
attribute value template: Refers to the use of an XPath expression as the value of an attribute in a result tree. This expression is located inside a template and surrounded by curly braces ({}). For example, in the following code snippet, {saleprice} is the attribute value template:

<xsl:template match=”book”>

  <book price=”{saleprice}”



axis: Part of an XPath location step, the axis specifies the relationship of the selected node to the context node. For example, parent is the axis in the following location step: parent::book. The 13 possible axes are as follows: child, descendant, parent, ancestor, following-sibling, preceding-sibling, following-sibling, following, preceding, attribute, namespace, descendant-or-self, and ancestor-or-self.

built-in template rules: Used to process any node that is not matched with an explicitly defined template rule in your stylesheet. Each of the node types has a specific built-in template rule that is applied to it.

context node: The node in the source tree that the XSLT processor is handling. For example, in a template rule, the context node is typically the node that is returned by the pattern. You can think of the context node as the selected node, except when you are using an axis value (other than self) that redirects the selection elsewhere.

current node: See context node.

document tree: See tree.

element: XSLT elements are the core building blocks of the XSLT language. There are 35 built-in elements, such as xsl:template and xsl:apply-templates.

expression: An XSLT statement that represents a value or is used to calculate a value. The result of an expression can be a number, string, Boolean value, or a set of nodes. The following are valid expressions: 8-5, ‘Text’, and round(5.129).

extension: An element or function that you include in your XSLT stylesheet but that is not part of the standard XSLT language specification. Extensions come in handy when you need XSLT to do something that the language doesn’t already support.

HTML: The publishing language of the Web and the format of Web pages.

instantiate: A techno-term that means to add an instance of a template to the result tree.

instruction: A term for an XSLT element that is used within a template rule for creating parts of the result tree.

key: You use a key to implicitly cross-reference documents. The xsl:key element declares a key.

leaf: A node that has no children (nodes underneath it) in a tree structure.

literal result element: Within a template, any elements that are not part of its namespace (xsl:) are treated as literal text when added to the result tree. The XSLT processor takes no action on the element and so it comes through unchanged. For example, <h1> is considered a literal result element in the following snippet:

<xsl:template match=”book”>





location path: An XPath expression that is composed of one or more location steps separated by slashes. For example, child:book/sibling:chapter is a location path with two location steps (child:book and sibling:chapter).

location step: The basic building block for XPath patterns. It is an XPath expression used by XSLT to tell the processor what node set to bring back from a source tree. Each location step consists of an axis, a node test, and an optional predicate and takes the following form: axis::nodetest[predicate].

markup language: A language, such as HTML, XML, or XSLT, that uses labels enclosed in angle brackets to describe elements of a document.

match pattern: An XPath expression that declares the conditions that a node must meet in order for an action to take place on it. A match pattern always returns a node set. By far, the most common use of patterns is in an xsl:template, in which the value of its match attribute is a pattern. For example, in <xsl:template match=”child:book”>, the child:book expression inside of the quotes is the pattern. In an XSLT template rule, a pattern contains a location path.

named template: An xsl:template element that has a name attribute declared. Template rules normally have a match attribute declared so that when the XSLT processor encounters them, they are processed immediately based on this match pattern. In contrast, a named template does not have a match attribute in it, and so another template or instruction using xsl:call-template must explicitly call a named template.

namespace: A unique label that you assign a group of elements. This label is then associated with a particular URI, and an XML or XSLT processor uses the label to identify this collection of elements. For example, XSLT stylesheets use the URI and, by convention, assign this URI to an xsl: namespace.

name-value pair: A term used to describe an attribute and its corresponding value. For example, in <book id=”1020”>, id is the attribute name and 1020 is its value. Together, they form a name-value pair.

node: A single point on a document tree. A node can be one of six types: element node, attribute node, text node, processing instruction node, comment node, or namespace node.

node set: An unsorted collection of unique nodes.

node test: Part of a location step, a node test identifies the nodes in the axis that meet the conditions of the test. For example, in the location step parent:book, book is the node test.

parameter: Like a variable, a parameter is an XSLT element that can represent a value. However, unlike variables, parameters have the added flexibility of being able to change their values when the XSLT stylesheet is processed. A parameter is defined with the xsl:parameter element. See also variable.

pattern: See match pattern.

predicate: An optional filter for a location step. If used, it is the final part of a location step that filters out some of the nodes returned by the axis and node test parts. For example, in the location step “book[@date=”1956”]”, the book node test returns all the nodes with the value of book. The predicate [@date=”1956”] then filters out all nodes except those with date attributes that equal 1956. Predicates are always enclosed in square brackets.

processor directive: Information in an XML or XSLT structure that instructs the processor. For example, the xsl:strip-space element tells the processor what to do with whitespace when processing an XSLT document.

QName: A qualified name that consists of an optional namespace and a required local part. For example, in xsl:variable, the xsl: is the namespace prefix and variable is the local part. Together they compose a QName.

result document: The product of an XSL transformation that is written out as a file. See also result tree.

result tree: The product or output of an XSL transformation represented in a tree-like structure. A result tree is then usually written to a file, the result document.

result tree fragment: Represents a subsection of the result tree.

root node: The mother of all nodes, the root node is the ancestor of all nodes in a document tree. Note that this is not the same node as the highest level element of your document, such as an xsl:stylesheet element. Instead, the highest level element of your document tree is always the child of the root node.

stylesheet: A document that contains transformation instructions. By convention, an XSLT stylesheet has an .xsl extension.

template: The part of a template rule that defines how the returning node set is output to a result tree. See also template rule.

template rule: The major component of an XSLT stylesheet and is defined with the xsl:template element. It provides both input and output instructions. For input, its match attribute provides a pattern that specifies what node set to use. For output, it contains instructions on how to add a node and its contents to a result tree. People often confuse the terms template and template rule, but a template rule is the entire xsl:template element, while the template is the contents of the element (in other words, what’s inside the start and end tags).

top-level element: Any element that is a child of the document element. For example, in an XSLT template, any element directly under xsl:stylesheet is considered a top-level element. The nine top-level XSLT elements are: xsl:import, xsl:include, xsl:strip-space, xsl:preserve-space, xsl:output, xsl:key, xsl:decimal-format, xsl:namespace-alias, xsl:attribute-set, xsl:variable, xsl:param, and xsl:template.

tree: XSLT views an XML document as a hierarchical tree, much like you may think of an ancestral family tree as a way of representing a family lineage. A tree is composed of nodes, each of which may or may not contain additional nodes. To describe relationships between nodes, XSLT uses family terminology, such as parent, child, and sibling.

URI: The way in which resources on the Web are named. The most common URIs are Web addresses (, which are also known as URLs.

variable: An XSLT element that can represent a value and is defined with the xsl:variable element. For example, the variable <xsl:variable name=”myname”>Rich</xsl:variable> is named myname and has the string value of Rich.

W3C: The primary international body that governs Internet standards.

well-formed: A well-formed document is one that is syntactically correct; in other words, every begin tag has a matching end tag. For example:

 <book id=”10101”>War and Peace</book>

XML: A markup language that enables you to define elements that describe the data they contain.

XPath: The language used by XSLT to describe how to locate nodes in a source XML document. Think of XPath as the spy or commando who is charged with going into an XML document and picking out the requested information for XSLT.

XSL: The markup language charged with styling, laying out, or transforming XML documents into a form that makes sense to its intended audience. XSL is composed of two independent parts: XSLT for transforming XML from one structure to another; and XSL Formatting Objects and Formatting Properties for formatting XML documents.

XSLT: A language used to transform XML documents into other XML documents or formats.

XSLT processor: Software that applies an XSLT stylesheet to a source XML document to produce a result document.

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