
Book Description

HPC is used to solve a number of complex questions in computational and data-intensive sciences. These questions include the simulation and modeling of physical phenomena, such as climate change, energy production, drug design, global security, and materials design; the analysis of large data sets such as those in genome sequencing, astronomical observation, and cybersecurity; and the intricate design of engineered products, such as airplanes and automobiles.

This second volume of Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale continues to document international HPC ecosystems, including the sponsors and sites that host them. Each chapter is punctuated with a site's flagship system and:

  • Presents highlights of applications, workloads, and benchmarks
  • Describes hardware architectures, system software, and programming systems
  • Explores storage, visualization, and analytics
  • Examines the data center/facility as well as system statistics

Featuring pictures of buildings and systems in production, floorplans, and many block diagrams and charts to illustrate system design and performance, Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale, Volume Two delivers a detailed snapshot of the rich history of practice in modern HPC. This book provides a valuable reference for researchers in HPC and computational science.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. List of Figures
  7. List of Tables
  8. Preface
  9. 1 Terascale to Petascale: The Past 17 Years in High Performance Computing
  10. 2 ARCHER
  11. 3 Edison: Enabling Extreme Scale Science at NERSC
  12. 4 HLRN-III at Zuse Institute Berlin
  13. 5 The K Computer
  14. 6 Lindgren—The Swedish Tier-1 System
  15. 7 Peregrine at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  16. 8 Yellowstone: A Dedicated Resource for Earth System Science
  17. Index