

In this index, f represents a figure and t

represents a table.



Abrams, Mike, 69, 100, 107, 117, 132,139

AchieveGlobal Adult Learning Techniques,
      add-ins (plug-ins), 38–39, 57
      administrator role, 55, 55t

Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, 10, 49
      breakout rooms, 66f, 67
      chat window, 58f, 60f
      description of, 50t
      desktop sharing menu command, 67f
      feedback options for participants, 113f
      hand raised in, 106f
      online meeting room, 52
      poll sample, 64f
      pre-class activity slide, 130f
      raise hand/change status menu, 65f
      sharing documents feature, 56f
      text annotation, 102f
      virtual training classroom, 13f
      website, 50t
      whiteboard annotation activity, 62f
      whiteboard toolbar, 61f

Adobe Acrobat Reader, 38

Adobe Flash Player, 38, 50t
      annotation tools, 60–62, 62f, 63, 84,
        101–102f, 119, 150

Apple QuickTime, 38

Apple Safari, 38

application sharing, 67–68, 67f

asynchronous training event, 4–5

audio connections. See telephony

audio-only virtual training by conference
      call, 5



backing up files/information, 41

battery power, 87

blended learning, 8–9

brainstorming, 25, 63, 65, 66, 134

breakout groups, 65–67, 66f, 150–151

breathing, affect on voice, 114–115

bundled software packages, 49



calendar, 81, 84, 85, 124

Cassidy, John, 106

CD-ROM, 38

cell phones, 43–44, 79, 80, 91, 111

chat feature, 57–60, 58f, 60f, 135t

Cisco WebEx, 10, 49, 50t, 76

Cisco WebEx Event Center, 48

Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, 48

Cisco WebEx Training Center, 48

Citrix GoToWebinar, 50t

classroom environment, 27

classroom time wasters, 30t

class size, 28

      need for practice, 142–143
      participants, 147–148
      polls, 150
      practice checklist worksheet, 153
      practice schedule worksheet, 154
      shared web browser, 151
      skills for, 22t
      timing issues, 149
      whiteboards, 150

class time management, 29–30, 30t

co-facilitator, 83–84, 100–101, 143–144

      among participants, 4–5, 66
      real-time, 10
      software programs and,5,25,38,48,49

colloquialisms, 118


contingency planning, 76–78, 77f
      monitor display settings, 39
      rebooting before training delivery,86
      set-up routine, 75–78
      sidekick, 76, 77f, 88, 96
      split screen mode, 104, 105f
      wireless keyboard, 75
      wireless mouse, 75

conference bridge, 43

conference call
      audio breakouts and, 67
      audio-only training by, 5
      integrated, 43
      stand-alone, 43

conferencing, video, 5

Conner, Marcia, 9

dial-up modem, 78

discussion, facilitating, 26–28

discussion boards, 4, 8, 51



e-learning, online learning versus, 3–4t

Elluminate Live!, 10, 50t

email, 4, 41, 81

eraser tool, 62, 63, 119, 163

extra prepared trainer checklist worksheet,



Facebook, 9

face-to-face classroom

file storage in, 41
      introductions in, 143
      lack of visual contact in, 23–25
      multitasking in, 104
      networking in, 134
      participant engagement in, 131
      problem management in, 160
      self-talk in, 119
      speaking rate in, 112

Cope, Myron, 109

Corbett, Wendy Gates,59,74,76,86,103,
        112, 113, 118, 133, 137

corded headset, 111

cordless telephone, 80



delivery, practicing, 141–154
      breakout groups, 150–151
      dress rehearsals, 145–149
      environment, 146–147
      general practice, 143–145
      getting feedback, 145


     use of technology in, 25
      virtual training versus, 5, 12t, 22–26

facilitator notes, 81–83
      sample format, 82t

facilitator script, 112

      to participant, 28, 113f
      from participants, 58, 63, 145, 147, 148,
      on rate of speech, 64, 112

filler words, 118–119

Firefox Mozilla, 38, 42

fire walls, 42

furniture, 98–99



goal setting worksheet, 18

gobbledygook, 118

Google Chrome, 38, 42

ground rules, 31–32, 131–132



hands-free headset, 91, 111, 115

hands-free telephone, 80

hardware. See also computers, 36–37

headset, 80, 117
      corded, 111



keyboard, wireless, 75

kinesthetic connections, 42, 43



      blended, 8–9
      informal, 9–10

logistical information, 81

Lotus Notes, 81



     hands-free, 91, 111, 115
      wired, 80, 111

health, defining, 1–2

Hobbs, Lynne, 24

Hofmann, Jennifer, 123

home office, 86, 87
      communication equipment, 79
      furniture, 98–99
      pets and, 88

host/producer role, virtual classroom, 55–56,

housekeeping items, 31–32


meetings versus webcasts, 6

microphone, headset, 111

Microsoft Internet Explorer, 38
      clearing caches/deleting cookies on, 42

Microsoft Office Live Meeting, 10, 49, 50t

Microsoft Office Outlook, 81

Microsoft Office PowerPoint, 25, 38, 40, 41,
        45, 83

monitor display settings, 39

morning voice, 116

motivation, 125, 126

mouse, wireless, 75

mouthpiece, 111

multimedia, engaging activities using, 136t


idioms, 118

informal learning, 9–10

Information Services (IS), 38–39,42

Information Technology (IT),38–39,42,48

integrated conference call, 43

interactive discussions, engaging activities
      using, 136t

InterCall, 49

international participants, 85, 118, 131

      connection speed, 23, 78
      connection types, 41

multitasking, 95–108
      build in pauses to regroup, 102–103
      checklist worksheet, 108
      connection between speed and, 96–97
      content preparation and, 99–100
      face-to-face classroom and, 104
      how to multitask, 97–106

      importance of task, 105–106
      pacing tasks, 104–105
      by participant, 124
      practicing, 103–104
      producers/co-facilitators, 100–101
      software familiarity, 100

      contingency planning, 78–79
      cookies and caches, 42
      fire walls, 42
      pop-up blockers, 42
      security issues, 41–42
      set-up routine, 78–79
      software, 38
      wireless, 75

introductions, participant, 136

      typing skills and, 101–102
      workspace efficiency, 98–99

MySpace, 9



needs, trainer’s personal, 87

networking, 125, 134, 136–137, 151

network server, 38

non-native language speakers, 60



online learning
      definition of, 3
      e-learning versus, 3–4t

online presentations (webcasts), 5–6



paired discussion, 59

participant chat privileges, 60f

printers, 83

problems. See troubleshooting

producers, 84, 88, 100–101

public wi-fi hotspot, 78, 79



questions, tips on asking, 27, 28



raise hand/change status feature, 64–65, 65f

participant engagement techniques,
      capture attention from start, 129–132
      challenges to, 123–124
      collaboration among,4–5,66
      encourage networking,134–137
      engagement worksheet, 140
      focus on learners, 138
      interactivity using technology,133–134
      introductions, 136
      make it matter,125–127
      participant-centered training, 114
      relevancy, 127–128
      say participants’ names frequently,
      virtual classroom tools, 135–136t
      visual aids, 137–138

“ReadyCast”, 49

remote control, shared, 68

roles, in virtual classroom, 55t



scheduling, 81, 84, 85, 87, 124

script, facilitator, 112

Second Life, 9

security, Internet, 41–42

set-up routine, 73–94
      classroom preparation, 74–75
      computer, 75–78
      computer contingency planning, 76–78,
      day before class, 85
      day of class, 85–88

participant role, virtual classroom, 55t

partners, assigning, 151

passcode, trainer, 53, 54

pets, 87, 88

Pike, Bob, 74, 138

plug-ins (add-ins), 38–39, 57

podcasts, 4

polling, 63–64, 64f, 135t, 150

pop-up blockers, 42

Portable Document Format (PDF),38,57

positive reinforcement, 28

      extra prepared trainer checklist
       worksheet, 90–94
     fifteen minutes before class, 88
     Internet connection, 78–79
     Internet contingency planning, 78–79
     one hour before class, 88
     one week prior to class, 83–85
     set-up routine, 80–88
     two weeks prior to class, 81–83

shared web browser, 151

sharing documents, 56f, 135t

posture, affect on voice, 115

PowerPoint See Microsoft Office

practice checklist worksheet, 153

practice schedule worksheet, 154

pre-class activities, 129–130f

Premiere Global Services, Inc., 49

preparedness checklist worksheet, 19

preparing for problems, 158t

Price, Kella, 32

Shurte, Kathy, 26, 36, 45, 120

sidekick computer, 76, 77f, 88, 96

skills, training, 26–32
      delivery skills, 22t
      establish ground rules, 31–32
      facilitate discussion, 26–28
      give clear instructions, 28–29
      manage class time, 29–30, 30t
      skills assessment worksheet, 33

slang, 118

small group brainstorming, 66

smartphones, 36, 37, 75–76, 79, 124

Smith, Jeff, 89, 144, 161, 163

software. See virtual

speakerphone, 79, 111

speaking rate, trainer, 112–113, 145

split screen mode, 104, 105f

Stallard, Tracy, 88, 142, 157, 159

stand-alone conference call, 43

subject matter expert (SME), 101

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
      Opportunities, and Threats), 63

synchronous training event, 4–5

Sync/Synchronize command, 57



teams, assigning, 151

time management, 29–30, 30t

traditional training class, 2
      transition to virtual training, 11–12

trainer passcode, 53, 54

trainer pause, 102

trainer/presenter role, virtual classroom, 55,

troubleshooting, 155–164
      common problems/troubleshooting tips,
      manage the situation, 160–163
      managing technical problems, 161–163
      prepare to prevent problems, 156–159
      preparing for problems, examples of,
      stay calm, 159–160
      troubleshooting log worksheet, 164

troubleshooting log worksheet, 164

tech check worksheet, 46

technology. See also computers; Internet;
        telephony; virtual classroom software
        programs, 35–46
      administrator rights, 38–39
      drivers, 38
      file folders, 41
      file storage, 41
      file types, 40
      hardware, 36–37
      learning more about, 44–45
      settings, 39–40
      software, 37–38

Twitter, 9, 10

typing skills, 101–102



USB drive, 38, 78



video conferencing, 5

video streaming, 23–24

virtual classroom software programs, 47–71
      administration tools, 52–56
      Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro (see Adobe
        Acrobat Connect Pro)

     software plug-ins, 38–39, 57
      tech check worksheet, 46
      telephony, 43–44

telephony, 43–44
      contingency planning, 80
      cordless telephones, 80
      integrated conference call, 43
      smartphones, 36, 37, 75–76, 79, 124
      speakerphone, 79, 111
      stand-alone conference call, 43
      telephone connection, 79–80
      Voice-over Internet Protocol, 43

third-party vendors, 49–50

threaded discussion boards, 4

      Microsoft Office Live Meeting, 10, 49

      annotation tools, 60–62
      application sharing, 67–68, 67f
      breakout groups, 65–67, 66f
      bundled packages, 49
      chat feature, 57–60, 58f, 60f
      checklist for learning, 70–71
      Cisco WebEx, 10, 48, 49, 50t, 76
      Citrix GoToWebinar, 50t
      common features of, 56–68
      comparing programs, 49–51
      comparing programs, online sources for,
      Elluminate Live!, 10, 50t
      enabling cookies for, 42
      free trials, 144

     polling, 63–64
      raise hand/change status, 64–65, 65f
      roles in virtual classroom, 54–56, 55t
      selected programs, 50t
      selecting software, 48–49
      sharing documents feature, 56–57, 56f
      Sync/Synchronize command, 57
      testing, 39
      third-party vendors, 49–50
      tips for learning, 51
      trainer passcode, 53, 54
      whiteboard, 62–63

virtual delivery. See delivery, practicing

virtual instructor-led training (vILT), 10

virtual training, 10–11

      vocal warm-up exercises worksheet, 121
      volume, 110–111
      warming up voice, 116–117
      word choice, 118–120, 145

voicemail, 119

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 43, 66,



Ward, Rebecca, 51

Web 2.0, 9

web browser, shared, 151

webcams, 23–24

webcast, 6, 7, 8t

webinar, 6–8, 7, 8t

      conducting in nonideal situation,16t
      determining if correct training solution,
      example of, 12–14

visual aids, 137–138

visual connections, 42, 43

vocal warm-up exercises worksheet, 121

voice issues
      breathing, 114–115
      filler words, 118–119
      keep participants tuned in, 113
      nervous voice, 115–116
      overcoming problem voice, 110–117,
      posture affects voice, 115
      reduce self-talk, 119–120
      speaking rate, 112–113, 145
      stay hydrated, 117



Wells, Lynn K., 112

whiteboard, 62–63, 62f
      annotation activity, 62f
      delivery using, 150
      engaging activities using, 135t
      eraser tool, 62, 63, 119, 163
      toolbar, 61f

WIIFM (what’s in it for me?), 125–127

wikis, 4

Wilcox, Jim, 105, 110, 116, 156, 161

Willmore, Joe, 16, 80, 84, 85, 87, 143

Wingron, Sharon, 116, 125

wired headset, 80, 111

wireless keyboard, 75

wireless mouse, 75

word choice, 118–120, 145

World Wide Web, 9



YouTube, 9

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