Creating a camera app

Sometimes the basic camera intents aren't enough, or we are creating an augmented reality game, and we want to process the images as the camera streams them.

How to do it...

To create a camera app, or some other app that displays a live preview from the camera hardware, we need to set up several things similar to playing a video, we must implement the ISurfaceHolderCallback interface, which will manage the live preview:

  1. As with using intents to start the camera, we need to check for the existence of a camera on the device. Additionally, we will need to request permission to manage the camera, as follows:
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Manifest.Permission.Camera)]
  2. Next, we will need a surface to display the camera preview, and to do this, we will need an instance of the ISurfaceHolderCallback interface:
    public class MainActivity :
      Activity, ISurfaceHolderCallback {
      private ISurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;
      public void SurfaceChanged(
        ISurfaceHolder holder, Format format,
        int width, int height) {
      public void SurfaceCreated(ISurfaceHolder holder) {
        surfaceHolder = holder;
      public void SurfaceDestroyed(ISurfaceHolder holder) {
        surfaceHolder = null;
  3. Then, we pass this instance as the callback of the SurfaceView instance's Holder property:
    var holder = surfaceView.Holder;

Now that we have our surface for the preview, we can get hold of the cameras and start setting one of them up:

  1. We need to get hold of the cameras on the device so that we can use one of them:
    var cameraCount = Camera.NumberOfCameras;
    var cameras = new Camera.CameraInfo[cameraCount];
    var backIndex = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < cameraCount; index++) {
      cameras[index] = new Camera.CameraInfo();
      Camera.GetCameraInfo(index, cameras[index]);
      if (cameras[index].Facing == CameraFacing.Back) {
        backIndex = index;
  2. We then need to open the camera so that we can get the preview. We should do this on a background thread as it may take some time to complete:
    await Task.Run(() => {
      try {
        camera = Camera.Open(backIndex);
      catch (Exception ex) {
        // handle the camera being used
  3. Now that we have our camera, we can get the supported preview sizes:
    var parameters = camera.GetParameters();
    var previewSizes = parameters.SupportedPreviewSizes;
  4. Next, we tell the camera to use the size with the best resolution:
    var best = previewSizes[0];
    parameters.SetPreviewSize(best.Width, best.Height);

Now we can set up the camera to preview onto our new surface either after the camera is opened or after the surface is created:

  1. Once we have the preview sizes, we need to resize the surface to avoid stretching the preview:
    var scale = Math.Min(
      container.Width / (float)best.Width,
    container.Height / (float)best.Height);
    var width = best.Width * scale;
    var height = best.Height * scale;
    surfaceHolder.SetFixedSize((int)width, (int)height);
  2. Next, we have to let the camera know where to display the preview:
  3. Then, we tell the camera to start the preview:

The next step is to manage the camera after the destruction of either the surface or the actual activity:

  1. When the surface is destroyed, we can just stop the preview in SurfaceDestroyed() as we will be starting it when a new surface is created:
  2. When the activity is paused, we should release the camera as soon as we can:
    camera = null;

To implement the logic to take a photo, we will need to implement two Camera interfaces:

  1. To take a photo, we will need an implementation of the Camera.IPictureCallback interface:
    public class MainActivity : Camera.IPictureCallback {
      public void OnPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
  2. In the OnPictureTaken() method, we can save the bytes to a file or process them in some way:
    File.WriteAllBytes(imagePath, data);
  3. We have to ensure that we start the preview again as taking a photo stops the preview:
  4. If we want to play a shutter sound, we need an instance of the Camera.IShutterCallback interface:
    public class MainActivity : Camera.IShutterCallback {
      public void OnShutter() {
        // an empty method plays the default shutter sound
  5. To actually take a photo, we invoke the TakePicture() method on the camera, the first parameter being the shutter callback and the last being the picture taken callback. If we pass a null value for the shutter callback, no sound will be played:
    camera.TakePicture(this, null, this);

To record a video, we use a MediaRecorder instance and set various parameters to indicate what camera and audio to record.

  1. As we are going to record audio, we will have to request an additional permission:
    [assembly: UsesPermission(Manifest.Permission.RecordAudio)]
  2. To allow the recorder to access the camera, we have to allow the camera to be shared with the recorder:
  3. Then, we create a MediaRecorder instance and set the audio and video source to be the camera:
    recorder = new MediaRecorder();
  4. Next, we specify where to create the video file:
  5. We have to ensure that we tell the recorder to preview on the surface:
  6. Finally, we can prepare the recorder and start the recording:
  7. To stop the recorder, either by user request or when the activity is paused, we invoke the Stop() method:
    recorder = null;
  8. Once we are finished with the recorder, we need to lock the camera again:

How it works...

If we want to take a photo, we can use the default camera app. But, this app may not provide the required functionality that we need. We can be creating an actual camera app, or an app that provides augmented reality with real-time image effects or image overlays. Alternatively, it can be to provide image analysis, such as a QR reader or face detection.

Using the default camera app prevents us from modifying or overlaying the preview image in real-time, as we are only presented with the final captured image. If we need to access the real-time camera stream, we can request the data directly from the camera and display it on a surface.

As we are accessing the camera hardware directly, we need to request the Camera permission. If we are going to record videos, we need to request the additional RecordAudio permission to record the audio as well.


When using intents to take photos, the Camera permission is not required. When controlling the camera hardware, permission is required.

Once we have the permission to use the camera, we need to set up a surface to render the camera's preview. For this, we can use a SurfaceView instance. To set up the surface, we can request the ISurfaceHolder instance using the Holder property on the SurfaceView instance. Like when setting up to play a video, we need to add a callback that we use to monitor the life of the surface. The callback implements the ISurfaceHolderCallback interface and provides methods that relate to the life of a surface. We will stop the preview if the surface is destroyed, and start it again when it is created.

After the surface is set up, we need to set up the camera that we are going to use. Before we can use a camera, we need to get hold of the cameras on the device. To get the cameras, we use the Camera type. We can iterate over the cameras on the device using the NumberOfCameras property and the GetCameraInfo() method. The NumberOfCameras property returns the number of cameras available on the device. The GetCameraInfo() method is a method that allows us to obtain information about a particular camera.

We use the GetCameraInfo() method with a Camera.CameraInfo object instance. To obtain information about a single camera, we pass the index of the camera we want the information on and a CameraInfo object that will be populated with the information. To find a specific camera, we can use the Facing property, which can be either Back or Front.

In order to begin using the camera, we have to open it. To do this, we pass the index of the camera we wish to use to the Open() method. This gives us exclusive access to the camera hardware, but if another app has opened the camera, this method will throw a RuntimeException exception. As the camera can only be opened once, as soon as our activity is paused, we must release the camera using the Release() method. If we do not release the camera, no other app will be able to use it.


When opening a camera, it may take some time on some devices. Thus, a background thread should be used to avoid blocking the UI thread.

Now that we have the camera open, we need to start the preview on our surface. Before we start the preview, we have to resize the surface to the aspect ratio of the camera preview to avoid the preview stretching. We also have to specify the desired size of the preview to the camera. We cannot use any arbitrary size but only the one that is supported by the camera.

To get the supported sizes, we first get the camera parameters using the GetParameters() method. We then query the Parameters object for the sizes using the SupportedPreviewSizes property. This will provide a list of supported sizes, in descending order of size, which we use to select a specific size. The Parameters object has a SetPreviewSize() method, which allows us to specify a width and height of a preview size from the list. To actually set the preview size, we assign the Parameters instance back to the camera using the SetParameters() method.


Only a size from the SupportedPreviewSizes property can be used when setting the camera preview size, other sizes may result in an exception.

When the surface becomes available, or when the camera is opened, we have to let the camera know that it should preview on the surface. First, we must ensure that the surface aspect ratio is the same as that of the camera preview to avoid the preview stretching. Then, we pass the surface to the SetPreviewDisplay() method of the open camera. Finally, we start the preview using the StartPreview() method.

As the preview only works when there is a surface, as soon as it is destroyed, we must stop the preview. We do this using the StopPreview() method. When the activity is paused, we need to release the camera as it is a shared resource that we can only hold when our app is in the foreground. We can open the camera again once our app has resumed.


The camera can only be held when the activity is in the foreground. As soon as the activity is paused, the camera should be released.

If we want to take a photo, all we need is an instance that implements the Camera.IPictureCallback interface. We then pass this instance as the last parameter of the TakePicture() method. This is an asynchronous method that will return immediately, but the callback method will only be invoked once the image has been captured. The callback method, OnPictureTaken(), gives us access to a byte array that represents the image. We can either process or save the image to disk.

The image data that is provided, when using the last parameter, is the compressed JPEG data. If we use the second parameter, we will obtain the raw image data from the camera sensor. We can use either one or both, of the picture callbacks to obtain the image data. If we do not wish to provide a callback for a particular type, we can pass null instead.


To play the shutter sound, an instance of Camera.IShutterCallback must be passed to TakePicture.

By default, the capture process does not play a shutter sound. To get a sound to play, we specify a callback that will fire on the shutter operation. This callback must implement the Camera.IShutterCallback interface. We can leave the callback method, OnShutter(), empty if we wish to play the default camera shutter sound. This method is not guaranteed to be called exactly when the photo is captured, but as soon as possible after the capture. Typically, the shutter sound will play after the capture was triggered, but before the image data is available. We pass the shutter callback instance as the first parameter of the TakePicture() method.


The camera preview must be started before capturing an image. Once an image has been captured, the preview must be started again as taking a photo stops the preview.

If we want to record a video, we use a MediaRecorder instance. Before we can record, we have to ensure that we have the RecordAudio permission as well as the Camera permission. Then, in order for the recorder to be able to access the camera, we have to unlock it. We do this using the Unlock() method. This is required as the camera is a shared resource, and once opened, cannot be accessed by anything else.


Unlocking the camera allows the recorder to be able to access the camera hardware.

Once the camera is unlocked, we can set up the MediaRecorder instance. First, we set the camera that the recorder will use, then we set the audio and video source. The audio source must be Camcorder and the video source must be Camera. Next, we specify a profile to use, which can be High or Low. This is obtained using the Get() method on the CamcorderProfile type. Then, we set the output file location and the preview surface. The preview surface must be the same surface that was specified when setting the preview surface on the camera. Finally, we prepare the recorder and start it.

As soon as we want to stop recording, we invoke the Stop() method. Then, we must reset the recorder using the Reset() method. Next, we must release the resources held by the recorder using the Release() method. Finally, we must lock the camera again using the Reconnect() method. This prevents access to the camera from other apps while we are using it.


The camera must be unlocked using Unlock before recording, and locked again using Reconnect when recording is finished.

There's more...

With Android version 5.0, an entire new namespace was created for working with cameras. This namespace is Android.Hardware.Camera2. Cameras are accessed using the CameraManager and CameraDevice types. Photos are captured using a CameraCaptureSession instance.

Although this new API is much more powerful, it is only available to devices running Android version 5.0 and above. Although the old API is deprecated, it is still supported and fully functional. This is very useful if we are going to support older devices.

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