Creating wearable apps

Synchronizing notifications to the wearable provides an easy means to extend an app to the wearable; however, sometimes, an entirely customized or fully-featured wearable experience is required.

Getting ready

All the wearable apps require an app to first be installed on the handheld. Here, we can assume that we have an existing project to which we are adding a wearable companion. Although, automatically installed when creating a new Android Wear project, we do need to have the Xamarin.Android.Wear NuGet installed in the wearable project.

How to do it...

Wearable apps require a companion app on the handheld. Usually, we already have an existing app to which we can simply add a new wearable app:

  1. In the open solution, right-click on the solution node, select Add, and then select Add New Project....
  2. In the wizard that appears, create a new Android Wear App project just as we would for any other app. The only thing that we need to do is to ensure that the Identifier field exactly matches that of the companion app.

Once the wearable app is created, we need to add it as a project reference to the handheld companion app:

  1. To do this, right-click on the References folder under the handheld app project, and select Edit References….
  2. In the dialog that appears, select the Projects tab, check the box next to the wearable app project, and then click on OK.

Once the project references are set up, we can run the app on the handheld and the wearable:

  1. Set the configuration to Release, and run the handheld app.
  2. After the app has been installed on the handheld, the OS will begin copying the wearable app to the wearable device.
  3. In a few moments, the wearable will get a notification that a new app has been installed.

Because some devices have round screens and others have square, we need to be able to specify different layouts for each screen type:

  1. In the Main.axml layout file, we will create a proxy layout using WatchViewStub, and use the rectLayout and roundLayout attributes to specify the real layout to load depending on the screen type:
      app:roundLayout="@layout/RoundMain" />
  2. Then, we can create the different RectangleMain.axml and RoundMain.axml layout files for the app in the layout folder:
        android:text="Click Me!" />
  3. Finally, we can access various controls in the LayoutInflated event of WatchViewStub:
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) {
      // load normally
      // wait until the stub loads the real layout
      var id = Resource.Id.watch_view_stub;
      var stub = FindViewById<WatchViewStub>(id);
      stub.LayoutInflated += delegate {
        // now we can access the button
        var buttonId = Resource.Id.myButton;
        var button = FindViewById<Button>(buttonId);

How it works...

An Android Wear app is the most powerful method to provide a wearable experience for Android users. These apps are fully-featured Android apps that run on a wearable device with only a few differences.

One of the most notable things is the design and usability. Although running on Android, the wearable has a much smaller screen size as well as more limited hardware. Due to these limitations, wearable apps are often reduced in functionality and complement the handheld apps.


Android Wear devices are much smaller and less powerful, and thus, these apps are usually not as comprehensive.

Wearable apps are not distributed via Google Play directly, but are embedded within a handheld app. To install an app on the wearable, the handheld must have the wearable app package embedded as a raw resource. When the app is installed on the handheld, Android copies the embedded package onto the wearable.

When creating a wearable app, we just need to select the Android Wear App project template. This template is very similar to the normal app template, but has a few extra packages installed by default. We can, in fact, create a normal app and use it as a wearable app, but as we are starting out, using the template is simpler.


Wearable apps are exactly the same as the handheld apps, and follow the same app lifecycles.

One extra difference is that instead of a single layout file, it provides the proxy layout via the WatchViewStub type. This is not required and can usually just be replaced with the normal layout files. The WatchViewStub type is a special view that loads another layout depending on the screen shape. The two typical screen shapes are square and round, and often the layout has to be slightly adjusted for each.

When we use the WatchViewStub type, instead of handling the initialization logic in the OnCreate() method, we attach it to the LayoutInflated event. Then, when the view is initialized by Android, this event is fired, allowing us to perform the remainder of the initialization logic. Using the WatchViewStub type is, in fact, similar to what would happen when creating different layout resources for different device configurations.


Wearable apps can either use special adaptive layouts or separate layouts via the WatchViewStub layout.

Once we have the wearable app project created (or if we chose to use a normal app project), we can then set it as a wearable app for the main app. We can do this by simply adding it as a project reference, just as we would for any other library project. The difference happens during the compile time when the compiler packages the app. Instead of including the wearable app as a reference, it adds it as a wearable app resource. No extra logic is required; and when the handheld app is deployed to a device, the wearable app is deployed to the wearable.


Android apps become wearable apps when they are added as project references to another Android app.

When debugging wearable apps, we can simply deploy the wearable app directly to the wearable device via a USB cable. This is simple to do and usually works; however, if the wearable device does not support a USB debugging, we can forward the ports used to debug the wearable through the Android Wear app.

More information on forwarding the port can be found on the Google website, available at

There's more...

Sometimes, the layouts for the round and square screens are so similar that creating multiple screens using the WatchViewStub type is not even necessary. We can make use of various other views that will adjust depending on the screen type. One such view is the BoxInsetLayout view:

    app:layout_box="bottom" />

Whatever we place inside the FrameLayout view will automatically receive the correct padding to ensure that the content is not outside of the visible screen area. Sometimes, the views are so simple we can just use one of the pre-defined template layouts, such as the CardFragment instance. This is a special Fragment instance that renders content in the Card format:

var cardFragment = CardFragment.Create(
  "The Title",
  "This is a nice description for the cool title.");
  .Add(Resource.Id.frame_layout, cardFragment)

There are a few other views that can be used to automatically adjust its appearance depending on the wearable's screen. Other views include the CardScrollView view and the CardFrame instance. For other layout types, there is the WearableListView type with WearableListItemLayout view for each item, or the GridViewPager instance. There are also many activities such as the ConfirmationActivity instance.

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