Abercrombie & Fitch, 48

Acceptance, 34

Act, attitude and, 15, 28, 69-88

Act, tools to change the, 80-82

Action, 31, 54-67

Action, desires vs., 98

Action, motivation and, 15

Actor image, 139

Advertising, 9-10, 13, 65

Affect heuristic, the, 51-52

Anheuser-Busch, 43-45, 86-87, 147

Anschuetz, Ned, 62

Appeal of a benefit, 136

Argument, reasoned, 64

Art, 29, 157-173

Asking why, 15, 29

Association emotional, 53

Association, 21, 39-46

Attention, focused, 64

Attitude, act and, 15, 28, 69-88

Attribution error, the fundamental, 47-48

Automatic mental system, 31-67

Automatic self, 16

Availability, 100

Awareness, 18, 65

Awareness, brand, 151

Bargh, John, 33

Barthes, Roland, 167

Behavior, 33-34, 48

Behavior, attitude and, 74-79

Behavioral economics, 13, 19

Belvedere Vodka, 49

Benefit, appeal of a, 136

Berlyne, Daniel, 167

Bernach, Bill, 111

Bisquick, 81

Body language, brand, 10

BP oil spill, 46

Brain, the, 10

Brand awareness, 151

Brand body language, 10

Brand choice, 9

Brand management, 81-82

Brands, testing alternative, 152

Brehm, Jack, 75

Brown, Donald E., 96

Bud Light, 86-87

Budweiser, 106-107, 160

Camouflage, language, 113

Carnegie, Dale, 89, 160

Carrey, Dana, 77

Causality, 123

Certainty, 101, 104-106

Changing minds, 37

Circumstances, 37, 72

Cognitive consistency, 75

Cognitive dissonance, 74

Coke, 148

Colbert, Stephen, 160

Commitment, 78

Communication, systems of, 40

Confirmatory Bias, 72

Conscious mental system, 15, 31-67

Consciousness, 13-29, 40, 66

Consistency, 74-75

Control, 16

Conviction, 52

Coors, 44-45

Corey, S.M., 71

Creativity, 53

Cuddy, Amy, 77

Damasio, Antonio, 131-132

Decisions, 149

Deighton, John, 152

Delay, 101, 104-106

Deliberation, 73

Desires, 29, 65, 90-109, 180

Differences in liking, 150

Digital Dreamers, 99-100

Discover Card, 124-126

Double Jeopardy, 56

Drano, 35-36

Duracel, 107-108

Eagleman, 16, 18, 115

Economic exchange, 50-51

Ehrenberg, Andrew, 56

Emotional association, 53

Emotions, 53, 132, 159

Empathy, 97

Energizer, 107-108

Engagement, 167-171

Enhancement, public image, 159-160

Enhancement, self-image, 140

Envy, 97

Expectations, 10, 29, 149-155

Experience, 29, 145-155

Exposure, 151

Falsehoods, 34

Familiarity, 34

Feelings, 18, 33-34, 131-144

Feldwick, Paul, 65

Fila, 56

Focused attention, 64

Frequency of exposure, 151

Freud, Sigmund, 17, 112

Fundamental attribution error, the, 47-48, 165

Future, the, 97

Gatorade, 57


Generating interference, 163-167

Grice, Herbert Paul, 160

Grombrich, Ernst, 145

Gromet, Dena, 91-93

Hallmark, 53

Haynes, John-Dylan, 67

Heath, Robert, 65

Heider, Fritz, 164

Hierarchy of needs, 95-96, 98

How to Win Friends and Influence People, 89

Hoyer, Wayne, 152

Human needs, 96

Human Universals, 96

Hyperbole, 169-171

Ideas, 42

Ignorance, 52

Immediacy, 101, 104-106

Importance, reported, 121-122

Impressions, 18

Impulses, 18

Inclinations, 18

Incognito, 16

Inconsistency, 74-75

Influence, 54

Information cascades, 58

Insights, jokes vs., 111-113

Intel, 99

Interest, 65

Interference, generating, 163-167

James, William, 73

Johnson, Christine, 65

Jokes, insights vs., 111-113

Kahneman, Daniel, 14, 17, 27, 34, 52

Klein, Naomi, 72

Language camouflage, 113

Language of the lizard, 31-67

Laughter yoga, 57

Lewicki, Pawel, 22

Libet, Benjamin, 66, 67

Liking, differences in, 150

Liquid Plumr, 35-36

Macro persuasion, 175-181

Marlboro, 140, 153-154

Maslow, Abraham, 95-96, 98

Match Light, 134-135

McDonald’s, 62-63, 147

McQuarrie, Edward, 167-168

Mehrabian, Albert, 165

Mental availability, 31, 32-39

Mick, David Glen, 167-168

Micro persuasion, 175-178

Microsoft, 81

Midas, 61-62

Miller High Life, 106-107

Miller, 86-87

Miller, Jonathan, 16

Mind tags, 149

Minds, changing, 37

Motivation, 165

Motivation, action and, 15

Motivation, 10, 113-120

Needs, hierarchy of, 95-96, 98

Neuroscience, 13, 19

Nike, 55-57

Nisbett, Richard, 11

Nudge, 74

Others, preferences of, 54

Pampers, 52

Patterns, 18, 22

Perception, 122-123, 79

Perception, social, 58

Personal persuasion, 175-181

Physiological needs, 96

Pleasure of the Text, the, 178

Power of influence, the, 54

Power of repetition, 34

Preferences of others, 54

Preferences, 31, 47-54, 149

Psychology, 13, 17, 19

Public image enhancement, 159-160

Quiznos, 39

Reasoned argument, 64

Reciprocity, 50-51, 97

Reflection, 73

Reflective mental system, 13-67

Reinforcement, 72

Relevance, 157

Repetition, 34

Reported importance, 121-122

Resistance, 72

Rewards, 15, 101, 104-106, 119

Robinson, Thomas N. 146

Rolled Gold, 84

S.C. Johnson, 35-36

Safety needs, 96

Scarcity, 59

Schlitz, 54

Segmentation mindset, 62

Selective Exposure, 72

Selective Perception, 72

Self-image enhancement, 140

Self-perception theory, 75-77

Shasta, 133-134

Sherman, Jim, 78

Signs, 40-46

Social exchange, 50-51

Social perception, 58

Sperber, Dan, 157, 160

Spirit Airline, 45-46

Status, 97

Stewart, Jon, 160

Sunstein, Cass, 14, 17, 73

Superiority, 97

Symbols, 40-46

Systems of communication, 40

Testing alternative brands, 152

Thaler, Richard, 14, 17, 74

Thinking big, 94-95

Thinking, 33-34

Trejo, Danny, 161

Truth, 34, 113

Tversky, Amos, 14, 27

Twain, Mark, 50

Ubiquity, 39

Unconscious mental system, 31-67

Unconsciousness, 13-29

Understatement, 169-171

Unique selling proposition, 10

Wansink, Brian, 37

Westin Hotels, 142-144, 149

Why, 114-118

Why, asking, 15, 29

Wicker, Allan, 71

Wilson, Deirdre, 157, 160

Wilson, Timothy, 67, 115

Wood, Orlando, 66

Yap, Andy, 77

Zajonc, Robert, 34

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