Device Nodes

A device node is a file that provides a logical interface to a piece of hardware. By reading from a device node, sending data to it, or using a command on it, you’re telling the operating system to perform an action on a piece of hardware or, in some cases, a logical device.

Different devices behave differently when data is sent to them. For example, writing to the console makes text appear on the screen or terminal, while writing to a disk device puts data on that disk. (OpenBSD puts device nodes in /dev and disallows device nodes on other filesystems.)

Many disk management programs expect to be given a device name as an argument. Unfortunately, device node names are frequently cryptic and vary widely among operating systems—even on closely related operating systems that run on the same hardware. To simplify your life just a bit, Table 8-1 lists the device node names for common OpenBSD disk devices.

Table 8-1. Table 8-1: Common Disk Device Node Names

Device Node



Floppy disk (block)


Floppy disk (raw)


IDE and some SATA disks (block)


IDE and some SATA disks (raw)


SCSI/SAS/SATA/USB/RAID/non-IDE disk (block)




CD/DVD drive (block)

Device names also have a number that tells you which instance of that device it refers to. The numbering starts at 0. The first IDE hard drive is /dev/wd0, /dev/wd1 is the second, and /dev/cd1 is the second CD drive.

Every partition is assigned a letter. For example, the root partition is a, the swap area is b, the whole disk is c, and so on. Each partition also has a separate device node, the result of appending the partition letter to your disk device name. For example, if you install to a single IDE drive, your root partition is /dev/wd0a.

Raw and Block Devices

Notice in Table 8-1 that devices are listed in either block or raw (character) mode. This refers to how the devices are accessed.

Block Devices

Hard disks are usually accessed using a block device node (sometimes called a cooked device node). When accessing a device as a block, data transmitted to or from the device is buffered, or collected until there is sufficient data to make accessing the device worth the trouble. Block devices are generally considered more efficient than raw devices.

The device nodes for block devices are named after the device driver; for example, /dev/wd3.

Raw Devices

Raw devices are sometimes called character devices, because they access a device one character at a time. If you need to control exactly how data appears on a disk (for example, when creating a filesystem) use a raw device. Raw device nodes have an r in front of their name, as in /dev/rwd3.

Raw devices do no buffering. When you tell your system to write to a raw device, the data is transmitted immediately. Raw mode works best with software that provides its own buffering or that wants to arrange data in a specific way.

Here’s an easy way to remember the difference between block and raw throughput: Say you spill a bottle of aspirin. If you pick up each aspirin individually and deposit it directly in the bottle, you’re doing an unbuffered, or raw, transfer. If you pick up the aspirin with your right hand and collect them in your left, then dump a bunch into the bottle at once (along with all of the dirt from your floor), you’re doing a buffered transfer.[17]

Choosing Your Mode

Address disks (and many other devices) as raw or block by choosing the corresponding device node. Some programs expect to access raw devices, while others expect block devices. If a program opens /dev/sd1a, it’s accessing partition a on disk sd1 as a block device. If it opens /dev/rsd1a, it’s accessing the exact same partition as a character device.

Regardless of the mode, the underlying hardware remains the same; the only thing that changes is how you exchange information with the device.

Device Attachment vs. Device Name

Not long ago, most disks were permanently affixed to a single physical location on the system. If your computer had two IDE buses, each with two hard drives, the operating system knew exactly where to find them, usually at /wd1 and /wd2. A SCSI disk had a SCSI ID and a logical unit number (LUN), and changing them required rebooting the computer. Traditionally, you could use the disk’s location in the system to identify the disk. For example, a booting i386 computer would find the root partition by looking for the hard drive attached to the first port on the first IDE controller, finding the a partition on that disk, and reading the filesystem table from that disk. You could go into the BIOS to tell the computer to look for the root partition on a different disk, but the computer still identified the disk by where it was physically attached to the computer.

Today, disks can appear and disappear from multiple locations on the system. For example, you might attach and remove several flash drives as needed, or hot swap Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) or Serial ATA (SATA) drives from bus to bus. Physical location is no longer a safe way to identify a disk. While /dev/sd0 is the device node for the first SCSI disk, you cannot assume that the disk currently attached to the first SCSI port is the same disk that was plugged in there the last time the system booted. OpenBSD labels actual disks with unique IDs, as discussed in the next section.

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