OpenBSD Hardware

OpenBSD supports a wide variety of different hardware architectures. Some platforms, such as i386 and amd64, have extensive support, and their web pages and release notes list pages and pages of supported hardware. Others, such as SGI, support only very specific hardware models.

OpenBSD’s currently supported hardware platforms include i386 (standard PC), amd64 (64-bit PC-style hardware), sparc64 (Sun-style hardware), SGI (Silicon Graphics), and others. It also supports old platforms such as the VAX and tiny computers like the Zaurus. The platforms that I find interesting include the following:

  • i386 . the Intel-compatible computer that has been popular for the past couple of decades

  • amd64 . AMD’s 64-bit extensions to the 32-bit i386, copied by Intel as EM64T, and sometimes called x64, x86_64, or x86-64 (this hardware can run both the 32-bit i386 and 64-bit amd64 versions of OpenBSD)

  • sparc64 . 64-bit Sun UltraSPARC and compatibles

  • macppc . PowerPC-based Macintosh computers, from the iMac up until Apple switched to amd64 hardware

  • Zaurus . Sharp Zaurus personal digital assistants (PDAs)

This chapter covers installing on the i386 and amd64 platforms. These are the standard 32-bit and 64-bit PC systems available from most vendors, and are what you’re most likely to find on the secretary’s desk while he is at lunch. They’re architecturally close and install in exactly the same way.

Old systems can run OpenBSD quite well. I’ve run OpenBSD/i386 quite nicely on a 166 MHz processor with 128MB of memory. You probably have some old system lying around that’s perfectly adequate for learning OpenBSD.

In this book, I assume that your equipment is PCI bus or newer. I do not cover EISA hardware, or ISA other than the onboard chips in modern hardware. If you have an EISA SCSI card or network interface card (NIC) that still works, OpenBSD probably supports it. I assume that you still have the original hardware configuration floppy and remember how to set the IRQ and interrupt to match that assumed by the OpenBSD kernel. If you don’t, recycle that card and buy something built this millennium.

Note that the hardware must be in working condition. If your old Pentium machine kept crashing because its RAM is bad, using OpenBSD won’t fix that problem. Also, OpenBSD will be most useful if the hardware meets certain minimum levels. I make recommendations based on my own experience, but again, the documentation gives the current and definitive requirements.

You can find a full list of supported hardware platforms at This page links to a page for each hardware platform, where you can get details on support for that hardware.

Supported Hardware

The good news is that OpenBSD supports most hardware. The bad news is that it doesn’t support everything. Generally speaking, OpenBSD supports the most common nonproprietary hardware. It might not support the very newest hardware, as the OpenBSD team doesn’t get much access to hardware before it’s released. Hardware that’s a few months old has better support than bleeding-edge gear.

To verify if OpenBSD supports your hardware, read the release notes for your platform or just give it a try.

Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware

Some hardware vendors want to keep the inner workings of their equipment secret so that competitors can’t copy their designs. They hide their hardware designs in two common ways: proprietary hardware and binary object device drivers.

Some vendors will not provide documentation for their hardware. The vendor expects that the user will use the vendor-provided driver, and they provide drivers only for the most widely used commodity operating systems (such as Windows) or for a specific target market (Apple). Without documentation, writing device drivers is tedious and difficult. Some hardware can be supported well without complete documentation, but much cannot. For example, OpenBSD’s sparc64 platform didn’t support newer Sparc processors for several years, until Sun released documentation.

Some vendors don’t want to provide documentation, but do want users of open source operating systems to buy their hardware. These vendors provide drivers for their hardware in the form of binary objects, or blobs. This might sound reasonable at first, but the operating system must load these blobs into the kernel. The OpenBSD team has several objections to this. First, the code is not available for audit. If the blob has a security issue, or has some subtle interaction with the kernel that destabilizes the system, there’s no way for the developers to resolve the problem. The blob might only be inefficient or wasteful, but it could negatively impact other kernel subsystems or even include backdoors. Lastly, OpenBSD’s philosophy requires that all code be covered under a strict BSD license. In-kernel blobs are not free, and so OpenBSD will not support them.

Note that blobs are not the same as firmware. Firmware is a binary object a piece of hardware needs in order to run, and is loaded into the hardware itself, rather than into the operating system. You’ll find firmware in almost every computer component: CPUs, motherboards, NICs, disk controllers, and so on. Firmware is never loaded into the kernel; the kernel loads the firmware into the card. The OpenBSD team considers this acceptable. The firmware lets the hardware provide its documented interface to the operating system, and if it wasn’t on the disk, it would be on the hardware itself.

Generally speaking, if OpenBSD developers have a piece of hardware, documentation for that hardware, and any use for the hardware, they will probably implement support for it. If not, that hardware won’t work. In most cases, unsupported proprietary or blob-driven hardware can be replaced with more effective (and less expensive) open hardware.


Processor brand is irrelevant. OpenBSD doesn’t care if it’s running on a CPU from Intel, AMD, Cyrix, or any other Intel-compatible processor. OpenBSD probes the CPU on boot and uses whatever chip features it recognizes. I’ve run very effective multimegabit firewalls on 486-class processors, but you’ll be happiest with a 1 GHz or faster processor.

OpenBSD’s multiprocessor support is not as broad as some other operating systems, however. The OpenBSD kernel mostly runs with the Big Giant Lock method, so the kernel can run on only one processor at a time. (Some small chunks of the kernel are not under the Big Giant Lock.) In practical terms, this means that the OpenBSD kernel won’t make effective use of more than two processors or cores.

Does this mean you shouldn’t use OpenBSD on your dual-eight-core-processor server? That depends on your expected server load. User processes scale well as long as they don’t go into the kernel. Most web log analysis software, for example, runs almost entirely in user space, and you run massively parallel analysis jobs that scale quite well with the number of processors. Tasks such as forwarding packets, however, pass through the kernel. The hardware you need depends entirely on your expected workload.

Memory (RAM)

Memory is good. The more memory you have, the happier you will be. Adding RAM accelerates your system more than any other generic improvement. You should have at least 256MB of RAM, and preferably at least 512MB. If you can get a couple of gigabytes in your system, OpenBSD will take full advantage of that memory.

If you keep adding memory, you will hit a point where your system has all the memory it needs, and more memory won’t further improve performance. This could be as low as 128MB for a small firewall, a couple of gigabytes for a desktop machine, or more for a large database server.

Most weird crashes and inexplicable, irreproducible problems can be traced back to bad memory, so be certain that the memory you are using is good. Memory is a common failure point in an old machine.

Hard Drives

The smallest new hard drive you can buy today will run OpenBSD with vast amounts of space to spare. On older systems, I recommend at least 40GB of disk space—not because OpenBSD won’t fit in less, but because you’ll want room for additional files and software. The smaller your disk, the more closely you’ll need to monitor its use. It’s easy to fill a small disk when building a desktop environment from source, and disks are cheap these days. If you’re running a small firewall from a flash drive, I recommend at least 512MB.[5]


Many people run new operating systems in a virtual environment while they become accustomed to those systems. Some companies even have firm policies mandating that all systems be run as virtual servers. OpenBSD runs fine in common virtual environments, and even has specific device drivers for virtualization systems such as VMware.

The hardware requirements for running OpenBSD on a virtual server are similar to the requirements for running OpenBSD on real hardware. Note that no operating system running in a virtual environment is as secure as that same operating system running on real hardware. Virtual environments do not precisely replicate real hardware. Emulated CPUs have their own new and interesting bugs, virtual NICs have unique errors, and so on. Additionally, the environment providing the virtual server is itself an operating system. An intruder can attack that underlying operating system, and once an intruder controls the virtualization server, clients running on that machine are much more vulnerable. No operating system can protect itself against its hardware. You must consider this risk when planning OpenBSD’s role in your environment.

For learning about OpenBSD, however, a virtual environment is perfectly adequate. I run OpenBSD machines in VirtualBox, on ESXi, and on Linux’s KVM hypervisor without difficulty.

Multiple Operating Systems

For many years, I ran multiple operating systems on a single computer. I remember being thrilled by my new 6GB hard drive because I could run FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Windows, and Linux on one computer with plenty of space for each operating system. This was the only way to run multiple operating systems on a single desktop, but advances in virtualization technology have made this approach obsolete.

Rather than carefully dividing your desktop hard disk to run multiple operating systems and hoping that some proprietary disk-partitioning program won’t munch its neighbor, I recommend running one operating system that supports a virtualization server and running your secondary operating systems as guests. OpenBSD supports running virtual guests with qemu.

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