3D Electro-Rotation
of Single Cells
Liang Huang
Wenhui Wang
Series Editor: John D. Enderle, University of Connecticut
3D Electro-Rotation of Single Cells
Liang Huang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Wenhui Wang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Dielectrophoresis microuidic chips have been widely used in various biological applications due
to their advantages of convenient operation, high throughput, and low cost. However, most of
the DEP microuidic chips are based on 2D planar electrodes which have some limitations, such
as electric eld attenuation, small eective working regions, and weak DEP forces. In order to
overcome the limitations of 2D planar electrodes, two kinds of thick-electrode DEP chips were
designed to realize manipulation and multi-parameter measurement of single cells.
Based on the multi-electrode structure of thick-electrode DEP, a single-cell 3D electro-
rotation chip of Armillary Sphere” was designed. e chip uses four thick electrodes and a bottom
planar electrode to form an electric eld chamber, which can control 3D rotation of single cells
under dierent electric signal congurations. Electrical property measurement and 3D image
reconstruction of single cells are achieved based on single-cell 3D rotation. is work overcomes the
limitations of 2D planar electrodes and eectively solves the problem of unstable spatial position of
single-cell samples, and provides a new platform for single-cell analysis.
Based on multi-electrode structure of thick-electrode DEP, a microuidic chip with
optoelectronic integration was presented. A dual-ber optical stretcher embedded in thick
electrodes can trap and stretch a single cell while the thick electrodes are used for single-cell
rotation. Stretching and rotation manipulation gives the chip the ability to simultaneously measure
mechanical and electrical properties of single cells, providing a versatile platform for single-cell
analysis, further extending the application of thick-electrode DEP in biological manipulation and
This volume is a printed version of a work that appears in the Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering
and Computer Science. Synthesis books provide concise, original presentations of important research
and development topics, published quickly, in digital and print formats.
Series ISSN: 1930-0328
3D Electro-Rotation of
Single Cells
Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical
John D. Enderle, University of Connecticut
Lectures in Biomedical Engineering will be comprised of 75- to 150-page publications on advanced
and state-of-the-art topics that span the eld of biomedical engineering, from the atom and mol-
ecule to large diagnostic equipment. Each lecture covers, for that topic, the fundamental principles
in a unied manner, develops underlying concepts needed for sequential material, and progresses
to more advanced topics. Computer software and multimedia, when appropriate and available, are
included for simulation, computation, visualization and design. e authors selected to write the
lectures are leading experts on the subject who have extensive background in theory, application
and design.
e series is designed to meet the demands of the 21st century technology and the rapid
advancements in the all-encompassing eld of biomedical engineering that includes biochemical
processes, biomaterials, biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, physiological modeling, biosignal pro-
cessing, bioinformatics, biocomplexity, medical and molecular imaging, rehabilitation engineering,
biomimetic nano-electrokinetics, biosensors, biotechnology, clinical engineering, biomedical de-
vices, drug discovery and delivery systems, tissue engineering, proteomics, functional genomics, and
molecular and cellular engineering.
3D Electro-Rotation of Single Cells
Liang Huang and Wenhui Wang
November 2019
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Inuenza: Partial Dierential Equation Analysis in R
William E. Schiesser
May 2019
PDE Models for Atherosclerosis Computer Implementation in R
William E. Schiesser
November 2018
Computerized Analysis of Mammographic Images for Detection and Characterization of
Breast Cancer
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