read-Only Mailing Lists
secondary ports, The Ports Tree
sections in OpenBSD manual, Man Pages
sectors, Disklabel Partitions
and disklabels, Sectors and Lies
number for drive, Sectors and Disklabels
secure file transfer protocol (SFTP), Sensors
Secure Shell daemon (see SSH (Secure Shell) daemon (sshd))
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, /etc/snmpd.conf
securelevel(7), Setting, Viewing, and Removing File Flags
determining appropriate, Securelevel 2
in rc.securelevel, The /etc/rc.conf.local Script
weaknesses, Securelevel 2
security, Introduction, Free, Securing Your System
attackers, Securing Your System
bidirectional NAT and, Bidirectional NAT and Security
faulty sudo setup impact, sudo Disadvantages
file flags, And More!
for SNMP, SNMP Security
memory protection, Skilled Attackers
partitions for, File Sets
system clock and, Time and Date
updates for, Upgrading
user damage to, User Management
security association synchronization daemon (sasyncd(8)), /etc/rpc
security checks, in daily maintenance, Scheduled Tasks
[email protected], OpenBSD Mailing Lists, Skilled Attackers
SEE ALSO section, in man pages, Man Page Contents
segments, Applications
Sendmail, /etc/mail/
sensors in hardware, /etc/rpc
(see also hardware sensors)
sensorsd(8), Sensor Configuration, Sensors
variables, Sensors Triggering Action
sensorsd.conf file, Sensor Types
serial connection, configuration, /etc/rbootd.conf
serial consoles, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
client serial port, Changing the Serial Console Speed
logins, Changing the Client Serial Port
setup, Configuring the Serial Console Client
testing configuration, Configuring the Serial Console Client
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), /etc/rpc
serial ports, /etc/termcap
services, setup when installing OpenBSD, Setting Up Services and the First User
sessions, in tmux, Changing the Current Window
set block-policy drop (PF), PF Options
set block-policy return (PF), PF Options
set keyword, PF Options
set limit option (PF), PF Options
set optimization option (PF), The states Limit
set skip option (PF), The set optimization Option
set timeout command, Power-On and the Boot Loader
set-option command (tmux), Using tmux Commands
set-window-option command (tmux), Using tmux Commands
setenv variable, Setting Resource Limits
setgid permissions, File Sets
setuid behavior, nosuid option disallowing, Execution Forbidden Mounts
setuid permissions, File Sets
setuid root wrapper, sudo Disadvantages
setup after install, Post-Install Setup
booting to graphic console, Booting to a Graphic Console
checking system errata, Post-Install Setup
hostname, Setting the Time with ntpd(8)
installing ports and source code, Keyboard Mapping
keyboard mapping, Keyboard Mapping
mail aliases and status mail, Setting Name Service Servers
networking, Hostname
default gateway, Static IP Addresses
dynamic configuration, Static IP Addresses
Ethernet interfaces, Hostname
name service servers, Setting Name Service Servers
root password setting, Post-Install Setup
software configuration, Software Configuration
time and date, Time and Date
SFTP (secure file transfer protocol), Sensors
SGI (Silicon Graphics), OpenBSD Hardware
Shell option, in OpenBSD installer, Installing OpenBSD
shell script
OpenBSD installer as, Installing OpenBSD
variable assignments in, Software Configuration
shell variable, Setting Resource Limits
for user account, Configuring adduser, Other Batch Mode Options
configuring default, Adding Users Interactively
login forbidden for unprivileged users, Unprivileged User Accounts
modifying environment, Setting Resource Limits
shutdown, Securelevel 1
of server software, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
SIGHUP, Monitoring Logs
signal name, Monitoring Logs
signature in email, How to Be Ignored
Silicon Graphics (SGI), OpenBSD Hardware
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), /etc/mail/
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), /etc/snmpd.conf
single-user mode
boot process in, Power-On and the Boot Loader
mounting disks in, Power-On and the Boot Loader
root partition mounting as read-only, Blindly Trusting fsck
stackable mounts, Adding New Filesystems
starting network in, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode
siteXX.tgz file, Prepare Package Upgrades, Post-Install Shell Scripts
creating, Customizing OpenBSD Installations
skey method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
skilled attackers, Disaffected Users
sleep, of screen, Screen Blanking
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), /etc/rpc
small-server handler (inetd), The inetd Small-Server Handler
SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service), The Datalink Layer
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), /etc/mail/
snapshots directory, Mirror Site Layout
snapshots versions of OpenBSD, OpenBSD-current
compressed tar files for, Preparing the Base Operating System
snk method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), /etc/snmpd.conf
SNMP client, net-snmp package of command-line tools, MIB References
snmpd (SNMP agent), The SNMP Agent snmpd
configuring, SNMP Security
debugging, Configuring snmpd
getting information, Debugging snmpd
soft update mounts, in FFS, Soft Update Mounts
softraid(4) devices, NFS Clients
booting from, Reusing softraid Disks
creating, Preparing Disks for softraid
deleting, Rebuilding Failed softraid Volumes
failed volumes
identifying, Creating softraid Devices
rebuilding, Creating softraid Devices
preparing disks for, RAID Types
reusing, Reusing softraid Disks
status, Creating softraid Devices
collections, Preferred Collection Mirrors
configuration, Software Configuration
force-starting, Software Startup Scripts
logging to, Selecting by Program Name
making, Software Management
management, Software Management
removing during upgrade, Following the Upgrade Guide
source code for, Software Management
startup scripts, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
software RAID, NFS Clients
software serial console, Making Boot Loader Settings Permanent
songs directory, Mirror Site Layout
du output, How Full Is That Partition?
messages, sylogd(8) for, Priority
source address, in filter rule, Network Protocol
source code, Software Management
for OpenBSD, /var Partition
for operating system, installing, Keyboard Mapping
for ports, Finding via SQL
for your own OpenBSD, Preparing the Base Operating System
to build custom kernel, Problems Running Custom Kernels
updating, Updating Source Code
source port, in filter rule, Interface Main Address
source routing, Securelevel 1
sparc64, OpenBSD Hardware
spoofed packets, blocking, Packet Reassembly
sqlports package, The Ports Index
src (userland) collection, Updating Source Code
src-nodes limit (PF), frags Limit
src.tar.gz file, Mirror Site Layout, Preparing the Base Operating System
SSH (Secure Shell) daemon (sshd), The /etc/rc.shutdown Script, /etc/snmpd.conf, Sensors
connecting to remote machines with, Locking the Screen
disabling, The SSH Server sshd
disabling root logins over, Setting Up Services and the First User
enabling, Setting Up Services and the First User
host keys, The SSH Server sshd
network options, The SSH Server sshd
sshd_config file, Populating the chroot
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, /etc/snmpd.conf
stackable mounts, Adding New Filesystems
stacksize variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
staff user class, Login Classes
enabling time correction at, Setting the Time with ntpd(8)
multiuser, Changing the Client Serial Port
startup scripts, Startup System Scripts
for packages, Subpackages
software, The /etc/rc.shutdown Script
startx command, Setting Up X
state table, Enabling and Configuring PF
filtering rules and, Viewing Active Rules
stateful inspection, Enabling and Configuring PF
stateful protocol, UDP
stateless filtering, Stateful Inspection
stateless protocol, UDP
statelessness of NFS, Basic NFS Setup
states per source address, PF tracking of, frags Limit
static IP address, Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, Configuring Ethernet, dhcpd and Firewalls
DHCP vs., Running the Installation Program
static NAT, Multiple or Specific Public Addresses
from operating system, SNMP for, Debugging snmpd
of PF, frags Limit
status bar in tmux, The tmux Status Bar and Window Names
options for, Using tmux Commands
status mail, setup after install, Setting Name Service Servers
stop argument, for scripts at shutdown, Software Startup Scripts
streaming protocol, TCP as, UDP
striping (RAID-0), RAID Types
striping data across disks (RAID-4), RAID Types
striping with parity across drives (RAID-5), RAID Types
su(1), The Root Password
subject, for email help request, Using Mailing Lists
subnets, for IPv6 addresses, Viewing IPv6 Addresses
subpackages, Flavors and Dependencies
sudo(8), The Root Password, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
and environment, Overriding Defaults per Run As
changing default behavior, Alias Naming Conventions
configuring, /etc/snmpd.conf
disadvantages, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
exclusions, sudoedit
logs, The Biggest sudo Mistake: Exclusions, Monitoring Logs
overview, sudo Disadvantages
password caching, sudo and the Environment
reason to use, Groups, Unprivileged Users, and Group Permissions
running commands, sudo Password Caching
sudoedit(8), sudo Disadvantages, sudo Password Caching
superblocks, in FFS, FFS Versions
swap partition, Creating Disklabel Partitions
swap space, Root Partition
encrypting data written to, Setting Sysctls at Boot
mount point, Device Attachment vs. Device Name
splitting between drives, Multiple Hard Drives
Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), The Datalink Layer
switches, Resolver vs. Dynamic Configuration
configuring for VLANS, VLANs
switching between visible cwm windows, Creating cwm Windows
and embedded systems, Listening to the Network
for sorting messages, Priority
SYN (synchronization) request, Enabling and Configuring PF
SYN+ACK packet, Enabling and Configuring PF
synchronous mounts, in FFS, Read-Only Mounts
SYNOPSIS section, in man pages, Man Page Contents
sys.tar.gz file, Mirror Site Layout, Preparing the Base Operating System
sysadmin accounts, creating, Passwords and Batch Mode
sysctl MIBs, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
sysctl(8), Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
for adjusting kernel, Kernel Configuration
sysctls (system controls), Setting the System Securelevel, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
changing values, Viewing Sysctls
setting at boot, Numerical Sysctls
sysctl MIBs, Using dmassage to View Installed Devices
value types, Viewing Sysctls
viewing list of, Sysctl MIBs
syslog facility, System Logs
syslog(3), System Logs
syslogd(8) (logging daemon), /etc/snmpd.conf
customizing, Logging to a Remote Host
finishing, sysmerge and Edited Files
to compare /etc files, Updating /etc
userland upgrade and, Building the Userland
systat pf, frags Limit
systat states, TCP States
system controls (see sysctls (system controls))
system errata, checking after install, Post-Install Setup
system failures, swap space use in, Root Partition
system groups, in user aliases, /etc/sudoers Aliases
system logs
actions, Selecting by Program Name
adding timestamp, Marking Time
and embedded systems, Listening to the Network
customizing syslogd, Logging to a Remote Host
excluding information from, Sorting Messages via syslogd(8)
facilities, System Logs
priority, Priority
sorting messages with syslogd(8), Priority
system maintenance, System Maintenance
hardware sensors, Serving Time
configuring, Sensor Configuration
device drivers for, Device Drivers
triggering action, Settings in sensorsd.conf
log file maintenance, Listening to the Network
adding PID file, Monitoring Logs
monitoring, Monitoring Logs
newsyslog.conf fields, Log File Maintenance
signal name, Monitoring Logs
scheduled tasks, System Maintenance
custom scripts, Weekly Maintenance
daily maintenance, Scheduled Tasks
monthly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
weekly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
system logs, Weekly Maintenance
actions, Selecting by Program Name
and embedded systems, Listening to the Network
customizing syslogd, Logging to a Remote Host
facilities, System Logs
priority, Priority
sorting messages with syslogd(8), Priority
system time, Command to Execute
system message buffer, Kernel Configuration
system time, Command to Execute
system-level append-only flag, And More!
system-level immutable flag, And More!
systems administration team, directing mail sent to root to, Setting Name Service Servers
systrace(4) system, /etc/snmpd.conf


table sysctl, Numerical Sysctls
tables for packet filtering, Packet Filtering with Tables
and automation, Changing Tables
changing, Viewing Tables
defining table, Packet Filtering with Tables
searching, Viewing Tables
using, Defining Tables
viewing, Defining Tables
tag for repository version, Updating Source Code
tar files, creating, Customizing OpenBSD Installations
tar(1), copying files with, Creating a Disklabel
tasks (see scheduled tasks)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), The Network Layer, UDP
keep-alive feature, sysctl to control, Setting Sysctls at Boot
open ports, Reserved Ports
ports, TCP
reserved ports, Transport Protocol Ports
states, Viewing Active Rules
TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP
(see also IP addresses)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), Assigning IPv6 Addresses
IP routing, Using netstat
deleting routes, Route Flags
IPv4, IP Routing
route flags, Viewing Routes
route(8) for managing, IPv4 Routed Network Example
network layers, Overview of TCP/IP
network request, data transmission for, Applications
network stacks, The Life and Times of a Network Request
TCP (see TCP (Transmission Control Protocol))
UDP, Assigning IPv6 Addresses
binary format for PF logs, Reading PF Logs
filtering, Reading PF Logs
port for, The Ports Tree
system-wide defaults for, /etc/bgpd.conf
[email protected], OpenBSD Mailing Lists
temperature sensors, Device Drivers
temporary root directories, Building a Release
term variable, Setting Resource Limits
termcap(5) database, Changing the Serial Console Speed
terminal emulator (tip(1)), Serial Console Physical Setup
terminals, /etc/termcap
configuring, Configuring Terminals
initializing, Changing the Client Serial Port
running virtual with tmux, Screen Blanking
terminating windows in tmux, Changing the Current Window
configuration by rebooting, Post-Install Setup
custom kernels, Gutting the Kernel
packet filtering rules, Activating Rules
serial configuration, Configuring the Serial Console Client
TFTP server, Specifying a tftpd Directory
text-based email reader, OpenBSD users, How to Be Ignored
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), dhcpd and Firewalls
server setup for diskless install, Per-Network Configuration
testing server, Specifying a tftpd Directory
tftpd (TFTP daemon), dhcpd and Firewalls
The Book of PF (Hansteen), /etc Across Unix Variants, Packet Filtering, Filtering tcpdump
The TCP/IP Guide (Kozierok), Overview of TCP/IP, Firewalls
third parties, mailing lists, OpenBSD Mailing Lists
third-party software, rc.d scripts for, Software Startup Scripts
three-button mouse, emulating in X, Booting into X
three-way handshake, UDP, Enabling and Configuring PF
thrsize for ALTQ, Queues for Bandwidth Management
tilde (~), in pathnames, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
time and date, setting, Time and Date
time formats, in log file, Count
time sensors, Time Sources
time zone, setting, Setting Up Services and the First User, Time and Date
boot idle, Power-On and the Boot Loader
in PF, Stateful Inspection, The states Limit
setting for boot, Finding the Partition
timestamp file, Mirror Site Layout
timestamp, adding to log file, Marking Time
timestamp_timeout option, for sudo password caching, sudo and the Environment
tip(1) (terminal emulator), Serial Console Physical Setup
tmux attach, Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Managing Sessions
tmux list-sessions, Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Managing Sessions
tmux(1), Screen Blanking
command mode, Disconnecting, Reconnecting, and Managing Sessions
commands, The tmux Status Bar and Window Names
configuring, Using tmux Commands
help for, Changing the Current Window
sessions in, Changing the Current Window
setting options, Using tmux Commands
status bar and window names, The tmux Status Bar and Window Names
token bucket regulator size configuration, Queues for Bandwidth Management
token method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options
tools directory, Mirror Site Layout, Release Directories
traceroute(8), Assigning IPv6 Addresses
tracing, pf ruleset, Filtering tcpdump
tracks, on disk drives, Disklabel Partitions
traffic interception, Port Manipulation and Ranges
Transmission Control Protocol (see TCP (Transmission Control Protocol))
transport layer (OSI), The Network Layer, Applications
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (see TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol))
custom kernel build errors, Bogus Hardware
fsck for, Filesystem Integrity
port build failure, What a Port Installation Does
single-user mode for, Power-On and the Boot Loader
trunking, Configuring the Network at Boot
tsch, installing from port, What a Port Installation Does
tunnels, IPv6 addresses over, Configuring VLAN Devices
tutorials, Man Pages
in OpenBSD FAQ, Mirrors
twm(1), Booting into X


uappnd file flag, And More!
uchg file flag, File Flag Types
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), The Network Layer, Assigning IPv6 Addresses, Stateful Inspection
ports in netstat output, Using netstat
states, TCP States
UFS (Unix File System), Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
UID (user ID), Configuring adduser
NFS use of, Exporting Filesystems
ukc> prompt (kernel editor), Changing Kernel Constants
umask setting, for user, Login Class Definitions
umask variable, Setting Resource Limits
umount(8), Mounting Standard Filesystems
uname(1) command, Kernel Build Errors, Updating the Package Repository, Mirrors
underscore (_), for unprivileged user names, Unprivileged User Accounts
UNetbootin, USB Installation Media
flavored ports, Flavors and Dependencies
packages, Identifying Where Files Originate
University of California, The BSD License
UNIX, What Is BSD?
development, The BSD License
Unix File System (UFS), Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels
Unix Systems Laboratories (USL), The BSD License
Unix-like systems, boot floppies, Making Boot Floppies
unmapping keyboard, Decorating cwm
decrypted partition, Creating Encrypted Partitions
partitions, Mounting Standard Filesystems
unprivileged user accounts, Unprivileged User Accounts
creating, Creating Unprivileged Users
uninstall packages and, Identifying Where Files Originate
upgrade and install kernel, Mounting Disks in Single-User Mode script, Post-Install Shell Scripts
customizing, Prepare Package Upgrades, Post-Install Shell Scripts
from official media, Prepare Package Upgrades
installed packages update, sysmerge and Edited Files
mounting filesystems, Updating /etc
over network, Upgrading from Official Media
process for, Which Version Should You Use?
reasons for, Upgrading
USB disk
booting installer from, Release Directories
customizing media for installation, USB Installation Media
USB keyboards, country code for, Keyboard Mapping
user accounts
authentication methods, Password and Login Options
creating, Configuring adduser
editing, Editing User Accounts
for administrators, creating, Passwords and Batch Mode
identifying group membership, Using Groups
named, Unprivileged User Accounts
nobody account, Unprivileged User Accounts
password for, Adding Users Interactively, Creating User Accounts
removing, Other Batch Mode Options
resource limits for, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
restrictions, Other Batch Mode Options
temporarily disabling, /etc/master.passwd Fields
unprivileged, Unprivileged User Accounts
user aliases, /etc/sudoers Aliases
user data partition, File Sets
User Datagram Protocol (see UDP (User Datagram Protocol))
user facility, System Logs
user ID (UID), Configuring adduser
NSF use of, Exporting Filesystems
user management, User Management
root account, The Root Account
user shells, as sudo exclusions, sudoedit
user-level append-only flag, And More!
user-level immutable flag, File Flag Types
userland, Kernel Configuration
building, Building the Userland
code snapshot for, Preparing the Base Operating System
for diskless machine, Using rarpd(8) for Reverse ARP
populating diskless, Populating the Diskless Userland
usernames, Configuring adduser
files for, Adding to Man Page Directories
adding, The Root Account
interactively, Adding Users Interactively
noninteractively, Creating User Accounts
as security risk, User Management
chrooting, sshd Network Options
directing log messages to, Selecting by Program Name
NFS and, Exporting Filesystems
security problems from, Disaffected Users
setting up first, Setting Up Services and the First User
USL (Unix Systems Laboratories), The BSD License
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), Setting Up Services and the First User
uucp facility, System Logs
uvideo(4), Using the help and list Commands


for login.conf, Login Class Definitions
for ports collection, Secondary Ports
verbose mode
for pkg_add(1), Which Files Are Installed?
for snmpd, Configuring snmpd
versions of OpenBSD, Upgrading
-current, Upgrading
building, Bundling Xenocara
source code for, Preparing the Base Operating System
updating to, Updating to -stable
-stable, OpenBSD Releases
building, Updating to -stable
source code for, Preparing the Base Operating System
tag for, Updating Source Code
updating to, Source Code Repositories and Tags
releases, OpenBSD-current
snapshots, OpenBSD-current
use decision, OpenBSD Releases
video device, kernel support for, Using the help and list Commands
vipw(8), Login Classes, Editing /etc/master.passwd
virtual consoles, /etc/termcap
virtual local area network (VLAN), VLANs
and OpenBSD install, Running the Installation Program
virtual memory, Root Partition
virtual node (see vnode (virtual node))
Virtual PC, Virtualizing OpenBSD
virtual terminals, running with tmux, Screen Blanking
VirtualBox (Oracle), Virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD
virtualization, Virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD
USB installation for, Populating the Diskless Userland
visudo(8) command, sudo Disadvantages
VLAN (virtual local area network), VLANs
and OpenBSD install, Running the Installation Program
vm.swapencrypt.enable sysctl, Setting Sysctls at Boot
vmemoryuse variable, Legal Values for login.conf Variables
VMware, Virtualization, Virtualizing OpenBSD
vnconfig(8), Removable Media, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
vnode (virtual node), Inodes vs. Vnodes
attaching to disk images, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
detaching from images, Attaching Vnode Devices to Disk Images
vs. inodes, Mounting an MFS at Boot
volumes in OpenBSD manual, Man Pages


web applications, Afterword
web browser, lynx(1) text-mode, /etc/kerberosV/
web server
installing OpenBSD from, Choosing Install Media
on OpenBSD, Package Files and $PKG_PATH
websites, on OpenBSD content, Mirrors
weekly maintenance, Weekly Maintenance
welcome message, default for user, Adding Users Interactively
welcome variable, Setting Resource Limits
whatis(1), Viewing Man Pages, Read-Only Mailing Lists
database, /etc/man.conf
wheel group, Configuring adduser, The Root Password
unlimited sudo access for, /etc/sudoers Aliases
wildcard, in command alias, Host Aliases
windows in cwm
creating, Modifier Keys
managing, Creating cwm Windows
windows in tmux
changing current, The tmux Status Bar and Window Names
names, The tmux Status Bar and Window Names, Changing the Current Window
terminating, Changing the Current Window
Windows NT operating systems, disk images for, Creating Floppies on Unix-like Systems
word sysctls, Numerical Sysctls
write caching, Read-Only Mounts
Write Xor Execute (W^X), OpenBSD Memory Protection
writing, disklabel to disk, Creating Disklabel Partitions
wsconsctl(8), configuring console with, Configuring Your Console with wscons
www (website) collection, Updating Source Code
W^X (Write Xor Execute), OpenBSD Memory Protection


X command, for disklabel expert mode, Modifying Existing Partitions
X display manager (see xdm(1) (X display manager))
X Windows System, File Sets, Desktop OpenBSD
application menu creation, Locking the Screen
booting into, Setting Up X
building, Building the Userland
code snapshot for, Preparing the Base Operating System
connecting to remote machines with SSH, Locking the Screen
installer and, Setting Up Services and the First User
keyboard navigation, Using Keyboard Navigation
setting up, Setting Up X
X-based graphic console, Booting to a Graphic Console
X.Org, Desktop OpenBSD
X11 X Windows collection, Updating Source Code
xbaseXX.tgz file set, File Sets
xclock(1), Decorating cwm
xdm(1) (X display manager), Setting Up Services and the First User, Booting to a Graphic Console
/etc/rc.conf hook for starting, Setting Up X
Xenocara, File Sets, Desktop OpenBSD
building, Building the Userland, Bundling the Base System
setting up, Setting Up X
window managers in, Booting into X
xenocara X Windows collection, Updating Source Code
xenocara.tar.gz file, Release Directories, Preparing the Base Operating System
xetcXX.tgz file set, File Sets
XF4 X Windows collection, Updating Source Code
Xfce, Booting into X
xfontXX.tgz file set, File Sets
xlock(1), Locking the Screen
xscreensaver package, Locking the Screen
xservXX.tgz file set, File Sets
xsetroot(1), Using Keyboard Navigation
xshareXX.tgz file set, File Sets


YP database, Making /etc/ttys Changes Take Effect
yubikey method for BSD authentication, Password and Login Options


z command, Viewing Disklabels
Zaurus personal digital assistants, OpenBSD Hardware
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