UI Animations with Lottie and After Effects


UI Animations with Lottie and After Effects

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First published: June 2022

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Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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ISBN 978-1-80324-380-1


To Max, my family, my partner and my wonderful friends – you all know who you are.

Oh well, and to Grammarly too, without its suggestions this book couldn't have been possible.

– Mireia

To Eugenia and my family who supported me through thick and thin.

– Emilio


About the authors

Mireia Alegre Ruiz as a head of UX/UI and is proficient as a UX product designer and Illustration - Visual designer with motion graphics and video editing skills. Mireia has more than 20 years of professional experience sketching, illustrating, and creating micro animations from scratch since the old Macromedia Flash days. With a graphic design background, she made a move and specialized in digital design back in the early 2000s. Over the past few years, she has worked as a product designer for both international advertising agencies and Barcelona-based start-ups as a product designer. Always with the user in the center of the picture, and based on design thinking and Agile methodologies, her principles are very clear: make people's lives easier through the fair use of technology.

Emilio Rodriguez Martinez is a senior software engineer who has been working on highly demanding JavaScript projects since 2010. He transitioned from web development positions into mobile development, and has released dozens of successful apps for iOS and Android. Emilio has helped the React Native community through contributions to React Native's core codebase but also by maintaining the lottie-react-native library which is one of the most popular libraries in the React Native ecosystem.

About the reviewers

Joseph Khan is an engineering manager working with Seera Group based out of Dubai, UAE. He leads the development efforts for their Lumi brand, which is a car rental application. He is an AWS certified engineer and is also a former Packt author. He is enthusiastic about web standards, JavaScript, JAMStack, and architecting cloud applications

He has a B.Tech in Computer Science from NIT Silchar, India. Besides his regular work, he likes to design cars and motorbikes, spend time with his family, and play cricket.

Igor Mandrigin is an experienced software architect and engineering leader who has launched products from zero-in startups and big internet corporations. His core experience is in mobile, distributed systems, and product security, and has other experience in blockchain and smart contracts, DevOps and high availability, and technical product management.

Marina Oorthuis is a skilled product designer based in Barcelona. She has been working in the ed-tech market for many years and loves creating experiences that facilitate the user's learning in an intuitive and meaningful way. She is an advocate of the use of animations to achieve such goals.

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