Instantiating an object

We know exactly how to write a class as an object. The next step would be creating an instance of the object of that class. In C#, we use the keyword new to instantiate the object.

The syntax looks like this:

new ObjectType();

So, we are using the keyword new followed by an ObjectType, and then we have the opening and closing brackets. ObjectType is nothing but your class name (we discussed this before).

Each time you instantiate an object of any class, Unity will create some space in the memory to store that object. The issue in the preceding syntax is that we are not assigning that freshly created object anywhere. Therefore, we won't be able to access its data.

The best way is to assign this object to some variable:

ObjectType myObjectInstance = new ObjectType();

This way, we can access and change any variables inside our myObjectInstance object using the dot syntax. Again, let's learn from examples, OOP might seem a bit confusing at the start, but I promise you will master it when you go through the whole book.

Instantiating an object

Please write the preceding code. We are using the Person class we spoke about a bit earlier; make sure you have Person class in your project too. In lines 7 to 9, we are declaring a public member variables of the type Person.

In line 14, we are instantiating a new object of type Person and assigning it to public member named father. In lines 15 to 19, we are assigning various data to father variable. Please notice the syntax. To access the variables inside our object, we write the name of the instance variable followed by the dot and the name of the public variable. You can only access public variables and methods this way. Private variables are not accessible from the other classes. By the same analogy, we have instantiated and assigned mother and son objects.

In line 39, we are printing a quick message composed from the data stored inside father, mother, and son objects. Press Play in Unity and your Console output should look like this:

Instantiating an object

Go ahead and experiment with the code—change it, play with it!

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