The GameScreen class

Our GameScreen class will hold the window attributes for our game as well as all of the graphical widgets. It makes sense for us to make this the main window of our application too, so we will inherit from the Tk widget in order to do this. Let's have a look at how we are going to set up our application:

class GameScreen(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.resizable(False, False)

We begin by initializing the Tk superclass. This ensures all of our graphical elements behave as they should.

We set the title of our application to Blackjack. If you can think of a quirkier name for the application, then feel free to change this!

The geometry method of a Tk widget is used to set the size of the window which is spawned. It can also set the location on screen at which the window initially opens up if desired. We use the string 800 x 600 to set the width of our window to 800 pixels and the height to 600 pixels.

The resizable method allows us to control which directions, horizontally or vertically, the window is allowed to be stretched and shrunk.

The first argument to the resizable method controls the X direction, and the second the Y direction.

We will set both of these to False, preventing the user from resizing the window entirely. This is for the purpose of simplicity. If we allow the user to resize the window, we would have to constantly change the size of our canvas and alter and redraw the images. To prevent this hassle, we do not allow the user to adjust the window's size. 

After we set the window size and disable resizing, we need to define a few constants which will be used to position graphical elements on the screen:



self.PLAYER_SCORE_TEXT_COORDS = (400, 450)
self.WINNER_TEXT_COORDS = (400, 250)

CARD_ORIGINAL_POSITION is the X coordinate at which we will place the first card dealt to the player and dealer. This is set to 100, meaning the first card will appear 100 pixels to the right of the left edge of the window.

CARD_WIDTH_OFFSET is how much space will be between each playing card in the X direction. The center of each card will be 100 pixels to the right of the previous card.

PLAYER_CARD_HEIGHT sets the Y coordinate at which the player's cards will be displayed.

DEALER_CARD_HEIGHT is the Y coordinate at which the dealer's cards are drawn.

Since a higher Y value actually goes down the window as opposed to up, the player has a higher Y value for its card display. This means the player's cards will be shown at the bottom of the screen and the dealer's cards toward the top of the screen.

PLAYER_SCORE_TEXT_COORDS defines the coordinates at which the Score: XX text will be displayed inside the canvas.

WINNER_TEXT_COORDS defines where on the canvas to place the text, which indicates the winner of the game. Since our display area will be 800 pixels wide and 500 pixels tall, the value of WINNER_TEXT_COORDS places the text in the center of the screen.

With the constants taking care of positioning for images drawn on our canvas, we can now begin creating graphical elements which will be stored as attributes of our GameScreen class:

self.game_state = GameState()

We store an instance of the GameState class covered earlier. This will keep track of the game logic and allow us to draw the state of the game onto our canvas. In order to begin a new game, all we will need to do is replace our game_state instance with a fresh copy:

self.game_screen = tk.Canvas(self, bg="white", width=800, height=500)

The Canvas on which we will draw all of our graphics is created next. We set the width and height of our game_screen to fixed values of 800 pixels and 500 pixels respectively. This allows us to know the exact coordinates of where to place images (as defined earlier in our constants) and allows us to create a background image which will always be the exact size of our Canvas.

We also know that since our application is 800 pixels by 640, we have 140 pixels left to function as the bottom part of our application. This is where we will display our buttons for the user to interact with.

In order to claim this space and make it usable, we will use a Frame widget:

self.bottom_frame = tk.Frame(self, width=800, height=140, bg="red")

Our Frame widget also has a fixed width and height, as well as a background color specified by the bg argument. Feel free to change this to suit your own preferences.

Frame widgets behave differently to Canvas widgets when they have their sizes specified. By default, a Frame widget will only be as big as it needs to be in order to hold all of its child widgets. If we want to force the size when placing our Frame widget into its parent using the pack geometry manager, we need to call pack_propagate(0) on it. This forces the Frame to be the size specified by the keyword arguments of width and height.

Now that we have a Frame to hold our Button widgets, let's add some Button widgets to our class:

self.hit_button = tk.Button(self.bottom_frame, text="Hit", width=25, command=self.hit)
self.stick_button = tk.Button(self.bottom_frame, text="Stick", width=25, command=self.stick)

self.play_again_button = tk.Button(self.bottom_frame, text="Play Again", width=25, command=self.play_again)
self.quit_button = tk.Button(self.bottom_frame, text="Quit", width=25, command=self.destroy)

We define four buttons, which can go into our Frame.

The hit_button  and stick_button act as our main gameplay controls. These will call the hit and stick methods which will be defined on this class, so we pass self.hit and self.stick to their command argument.

For consistency, we want the buttons to all be the same size. We achieve this by passing in the width argument of 25.

We also define two more buttons: play_again_button and quit_button. At the end of the game, these buttons will display, allowing the user to decide whether or not they wish to play another game. These will also call functions defined on this class, so we pass these to the command argument.

self.hit_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=(100, 200))

We only pack our hit_button and stick_button in the __init__ method since we do not need to show the other buttons until a game is over.

We pack these over to the left so that they line up side by side. We also add some padding to the hit_button, which will be over on the left-hand side, to space it away from the left edge of the screen, and to put some spacing between itself and our stick_button.

We now need to place our Frame and Canvas into our window to complete the layout:

self.bottom_frame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)
self.game_screen.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.N)

We put our bottom frame at the bottom of the window by using side=tk.BOTTOM and stretch it horizontally by using fill=tk.X.

We pack our game_screen to the left and use anchor=tk.N to ensure that this begins in the very top-left corner of the window.

Now all we need to do is draw the graphical elements into our Canvas, and we will use a method named display_table to do so:


With that, our __init__ is complete. Let's take a look at what display_table will do to give our game_screen some life:

def display_table(self, hide_dealer=True, table_state=None):
if not table_state:
table_state = self.game_state.get_table_state()

player_card_images = [card.get_file() for card in
dealer_card_images = [card.get_file() for card in
if hide_dealer and not table_state['blackjack']:
dealer_card_images[0] = Card.get_back_file()

We allow for two arguments for this method.

The first tells the game_screen whether or not to hide the dealer's first card. During the gameplay, the dealer's first card will need to be face down, but when the user chooses to stick with their hand, we will flip the dealer's card face up to reveal their score.

We may also need to call the method with a pre-calculated table state. This also happens when the user decides to stick with their hand.

By default, the dealer's first card will be hidden and we will not have a table_state.

If a table state was not provided, then we need to ensure we get it. We call the get_table_state method from our game_state instance to generate one.

Now that we definitely have our table state, we can display some card images. We grab both the player's and dealer's cards from the table_state dictionary and use them within a list comprehension, calling their get_file method to return the location of the relevant image file to our assets folder.

If we are hiding the dealer's first card then we do not want to display its image. We instead replace the first element in our dealer_card_images list with the back file, which we obtain using the Card class's get_back_file method. This means the first card will appear to be face down to the player.

Now that we have some image file locations, it's time to start drawing them onto the game_screen. We begin by drawing the tabletop, which will function as our background:

self.tabletop_image = tk.PhotoImage(file=assets_folder + "/tabletop.png")

self.game_screen.create_image((400, 250), image=self.tabletop_image)

Between each draw of the screen, we will delete everything currently drawn onto our Canvas. This ensures that we are only drawing what we need, and anything old will not be left over. We do this using the Canvas widget's delete method and by passing the string all to instruct it to delete everything.

Now that we have a clean slate, we will begin by drawing the background. We create a PhotoImage instance containing the tabletop.png image from our assets folder and keep a reference to it as the self.tabletop_image attribute.

The tabletop.png file can be any image which is 800 pixels wide and 500 pixels tall. The one which is used in the images of this book was created by me, so is included in the code bundle which goes along with this book.

Our PhotoImage can now be drawn onto our game_screen. We do this using the create_image method in our Canvas.

The first argument to create_image is a 2-tuple of the coordinates for the center of the image. Since the image is the exact size of our Canvas, we want to put the center of the image at the center of our Canvas. We know they are both 800 by 500, so we pass (400, 250) as our coordinates.

The image to place onto the Canvas is passed to the image argument. We pass our PhotoImage instance as the value here.

With that, we now have our background on our game_screen. The next thing we need to draw is the cards:

for card_number, card_image in enumerate(player_card_images):

for card_number, card_image in enumerate(dealer_card_images):

To correctly position our player's cards, we need to know which card we are drawing—their first, second, third, and so on. We use the enumerate function to loop over our list of player_card_images and also obtain the index each is at.

Calculating the coordinates at which to place each card is done using our classes constants.

Each card is initially placed at the X coordinate defined by our CARD_ORIGINAL_POSITION constant, then subsequent cards will be placed a distance of 100 pixels (as defined by CARD_WIDTH_OFFSET) to the right of this. We get these numbers by multiplying the list index of the card we are looking to place by the CARD_WIDTH_OFFSET constant and adding the result to the CARD_ORIGINAL_POSITION value.

The Y value of our card's coordinates is always going to be the same as the number we have stored in PLAYER_CARD_HEIGHT, since that defines how close to the bottom of the game_screen to draw our cards, and we always want them to line up horizontally. 

We apply the same logic when placing the dealer's card images, except we use our DEALER_CARD_HEIGHT constant to set the Y coordinate.

Now that the player can see their cards, we should show their score as well so that they do not have to tally their total in their head:

self.game_screen.create_text(self.PLAYER_SCORE_TEXT_COORDS, text=self.game_state.player_score_as_text(), font=(None, 20))

We use the create_text method from our Canvas widget to draw text onto our screen.

The first argument to this method is once again the coordinates as a 2-tuple. We have these defined as a constant, PLAYER_SCORE_TEXT_COORDS, so we use that as the first argument.

The text argument controls what the text drawn to the screen actually says. We have the score as a string available in our game_state instance, so we can call this method and use the result as the value passed.

In order to change the font size, we can use the font argument. The font argument takes a tuple.

The first value in the tuple will be a string containing the font name, for example, Ariel. Since we are providing None in this case, the system's default font will be used.

The second value defines the font's size. We pass in 20 to make the text bigger and thus more readable.

With that added, all of the graphics which should always be drawn are accounted for. However, if somebody wins, we should display a message portraying this:

if table_state['has_winner']:
if table_state['has_winner'] == 'p':
text="YOU WIN!", font=(None, 50))
elif table_state['has_winner'] == 'dp':
self.game_screen.create_text(self.WINNER_TEXT_COORDS, text="TIE!",
font=(None, 50))
text="DEALER WINS!", font=(None, 50))


We first check whether or not the table_state contains a winner. If it does not, then we won't want to display any more text.

If we do have a winner, then we will once again use the create_text method to draw some text onto the screen, letting the player know that the current game is now over.

If our winner string is set to p, then the player has won and we will show YOU WIN!.

If our winner string is dp, then we have a tie and we will show TIE!.

Otherwise, the dealer must have won, so we show DEALER WINS!.

The location of this text is stored in our WINNER_TEXT_COORDS constant, and so this is the first argument passed to our call to create_text. These coordinates are again the middle point of the Canvas so that this text will be centered on the screen.

We again use the font argument to increase the size of our default font. This time, we want it even bigger, so we set it to 50.

As the game is now over, we no longer need to offer the hit_button or stick_button—we instead need to ask the player if they would like to play another game. We handle the replacing of these buttons with a method called show_play_again_options. Let's look at this now:

def show_play_again_options(self):

self.play_again_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=(100, 200))

In order to unpack the hit_button and stick_button, we call the pack_forget method on them. This does not delete them but simply removes them from being displayed by the parent widget.

To show our play_again_button and quit_button, we pack them with the same parameters as attributed to our hit_button and stick_button. This ensures that they will be put in the exact same place as the previous buttons.

Since we are on the topic of our game's buttons, let's have a look at what each will do, starting with our hit_button:

def hit(self):

This method simply calls the hit method over on our game_state instance which deals with the game logic side of the player receiving a card. Once that has happened, the state of the table will have changed, so we need to draw it again. We call self.display_table to do this.

If they instead click the stick_button, we will do the following:

def stick(self):
table_state = self.game_state.calculate_final_state()
self.display_table(False, table_state)

Since clicking the stick_button ends any further game logic, we need to obtain the final table state from our game_state instance. We can then pass this over to display_table in order to draw it on the screen. We also pass False to the hide_dealer argument in order to show the player what the dealer had in their hand.

Now that the game has ended, our other two buttons will be displayed. The quit_button calls the built-in destroy method of the Tk widget in order to close the window.

Our play_again_button will reset the game_state so that a new game can begin:

def play_again(self):
self.game_state = GameState()

When a new game begins, the user will need to see the hit and stick buttons again. We do this by using a method called show_gameplay_buttons, which will be covered next.

The game_state instance we store is replaced by a new one, meaning we have a new shuffled deck and two new hands, as well as no winner.

We then display this new game_state by calling display_table:

def show_gameplay_buttons(self):

self.hit_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=(100, 200))

The show_gameplay_buttons method just does what our show_play_again_options method did but in reverse. Instead of forgetting the hit and stick buttons, it forgets the quit and play again buttons and re-packs the hit and stick buttons in their place.

This is all that is needed in order to have our game function. Now we just need to piece it together.

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