

6PE (IPv6 provider edge routers), 607611

configuration, 611615

verification and troubleshooting, 615620

6VPE (IPv6 VPN provider edge), 620622

configuration, 627629

control plane verification, 629633

data plane verification, 633638

IPv6-aware VRF, 622623

next-hop, 623627


AC (attachment circuit), 545

ACL-based traffic mirroring, 6162

ACLs (access control lists)

AS-Path ACLs, 188190

checking in path, 91

filtering prefixes, 174175

filtering sessions, 429431

verifying packet reception, 90

Active state, 10

AD (administrative distance), 5

additional-paths selection command, 732

add-path feature, 726738

address families, 34

address-family ipv6 labeled-unicast command, 612

address-family l2vpn evpn command, 778

address-family link-state link-state command, 763

address-family vpnv4 unicast command, 262

Adj-RIB-in table, 17

Adj-RIB-out table, 17

advertisement interval, 226, 243244

advertisement-interval command, 226


default routes, 42, 508

between PE and CE routers, 487

af-group command, 295

AFI (address-family identifier), 34

aggregate-address command, 3940, 42

aggregate-address summary-only command, 149

aggregation. See route summarization

AIGP (Accumulated Interior Gateway Protocol), 381383

aigp command, 381382

aigp send med command, 383

allocate-label command, 612

Allow AS feature, 43

allowas-in command, 43

ALTO (Application Layer Traffic Optimization), 756757

ARP suppression, 655656

ASNs (autonomous system numbers), 2

LocalAS feature, 4344

removing private ASNs, 43

as-path length command, 319

as-path-loopcheck out disable command, 164

AS-Path, 3, 162164

ACLs, 188190

length in best path calculation, 383

maximum length, 318322

relax feature, 377

troubleshooting L3VPN, 509513

AS_SET attribute, 42

asterisk (*) query modifier, 184185

asymmetric IRB, 657

asynchronous mode (BFD), 713715

asynchronous mode with echo function (BFD), 715

Atomic Aggregate attribute, 4041

attestations, 441442

attributes, tuning memory consumption, 284293

authentication, 424427

Authorization Certificates, 443

autodiscovery bgp command, 571

autodiscovery bgp signaling bgp command, 582

autodiscovery in VPLS, 569579

AS (autonomous system), 2, 4344


bad network design, troubleshooting, 160162

best path calculation, 2021, 379389, 417

AIGP (Accumulated Interior Gateway Protocol), 381383

AS-Path length, 383

cluster list, 388

computing and installing new path, 226227

EBGP (external BGP), 386

IBGP (internal BGP), 386

IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol), 386387

local origination, 380

local preference, 380

MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator), 384386

neighbor addresses, 388389

oldest path, 387

Origin attribute, 383384

router-id, 387

for routing table, 394395

for RPKI, 460463

troubleshooting, 389390

visualizing topology, 390394

weight, 380

best-external feature, 738741

bestpath med confed command, 384

bestpath med missing-as-worst command, 385

bestpath med non-deterministic command, 386

bestpath origin-as allow invalid command, 462

BFD (bidirectional fast detection), 218

BFD (bidirectional forwarding detection), 712713

asynchronous mode, 713715

asynchronous mode with echo function, 715

configuration and verification, 715724

troubleshooting, 724726

bfd command, 715

bfd echo command, 722

bfd fast-detect command, 715

bfd interval min_rx multiplier command, 715

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 12

add-path feature, 726738

best-external feature, 738741

BGP FRR and PIC, 741753


component requirements, 11

on IOS routers, 1112

on IOS XR routers, 1213

for MPLS L3VPN, 497502

on NX-OS routers, 1314

dynamic BGP peering, 138142

fast-external-fallover feature, 726

GR (Graceful-Restart) feature, 693700

IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) versus, 758759

IPv6 BGP, 591611

missing network prefixes, 185203

new features. See new features

NSR (nonstop routing), 700712

peer flapping issues. See peer flapping issues, troubleshooting

peering down issues. See peering down issues, troubleshooting

redistribution into IGP, 413416

route advertisement issues. See route advertisement issues, troubleshooting

route convergence

explained, 205207

troubleshooting, 216227

route flapping, troubleshooting, 246250


functions, 288322

impact of growing Internet routing tables, 283285

Internet routing tables on Cisco platforms, 285288

route reflectors, 322364


BGP flowspec, 467479

importance of, 419420

interdomain routing, 431463

RTBH filtering, 463466

sessions, 420431

slow peers, 237246

update generation, 212216

update groups, 207212

verification for MPLS L3VPN, 502506

VxLAN EVPN, 653690

bgp additional-paths command, 729, 739

bgp additional-paths install command, 732, 733, 746, 748, 752, 753

bgp additional-paths select backup command, 355

bgp additional-paths select best command, 737

bgp additional-paths select command, 732

bgp advertise-best-external command, 739, 748, 753

bgp always-compare-med command, 294, 385

bgp best path igp-metric ignore command, 387

bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax command, 377

bgp bestpath compare-routerid command, 387

bgp bestpath igp-metric ignore command, 350

bgp bestpath med always command, 385

bgp bestpath med confed command, 384

bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst command, 385

bgp bestpath origin-as allow invalid command, 461

bgp bestpath origin-as use origin-as validity command, 461

bgp bestpath origin-as use validity command, 461

bgp bestpath prefix-validate allow-invalid command, 461

bgp bestpath prefix-validate disable command, 459

bgp cluster-id command, 33, 324, 327

bgp deterministic-med command, 294, 386

bgp fast-external-fallover command, 726

bgp fast-external-fallover disable command, 726

BGP flowspec, 467479

BGP for tunnel setup, 771773

bgp graceful-restart command, 696

bgp graceful-restart purge-time command, 696

bgp graceful-restart restart-time command, 696

bgp graceful-restart stalepath-time command, 696

bgp graceful-restart stalepath-timer command, 696

bgp import-delay command, 262

BGP I/O process, 256258

bgp label-delay command, 262

bgp listen command, 142

bgp maxas-limit command, 319, 321

bgp maximum neighbor command, 322

bgp nexthop route-map command, 225

bgp nexthop trigger delay command, 224225

BGP NHT feature, 223225

selective tracking, 225226

bgp origin-as validation disable command, 459

bgp origin-as validation signal ibgp command, 458

bgp origin-as validation time command, 460

bgp recursion host command, 753

bgp redistribute-internal command, 152

bgp refresh command, 306307

bgp refresh max-eor-time command, 306307

bgp refresh stalepath-time command, 306307

BGP Router process, 255256

bgp router-id command, 7, 13, 500

BGP Router-ID (RID), 7

bgp rpki server tcp port refresh command, 449

BGP Scanner process, 219222, 253255

bgp scan-time command, 222

BGP signaling

in VPLS, 580586

in VPWS, 558560

bgp slow-peer detection command, 245

bgp slow-peer split-update-group dynamic configuration command, 246

bgp sso route-refresh-enable command, 702

BGP tables

fields in, 1920

network prefix and path attributes, 1720

for route advertisement, 152154

BGP-LS (BGP for Link-State Distribution), 757759

BGP-LS NLRI, 759761

configuration, 762771

Path attribute, 762

BGP-LS NLRI, 759761

BGP-PA (BGP Policy Accounting), 604607

bgp-policy accounting command, 605606

blocked processes in IOS XR, 103106

brackets ([]) query modifier, 181182

buffered logging, 7576


cache size, verifying, 241

capturing traffic. See sniffing

caret (^) query modifier, 180181

caret in brackets ([^]) query modifier, 182

CE routers

default route advertisement, 508

network advertisement, 487

cef table output-chain build favor convergence-speed command, 745

Cisco VIRL, 51

clear bgp command, 317

clear bgp graceful command, 22

clear bgp ipv4 unicast * soft in command, 312313

clear bgp ipv4 unicast in command, 301

clear bgp ipv4 unicast soft command, 299

clear bgp ipv4 unicast update-group command, 209

clear bgp out command, 300

clear bgp slow command, 246

clear bgp soft command, 22

clear cef interface bgp-policy-statistics command, 607

clear cef interface policy-statistics command, 607

clear ip bgp in command, 300

clear ip bgp soft command, 22

clear ip bgp soft in command, 305

clear tcp pcb command, 95

clear tcp tcb command, 95, 257

cluster list in best path calculation, 388

Cluster-ID, 165167

cluster-id command, 33, 324

communication, 56

communities, 3738, 167173, 185

conditional BGP debugs, 199203

conditional matching, 174

ACLs (access control lists), 174175

of BGP communities, 185

prefix matching, 175177

confederations, 3437


6PE, 611615

6VPE, 627629

BFD, 715724


component requirements, 11

explicitly configured peers, 421424

on IOS routers, 1112

on IOS XR routers, 1213

for MPLS L3VPN, 497502

on NX-OS routers, 1314

verifying for peering down issues, 8487

BGP flowspec, 469479

BGP signaling in VPWS, 560

BGP-LS, 762771

confederations, 35

dynamic BGP peering, 139142

EBGP and IBGP multipath configuration, 370372

EIBGP multipath configuration, 372377

L3VPN (Layer3 VPN), 487488

lab devices, 5256

ORF, 312316

PBB-EVPN, 778787

RPKI, 449460

VPLS, 562564

VPWS, 550558

VxLAN EVPN, 661690

VxLAN flood-and-learn, 647652

Connect state, 9

connectivity. See reachability of peers

console logging, 75

control plane (6VPE), 624626

verification, 629633

control words, 547

convergence. See route convergence

CoPP (Control Plane Policing), 127138

copp profile strict command, 133

CPU issues

high utilization, 251267

in peer flapping, 125127

tuning, 295308

cross-link, peering on, 402411


data plane (6VPE), 626627

verification, 633638

debug bgp command, 307308

debug bgp ipv4 unicast command, 110111

debug bgp ipv4 unicast events command, 110111

debug bgp ipv4 unicast groups command, 209

debug bgp ipv4 unicast in command, 301

debug bgp ipv4 unicast update command, 250, 301

debug bgp packets command, 102

debug bgp policy-execution events command, 197

debug bgp route-server command, 364

debug bgp update command, 200, 215, 307308

debug bgp updates command, 199

debug bgp vpnv4 unicast addpath command, 751

debug ip bgp brib command, 215

debug ip bgp command, 110111

debug ip bgp update command, 215

debug ip tcp transaction command, 111

debug logfile bgp command, 201

debug logfile command, 77

debug sockets tcp command, 111

debug tcp packet command, 111


conditional BGP debugs, 199203

for peering issues, 110112

decoding messages, 99103

default route advertisement, 42, 222223, 508

default-information originate command, 42

default-metric command, 385

default-originate command, 42

direct sessions, multihop sessions versus, 56

disable-peer-as-check command, 164

distribute bgp-ls command, 763

distributed anycast gateway, 654655

diverse path, 346349

documentation, importance of, 48

dollar sign ($) query modifier, 181

drop threshold command, 133

dynamic BGP peering, troubleshooting, 138139

challenges, 142

configuration, 139142

dynamic refresh update groups, 302305

dynamic route summarization, 39

aggregate-address command, 3940

dynamic slow peers, 245246


EBGP (external BGP), 5, 2628

in best path calculation, 386

confederations versus, 3435

mandatory route policy for IOS XR, 172173

multihop, 427429

multipath configuration, 370372

next-hop manipulation, 3031

topologies, 2830

ebgp-multihop 2 command, 427

ebgp-multihop command, 92, 427

ECMP (equal cost multipath), 21

edge architectures, troubleshooting

best path calculation, 377390

full mesh with IBGP, 412

multihoming and multipath, 367377

peering on cross-link, 402411

race conditions, 397402

redistribution into IGP, 413416

transit routing, 395397

visualizing topology, 390394

EEM (Embedded Event Manager), 57

EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol), 1

EIBGP multipath configuration, 372377

encapsulation, BGP tunneling, 771773

enhanced route refresh, 305308

enhancements. See new features

Entity Certificates, 442

EPC (Embedded Packet Capture) tool, 6870

error codes, 9699

Established state, 10

Ethanalyzer, 7074

event-history command, 108


tracing, 7780

triggering in lab, 5657

EVPN (Ethernet VPN)

PBB-EVPN, 773787

VxLAN EVPN, 653690

explicitly configured peers, 421424

extended BGP communities, 37

extended community-based ORF, 309310

extended EVPN communities, 777


fabric forwarding anycast-gateway-mac command, 655

fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway command, 655

failure detection, 218227

fast-external-fallover feature, 726

feature bfd command, 715

feature bgp command, 85

feature mpls l3vpn command, 496

feature mpls ldp command, 496

feature-set mpls command, 496

filter vlan command, 63


ORF (Outbound Route Filtering), 309316

prefixes, 173185

RTBH filtering, 463466

for session security, 429431

firewalls, checking in path, 91

flapping. See peer flapping issues, troubleshooting; route flapping

flexible route suppression, 40

flood-and-learn mechanism, 645653

flowspec (BGP), 467479

FSM (Finite State Machine), 8

full mesh requirement in IBGP, 24

full mesh with IBGP, troubleshooting multihoming, 412



distributed anycast gateway, 654655

VxLAN gateway types, 645

generic, 547

GR (Graceful-Restart) feature, 693700

graceful-restart-helper command, 700


hard resets, 22

hardware access-list team region arp-ether 256 command, 666

hardware requirements for lab setup, 51

hierarchical route reflectors, 331332

high availability

BFD (bidirectional forwarding detection), 712726

BGP add-path feature, 726738

BGP best-external feature, 738741

BGP fast-external fallover feature, 726

BGP FRR and PIC, 741753

BGP GR (Graceful-Restart) feature, 693700

BGP NSR (nonstop routing), 700712

high CPU issues

in peer flapping, 125127

troubleshooting, 251252

capturing CPU history, 265

on IOS, 252258

on IOS XR, 258262

on NX-OS, 262264

sporadic high CPU conditions, 265267

Hold Time attribute, 6

hold timer expired, 116119

hold-queue in command, 117

hw-module bfd-hw-offload enable location command, 721722

hyphen (-) query modifier, 182


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 2

IBGP (internal BGP), 4, 2224

in best path calculation, 386

confederations versus, 3435

full mesh requirement, 24

full mesh with, 412

loopback addresses, 2526

multipath configuration, 370372

next-hop manipulation, 3031

route reflectors, 3134

scalability, 31

topologies, 2830

IBGP policy out enforce-modifications command, 31

identifying problems, 48

Idle state, 9

IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol), 1

in best path calculation, 386387

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) versus, 758759

BGP redistribution, 413416

import-map command, 363

inband VCCV (virtual circuit connectivity verification), 547

ingress replication in VxLAN flood-and-learn, 652653

ingress-replication protocol bgp command, 684

ingress-replication protocol static command, 653

input hold queue, 117119

install feature-set mpls command, 496

interdomain routing security, 431463

Origin AS validation, 443463

prefix hijacking, 432439

S-BGP, 439442

soBGP, 442443

Internet routing tables

scaling on Cisco platforms, 285288

size impact of, 283285

tuning memory consumption, 290292

inter-router communication, 56

interworking, 549550


AS-Path ACLs, 188190

BGP basic configuration, 1112

BGP configuration for MPLS L3VPN, 497498

conditional BGP debugs, 200

CoPP configuration, 128

Error-Subcode values, 99

high CPU issues, 252258

memory consumption, 269274

peer templates, 297298

peer-groups, 295

prefix lists, 186188

RID allocation in, 7

route-maps, 192196

SPAN on, 5859

VRF creation, 488489


BGP basic configuration, 1213

BGP configuration for MPLS L3VPN, 499500

BGP templates, 295296

blocked processes, troubleshooting, 103106

conditional BGP debugs, 200201

decoding BGP messages, 101102

high CPU issues, 258262

LPTS on, 134138

mandatory EBGP route policy, 172173

memory consumption, 274277

RID allocation in, 7

route convergence, 227234

RPL (route policy language), 196198

SPAN on, 6062

tracing in, 106108

TTCP on, 55

VRF creation, 489490

ip access-group command, 91

ip access-list command, 430

ip bgp fast-external-fallover command, 726

ip bgp-community new-format command, 37

ip cef command, 126

ip flowspec disable command, 473

ip tcp path-mtu-discovery command, 121

ip verify unicast source reachable-via command, 466

ip vrf command, 489, 622

ip vrf forwarding command, 489, 627

Iperf, 52

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 431, 439

ipv4 bgp policy accounting command, 605606

ipv4 flowspec disable command, 473

IPv4 peering, IPv6 reachability over, 596601

IPv4 routes over IPv6 next-hop, 601604

ipv6 access-group command, 91

ipv6 address link-local command, 421


6PE over MPLS, 607620

6VPE, 620638

BGP-PA (BGP Policy Accounting), 604607

IPv4 over IPv6 next-hop, 601604

next-hop, 591596

peering with link-local addresses, 421424

reachability over IPv4 peering, 596601

ipv6 bgp policy accounting command, 605606

ipv6 flowspec disable command, 473

ipv6 link-local command, 421

IPv6 peers, troubleshooting, 112113

ipv6 traffic-filter command, 91

IPv6-aware VRF, 622623

IRB (integrated route/bridge) modes, 656658


Jumbo MTU, 219

KEEPALIVE message, 7

L2VPN (Layer2 VPN), 482

services, 543545

terminology, 545547

VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service), 561588

VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service), 548560

L3VPN (Layer3 VPN), 482, 483

BGP configuration, 497502

BGP verification, 502506

configuration, 487488

MP-BGP (Multi-Protocol BGP), 486

network advertisement, 487

RD (route distinguisher), 485

RT (route target), 485486

RT constraints, 534538

services, 524534

troubleshooting, 506524

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 483485

VRF creation, 488491

VRF verification, 492495


configuring lab devices, 5256

setting up, 4951

triggering events, 5657

label exchange, 538540

Layer 3 traffic mirroring, 6061

leaking routes, 40

link-local addresses, 421424

link-state distribution, 755759

BGP-LS NLRI, 759761

BGP-LS Path attribute, 762

configuration, 762771

local origination in best path calculation, 380

local preference in best path calculation, 380

local route advertisement, troubleshooting, 145147

local-as command, 44

Local-AS community, 170171

LocalAS feature, 4344

local-install interface-all command, 472

local-preference command, 380

Loc-RIB table, 17

logging, 7477

logging host vrf command, 77

logging hostnameprefix command, 77

longest match path selection, 377379

Looking Glass, 185

loop prevention, 3

in IBGP, 24

in route reflectors, 33

loopback addresses

in IBGP, 2526

loopback-to-loopback ping testing, 8788

LPTS (Local Packet Transport Services), 134138


maxas-limit command, 319

maximum AS-Path length, 318322

maximum neighbors, 322

maximum prefixes, 316318

maximum-paths command, 370

maximum-paths eibgp command, 373

maximum-paths ibgp command, 370

maximum-prefix command, 317, 318

MBGP (Multi-Protocol BGP), 34

MD5 passwords, misconfiguration, 142

MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator), 384386

memory consumption, 288289

troubleshooting, 267269

on IOS, 269274

on IOS XR, 274277

on NX-OS, 278281

restarting process, 281

TCAM memory, 269

tuning, 284290


decoding, 99103



OPEN, 67

types of, 6


missing prefixes, troubleshooting, 185186

conditional BGP debugs, 199203

incomplete configuration of routing policies, 198199

AS-Path ACLs, 188190

prefix lists, 186188

route-maps, 191196

RPL (route policy language), 196198

missing routes, troubleshooting, 156157

bad network design, 160162

BGP communities, 167173

conditionally matching BGP communities, 185

filtering prefixes by routing policy, 173185

next-hop check failures, 157160

validity check failure, 162167

mls rate-limit command, 127

monitor session command, 58

monitor session session-id filter command, 59

MP-BGP (Multi-Protocol BGP), 34, 486, 658661

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), 481483

6PE over, 607620

6VPE over, 620638

BGP configuration, 497502

BGP verification, 502506

forwarding, 495496, 541542

L2VPN (Layer2 VPN), 543588

L3VPN (Layer3 VPN). See L3VPN

label exchange, 538540

mpls ip command, 496

mpls ldp command, 496

MRAI, 226, 243244

MTU mismatch issues, 120124

multihoming, 367369

EBGP and IBGP multipath configuration, 370372

EIBGP multipath configuration, 372377

AS-Path relax feature, 377

service provider resiliency, 370


full mesh with IBGP, 412

peering on cross-link, 402411

race conditions, 397402

redistribution into IGP, 413416

transit routing, 395397

multihop sessions

direct sessions versus, 56

EBGP security, 427429

multipath, 367369

EBGP and IBGP multipath configuration, 370372

EIBGP multipath configuration, 372377

AS-Path relax feature, 377

service provider resiliency, 370

multisession versus single session case study, 113115


neighbor addresses in best path calculation, 388389

neighbor advertise diverse-path backup command, 355

neighbor advertisement-interval command, 226

neighbor aigp command, 381382

neighbor aigp send med command, 383

neighbor allowas-in command, 43

neighbor announce rpki state command, 458

neighbor as-override command, 512

neighbor default-originate command, 42, 292

neighbor disable-connected-check command, 86, 427

neighbor dont-capability-negotiate enhanced-refresh command, 308

neighbor ebgp-multihop command, 86, 92, 427, 428

neighbor fall-over command, 218

neighbor graceful-restart command, 699

neighbor graceful-restart-helper command, 700

neighbor ha-mode graceful-restart command, 699

neighbor ha-mode sso command, 702

neighbor ip-address fall-over bfd command, 715

neighbor local-as command, 44

neighbor local-preference command, 380

neighbor maximum-prefix command, 316

neighbor maximum-refix command, 317

neighbor next-hop-self command, 30

neighbor prefix-length-size command, 573

neighbor remote-as command, 422

neighbor remove-private-as command, 43

neighbor route-reflector-client command, 33

neighbor route-server-client command, 360, 362

neighbor send-community command, 38, 196, 294, 458

neighbor slow-peer-split-update-group static command, 245

neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound command, 22, 273, 299

neighbor transport single-session command, 115

neighbor ttl-security command, 86

neighbor ttl-security hops command, 428

neighbor unsuppress-map command, 40

neighbor update-source command, 25, 86

neighbor weight command, 380

neighbor-group command, 295

neighbors, limiting number of, 322

Netdr capture, 6667

network advertisement. See advertising

network mask route-map command, 17

network prefix in BGP tables, 1720

network route-map command, 17

network route-policy command, 17

network statements, 17

new features

BGP for tunnel setup, 771773

link-state distribution, 755771

PBB-EVPN, 773787


in 6VPE, 623627

in IPv6 BGP, 591596

selective tracking, 225226

tracking, 223225

next-hop check failures, troubleshooting, 157160

next-hop manipulation, 3031

nexthop route-policy command, 225

nexthop trigger-delay command, 224225

nexthop trigger-delay critical command, 224225

next-hop-self command, 30–31, 159, 342, 412

NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information), 3

BGP-LS NLRI, 759761

EVPN NLRI and routes, 776777

no bgp client-to-client reflection, 323

no bgp client-to-client reflection command, 327, 330

no bgp client-to-client reflection intra-cluster cluster-id command, 330

no bgp default ip4-unicast command, 11

no bgp enforce-first-as command, 361

no bgp fast-external-fallover command, 726

no bgp nexthop trigger enable command, 224

no bgp recursion host command, 753

no echo disable command, 722

no ip redirects command, 715

no ip route-cache cef command, 126

no nexthop resolution prefix-length minimum 32 command, 753

no shut command, 650

no shutdown command, 62

No_Advertise community, 167168

No_Export community, 169170

No_Export_SubConfed community, 170171

no-summary command, 40


notifications, Error code and Error-Subcode values, 9699

NSR (nonstop routing), 700712

nsr command, 702

nsr process-failures switchover command, 704

nv overlay command, 660661


AS-Path ACLs, 188190

BGP basic configuration, 1314

BGP configuration for MPLS L3VPN, 500502

conditional BGP debugs, 201203

CoPP on, 129134

decoding BGP messages, 102103

Ethanalyzer, 7074

high CPU issues, 262264

memory consumption, 278281

peer templates, 296297

prefix lists, 186188

RID allocation in, 7

route convergence, 234236

route-maps, 192196

SPAN on, 6263

tracing in, 108110

VRF creation, 490491


oldest path in best path calculation, 387

OPEN message, 67

OpenConfirm state, 10

OpenSent state, 10

option additional-paths install command, 733

ORF (Outbound Route Filtering), 309

configuration, 312316

extended community-based ORF, 309310

format, 310312

prefix-based ORF, 309

Origin AS validation, 443445

ROA, 445

RPKI best path calculation, 460463

RPKI configuration and verification, 449460

RPKI prefix validation, 446448

Origin attribute in best path calculation, 383384

Originator-ID, 165167

outbound policy, changing, 242243

out-of-band route reflectors, 3334

OutQ value, verifying, 240

overlay routing, 481

on VxLAN, 645

BGP EVPN, 653690

flood-and-learn mechanism, 645653

as-override command, 512513


PA (path attributes), 3

in best path calculation, 2021

in BGP tables, 1720

packets. See also messages

determining loss location and direction, 8889

sniffing, 5758

with EPC tool, 6870

with Ethanalyzer, 7074

on IOS routers, 5859

on IOS XR routers, 6062

with Netdr capture, 6667

on NX-OS routers, 6263

platform-specific tools, 65

with RSPAN, 6364

tunneling, 771773

verifying transmittal, 8990

verifying with ACLs, 90

VxLAN packet structure, 643644

parentheses and pipe (|) query modifier, 183

partitioned route reflectors, 332339

pass through (BGP authentication), 426427

Path attribute (BGP-LS), 762


add-path feature, 726738

best path calculation. See best path calculation

computing and installing, 226227

diverse path, 346349

loop prevention, 3

multihoming and multipath, 367377

PA (path attributes), 3

route filtering, 2122

tuning memory consumption, 292293

pbb edge i-sid core-bridge command, 778

PBB-EVPN (Provider Backbone Bridging: Ethernet VPN), 773775

configuration and verification, 778787

extended communities, 777

NLRI and routes, 776777

PCE (Path Computation Elements), 756757

PE node failure, 752

PE routers

default route advertisement, 508

network advertisement, 487

PE-CE link failure, 748752

peer flapping issues, troubleshooting, 115

bad BGP updates, 115116

CoPP (Control Plane Policing), 127138

high CPU issues, 125127

hold timer expired, 116119

MTU mismatch issues, 120124

peer status, 810

peer templates

on IOS, 297298

on NX-OS, 296297

peer-groups, 295

peering down issues, troubleshooting, 8384

BGP debugs, 110112

BGP message decoding, 99103

BGP notifications, 9699

BGP traces in IOS XR, 106108

BGP traces in NX-OS, 108110

blocked processes in IOS XR, 103106

IPv6 peers, 112113

single session versus multisession case study, 113115

verifying configuration, 8487

verifying reachability, 8796


dynamic BGP peering, 138142

explicitly configuring, 421424

IPv6 reachability, 596601

peering on cross-link, 402411

slow peers, 237246

update generation, 212216

update groups, 207212

period (.) query modifier, 183

periodic BGP scan, 219222

permit ip any any command, 90

PIC (Prefix Independent Convergence), 741742

BGP PIC core feature, 742745

BGP PIC edge feature, 745753

ping mpls ipv4 command, 541, 564

ping testing, 8790

ping vrf command, 495

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 439441

platform rate-limit command, 127

plus sign (+) query modifier, 183184

PMTUD (Path-MTU_Discovery), 120124

Policy Certificates, 443

prefix attributes, 2728

prefix hijacking, 432439

prefix lists, 186188

prefix matching, 175177

prefix suppression, 40

prefix-based ORF, 309


filtering, 173185

maximum prefixes, 316318

troubleshooting missing prefixes. See missing prefixes, troubleshooting

tuning memory consumption, 290

prefix-length-size 2 command, 573

private ASNs, removing, 43

private BGP communities, 37


identifying, 48

reproducing, 49

configuring lab devices, 5256

setting up lab for, 4951


triggering events in lab, 5657

understanding, 4849

process restart command, 106, 281


blocked processes in IOS XR, 103106

restarting, 106, 281

PW (pseudowires), 546547


query modifiers (regular expressions), 178185

question mark (?) query modifier, 184


race conditions, 397402

RD (route distinguisher), 485

rd auto command, 573

reachability of peers

IPv6 over IPv4, 596601

verifying, 8796

receiving routes, 154155

recursion host, 752753

redistribution, BGP into IGP, 413416

refresh-time command, 449

regular expressions, filtering prefixes, 177185

remote-as command, 26

Remove Private AS feature, 43

remove-private-as command, 43

reproducing problems, 49

configuring lab devices, 5256

setting up lab for, 4951

resiliency in service providers, 370

restart bgp command, 281

restarting processes, 106, 281

ROA (Route Origination Authorization), 445

route advertisement issues, troubleshooting

aggregation, 147149

bad network design, 160162

BGP communities, 167173

BGP tables, 152154

conditionally matching BGP communities, 185

filtering prefixes by routing policy, 173185

local issues, 145147

missing routes, 156157

next-hop check failures, 157160

receiving and viewing routes, 154155

redistribution, 150152

validity check failure, 162167

route convergence

explained, 205207

troubleshooting, 216217

failure detection, 218227

on IOS XR, 227234

on NX-OS, 234236

route filtering, 2122

route flapping, troubleshooting, 246250

route leaking, 524

route policies

filtering prefixes by, 173185

mandatory EBGP route policy for IOS XR, 172173

troubleshooting, 185203

route redistribution, troubleshooting, 150152

route reflectors, 3133

loop prevention, 33

out-of-band route reflectors, 3334

scaling with, 322364

route refresh

enhanced route refresh, 305308

soft reconfiguration versus, 298302

Route Servers, 185

route servers, 357364

route summarization, 3839

AS_SET attribute, 42

aggregate-address command, 3940

Atomic Aggregate attribute, 4041

flexible route suppression, 40

troubleshooting, 147149

Routed mode (firewalls), 92

route-map command, 191, 604

route-maps, 191196

route-policy command, 40, 604

router bgp command, 255256

route-reflector-client command, 33

router-id command, 7

router-id in best path calculation, 387

routing protocols

BGP, 12

IGP versus EGP, 1


best path calculation, 460463

configuration and verification, 449460

prefix validation, 446448

rpki server transport tcp port command, 449

RPL (route policy language), 196198

RSPAN (Remote SPAN), 6364

RT (route target), 485486

6VPE next-hop, 624

constraints, 534538

troubleshooting, 520524

RTBH (remote triggered black-hole) filtering, 463466

run show_processes -m -h -t command, 275


SAFI (subsequent address-family identifier), 34

S-BGP (Secure BGP), 439442

scalability of IBGP, 31

scaling BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

functions, 288322

impact of growing Internet routing tables, 283285

Internet routing tables on Cisco platforms, 285288

route reflectors, 322364

securing BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

BGP flowspec, 467479

importance of, 419420

interdomain routing, 431463

RTBH filtering, 463466

sessions, 420431

SECURITY message, 443

selective next-hop tracking, 225226

selective prefix suppression, 40

selective route download, 339342

send-community command, 38

send-community-ebgp command, 38

send-extended-community-ebgp command, 38

service instance ethernet command, 553

service password-encryption command, 425

service provider resiliency, 370

service timestamps command, 76

service-policy input command, 127128


L2VPN, 543545

L3VPN, 524534

session-group command, 295


direct versus multihop, 56

peer status states, 810

resets, 298302

securing, 420431

shadow sessions, 355357

simulating, 9596

TCP sessions, verifying, 9495

types of, 45

verification, 1417

set local-preference command, 380

set origin command, 384

set traffic-index command, 604

set weight command, 380

shadow route reflectors, 349355

shadow sessions, 355357

show bfd counters packet private detail location command, 724

show bfd neighbors command, 718

show bfd neighbors details command, 721

show bfd neighbors hardware details command, 721

show bfd session command, 718

show bgp afi safi command, 706

show bgp all all convergence command, 232

show bgp bestpath command, 389

show bgp bestpath-compare command, 390

show bgp cluster-ids command, 330

show bgp command, 18, 158, 190, 234, 250, 454, 456

show bgp community command, 167

show bgp community local-as command, 171

show bgp community no-advertise command, 168

show bgp convergence detail vrf all command, 235

show bgp event-history command, 109

show bgp event-history periodic command, 110111

show bgp flowspec summary command, 471, 473

show bgp internal mem-stats detail command, 279

show bgp ipv4 flowspec summary command, 471, 473

show bgp ipv4 rt-filter command, 538

show bgp ipv4 unicast command, 356

show bgp ipv4 unicast cluster-ids internal command, 330

show bgp ipv4 unicast command, 27, 454

show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbor advertised-routes command, 351

show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbor command, 113, 240, 705

show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbors advertised-routes command, 740

show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbors command, 696, 702

show bgp ipv4 unicast regex _300_ command, 180

show bgp ipv4 unicast regex 100 command, 179

show bgp ipv4 unicast replication command, 214

show bgp ipv4 unicast summary command, 141, 208, 240

show bgp ipv4 unicast summary slow command, 246

show bgp ipv4 unicast update-group command, 208

show bgp ipv4 unicast update-group performance-statistics command, 233

show bgp ipv4 unicast update-group slow command, 246

show bgp ipv4 unicast vrf command, 518

show bgp ipv6 command, 596

show bgp ipv6 labeled-unicast neighbors command, 615

show bgp ipv6 summary command, 615

show bgp ipv6 unicast command, 594, 617

show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors command, 615

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, 615

show bgp l2vpn evpn command, 667, 675676, 780

show bgp l2vpn evpn summary command, 667, 780

show bgp l2vpn evpn vni-id command, 667

show bgp l2vpn vpls command, 585

show bgp l2vpn vpls summary command, 574

show bgp link-state link-state command, 766, 770

show bgp link-state link-state summary command, 766

show bgp neighbor command, 300, 702, 729

show bgp neighbors command, 15, 696

show bgp nsr command, 706

show bgp origin-as validity command, 454, 456

show bgp origin-as validity invalid command, 455

show bgp origin-as validity not-found command, 455

show bgp origin-as validity valid command, 455

show bgp paths command, 289

show bgp process command, 702

show bgp regexp command, 177

show bgp route-server context command, 363

show bgp rpki server command, 450

show bgp rpki servers command, 450

show bgp rpki summary command, 450, 460, 461

show bgp rpki table command, 452

show bgp rtfilter unicast command, 538

show bgp sessions command, 707

show bgp summary command, 14, 119, 271

show bgp summary nsr command, 706

show bgp summary nsr standby command, 706

show bgp trace command, 107108

show bgp trace error command, 108

show bgp trace sync command, 710711

show bgp unicast command, 502, 504

show bgp update in error neighbor detail command, 101

show bgp update-group command, 210

show bgp vpnv4 unicast all replication command, 241

show bgp vpnv4 unicast all summary command, 240

show bgp vpnv4 unicast convergence command, 233

show bgp vpnv4 unicast rd command, 519, 520

show bgp vpnv6 unicast all summary command, 630

show bgp vpnv6 unicast rd command, 632

show bgp vpnv6 unicast summary command, 630

show bgp vpnv6 unicast vrf command, 629

show bgp vpnv6 unicast vrf labels command, 632

show bgp vrf ABC all neighbors received prefix-filter command, 314

show bgp vrf all all summary command, 264

show bgp vrf command, 504

show bgp vrf vpnv6 unicast command, 629

show cef interface bgp-policy-statistics command, 606

show cef interface policy-statistics command, 606

show cef vrf ipv6 hardware command, 634

show clock command, 247248

show debug logfile command, 77, 201

show evpn evi command, 786

show evpn evi detail command, 786

show flowspec client command, 475478

show flowspec client internal command, 478

show flowspec nlri command, 473

show forwarding ipv6 route command, 637

show forwarding route command, 235

show hardware rate-limit command, 127

show ibc | in rate command, 67

show interface accounting command, 636

show interface command, 8990, 117, 606

show interface nve1 command, 650

show ip bgp attr nexthop command, 224

show ip bgp replication command, 241

show ip bgp summary command, 15, 247248

show ip cef vrf command, 749

show ip interface brief command, 493

show ip interface brief vrf all command, 493

show ip interface command, 8990, 492

show ip route bgp command, 234, 340

show ip route command, 159, 248

show ip route repair-paths command, 751

show ip route summary command, 255

show ip route vrf* all command, 248

show ip spd command, 117

show ip traffic command, 8889

show ipv4 traffic command, 89

show ipv4 vrf all interface brief command, 493

show ipv6 cef ipv6-address command, 618

show ipv6 route vrf command, 629

show l2route evpn evi command, 670

show l2route evpn fl all command, 686

show l2route evpn imet evi command, 686

show l2vpn atom vc command, 565

show l2vpn atom vc detail command, 555

show l2vpn bridge-domain autodiscovery bgp command, 576

show l2vpn bridge-domain bd-name command, 576

show l2vpn bridge-domain command, 565, 781

show l2vpn bridge-domain detail command, 781

show l2vpn bridge-domain summary command, 564

show l2vpn discovery bridge-domain command, 575

show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain mac-address command, 785786

show l2vpn internal event-history command, 586

show l2vpn internal event-trace command, 586

show l2vpn pbb backbone-source-mac command, 785786

show l2vpn service vfi name command, 576

show l2vpn signaling rib command, 584

show l2vpn signaling rib detail command, 584

show l2vpn trace command, 586

show l2vpn vfi name command, 564, 575

show l2vpn xconnect detail command, 555

show logging command, 276

show lpts ifib all brief command, 136

show lpts pifib brief command, 137

show lpts pifib hardware entry brief command, 135

show lpts pifib hardware police command, 135

show mac address-table vlan command, 652

show memory compare command, 276, 277

show memory compare end command, 277

show memory compare report command, 277

show memory compare start command, 277

show memory debug leaks command, 270

show memory statistics command, 270

show memory summary detail command, 276

show mls cef exception status command, 269

show mls cef maximum-routes command, 269

show monitor capture buffer command, 69

show monitor session command, 59

show monitor-session command, 60

show mpls forwarding command, 619, 636, 787

show mpls forwarding labels hardware command, 636

show mpls forwarding vrf command, 632

show mpls l2transport vc command, 555

show mpls l2transport vc vcid command, 565

show mpls ldp neighbor command, 553

show mpls switching command, 637

show nve interface command, 650

show nve internal event-history event command, 686

show nve internal platform interface command, 651

show nve internal platform interface nve command, 671

show nve peers command, 651, 668, 677

show nve peers detail command, 668

show nve vni command, 652, 686

show nve vni detail command, 652

show parser command, 107

show policy-map control-plane command, 128

show policy-map interface control-plane command, 132

show process bgp command, 258

show process blocked command, 105

show process command, 104

show process cpu command, 252, 254

show process cpu details command, 264

show process cpu sorted command, 125, 253

show process memory command, 271

show process threadname command, 260

show processes bgp command, 258

show processes command, 254255, 275

show processes cpu command, 258

show processes cpu history command, 125, 265

show processes cpu sort command, 262

show processes memory command, 275, 276, 279

show processes memory sorted command, 270271

show processes threadname command, 260

show redundancy command, 705

show route command, 751

show routing unicast event-history add-route command, 264

show run rpl command, 196

show running-config command, 131132

show snmp command, 125

show sockets internal event-history events command, 109110

show system internal forwarding adjacency command, 637

show system internal forwarding vrf ipv6 route command, 637

show system internal memory-alerts-log command, 278

show system internal processes cpu command, 263

show system internal process-name mem-stats detail command, 279

show system resources command, 278

show tcp brief all command, 141

show tcp brief command, 9, 257, 708

show tcp dump-file command, 710

show tcp dump-file list command, 710

show tcp nsr brief command, 708

show tcp nsr detail pcb command, 709

show tcp nsr session-set brief command, 708

show tcp packet-trace command, 709

show tech netstack command, 110

show tech-platform l2vpn platform command, 588

show tech-support bgp command, 588, 712

show tech-support l2vpn command, 588

show tech-support routing bgp command, 588

show tech-support tcp nsr command, 712

show vlan internal usage command, 66

show vrf command, 492

show vrf interface command, 492

show watchdog threshold memory command, 275

show xconnect all command, 565

shutdown command, 281


in VPLS, 580586

in VPWS, 558560

signaling disable command, 582

simulating sessions, 9596

single session versus multisession case study, 113115

slow peers, 237238

detection of, 239241

mitigation of, 242246

show commands, 246

symptoms of, 238239

SndWnd, verifying, 240241

sniffing, 5758

with EPC tool, 6870

with Ethanalyzer, 7074

on IOS routers, 5859

on IOS XR routers, 6062

with Netdr capture, 6667

on NX-OS routers, 6263

with platform-specific tools, 65

with RSPAN, 6364

soBGP (Secure Origin BGP), 442443

soft reconfiguration, route refresh versus, 298302

soft resets, 22

soft-reconfiguration inbound command, 22, 302

software requirements for lab setup, 51

SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer)

on IOS routers, 5859

on IOS XR routers, 6062

on NX-OS routers, 6263

RSPAN, 6364

spd enable command, 117

spd headroom command, 117

S-PE (switching PE), 545

sporadic high CPU conditions, 265267

static route summarization, 39

static slow peers, 245

suboptimal routing, troubleshooting, 514520

summarization. See route summarization

summary fields, 15

summary-only command, 40

suppress-map command, 40

suppress-signaling-protocol ldp command, 582

symmetric IRB, 658

syslog logging, 7677


table-map command, 339, 605

table-policy command, 605

TCAM memory, 269

tcp path-mtu-discovery command, 121

TCP receive queue, 119

TCP sessions, verifying, 9495

TCP starvation, 142


on IOS XR, 295296

peer templates

on IOS, 297298

on NX-OS, 296297

timeout 0 ping testing, 8990


for EBGP and IBGP, 2830

for lab setup, 4951

peering down troubleshooting, 84

visualizing, 390394

T-PE (terminating PE), 545

traceroute command, 620

traceroute mpls ipv4 command, 542

traceroute vrf command, 495


events, 7780

in IOS XR, 106108

in NX-OS, 108110

traffic capture. See sniffing

transit routing, 395397

Transparent mode (firewalls), 9293

transport multisession command, 114

transport networks, 481

transport single-session command, 114

TREX Traffic Generator, 52

triggers of problems

triggering events in lab, 5657

understanding, 4849


6PE, 615620

best path calculation, 389390

BFD (bidirectional forwarding detection), 724726

dynamic BGP peering, 138142

edge architectures. See edge architectures, troubleshooting

high CPU issues, 251267

L3VPN (Layer3 VPN), 506524

memory consumption, 267281

multihoming, 395416

peer flapping issues. See peer flapping issues, troubleshooting

peering down issues. See peering down issues, troubleshooting

route advertisement issues. See route advertisement issues, troubleshooting

route convergence, 216236

route flapping, 246250

route policies, 185203

VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service), 586588

troubleshooting methodologies

event tracing, 7780

identifying problem, 4748

logging, 7477

packet sniffers. See packets, sniffing

reproducing problem, 4956

triggering events, 5657

understanding variables/triggers, 4849

TTCP (Test TCP) utility, 5256

TTL security, 428429

ttl-security command, 428


CPU, 295308

memory consumption, 284290

tunneling packets, 771773. See also VPNs (virtual private networks)


underlay networks, 481

underscore (_) query modifier, 179180

unsuppress command, 40

update generation, 212216

update groups, 207212

UPDATE message, 7

update-source command, 25, 422


validation, Origin AS, 443445

ROA, 445

RPKI best path calculation, 460463

RPKI configuration and verification, 449460

RPKI prefix validation, 446448

validity check failure, troubleshooting, 162167

variables, problem triggers

triggering events in lab, 5657

understanding, 4849

VC labels, 547


6PE, 615620

6VPE control plane, 629633

6VPE data plane, 633638

BFD, 715724

BGP and BPM process state, 104105

BGP for MPLS L3VPN, 502506

blocked processes, 105

cache size, 241

configuration for peering issues, 8487

OutQ value, 240

PBB-EVPN, 778787

reachability for peering issues, 8796

route convergence, 227234

RPKI, 449460

sessions, 1417

SndWnd, 240241

VPLS, 564569

VPWS, 550558

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 492495

VxLAN EVPN, 661690

VxLAN flood-and-learn, 647652

viewing routes, 154155

VIRL, 51

virtual route reflectors, 342346

vn-segment-vlan-based command, 660661

VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service), 544, 561588

autodiscovery, 569579

BGP signaling, 580586

configuration, 562564

troubleshooting, 586588

verification, 564569

VPNs (virtual private networks), 481

6VPE. See 6VPE

MPLS. See MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)

VPNv4 RRs (route reflectors), suboptimal routing with, 514520

VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service), 544, 548560

BGP signaling, 558560

configuration and verification, 550558

interworking, 549550

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 483485

creating, 488491

IPv6-aware VRF, 622623

verification, 492495

vrf definition command, 489, 622, 627

vrf forwarding command, 489, 627

vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode command, 489

vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode vrf command, 623

VxLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), 641643

BGP EVPN, 653690

gateway types, 645

overlay, 645653

packet structure, 643644


weight command, 380

weight in best path calculation, 380

xconnect group command, 560

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