The Root Password

The root user owns the system and has absolute power over every piece of hardware as well as certain actions that require absolute control, such as manipulating the kernel and changing authentication sources. You need root permissions to perform these tasks. You can log in as root, use su(1) to become root, or use sudo(8) (discussed later this chapter) to get certain root-level privileges without actually using the root account.

To use the root password, you can either log in as root at a console login prompt or, if you belong to the group wheel, log in as yourself and use the switch user command su(1). Of the two, I recommend using su; it logs who uses it and can be used when you are logged in from a remote system. To use su, run the following:

$ su

When prompted, enter the root password. Now check your current user ID with id(1).

# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel), 2(kmem), 3(sys), 4(tty), 5(operator), 20(staff), 31(guest)

As you can see, the UID is 0, which means that you now own the system, and I do mean own it. Consider every keystroke carefully. Carelessness could return your hard drive to its primordial, unformatted state.

Only users in the group wheel can use the root password to become root via su. If you give the root password to users without physical console access and who are in the wheel group, they can enter su and the root password as many times as they want, and it won’t work. (But anyone can use the root account and password at the system console, so don’t make a habit of blabbing the root password all around the office.)

Requiring group membership to use the root password leads to the question, “Who needs root access?” Root is required to configure many parts of OpenBSD, but once the system is running properly, you can greatly decrease or discontinue your use of root. For any remaining tasks that absolutely require root, use sudo.

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