Chapter 1. How to Navigate Any CAD Program…Ever

123D Design is easier to use than most high-end CAD programs. But it has a similar layout to more complex programs, one that is found in most CAD programs that you will come across.

The basic elements of this layout are:

  • The view cube

  • The ribbon or control panel

  • Mouse controls

  • The right side menu

  • A design tree or history of changes to the design

View Cube

The view cube (see Figure 1-1) is identical in the majority of Autodesk programs, as well as other CAD programs. Located in the upper-right corner, this tool makes it easy to get back to a standard view of your design. The standard views are very similar to the xyz-space described in “Navigating a 3D Workspace”.

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Figure 1-1. The view cube

What many new users don’t realize is that the view cube, when placed on a specific view of the model, such as one of the views shown in Figure 1-2, is a great way to ensure that your object is lined up correctly. For example, when you are trying to use a move command or creating a 3D feature, the view cube can help you place items by first aligning them in a side view, and then aligning them in a top view, thus securing them in their xyz-space.

Remember that you are creating in 3D space, and moving something a small distance in one direction can result in a large distance in another direction, if you’re not careful.

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Figure 1-2. Various views you can set from the view cube


Located on the top middle of the screen, the ribbon (Figure 1-3) or control panel is the space where most of your tools are held. Just like the view cube, the ribbon is becoming standard in a variety of CAD products. We’ll cover what these tools do later in the book.

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Figure 1-3. The ribbon, or control panel

Main Menu

The main menu (Figure 1-4), as in almost any other app or program that you have ever used on a computer, is located in the upper-left corner of the workspace window. It is usually a drop-down menu, accessed by clicking on an icon that represents the product.

The main menu usually contains common commands such as Open, Save, Save a Copy, and Export. Special options for the particular program will generally be hidden in here as well.

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Figure 1-4. The main menu

Help Menu

The help menu (Figure 1-5) is located in the upper-right corner of your screen and represented by the question mark symbol. Click on this to see a submenu of helpful features, such as quick start tips and video tutorials.

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Figure 1-5. The help menu

Sign In

123D is a cloud-based family of programs that allow you to share models between the different apps. As shown in Figure 1-6, use the Sign In feature located near the help menu to create and then access your own account, which you can then use to save your own creations to the cloud, as well as explore projects shared by other users.

Remember: 123D is growing every day. Like any other relationship, you need to be involved to grow with it.

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Figure 1-6. Signed into 123D

Mouse Controls/View Controls

It’s a good idea to use a three-button mouse (i.e., a mouse with a right button, a left button, and a clickable scroll wheel) when working with any CAD program. These buttons are essential in unlocking all the menu systems. In addition, a three-button mouse will significantly lower your frustration levels.

You may be tempted to design using the computer’s trackpad. However, for your sake and the sake of your loved ones, don’t do it. Why? Most CAD programs, 123D included, use all three buttons for different functions. For example, a right-click will sometimes open up a menu that would be difficult to access in other ways.

The other reason is that if you attempt to use the trackpad, your fingers will crumple up like dried chicken feet, and you will have a hard time fabricating the things that you design.

In 123D Design for the desktop, you simply use your three-button mouse to navigate, select, and drag. For other CAD programs, you may have to use an additional function key to assist you. In Autodesk Inventor, for instance, you need to use the Shift key plus the Command key to unlock menus that can speed up your design work.


Use your left mouse button to select an object. The first click will select the object, and the second click will select either a face or edge of the object.

Select Multiple

Depending on what tool you are using, you can either hold the Shift key down while you are making a selection to select multiple objects or simply select multiple objects.


Use your right mouse button to rotate an object.


Orbiting does not actually rotate the object—instead, it simply rotates your view of the object. To rotate your object, select your object and then use the move command.

The Right Side Menu

The right side menu (Figure 1-7) that appears in most CAD workspaces will almost always contain the following controls: pan, orbit, zoom, and fill the screen/fit to view. Let’s take a look at each of these.

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Figure 1-7. The right side menu in 123D Design


To pan, hold the middle mouse button down and move it left or right, or up or down.


Move the on-screen cursor so that it is on or near the model. Then, click and hold the middle mouse button. Move the mouse in any direction you desire to rotate your view of the model.


Roll the middle mouse to zoom into and out from your model.

Fill the Screen/Fit to View

Click and hold the middle mouse button to have your object fill the screen—great for working on small details.

Design Tree

Some higher-end CAD programs have what is called a design tree, usually located on the left side of the screen. This tree is a history of sorts of the design, calling out the features or bodies of what you’ve created.

The power of a design tree is that it allows the designer to go back and change very specific features of the design. In 123D Design, simply select the face or edge of what you would like to change and alter it via the gear menu that pops up after selection.

There are also undo and redo buttons located on the ribbon, which make it easy to take a quick step back from a change.

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