Setting up the player starting position

Every time our game starts, we should reset all its conditions to the same state. We already mentioned that resetting the starting position of the Player game object would be a good start. Positions in the 3D world in Unity are described using Vector3 struct. Go ahead and type Vector3 in the Scripting Reference for a better understanding. This is complex stuff, so don't worry if you can't get it. All you need to know now is that Vector3 is made up of three floats describing x, y, and z positions in the space.

Let's go forward and perform some code changes to set up the Player position. In PlayerController, we will:

  1. Add private Vector3 type variable and call it startingPosition in PlayerController.
  2. Assign the startingPosition value taken from the Player game object world space position in the Awake method. This way, we will always store the initial position of the Player game object just after Unity starts executing the game.
  3. Rename the Start method to StartGame, as we will call it from the GameManager from now.
  4. Set the Player position to starting position in the StartGame method.

You are feeling a bit confused now? We have carried out a lot of changes in one go. If you really feel lost now, here's what the first part of PlayerController should look like (hopefully it will make you less anxious):

Setting up the player starting position

Now, inside the GameManager StartGame method, make sure you are calling:

Setting up the player starting position

Time for testing. Save both scripts and come back to Unity. If you are getting any compiler errors, please go back and double-check everything. If you don't have any errors, that's great! Go ahead and press Play in Unity. Every time you hit the S button on the keyboard, the game will restart and the Player game object's position will be set back to its initial position.

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