Chapter 19

Ten All-Pro XSLT Resources on the Web

In This Chapter


bullet W3C XSLT Recommendation

bullet W3C XPath Recommendation

bullet Dave Pawson’s XSLT FAQ

bullet W3School’s XSL School

bullet MSDN’s XML Center


bullet Jeni’s XSLT Pages

bullet TopXML: XSLT Reference

bullet Nic Miloslav’s XSLT Tutorial

W eb sites are constantly coming and going, but the ten listed here are considered staples for the budding XSLT developer.

This site is perhaps the best all-around site for XSLT. It is a great place to go to get information about the latest XSLT engines, editors, and various utilities. The site also has links to several Web-based tutorials covering all aspects of learning XSLT. Further, you can get information on XSLT-related jobs and events.

W3C XSLT Recommendation

This site is the official XSLT standard. Everything in XSLT Land must conform to this document. You’ll find a lot of techno-speak, but this site can be helpful as a reference for the nitty-gritty details of XSLT.

W3C XPath Recommendation

This site is the official XPath standard. Like the XSLT recommendation, this document has a lot of techno-speak, but you may find it helpful as a reference.

Dave Pawson’s XSLT FAQ

In addition to its FAQs, this site also has sections on Things XSLT Can’t Do, Special Characters, XSLT Terminology, Where to Start, FO Questions, External Issues, and Extension Issues. Be aware that this site is suited more for XSLT geeks, but you can glean some useful information here.

W3School’s XSL School

The W3School’s Web site gives you an easy-to-understand online introduction to XSLT and language reference. You will want to bookmark this Web site when you need quick access to an online XSLT language reference.

MSDN’s XML Center

Although Microsoft-centric, the XML Center, which is part of the Microsoft Developer Network, contains good resources and articles for using XSLT, typically in combination with Microsoft technologies. Go to the XML Center and navigate to the XSLT-related resources.

XML101’s XSLT Tutorial offers useful examples of how to use XSLT for practical solutions. Its tutorials on using XSLT on the client and on the server are especially noteworthy.

Jeni’s XSLT Pages

This site is geared for advanced XSLT developers, with a lot of useful information in the form of mail archives. But if you sift through the correspondence, you can find extremely useful tips and techniques.

TopXML: XSLT Reference

The most interesting and useful part of this site is a chart of XSLT elements and their support in the W3C XSLT Recommendation versions, MSXML versions, and more.

Nic Miloslav’s XSLT Tutorial

This online XSLT tutorial has interesting examples scattered throughout. The tutorial is more of a survey-like format, but it does provide a good overview of XSLT functionality.

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