Non‐current assets are those that will provide economic benefits to an entity for a number of future periods. Accounting standards regarding long‐lived assets involve determination of the appropriate cost at which to record the assets initially, the amount at which to measure the assets at subsequent reporting dates, and the appropriate method(s) to be used to allocate the cost over the periods being benefited, if that is appropriate.

Non‐current non‐financial assets may be classified into two basic types: tangible and intangible. Tangible assets have physical substance, while intangible assets either have no physical substance, or have a value that is not conveyed by what physical substance they do have. For example, the value of gaming software is not reasonably measured by the cost of the DVDs on which these are contained.

The value of an intangible asset is a function of the rights or privileges that its ownership conveys to the business entity.

The recognition and measurement of intangibles such as brand names are problematic because many brands are internally generated, over a number of years, and there is little or no historical cost to be recognised under IFRS or most national GAAP standards.

As an example: the Dell brand does not appear on Dell's statement of financial position, nor does the Nestlé brand appear on Nestlé's statement of financial position. Exceptions to this are constructions where brand names are being transferred within large corporate clients outside the group structure, and consequently will be recognised and recorded as long‐lived assets. In these situations it is particularly important to determine whether the long‐lived assets are internally generated or not.

Concepts, designs, sales networks, brands and processes are all important elements of what enables one company to succeed while another fails, but the theoretical support for representing them on the statement of financial position is at an early stage of development. For that matter, few companies even attempt to monitor such values for internal management purposes, so it is hardly surprising that the external reporting is still evolving.

We can draw a distinction between internally generated intangibles which are difficult to measure and thus to recognise in the statement of financial position, such as research and development assets and brands, and those that are purchased externally by an entity and therefore have a purchase price. While an intangible can certainly be bought individually, most intangibles arise from acquisitions of other companies, where a bundle of assets and liabilities is acquired.

In this area of activity, we can further distinguish between identifiable intangibles and unidentifiable ones.

Identifiable intangibles include patents, copyrights, brand names, customer lists, trade names and other specific rights that typically can be conveyed by an owner without necessarily also transferring related physical assets. Goodwill, on the other hand, is a residual which incorporates all the intangibles that cannot be reliably measured separately, and is often analysed as containing both these and benefits that the acquiring entity expected to gain from the synergies or other efficiencies arising from a business combination and cannot normally be transferred to a new owner without also selling the other assets and/or the operations of the business.

Accounting for goodwill is addressed in IFRS 3, Business Combinations, and is discussed in Chapter 15 in this publication, in the context of business combinations. In this chapter we will address the recognition and measurement criteria for identifiable intangibles. This includes the criteria for separability and treatment of internally generated intangibles, such as research and development costs.

The subsequent measurement of intangibles depends upon whether they are considered to have indefinite economic value or a finite useful life. The standard on impairment of assets (IAS 36) pertains to both tangible and intangible long‐lived assets. This chapter will consider the implications of this standard for the accounting for intangible, separately identifiable assets.

Sources of IFRS
IFRS 3IAS 23, 36, 38SIC 32


IAS 38 applies to all reporting entities. It prescribes the accounting treatment for intangible assets, including development costs, but does not address intangible assets covered by other IFRS.


Active market. A market in which all the following conditions exist:

  1. The items traded in the market are homogeneous;
  2. Willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time; and
  3. Prices are available to the public.

Amortisation. Systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an intangible asset on a systematic basis over its useful life.

Asset. A resource that is:

  1. Controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and
  2. From which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.

Carrying amount. The amount at which an asset is recognised in the statement of financial position, net of any accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses thereon.

Cash‐generating unit. The smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use, largely independent of the cash inflows associated with other assets or groups of assets.

Corporate assets. Assets, excluding goodwill, that contribute to future cash flows of both the cash‐generating unit under review for impairment and other cash‐generating units.

Cost. Amount of cash or cash equivalent paid or the fair value of other considerations given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction or, where applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when initially recognised in accordance with the specific requirements of other IFRS (e.g., IFRS 2, Share‐Based Payment).

Depreciable amount. Cost of an asset or the other amount that has been substituted for cost, less the residual value of the asset.

Development. The application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services prior to commencement of commercial production or use. This should be distinguished from research, which must be expensed whereas development costs are capitalised.

Fair value. The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

Goodwill. An intangible asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognised.

Impairment loss. The excess of the carrying amount of an asset over its recoverable amount.

Intangible assets. Identifiable non‐monetary assets without physical substance.

Monetary assets. Money held and assets to be received in fixed or determinable amounts of money. Examples are cash, accounts receivable and notes receivable.

Net selling price. The amount that could be realised from the sale of an asset by means of an arm's‐length transaction, less costs of disposal.

Non‐monetary transactions. Exchanges and non‐reciprocal transfers that involve little or no monetary assets or liabilities.

Non‐reciprocal transfer. Transfer of assets or services in one direction, either from an entity to its owners or another entity, or from owners or another entity to the entity. An entity's reacquisition of its outstanding stock is a non‐reciprocal transfer.

Recoverable amount. The greater of an asset's or a cash‐generating unit's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use.

Research. The original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding. This should be distinguished from development, since the latter is capitalised whereas research costs must be expensed.

Residual value. Estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, net of estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

Useful life. Period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity; or the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by an entity.

Value in use. Present value of the cash flows an entity expects to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life.


Over the years, the role of intangible assets has grown ever more important for the operations and prosperity of many types of businesses, as the “knowledge‐based” economy becomes more dominant.

IFRS first addressed accounting for intangibles in a thorough way with IAS 38, which was promulgated in 1998. Research and development costs had earlier been addressed by IAS 9 (issued in 1978) and goodwill arising from a business combination was dealt with by IAS 22 (issued in 1983).

IAS 38 is the first comprehensive standard on intangibles and it superseded IAS 9. It established recognition criteria, measurement bases and disclosure requirements for intangible assets. The standard also stipulates that impairment testing for intangible assets (as specified by IAS 36) is to be undertaken on a regular basis. This is to ensure that only assets having recoverable values will be capitalised and carried forward to future periods as assets of the business.

IAS 38 was modified in 2004 to acknowledge that intangible assets could have indefinite useful lives. It had been the intent, when developing IAS 38, to stipulate that intangibles should have a maximum life of 20 years, but when this standard was finally approved, it included a rebuttable presumption that an intangible would have a life of no more than 20 years. The most recent amendment to IAS 38 removed the rebuttable presumption as to maximum economic life. IAS 38 now includes a list of intangibles that should normally be given separate recognition, and not merely grouped with goodwill, which is to denote only the unidentified intangible asset acquired in a business combination.

During the amendment project on clarification of acceptable methods of depreciation and amortisation in 2014, some changes came into place effectively as of January 1, 2016. Changes were made to clarify when the use of a revenue‐based amortisation method is appropriate.

Nature of Intangible Assets

Identifiable intangible assets include patents, copyrights, licences, customer lists, brand names, import quotas, computer software, marketing rights and specialised know‐how. These items have in common the fact that there is little or no tangible substance to them, and they have a useful life of greater than one year. In many but not all cases, the asset is separable; that is, it could be sold or otherwise disposed of without simultaneously disposing of or diminishing the value of other assets held.

Intangible assets are, by definition, assets that have no physical substance. However, there may be instances where intangibles also have some physical form. For example:

  1. There may be tangible evidence of an asset's existence, such as a certificate indicating that a patent had been granted, but this does not constitute the asset itself;
  2. Some intangible assets may be contained in or on a physical substance such as a USB stick or DVD (in the case of computer software); and
  3. Identifiable assets that result from research and development activities are intangible assets because the tangible prototype or model is secondary to the knowledge that is the primary outcome of those activities.

In the case of assets that have both tangible and intangible elements, there may be uncertainty about whether classification should be as tangible or intangible assets. For example, the IASB has deliberately not specified whether mineral exploration and evaluation assets should be considered as tangible or intangible, but rather in IFRS 6 (see Chapter 32) has established a requirement that a reporting entity consistently account for exploration and evaluation assets as either tangible or intangible.

As a rule of thumb, an asset that has both tangible and intangible elements should be classified as an intangible asset or a tangible asset based on the relative dominance or comparative significance of the tangible or the intangible components of the asset. For instance, computer software that is not an integral part of the related hardware equipment is treated as software (i.e., as an intangible asset). Conversely, certain computer software, such as the operating system, that is essential and an integral part of a computer, is treated as part of the hardware equipment (i.e., as property, plant and equipment as opposed to an intangible asset).

Recognition Criteria

Identifiable intangible assets have much in common with tangible long‐lived assets (property, plant and equipment), and the accounting for them is accordingly very similar. Recognition depends on whether the Framework definition of an asset is satisfied. The key criteria for determining whether intangible assets are to be recognised are:

  1. Whether the intangible asset can be identified separately from other aspects of the business entity;
  2. Whether the use of the intangible asset is controlled by the entity as a result of its past actions and events;
  3. Whether future economic benefits can be expected to flow to the entity; and
  4. Whether the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.


IAS 38 states that an intangible meets the identifiability requirement if:

  1. It is separable (i.e., is capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract, asset or liability); or
  2. It arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.

The nature of intangibles is such that, as discussed above, many are not recognised at the time that they come into being. The costs of creating many intangibles are typically expensed year by year (e.g., as research costs or other period expenses) before an asset has been created. The cost of internal intangible asset development cannot be capitalised retrospectively, and this means that such assets remain off the statement of financial position until and unless the entity is acquired by another entity. The acquiring entity must allocate the acquisition price over the bundle of assets and liabilities acquired, irrespective of whether those assets and liabilities had been recognised in the acquired company's statement of financial position. For that reason, the notion of identifiability is significant in enabling an allocation of the cost of a business combination to be made.

In a business acquisition, it is preferred that as many individual assets be recognised as possible, because the residual amount of unallocated acquisition cost is treated as goodwill, which provides less transparency to investors and other financial statement users. Furthermore, since goodwill is not subject to amortisation, and its continued recognition—notwithstanding the impairment testing provision—can be indirectly justified by the creation of internally generated goodwill, improperly combining identifiable intangibles with goodwill can have long‐term effects on the representational faithfulness of the entity's financial statements.

Inasmuch as the IASB advocates the recognition of the individual assets that may have been acquired in a business combination, it did acknowledge in the 2009 Improvements Project the difficulty that reporters may face in separating the intangible assets acquired. In this regard, the standard was amended to consider that an intangible asset acquired in a business combination might be separable, but only together with a related contract or liability. In such cases, the acquirer recognises the intangible asset separately from goodwill but together with the related item. The acquirer may recognise a group of complementary intangible assets as a single asset provided the individual assets in the group have similar useful lives. For example, the terms “brand” and “brand name” are often used as synonyms for trademarks and other marks. However, the former are general marketing terms that are typically used to refer to a group of complementary assets such as a trademark (or service mark) and its related trade name, formulas, recipes and technological expertise.


The provisions of IAS 38 require that an entity should be in a position to control the use of any intangible asset that is to be presented in the entity's statement of financial position. Control implies the power to both obtain future economic benefits from the asset as well as restrict others' access to those benefits. Normally, entities register patents, copyrights, etc., to ensure control over these intangible assets, although entities often have to engage in litigation to preserve that control.

A patent provides the registered owner (or licensee) the exclusive right to use the underlying product or process without any interference or infringement from others. In contrast with these, intangible assets arising from technical knowledge of staff, customer loyalty, long‐term training benefits, etc., will have difficulty meeting this recognition criteria despite expected future economic benefits to be derived from them. This is because the entity would find it impossible to fully control these resources or to prevent others from controlling them.

For instance, even if an entity expends considerable resources on training that will supposedly increase staff skills, the economic benefits from skilled staff cannot be controlled, since trained employees could leave their current employment and move on in their career to other employers. Hence, staff training expenditures, no matter how material in amount, do not qualify as an intangible asset.

Future economic benefits

Generally, an asset is recognised only if it is probable that future economic benefits specifically associated therewith will flow to the reporting entity, and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Traditionally, the probability issue acts as an on‐off switch. If the future cash flow is more likely than not to occur, the item is recognised, but if the cash flow is less likely to occur, nothing is recognised. However, under IFRS 3, Business Combinations, where an intangible asset is acquired as part of a business combination, it is valued at fair value, and the fair value computation is affected by the probability that the future cash flow will occur. Under the fair value approach, the recorded amount is determined as the present value of the cash flow, adjusted for the likelihood of receiving it, as well as for the time value of money. Under IFRS 3 the probability criteria are always considered satisfied for intangible assets that are acquired separately or in a business combination.

The future economic benefits envisaged by the standard may take the form of revenue from the sale of products or services, cost savings or other benefits resulting from the use of the intangible asset by the entity. A good example of other benefits resulting from the use of the intangible asset is the use by an entity of a secret formula (which the entity has protected legally) that leads to reduced levels of competition in the marketplace, thus enhancing the prospects for substantial and profitable future sales and reduced expenditures on such matters as product development and advertising.

Measurement of the Cost of Intangibles

The conditions under which the intangible asset has been acquired will determine the measurement of its cost.

The cost of an intangible asset acquired separately is determined in a manner largely analogous to that for tangible long‐lived assets as described in Chapter 9. Thus, the cost of a separately acquired intangible asset includes:

  1. Its purchase price, including legal and brokerage fees, import duties and non‐refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates; and
  2. Any directly attributable costs incurred to prepare the asset for its intended use. Directly attributable costs would include costs of employee benefits arising directly from bringing the asset to its intended use, professional fees incurred in bringing the asset to its working condition, and costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly.

As with tangible assets, capitalisation of costs ceases at the point when the intangible asset is ready to be placed in service in the manner intended by management. Any costs incurred in using or redeploying intangible assets are accordingly excluded from the cost of those assets. Thus, any costs incurred while the asset is capable of being used in the manner intended by management, but while it has yet to be placed into service, would be expensed, not capitalised. Similarly, initial operating losses, such as those incurred while demand for the asset's productive outputs is being developed, cannot be capitalised. Examples of expenditures that are not part of the cost of an intangible asset include costs of introducing a new product or service, costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customers, and administration and other general overhead costs. On the other hand, further costs incurred for the purpose of improving the asset's level of performance would qualify for capitalisation. In all these particulars, guidance under IAS 38 mirrors that under IAS 16.

According to IAS 38, the cost of an intangible asset acquired as part of a business combination is its fair value as at the date of acquisition. If the intangible asset is separable or arises from contractual or other legal rights sufficient information exists to measure reliably the fair value of the asset. If the intangible asset has no active market, then fair value is determined based on the amount that the entity would have paid for the asset in an arm's‐length transaction at the date of acquisition. If the fair value of an intangible asset acquired as part of a business combination cannot be measured reliably, then that asset is not separately recognised, but rather is included in goodwill. This fallback position is to be used only when direct identification of the intangible asset's value cannot be accomplished.

If payment for an intangible asset is deferred beyond normal credit terms, its cost is the cash price equivalent. The difference between this amount and the total payments is recognised as financing cost over the period of credit unless it is capitalised in accordance with IAS 23 (see Chapter 10).

Intangibles acquired through an exchange of assets

In other situations, intangible assets may be acquired in exchange or partly in exchange for other dissimilar intangible or other assets. The same commercial substance rules under IAS 16 apply under IAS 38. If the exchange will affect the future cash flows of the entity, then it has commercial substance, the acquired asset is recognised at its fair value and the asset given up is also measured at fair value. Any difference between carrying amount of the asset(s) given up and those acquired will be given recognition as a gain or loss. However, if there is no commercial substance to the exchange, or the fair values cannot be measured reliably, then the value used is that of the asset given up.

Internally generated goodwill is not recognised as an intangible asset because it fails to meet recognition criteria, including:

  • Reliable measurement of cost;
  • An identity separate from other resources; and
  • Control by the reporting entity.

In practice, accountants are often confronted with the reporting entity's desire to recognise internally generated goodwill based on the premise that at a certain point in time the market value of an entity exceeds the carrying amount of its identifiable net assets. However, IAS 38 categorically states that such differences cannot be considered to represent the cost of intangible assets controlled by the entity, and hence could not meet the criteria for recognition (i.e., capitalisation) of such an asset in the accounts of the entity. Nonetheless, standard setters are concerned that when an entity tests a cash‐generating unit for impairment, internally generated goodwill cannot be separated from acquired goodwill, and that it forms a cushion against impairment of acquired goodwill. In other words, when an entity has properly recognised goodwill (i.e., that acquired in a business combination), implicitly there is the likelihood that internally generated goodwill may well achieve recognition in later periods, to the extent that this offsets the impairment of goodwill.

Intangibles acquired at little or no cost by means of government grants

If the intangible is acquired without cost or by payment of nominal consideration, as by means of a government grant (e.g., when the government grants the right to operate a radio station) or similar means, and assuming the historical cost treatment is being utilised to account for these assets, obviously there will be little or no amount reflected as an asset. If the asset is important to the reporting entity's operations, however, it must be adequately disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

If the revaluation method of accounting for the asset is used, as permitted under IAS 38, the fair value should be determined by reference to an active market. However, given the probable lack of an active market, since government grants are virtually never transferable, it is unlikely that this situation will be encountered. If an active market does not exist for this type of intangible asset, the entity must recognise the asset at cost. Cost would include those that are directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use. Government grants are addressed in Chapter 21.

Internally Generated Intangibles other than Goodwill

In many instances, intangibles are generated internally by an entity, rather than being acquired via a business combination or some other acquisitions. Because of the nature of intangibles, the measurement of the cost (i.e., the initial amounts at which these could be recognised as assets) is constrained by the fact that many of the costs have already been expensed by the time the entity is able to determine that an asset has indeed been created. For example, when launching a new magazine, an entity may have to operate the magazine at a loss in its early years, expensing large promotional and other costs which all flow through the income statement before such time as the magazine can be determined to have become established, and have branding that might be taken to represent an intangible asset. At the point the brand is determined to be an asset, all the costs of creating it have already been expensed, and no retrospective adjustment is allowed to create a recognised asset.

IAS 38 provides that internally generated intangible assets are to be capitalised and amortised over the projected period of economic utility, provided that certain criteria are met.

Expenditures pertaining to the creation of intangible assets are to be classified alternatively as being indicative of, or analogous to, either research activity or development activity.

Costs incurred in the research phase are expensed immediately; and

If costs incurred in the development phase meet the recognition criteria for an intangible asset, such costs should be capitalised. However, once costs have been expensed during the development phase, they cannot later be capitalised.

In practice, distinguishing research‐like expenditures from development‐like expenditures might not be easily accomplished. This would be especially true in the case of intangibles for which the measurement of economic benefits cannot be accomplished in anything approximating a direct manner. Assets such as brand names, mastheads and customer lists can prove quite resistant to such direct observation of value (although in many industries there are rules of thumb, such as the notion that a customer list in the securities brokerage business is worth $1,500 per name, implying the amount of promotional costs a purchaser of a customer list could avoid incurring itself).

Thus, entities may incur certain expenditures to enhance brand names, such as engaging in image‐advertising campaigns, but these costs will also have ancillary benefits, such as promoting specific products that are being sold currently, and possibly even enhancing employee morale and performance. While it may be argued that the expenditures create or add to an intangible asset, as a practical matter it would be difficult to determine what portion of the expenditures relate to which achievement, and to ascertain how much, if any, of the cost may be capitalised as part of brand names. Thus, it is considered to be unlikely that threshold criteria for recognition can be met in such a case. For this reason, IAS 38 has specifically disallowed the capitalisation of internally generated assets like brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists and items similar in substance to these.

Apart from the prohibited items, however, IAS 38 permits recognition of internally created intangible assets to the extent the expenditures can be attributed to the development phase of a research and development programme. Thus, internally developed patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchises and other assets will be recognised at the cost of creation, exclusive of costs which would be analogous to research, as further explained in the following paragraphs. The Basis for Conclusions to IAS 38 notes that “some view these requirements and guidance as being too restrictive and arbitrary” and that they reflect the standard setter's interpretation of the recognition criteria but agree that they reflect the fact that it is difficult in practice to determine whether there is an internally generated asset separate from internally generated goodwill.

When an internally generated intangible asset meets the recognition criteria, the cost is determined using the same principles as for an acquired tangible asset. Thus, cost comprises all costs directly attributable to creating, producing and preparing the asset for its intended use. IAS 38 closely mirrors IAS 16 with regard to elements of cost that may be considered as part of the asset, and the need to recognise the cash equivalent price when the acquisition transaction provides for deferred payment terms. As with self‐constructed tangible assets, elements of profit must be eliminated from amounts capitalised, but incremental administrative and other overhead costs can be allocated to the intangible and included in the asset's cost provided these can be directly attributed to preparing the asset for use. Initial operating losses, on the other hand, cannot be deferred by being added to the cost of the intangible, but rather must be expensed as incurred.

The standard takes this view based on the premise that an entity cannot demonstrate that the expenditure incurred in the research phase will generate probable future economic benefits, and consequently that an intangible asset has been created (therefore, such expenditure should be expensed). Examples of research activities include activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge; the search for, evaluation and final selection of applications of research findings; and the search for and formulation of alternatives for new and improved systems, etc.

The standard recognises that the development stage is further advanced towards ultimate commercial exploitation of the product or service being created than is the research stage. It acknowledges that an entity can possibly, in certain cases, identify an intangible asset and demonstrate that this asset will probably generate future economic benefits for the organisation. Accordingly, IAS 38 allows recognition of an intangible asset during the development phase, provided the entity can demonstrate all of the following:

  1. Technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;
  2. Its intention to complete the intangible asset and either use it or sell it;
  3. Its ability to use or sell the intangible asset;
  4. The mechanism by which the intangible will generate probable future economic benefits;
  5. The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and
  6. The entity's ability to reliably measure the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

Examples of development activities include: the design and testing of preproduction prototypes or models; design of tools, jigs, moulds and dies, including new technology; design, construction and operation of a pilot plant which is not otherwise commercially feasible; and design and testing of a preferred alternative for new and improved devices, products, processes, systems or services.

Recognition of internally generated computer software costs

The recognition of computer software costs poses several questions:

  1. In the case of a company developing software programs for sale, should the costs incurred in developing the software be expensed, or should the costs be capitalised and amortised?
  2. Is the treatment for developing software programs different if the program is to be used for in‐house applications only?
  3. In the case of purchased software, should the cost of the software be capitalised as a tangible asset or as an intangible asset, or should it be expensed fully and immediately?

In view of IAS 38's provisions the position can be clarified as follows:

  1. In the case of a software‐developing company, the costs incurred in the development of software programs are research and development costs. Accordingly, all expenses incurred in the research phase would be expensed. That is, all expenses incurred before technological feasibility for the product has been established should be expensed. The reporting entity would have to demonstrate both technological feasibility and a probability of its commercial success. Technological feasibility would be established if the entity has completed a detailed program design or working model. The entity should have completed the planning, designing, coding and testing activities and established that the product can be successfully produced. Apart from being capable of production, the entity should demonstrate that it has the intention and ability to use or sell the program. Action taken to obtain control over the program in the form of copyrights or patents would support capitalisation of these costs. At this stage, the software program would be able to meet the criteria of identifiability, control and future economic benefits, and can thus be capitalised and amortised as an intangible asset.
  2. In the case of software internally developed for in‐house use—for example, a computerised payroll program developed by the reporting entity itself—the accounting approach would be different. While the program developed may have some utility to the entity itself, it would be difficult to demonstrate how the program would generate future economic benefits to the entity. Also, in the absence of any legal rights to control the program or to prevent others from using it, the recognition criteria would not be met. Furthermore, the cost proposed to be capitalised should be recoverable. In view of the impairment test prescribed by the standard, the carrying amount of the asset may not be recoverable and would accordingly have to be adjusted. Considering the above facts, such costs may need to be expensed.
  3. In the case of purchased software, the treatment could differ and would need to be evaluated on a case‐by‐case basis. Software purchased for sale would be treated as inventory. However, software held for licensing or rental to others should be recognised as an intangible asset. On the other hand, cost of software purchased by an entity for its own use, and which is integral to the hardware (because without that software the equipment cannot operate), would be treated as part of the cost of the hardware and capitalised as property, plant and equipment. Thus, the cost of an operating system purchased for an in‐house computer or cost of software purchased for a computer‐controlled machine tool, is treated as part of the related hardware.

The costs of other software programs should be treated as intangible assets (as opposed to being capitalised along with the related hardware), as they are not an integral part of the hardware. For example, the cost of payroll or inventory software (purchased) may be treated as an intangible asset provided it meets the capitalisation criteria under IAS 38. In practice, the conservative approach would be to expense such costs as they are incurred, since their ability to generate future economic benefits will always be questionable. If the costs are capitalised, useful lives should be conservatively estimated (i.e., kept brief) because of the well‐known risk of technological obsolescence.

Costs Not Satisfying the IAS 38 Recognition Criteria

The standard has specifically provided that expenditures incurred for non‐financial intangible assets should be recognised as an expense unless:

  1. It relates to an intangible asset dealt with in another IFRS;
  2. The cost forms part of the cost of an intangible asset that meets the recognition criteria prescribed by IAS 38; or
  3. It is acquired in a business combination and cannot be recognised as an identifiable intangible asset. In this case, this expenditure should form part of the amount attributable to goodwill as at the date of acquisition.

As a consequence of applying the above criteria, the following costs are expensed as they are incurred:

  1. Research costs;
  2. Pre‐opening costs for a new facility or business, and plant start‐up costs incurred during a period prior to full‐scale production or operation, unless these costs are capitalised as part of the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment;
  3. Organisation costs such as legal and secretarial costs, which are typically incurred in establishing a legal entity;
  4. Training costs involved in operating a business or a product line;
  5. Advertising and related costs;
  6. Relocation, restructuring and other costs involved in organising a business or product line;
  7. Customer lists, brands, mastheads and publishing titles that are internally generated.

In some country's entities have previously been allowed to defer and amortise set‐up costs and pre‐operating costs on the premise that benefits from them flow to the entity over future periods as well. IAS 38 does not condone this view.

The criteria for recognition of intangible assets as provided in IAS 38 are rather stringent, and many entities will find that expenditures either to acquire or to develop intangible assets will fail the test for capitalisation. In such instances, all these costs must be expensed as period costs when incurred. Furthermore, once expensed, these costs cannot be resurrected and capitalised in a later period, even if the conditions for such treatment are later met. This is not meant, however, to preclude correction of an error made in an earlier period if the conditions for capitalisation were met but interpreted incorrectly by the reporting entity at that time.

Improvements to IFRS published by the IASB in May 2008 included two amendments to IAS 38. One improvement clarifies that certain expenditures are recognised as an expense when the entity either has access to the goods or has received the services. Examples of expenditures that are recognised as an expense when incurred include research costs, expenditure on start‐up activities, training activities, advertising and promotional activities, and on relocating or reorganising part or all of an entity. Advertising and promotional activities now specifically include mail‐order catalogues. Logically, these expenditures have difficult‐to‐measure future economic benefits (e.g., advertising), or are not controlled by the reporting entity (e.g., training), and therefore do not meet the threshold conditions for recognition as assets. For some entities, this amendment may result in expenditures being recognised as an expense earlier than in the past.

In addition, a second improvement to IAS 38 removed the reference to the use of anything other than the straight‐line method of amortisation being rare, and makes it clear that entities may use the unit of production method of amortisation even if it results in a lower amount of accumulated amortisation than does the straight‐line method. This would specifically apply to some service concession arrangements, where an intangible asset for the right to charge users for public service is created. Consequently, entities will have more flexibility as to the method of amortisation of intangible assets and will need to evaluate a pattern of future benefits arising from those assets when selecting the method.

Subsequently Incurred Costs

Under the provisions of IAS 38, the capitalisation of any subsequent costs incurred on recognised intangible assets is subject to the same recognition criteria as initial costs. In practice, capitalisation of subsequent expenditure is often difficult to justify. This is because the nature of an intangible asset is such that, in many cases, it is not possible to determine whether subsequent costs are likely to enhance the specific economic benefits that will flow to the entity from those assets. Provided they meet the recognition criteria for intangible assets, any subsequent expenditure on an intangible after its purchase or its completion should be capitalised along with its cost. The following example should help to illustrate this point better.

Measurement Subsequent to Initial Recognition

IAS 38 acknowledges the validity of two alternative measurement bases: the cost model and the revaluation model. This is entirely comparable to what is prescribed under IAS 16 relative to property, plant and equipment.

Cost model

After initial recognition, an intangible asset should be carried at its cost less any accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Revaluation model

As with tangible assets, the standard for intangibles permits revaluation subsequent to original acquisition, with the asset being written up to fair value. Inasmuch as most of the particulars of IAS 38 follow IAS 16 to the letter, and were described in detail in Chapter 9, these will not be repeated here. The unique features of IAS 38 are as follows:

  1. If the intangibles were not initially recognised (i.e., they were expensed rather than capitalised) it would not be possible to later recognise them at fair value.
  2. Deriving fair value by applying a present value concept to projected cash flows (a technique that can be used in the case of tangible assets under IAS 16) is deemed to be too unreliable in the realm of intangibles, primarily because it would tend to commingle the impact of identifiable assets and goodwill. Accordingly, fair value of an intangible asset should only be determined by reference to an active market in that type of intangible asset. Active markets providing meaningful data are not expected to exist for such unique assets as patents and trademarks, and thus it is presumed that revaluation will not be applied to these types of assets in the normal course of business. As a consequence, the standard effectively restricts revaluation of intangible assets to freely tradable intangible assets.

As with the rules pertaining to property, plant and equipment under IAS 16, if some intangible assets in a given class are subjected to revaluation, all the assets in that class should be consistently accounted for unless fair value information is not or ceases to be available. Also, in common with the requirements for tangible fixed assets, IAS 38 requires that revaluations be recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity in the revaluation surplus account for that asset, except to the extent that previous impairments had been recognised by a charge against profit or loss, in which case the recovery would also be recognised in profit or loss. If recovery is recognised in profit or loss, any revaluation above what the carrying amount would have been in the absence of the impairment is to be recognised in other comprehensive income.

A recent amendment to IAS 38 has clarified that the gross value is restated (either by reference to market data or proportionally to the change in carrying amount) and that accumulated depreciation is the difference between the new gross amount and the new carrying amount.

Development costs as a special case

Development costs pose a special problem in terms of the application of the revaluation method under IAS 38. In general, it will not be possible to obtain fair value data from active markets, as is required by IAS 38. Accordingly, the expectation is that the cost method will be almost universally applied for development costs.

If, however, it is determined that fair value information derived from active markets is indeed available, and the entity desires to apply the revaluation method of accounting to development costs, then it will be necessary to perform revaluations on a regular basis, such that at any reporting date the carrying amounts are not materially different from the current fair values. From a mechanical perspective, the adjustment to fair value can be accomplished either by “grossing up” the cost and the accumulated amortisation accounts proportionally, or by netting the accumulated amortisation, prior to revaluation, against the asset account and then restating the asset to the net fair value as of the revaluation date. In either case, the net effect of the upward revaluation will be recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity; the only exception would be when an upward revaluation is in effect a reversal of a previously recognised impairment which was reported as a charge against profit or a revaluation decrease (reversal or a yet earlier upward adjustment) which was reflected in profit or loss.

The accounting for revaluations is illustrated below.

Amortisation Period

IAS 38 requires the entity to determine whether an intangible has a finite or indefinite useful life. An indefinite future life means that there is no foreseeable limit on the period during which the asset is expected to generate net cash inflows. For the entity, the standard lists a number of factors to be taken into account:

  1. The expected usage by the entity;
  2. Typical product life cycles for the asset;
  3. Technical, technological, commercial or other types of obsolescence;
  4. The stability of the industry in which the asset operates;
  5. Expected actions by competitors, or potential competitors;
  6. The level of maintenance expenditures required to generate the future economic benefits, and the company's ability and intention to reach such a level;
  7. The period of control over the asset and legal or similar limits on the use of the asset (such as lease expiry dates);
  8. Whether the useful life of the asset is dependent on the useful life of other assets of the company.

Assets having a finite useful life must be amortised over that useful life, and this may be done in any of the usual ways (pro rata over time, over units of production, etc.). If control over the future economic benefits from an intangible asset is achieved through legal rights for a finite period, then the useful life of the intangible asset should not exceed the period of legal rights, unless the legal rights are renewable, and the renewal is a virtual certainty. Thus, as a practical matter, the shorter legal life will set the upper limit for an amortisation period in most cases.

The amortisation method used should reflect the pattern in which the economic benefits of the asset are consumed by the entity. Amortisation should commence when the asset is available for use and the amortisation charge for each period should be recognised as an expense unless it is included in the carrying amount of another asset (e.g., inventory). Intangible assets may be amortised by the same systematic methods that are used to depreciate property, plant and equipment. Thus, IAS 38 permits straight‐line, diminishing balance, and units of production methods. The method used should reflect the expected pattern of the consumption of expected future economic benefits.

IAS 38 was amended effective January 1, 2016 to confirm that depreciation methods based on revenues that are generated by activities, including the use of an asset, are not appropriate, as revenue generally reflects factors other than the consumption of the economic benefits inherent within an asset. There is a rebuttable presumption that amortisation methods based on generated revenues are inappropriate. Such revenues are not only dependent on the use of the intangible asset but also dependent on other factors such as the activity itself, other inputs and processes, selling activities and changes in sales volumes and prices.

Basing amortisation on revenues is only allowed in two very limited circumstances:

  1. In the situation that intangible fixed assets are a measure of revenue, i.e., when a limit is made in a contract referring to time or units.

    Example: Company ABC is allowed for six months to extract rubies from a certain designated area due to specific environmental legislation. In this situation it is determined in a contract that there is a limited period in which the company may extract the rubies and as a result, intangible fixed assets may be amortised with revenues as a basis.

  2. Or the revenue and the realisation of economic benefits resulting from the intangible fixed asset are highly correlated and as such revenue is not dependent on other factors, inputs and processes or activities.

IAS 38 offers several examples of how useful life of intangibles is to be assessed. These include the following types of assets:

Customer lists

Care is urged to ensure that amortisation is only over the expected useful life of the acquired list, ignoring the extended life that may be created as the acquirer adds to the list by virtue of its own efforts and costs, after acquisition. In many instances the initial, purchased list will erode in value rather quickly, since contacts become obsolete as customers migrate to other vendors, leave business and so forth. These assets must be constantly refreshed, and that will involve expenditures by the acquirer of the original list (and whether those costs justify capitalisation and amortisation is a separate issue).

For example, the acquired list might have a useful economic life of only two years (i.e., without additional expenditures, the value will be fully consumed over that time horizon). Two years would be the amortisation period, therefore.


While a patent has a legal economic life (depending on jurisdiction of issuance) of as long as several decades, realistically, due to evolving technology and end‐product obsolescence or changing customer tastes and preferences, the useful life may be much less. IAS 38 offers an example of a patent having a 15‐year remaining life and a firm offer to acquire by a third party in five years, at a fixed fraction of the original acquirer's cost. In such a situation (which is probably unusual, however), amortisation of the fraction not to be recovered in the subsequent sale, over a five‐year period, would be appropriate.

In other situations, it would be necessary to estimate the economic life of the patent and amortise the entire cost, in the absence of any firmly established residual value, over that period. It should be noted that there is increasing activity involving the monetising of intellectual property values, including via the packaging of groups of patents and transferring them to special‐purpose entities which then license them to third‐party licensees. This shows promise of becoming an important way for patent holders to reap greater benefits from existing pools of patents held by them but is in its infancy at this time and future success cannot be reliably predicted. Amortisation of existing acquired patents or other intellectual property (intangible assets) should not be based on highly speculative values that might be obtained from such arrangements.

Additionally, whatever lives are assigned to patents for amortisation purposes, these should regularly be reconsidered. As necessary, changes in useful lives should be implemented, which would be changes in estimate affecting current and future periods' amortisation only, unless an accounting error had previously been made.


In many jurisdictions, copyrights now have very lengthy terms, but for most materials so protected the actual useful lives will be very much shorter, sometimes only a year or two.

Renewable licence rights

In many situations, the entity may acquire licence rights, such as broadcasting of radio or television signals, which technically expire after a fixed term, but which are essentially renewable with little or no cost incurred as long as minimum performance criteria are met. If there is adequate evidence to demonstrate that this description is accurate and that the reporting entity has indeed been able, previously, to successfully accomplish this, then the intangible will be deemed to have an indefinite life and not be subjected to periodic amortisation. However, this makes it more vital that impairment be regularly reviewed, since even if control of the rights remains with the reporting entity, changes in technology or consumer demand may serve to diminish the value of that asset. If impaired, a charge against earnings must be recognised, with the remaining unimpaired cost (if any) continuing to be recognised as an indefinite life intangible.

Similar actions would be warranted in the case of airline route authority. If readily renewable, without limitation, provided that minimal regulations are complied with (such as maintaining airport terminal space in a prescribed manner), the standard suggests that this be treated as an indefinite‐life intangible. Annual impairment testing would be required, as with all indefinite‐life intangibles (more often if there is any indication of impairment).

IAS 38 notes that a change in the governmental licensing regime may require a change in how these are accounted for. It cites an example of a change that ends perfunctory renewal and substitutes public auctions for the rights at each renewal date. In such an instance, the reporting entity can no longer presume to have any right to continue after expiration of the current licence and must amortise its cost over the remaining term.

Residual Value

Tangible assets often have a positive residual value before considering the disposal costs because tangible assets can generally be sold, at least for scrap, or possibly can be transferred to another user that has less need for or ability to afford new assets of that type. Intangibles, on the other hand, often have little or no residual worth. Accordingly, IAS 38 requires that a zero residual value be presumed unless an accurate measure of residual value is possible. Thus, the residual value is presumed to be zero unless:

  1. There is a commitment by a third party to acquire the asset at the end of its useful life; or
  2. There is an active market for that type of intangible asset, and residual value can be measured reliably by reference to that market and it is probable that such a market will exist at the end of the useful life.

IAS 38 specifies that the residual value of an intangible asset is the estimated net amount that the reporting entity currently expects to obtain from disposal of the asset at the end of its useful life, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its estimated useful life. Changes in estimated selling prices or other variables that occur over the expected period of use of the asset are not to be included in the estimated residual value, since this would result in the recognition of projected future holding gains over the life of the asset (via reduced amortisation that would be the consequence of a higher estimated residual value).

Residual value is to be assessed at the end of each reporting period. Any change to the estimated residual, other than that resulting from impairment (accounted for under IAS 36), is to be accounted for prospectively by varying future periodic amortisation. Similarly, any change in amortisation method (e.g., from accelerated to straight‐line), based on an updated understanding of the pattern of future usage and economic benefits to be reaped therefrom, is dealt with as a change in estimate, again to be reflected only through changes in future periodic charges for amortisation.

Periodic review of useful life assumptions and amortisation methods employed

As for tangible assets accounted for in conformity with IAS 16, the standard on intangibles requires that the amortisation period be reconsidered at the end of each reporting period, and that the method of amortisation also be reviewed at similar intervals. There is the expectation that due to their nature, intangibles are more likely to require revisions to one or both of these judgements. In either case, a change would be accounted for as a change in estimate, affecting current and future periods' reported earnings but not requiring restatement of previously reported periods.

Intangibles being accounted for as having an indefinite life must furthermore be reassessed periodically, as management plans and expectations almost inevitably vary over time. For example, a trademarked product, despite having wide consumer recognition and acceptance, can become irrelevant as tastes and preferences alter, and a limited horizon, perhaps a very short one, may emerge with little warning. Business history is littered with formerly valuable franchises that, for whatever reason—including management missteps—become valueless.

Impairment Losses

Where an asset is determined to have an indefinite useful life, the entity must conduct impairment tests annually, as well as whenever there is an indication that the intangible may be impaired. Furthermore, the presumption that the asset has an indefinite life must also be reviewed.

The impairment of intangible assets other than goodwill (such as patents, copyrights, trade names, customer lists and franchise rights) should be considered in precisely the same way that long‐lived tangible assets are dealt with. The impairment loss under IAS 36 is the amount by which carrying amount exceeds recoverable amount. Carrying amount must be compared to recoverable amount (the greater of fair value less costs to sell or value in use) when there are indications that an impairment may have been suffered. Net selling price is the price of an asset in an active market less disposal costs, and value in use is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal.

IAS 36 permits reversals of impairment losses on assets other than goodwill under defined conditions. The effects of impairment recognitions and reversals will be reflected in profit or loss, if the intangible assets in question are being accounted for in accordance with the cost method.

On the other hand, if the revaluation method of accounting for intangible assets is followed (use of which is possible only if strict criteria are met), impairments will normally be recognised in other comprehensive income to the extent that revaluation surplus exists, and only to the extent that the loss exceeds previously recognised valuation surplus will the impairment loss be reported as a charge in profit or loss. Recoveries are handled consistent with the method by which impairments were reported, in a manner entirely analogous to the explanation in Chapter 9 dealing with impairments of property, plant and equipment.

Unlike other intangible assets that are individually identifiable, goodwill is amorphous and cannot exist, from a financial reporting perspective, apart from the tangible and identifiable intangible assets with which it was acquired and remains associated. Thus, a direct evaluation of the recoverable amount of goodwill is not actually feasible.

Improvements to IFRS issued in 2009 amended the requirements for allocating goodwill to cash‐generating units as described in IAS 36, since the definition of operating segments introduced in IFRS 8 affects the determination of the largest unit permitted for goodwill impairment testing in IAS 36. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination should, from the acquisition date, be allocated to each of the acquirer's cash‐generating units (or groups of cash‐generating units) that is expected to benefit from synergies resulting from combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities are allocated to this unit (or units).

Each cash‐generating unit should:

  1. Represent the lowest level of the entity at which management monitors goodwill (which should be the same as the lowest level of operating segments at which the chief operating decision maker regularly reviews operating results in accordance with IFRS 8); and
  2. Not be larger than the operating segment, as defined in IFRS 8, before any permitted aggregation.

Derecognition of Intangible Assets

An intangible asset should be derecognised (1) on disposal, or (2) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. With regard to questions of accounting for the disposals of assets, the guidance of IAS 38 is consistent with that of IAS 16. A gain or loss arising from the derecognition of an intangible asset, determined as the difference between its carrying amount and the net disposal proceeds, is recognised in profit or loss (unless IAS 17 requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback) when the asset is derecognised. The 2004 amendment to IAS 38 observes that a disposal of an intangible asset may be effected either by a sale of the asset or by entering into a finance lease. The determination of the date of disposal of the intangible asset is made by applying the criteria in IAS 18 for recognising revenue from the sale of goods, or IAS 17 in the case of disposal by a sale and leaseback. As for other similar transactions, the consideration receivable on disposal of an intangible asset is to be recognised initially at fair value. If payment for such an intangible asset is deferred, the consideration received is recognised initially at the cash price equivalent, with any difference between the nominal amount of the consideration and the cash price equivalent to be recognised as interest revenue under IAS 18, using the effective yield method.

Website Development and Operating Costs

Websites have become integral to doing business and may be designed either for external or internal access. Those designed for external access are developed and maintained for the purposes of promotion and advertising of an entity's products and services to their potential consumers. On the other hand, those developed for internal access may be used for displaying company policies and storing customer details.

With substantial costs being incurred by many entities for website development and maintenance, the need for accounting guidance became evident. SIC 32, issued in 2002, concluded that such costs represent an internally generated intangible asset that is subject to the requirements of IAS 38, and that such costs should be recognised if, and only if, an entity can satisfy the requirements set forth in IAS 38. Therefore, website costs have been likened to “development phase” (as opposed to “research phase”) costs.

Thus, the stringent qualifying conditions applicable to the development phase, such as “ability to generate future economic benefits,” have to be met if such costs are to be recognised as an intangible asset. If an entity is not able to demonstrate how a website developed solely or primarily for promoting and advertising its own products and services will generate probable future economic benefits, all expenditure on developing such a website should be recognised as an expense when incurred.

Any internal expenditure on development and operation of the website should be accounted for in accordance with IAS 38. Comprehensive additional guidance is provided in the Appendix to SIC 32 and is summarised below:

  1. Planning stage expenditures, such as undertaking feasibility studies, defining hardware and software specifications, evaluating alternative products and suppliers, and selecting preferences, should be expensed;
  2. Application and infrastructure development costs pertaining to acquisition of tangible assets, such as purchasing and developing hardware, should be dealt with in accordance with IAS 16;
  3. Other application and infrastructure development costs, such as obtaining a domain name, developing operating software, developing code for the application, installing developed applications on the web server and stress testing, should be expensed when incurred unless the conditions prescribed by IAS 38 are met;
  4. Graphical design development costs, such as designing the appearance of Web pages, should be expensed when incurred unless recognition criteria prescribed by IAS 38 are met;
  5. Content development costs, such as expenses incurred for creating, purchasing, preparing and uploading information onto the website, to the extent that these costs are incurred to advertise and promote an entity's own products or services, should be expensed immediately, consistent with how other advertising and related costs are to be accounted for under IFRS. Thus, these costs are not deferred, even until first displayed on the website, but are expensed when incurred;
  6. Operating costs, such as updating graphics and revising content, adding new functions, registering the website with search engines, backing up data, reviewing security access and analysing usage of the website should be expensed when incurred, unless in rare circumstances these costs meet the criteria prescribed in IAS 38, in which case such expenditure is capitalised as a cost of the website; and
  7. Other costs, such as selling and administrative overhead (excluding expenditure which can be directly attributed to preparation of website for use), initial operating losses and inefficiencies incurred before the website achieves its planned operating status, and training costs of employees to operate the website, should all be expensed as incurred as required under IFRS.


The disclosure requirements set out in IAS 38 for intangible assets and those imposed by IAS 16 for property, plant and equipment are very similar, and both demand extensive details to be disclosed in the financial statement footnotes. Another marked similarity is the exemption from disclosing “comparative information” with respect to the reconciliation of carrying amounts at the beginning and end of the period. While this may be misconstrued as a departure from the well‐known principle of presenting all numerical information in comparative form, it is worth noting that it is in line with the provisions of IAS 1. IAS 1 categorically states that “unless a Standard permit or requires otherwise, comparative information should be disclosed in respect of the previous period for all numerical information in the financial statements ….”

For each class of intangible assets (distinguishing between internally generated and other intangible assets), disclosure is required of:

  1. Whether the useful lives are indefinite or finite and if finite, the useful lives or amortisation rates used;
  2. The amortisation method(s) used;
  3. The gross carrying amount and accumulated amortisation (including accumulated impairment losses) at both the beginning and end of the period;
  4. A reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period showing additions (analysed between those acquired separately and those acquired in a business combination), assets classified as held‐for‐sale, retirements, disposals, acquisitions by means of business combinations, increases or decreases resulting from revaluations, reductions to recognise impairments, amounts written back to recognise recoveries of prior impairments, amortisation during the period, the net effect of translation of foreign entities' financial statements, and any other material items; and
  5. The line item in the statement of comprehensive income (or statement of profit or loss, if presented separately) in which the amortisation charge of intangible assets is included.

The standard explains the concept of “class of intangible assets” as a “grouping of assets of similar nature and use in an entity's operations.” Examples of intangible assets that could be reported as separate classes are:

  1. Brand names;
  2. Licences and franchises;
  3. Mastheads and publishing titles;
  4. Computer software;
  5. Copyrights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and operating right;
  6. Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes; and
  7. Intangible assets under development.

The above list is only illustrative in nature. Intangible assets may be combined (or disaggregated) to report larger classes (or smaller classes) of intangible assets if this results in more relevant information for financial statement users.

In addition, the financial statements should disclose the following:

  1. For any asset assessed as having an indefinite useful life, the carrying amount of the asset and the reasons for considering that it has an indefinite life and the significant factors used to determine this;
  2. The nature, carrying amount and remaining amortisation period of any individual intangible asset that is material to the financial statements of the entity as a whole;
  3. For intangible assets acquired by way of a government grant and initially recognised at fair value, the fair value initially recognised, their carrying amount and whether they are carried under the cost or revaluation method for subsequent measurement;
  4. The existence and carrying amounts of intangibles with any restrictions on title and the carrying amounts pledged as security for debt; and
  5. The amount of outstanding commitments for the acquisition of intangible assets.

Where intangibles are carried using the revaluation model, the entity must disclose the effective date of the revaluation, the carrying amount of the assets, and what their carrying amount would have been under the cost model, the amount of revaluation surplus applicable to the assets and the significant assumptions used in measuring fair value.

The financial statements should also disclose the aggregate amount of research and development expenditure recognised as an expense during the period. The entity is encouraged but not required to disclose any fully amortised assets still in use and any significant assets in use but not recognised because they did not meet the IAS 38 recognition criteria.


Exemplum Reporting PLC
Financial Statements
For the Year Ended December 31, 202X
17. Goodwill
Opening cost at January 1, 202X‐1X
Recognised on acquisition of a subsidiaryX
Derecognised on disposal of subsidiary X 
Opening balance at January 1, 202XX
Recognised on acquisition of a subsidiaryX
Derecognised on disposal of a subsidiary X 
Closing balance at December 31, 202XX
Accumulated impairment
Opening balance at January 1, 202X‐1X
Impairment loss X 
Opening balance at January 1, 202XX
Impairment loss X 
Closing balance at December 31, 202XX
Opening carrying value at January 1, 202X‐1 X 
Opening carrying value at January 1, 202X X 
Closing carrying value at December 31, 202X X 
The events and circumstances that led to the recognition of the impairment loss was the disposal of a chain of retail stores in the United Kingdom. No other class of assets was impaired other than goodwill.
[Describe the cash‐generating units/individual intangible assets of the group and which operating segment they belong to (if any), and whether any impairment losses were recognised or reversed during the period.]
The aggregation of assets for identifying the cash‐generating unit has not changed since the prior year.
The recoverable amount of a cash‐generating unit is its value in use. In calculating the value in use of the impaired reportable segment the group used a discount rate of X% (202X‐1: X%).

The carrying amount of goodwill allocated to each reportable segment is as follows:

Home countryXXXX
Other countriesXXXX
Home countryXXXX
Other countriesXXXX

Management has based its cash flow projections on cash flow forecasts covering a five‐year period. Cash flows after the five‐year period have been extrapolated based on the estimated growth rates disclosed below. These growth rates do not exceed the long‐term average growth rate for the industry or market in which the group operates. Other key assumptions used in the cash flow projections are as follows:

Growth ratesXX
Discount ratesXX
Gross profit marginsXX

Management has based their assumptions on past experience and external sources of information, such as industry sector reports and market expectations.

18. Other intangible assets
Development CostsPatents and TrademarksTotal
Group cost
Opening cost at January 1, 202X‐1XXX
Exchange differencesXXX
Acquired through business combinationXXX
Opening cost at January 1, 202XXXX
Exchange differencesXXX
Acquired through business combinationXXX
Closing cost at December 31, 202XXXX
Accumulated depreciation/impairment
Opening balance at January 1, 202X‐1
Exchange differencesXXX
Impairment lossXXX
Opening balance at January 1, 202XXXX
Exchange differencesXXX
Impairment lossXXX
Impairment reversalXXX
Closing balance at December 31, 202XXXX
Opening carrying value at January 1, 202X‐1XXX
Opening carrying value at January 1, 202XXXX
Closing carrying value at December 31, 202XXXX

The group has a material patent with a carrying amount of £X and a remaining amortisation period of X years.

Intangible assets pledged as security for liabilities (as disclosed in note X)XX


Internally generated intangible assets are not recognised under US GAAP with the exception of some website development costs. The underlying reason is that these assets do not have objectively measurable values.

Development costs for software developed for external use are capitalised once the entity establishes technological feasibility.

Certain costs related to internal‐use software can qualify for capitalisation after the completion of the preliminary project stage and when appropriate management has authorised and commits to funding the software project and it is probable that the project will be completed, and the software will be used as intended. Capitalisation is required to cease no later than the time that the project is substantially complete and is ready for use.

The entity can make a policy choice to expense advertising as incurred or when the advertising takes place for the first time. If specific criteria are met, direct response advertising may be capitalised.

US GAAP requires impairment loss to be measured as the excess of the carrying amount over the asset's fair value. Impairment loss results in a new cost basis, and impairment loss cannot be reversed for assets to be held and used. Revaluation is not permitted for goodwill and other indefinite‐life intangible assets. For specific examples of accounting for intangible assets see FASB ASC 350, Intangibles—Goodwill and Other, or more specifically ASC 350‐30‐55, Implementation Guidance and Illustrations, which discusses defensible intangible assets, acquired customer lists, acquired patents and other meaningful examples.

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