Upgrading Ports

If you use OpenBSD-provided packages, upgrading your system is as easy as running pkg_add -ui. If you built your third-party packages from source using the ports collection, however, there’s no easy way to upgrade. You must rebuild those packages. There is no automated way to do this, but the make update command in a port can rebuild a specific port.

Presumably, you built your own packages because the OpenBSD-provided packages lacked some option or flavor you needed. In that case, you probably only needed to build one or two packages from source. All of the software required by that package could be installed from official OpenBSD sources. You should upgrade everything possible via packages and rebuild only what is strictly necessary.

Now that you can upgrade OpenBSD any way you want, let’s look at OpenBSD’s packet filter.

[42] Henning Brauer tells me that many upgrade failures aren’t really unpredictable; they’re merely “unsupported and untested” code paths. To most of us, that’s “unpredictable,” but you’re welcome to predict them yourself.

[43] I know, I know, your shell is superior to mine. I was given tcsh as my first shell almost 30 years ago, and my fingers are too habituated to it to change. I’ll concede your superiority if you’ll stop telling me about it.

[44] Again, there is no anoncvs13.usa.openbsd.org. Find a server close to you. Stop blindly copying my examples. It’s like you think I know what I’m doing or something!

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