

Actions 95, 96

admin interface

usable making 184

admin interface, for blog

blog posts, listing and editing 130-141

building 121-123

categories, listing and editing 123-126

tags, listing and editing 126-129

alert component

building 97-100

Angry Bots (Unity)

reference link 6

Angular site

Blazor, adding to 258-260

AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation 268, 269


adding, to Blazor 60, 61

adding, to handle blog posts 146-149

adding, to handle categories 149, 150

adding, to handle tags 150, 151

configuring 173, 174

mocking 239-243

securing 173

API client

creating 151-157

API controllers

adding 146

API service

creating 143, 144

data access, adding 144, 145

application, for Android

developing 297

running, in emulator 297, 298

running, on physical device 299

application, for iOS

developing 299

hot restart 300

application, for macOS

developing 304

application, for Windows

developing 305

Auth0 160

adjusting 172, 173

configuring 173

roles, adding in 175, 176

authentication 159

setting up 160, 161

authorization 159

Azure DevOps 252


binding 92, 119

one-way binding 92-94

to components 120

to HTML elements 119

two-way binding 94, 95

Blazm.Bluetooth 192

Blazm.Components 192

Blazor 7

adding, to Angular site 258-260

adding, to MVC/Razor Pages 261-263

adding, to React site 260, 261

API, adding to 60, 61

characteristics 2

components 9

Blazor application

creating 20

Blazorators 286

reference link 286

Blazor community 310

resources 310, 311

Blazor Component 257, 258

Blazor Hybrid 14

Blazor Server 8

advantages 9

configuring 161-163

CSS, adding to 184

debugging 228, 229

disadvantages 9

hosting 252

roles, adding to 176

securing 164-167

Blazor Server App Empty template 21

Blazor Server application

creating 22-27

Blazor Server App template 21

Blazor Server Program.cs 36-38

Blazor site

Web components, adding to 263-265

Blazor WebAssembly 10, 11

advantages 13

debugging 230, 231

debugging, in web browser 231-233

disadvantages 12

hosting 253

roles, adding to 177-179

securing 167-172

versus Blazor Server 14

Blazor WebAssembly App Empty template 21

Blazor WebAssembly App template 21


CSS, adding to 184

BlazorWebAssembly.Server project 144


making 186

BlogApiJsonDirectAccess 89

blog posts

APIs, adding to handle 146-149

Bootstrap 44, 45

URL 44

Bootswatch 183

URL 182

browser storage

Blazor Server, implementing 212-214

implementing 211

interface, creating 212

shared code, implementing 215-218

WebAssembly, implementing 214, 215

built-in components 100

ErrorBoundary 107, 108

focus, setting of UI 100, 101

HTML head, influencing 101-104

Virtualization component 104-107

bUnit 235, 236

authentication, testing 245, 246

authorization, testing 245, 246

reference link 248

test project, setting up 236-239


cascading parameters 83, 84


APIs, adding to handle 149, 150

central processing unit (CPU) 269

ChildContent 97

code block 71

command line

used, for creating projects 34

community projects 286

Blazorators 286

C# source generators 286

InterfaceGenerator 286

Microsoft Learn 287

Roslyn SDK samples 287

components 64, 311

creating 84-89

components, creating ways 64, 78

class, inheriting 80

in partial class 79, 80

in Razor file 78

only code 80, 81

components library

creating 85, 86

using 86, 87

continuous delivery

options 251, 252

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) 252

Counter component 64-66

counter page 64

C# source generators 286

reference link 286

CSS 45, 183

adding, to BlazorServer 184

adding, to BlazorWebAssembly.Client 184

CSS isolation 187-190

Custom Elements 257

custom validation class attributes 115-118



storing, on server side 208

data project

creating 48

data classes, creating for blog post 49, 50

interface, creating 50, 51

interface, implementing 51-60

data, storing in URL 209

dependency injection 75, 76

reference link 76

scoped 77

service, injecting 77

singleton 76

transient 77

development environment

setting up 17

directives 73

attribute, adding 73

class, inheriting 74

generics 74

interface, adding 73

layout, modifying 74

namespace, setting 75

route, setting 75

using statement, adding 75

Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) 145

Document Object Model (DOM) 4, 27


reference link 6

dotnet.exe 33

dotnet.wasm 11


emulator 301

reference link 13

ErrorBoundary 107, 108

EventCallback 95, 96

explicit Razor expressions 72

expression encoding 72, 73


FetchData component 66-70

form elements 109

EditForm 110, 111

InputBase<> 111

InputCheckbox 112

InputDate<TValue> 112

InputFile 113

InputNumber<TValue> 112

InputRadio 112

InputRadioGroup 113

InputSelect<TValue> 112

InputText 112

InputTextArea 112


validation, adding 113, 114


generics 74

GitHub Actions 252


HeadOutlet 102

Highcharts 199, 200

hosting, options 252

application, hosting on IIS 253

Blazor Server, hosting 252

Blazor WebAssembly, hosting 253

Hot Reload 233

hot restart 300

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) 37


IBlogApi interface 89, 152

implicit Razor expressions 72

Index component 89

Index/_host 38

_Host (Blazor Server) 38-41

Index (WebAssembly) 41, 42

in-memory state container service

real-time updates, implementing on Blazor Server 219-222

real-time updates, implementing on Blazor WebAssembly 222-226

using 218, 219

InterfaceGenerator 283, 286

reference link 286

Intermediate Language (IL) 268

Internet Information Server (IIS)

application, hosting on 253

Inversion of Control (IoC) 75


JavaScript 3

need for 192

testing 247, 248

JavaScript, calling from .NET 192

Global JavaScript 193

JavaScript Isolation 193-195

JavaScript interop, in WebAssembly 202

JavaScript, to .NET 204-206

.NET, to JavaScript 203, 204

JavaScript library

implementing 199-201


lazy loading 270-273

learnings, from running Blazor in production 307

concurrency problems, solving 309

errors, solving 309

memory problems, solving 308

old browsers 309

LESS 183

lifecycle events 82

OnAfterRender 82

OnAfterRenderAsync 82

OnInitialized 82

OnInitializedAsync 82

OnParametersSet 82

OnParametersSetAsync 82

ShouldRender 82

LOB (Line of Business) 183

local storage 211



Visual Studio 2022, installing on 19, 20


usable making 185, 186

Microsoft Learn 287

reference link 287

Microsoft Visual Studio

URL 18

Minimal APIs 145, 146

MVC/Razor Pages

Blazor, adding to 261-263


native dependencies 273-275

.NET 5 6

.NET 6 7

.NET 7 6


reference link 35

.NET code, calling from JavaScript 195

instance method call 196-198

static .NET method call 195, 196

.NET Core 6

.NET garbage collection

server mode 308

workstation mode 308

.NET MAUI 14, 290, 291

.NET MAUI App 291

.NET MAUI Blazor App 291

.NET MAUI Class Library 291

.NET runtimes 6

.NET WebAssembly build tools 268


one-way binding 92-94


parameters 83

cascading parameters 83, 84


on server 276

Program.cs 35

Blazor Server Program.cs 36-38

WebAssembly Program.cs 35, 36

progress indicators 275

Progressive Web Application (PWA) 13, 30, 273


creating, with command line 34

project structure

App component 42, 43

Index/_host 38

MainLayout 43, 44

Program.cs 35

Protected Browser Storage 212


query string

using 210


Razor component 38

Razor page 38

Razor syntax 70

code blocks 71

directives 73

explicit Razor expressions 72

expression encoding 72, 73

implicit Razor expressions 72

React site

Blazor, adding to 260, 261


alert component, building 97-100

ChildContent 97

default value 97

using 96

REpresentational State Transfer (REST) 143


adding 175

adding, in Auth0 175, 176

adding, to Blazor Server 176

adding, to Blazor WebAssembly 177-179

Roslyn SDK samples 287

reference link 287

route constraints 209, 210


SASS 183

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 104

server side

data, storing on 208

session storage 212

SignalR 8

simulator 301

working 301, 302

Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) 269

Single-Page Application (SPA) 12

source generator 282, 283

building 284-286

state 207

state persistence 277-279

state preloading 277-279

static files

adding 182

stored procedures 282


adding 183



APIs, adding to handle 150, 151

Tailwind 183

templates 20, 292-296

Blazor Server App 21

Blazor Server App Empty 21

Blazor WebAssembly App 21

Blazor WebAssembly App Empty 21


writing 243-245

Tizen 305

trimming 270

reference link 270

two-way binding 94, 95

TypeScript 3


user state 207

UWP (Universal Windows Platform) 291


ValidationMessage component 114

ValidationSummary component 115

Virtualize component 96, 104-107

Visual Studio 2022 18

editions 18

installing, on macOS 19, 20

installing, on Windows 18, 19

Visual Studio Code 20


wasm-tools 252

WebAssembly 4

Angry Bots (Unity) example 6

C, compiling 4, 5

Doom example 6

reference link, for projects 6

WebAssembly application

creating 27-33

WebAssembly Program.cs 35, 36

web browser

Blazor WebAssembly, debugging in 231-233

Web components 256

adding, to Blazor site 263-265

Web Forms

migrating from 265

WebSocket call 27


Visual Studio 2022, installing on 18, 19

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) 291


Xamarin 290


Yet Another Reverse Proxy (YARP) 265

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