4-Hour Workweek, The, 14

Addiction, 85-86

Adventures, new, 150

Alpha brain waves, 45, 47, 48, 54, 56, 60, 61, 67, 83, 92, 112, 138, 141, 158, 159, 163, 167, 169, 175, 176, 179

Alpha synchrony, 161-163

Anandamide, 83

Anatomy of an Epidemic, 103

Anti-anxiety medications, 103

Antidepressants, 104

Anxiety, 22, 25, 40, 57, 62, 103, 133, 143, 162

Architecture, belief, 109

Arousal levels, brain, 31-32, 38

Attachments, 121-126

Attention deficit disorder, 65-66

Attention span, 63

Attention, 30-31, 49-51

Attention, flexible, 41, 162

Attitude, 111

Authentic Happiness, 173

Autogenic exercises, 88-92

Awakened mind state, 160

Awareness, 29

Bach, Richard, 158

Balance, 54

Balanced brain, 45

Belief architecture, 109

Beliefs, 111-113

Beliefs, limiting, 108-109

Beliefs, limiting, 119

Beliefs, structure of, 87-88

Benson, Herbert, 139, 179

Bergland, Christopher, 186

Beta brain waves, 101

Beta brain waves, 122

Beta brain waves, 45, 46-47, 48, 51, 56, 60-61, 87, 150, 159, 162, 169, 176, 179

Big picture, 50-51

Bilateral stimulation, 54-55, 69

Biofeedback, 15, 83

Biological wiring, 109, 119

Blocking worry, 176

Blood flow, 161-162

Brain arousal levels, 31-32, 38

Brain state, whole, 157-170, 173

Brain synchrony, 158-160, 167-169

Brain training, 103

Brain waves, 31, 40, 45-48, 54, 56, 60, 72, 149-150, 158-160, 162, 179

Brain, balanced, 45

Brain, visualization and the, 111

Brain’s negative bias, 24-25

Brain-change tools, 15

Breathing, coherent, 138-139

Brogan, Kelly, 103

Brooks, Alison Wood, 52

Buddhist monks, 48-49

Cade, C. Maxwell, 159-160

Calm, 29, 41, 57

Campbell, Joseph, 146, 150

Care, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128

Centeredness, 48

Central nervous system, 144

Change, 22

Channels, emotional, 117-134

Chemical reactions, 120-121

Chi, 120

Clarity, 14, 173, 178

Clutter, 159

Coherence, 173

Coherent breathing, 138-139

Comfort, 95

Conditioning, early attachment, 121

Confidence, 14, 43, 60

Connection, 30, 121-126, 151-152, 153

Consciousness, 31, 43, 65, 118

Consequences, 80-81

Control, 22, 118, 133, 146, 147, 173

Conversation, generative, 153-154

Cortisol, 47

Courage, 43, 49, 111

Creativity, 87, 159

Crises, 136

Crises, 17, 29

Crisis mode, 29

Crum, Alia, 80

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 30, 173, 175-176

Cuddy, Amy, 45

Cultural expectations, 101

Curiosity, 85, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133, 148, 153

Cycle of flow, 179-180

Davidson, Richard, 69

Daydreams, 62-65, 65, 71

Deep listening, 147-150

Deep self, 146-147

Deep state dive, 77-95

Default internal state, 110, 119

Delayed gratification, 107

Delta brain waves, 47-48, 83, 122, 162, 176, 179

Depression, 40

Depression, secondary, 81

Desensitization techniques, 88-92

Designing new adventures, 150

Discipline of mindfulness, 69

Discomfort, 47

Dispenza, Joe, 186

Distracted Mind Wandering, 65-66

Distraction, 87

Divergent thinking, 65

Dopamine, 47, 92

Doubt, 24

Early attachment conditioning, 121

Edison, Thomas, 64

Eeyore Syndrome, 80

Einstein, Albert, 42, 64

Emotion, pathologizing of, 103

Emotional channels, 117-134

Emotional mastery, 180-181

Emotional reactivity, 37

Empathy, 72

Empowerment, 27-28

Empty-state, meditation, 163-165

Endocannibinoids, 180

Energy, nervous, 52

Energy, regenerating, 50

Enthusiasm, 100-101, 106

Epigenetics, 14

Erickson, Milton, 62-63

Ewing, Elena, 162

Ewing, Graham, 162

Exercise, 103, 142, 145-146

Exercises, autogenic, 88-92

Expectations, 14, 22, 114

Expectations, cultural, 101

Exploration, 150

Extroverts, 109

Fannin, Jeffrey, 186

Fatigue, 14

Fear, 14, 15, 24, 27, 84, 97-98, 122, 124, 126, 133

Fearlessness, 22

Fehmi, Les, 158-159, 163

Ferris, Tim, 14

Fight or flight, 23-24

Flexible attention, 51, 162

Flotation tanks, 83-84

Flow, 30

Flow, 41-42, 171-188

Flow, cycle of, 179-180

Focus, 33, 45, 69-70, 148

Fogginess, 48

Frame of reference, 87

Future Orientation in Time, 105-107

Future Thin, 97-114

Future, 149

Gamma brain waves, 58-59, 176, 179

Generative conversation, 153-154

Giblin, Colleen, 74

Gilbert, Daniel, 71

Goodwin, Donald, 42

Gratification, delayed, 107

Gratitude, 143

Green, Elmer, 184

Group Mind Wandering, 72-73

Hamster wheel, 13

Hand temperature, 53-54

Happiness, 142

Harat, James, 162

Health, mental, 40

Heart, the brain and the, 187

Hormones, stress, 179

Huther, Gerald, 101

Hyperfocus, 46

Hypnogogic imagery, 84

Hypnosis, 181-182

Hypnosis, clinical, 15, 172

Illusions, 14

Imagery, hypnogogic, 84

Imagery, mental, 57

Imagination, 18, 182

Immune system, 144

Inadequacy, 170

Incubation, 184-185

Inflammation, 103

Information retrieval, 42

Inner critic, 176

Inner life, 15

Inner stability, 130-131

Insufficient exercise, 103

Intention, 100, 106

Internal sensations, 31

Internal state, default, 110, 119

Interpersonal neuro-patterning, 132

Introverts, 109-110

Isolation tanks, 83-84

James, William, 63-64

Judgment, 69, 147, 177

Kamiya, Joe, 158, 159

Killingsworth, Matthew, 71

Kipnis, Jonathan, 144

Kotler, Steven, 177

Language, 56

Laski, Marghanti, 186

Learned Optimism, 173

Life shocks, 29-30

Life, inner, 15

Limbic system, 67

Liminal state, 81-83

Limiting beliefs, 108-109, 119

Listening, deep, 147-150

Lost objects, 62-63

Lust, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128

Ma, 159

MacGuyver, 185

Marijuana, 83

Marshmallow experiment, 107

Mastery mind, 158

Mastery, emotional, 180-182

Medication, 103-104, 139

Meditation, 143, 145-146

Meditation, empty-space, 163-165

Meditation, mindfulness, 69-70

Memories, 71-72

Memory games, 41

Memory, 42, 182

Mental health, 40

Mental imagery, 57

Mental rehearsal, 106

Mental rehearsal, negative, 101

Mental state, 16, 17, 26, 40, 43, 57, 120-121

Mental time travel, 71-72

Mind control, 45

Mind of Your Own, A, 103

Mind state, awakened, 160

Mind Wandering, 59-74, 92, 173, 179

Mindfulness meditation, 69-70

Mindset, 43, 110, 119

Mindset, stress, 80

Mischel, Walter, 107

Monks, 48-49

Morewedge, Carey, 74

Motivation, 49, 87, 100-101, 106

Muse, 65

NASA, 39-40

Negative bias, the brain’s, 24-25

Negative mental rehearsal, 101

Negative stress mindset, 80

Negative stress, prolonged, 26

Negative thinking, 15

Nervous energy, 52

Neuro-association, 17, 82, 84, 157

Neurofeedback 40-41, 56, 177

Neuro-patterning, 118-119, 126128, 132-133

Neuroplasticity, 14, 28, 122

Neuro-repatterning, 157-158

Neuroscience, 14-15, 16

Neuro-wellness rituals, 135-154

Newton, Isaac, 64

Non-thinking, 63-64

Norton, Michael, 43

Novelty, 122

Nurturing, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128

Nutrition, 103

Objects, lost, 62-63

Optimism, 43

Optimism, 97-115

Order, 122

Outlook, 41

Overload, stress, 81-83

Overwhelm, 140

Panic, 122, 125, 126, 133

Parasympathetic shutdown, 101

Past, the, 120-121

Pathologizing of emotion, 103

Pattern recognition, 176

Peace, 48

Peniston, Eugene, 85-86

Perception, 97, 162, 173

Peripheral vision, 51-52

Persistence, 43, 49, 61, 85, 106, 111

Perspective, 153

Pessimism, 92

Physical activity, 142, 145-146

Physiology, 56

Play, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133

Positive stress mindset, 80

Positivity, 41

Posture, 55-56

Potential, 18, 167

Power pose, 56

Prefontal cortex, 71

Prescription drugs, 103-104

Prolonged negative stress, 26

Psychotherapy, 56, 83

Quantum physics, 14

Rage, 122, 123-124

Rapid eye movement (REM), 54-55

Reactions, chemical, 120-121

Recognition, pattern, 177

Regenerating energy, 50

Regulating thoughts, 169-170

Relaxation response, 139

Relaxation triggers, 39-57

Relaxation, 82-84, 87-88, 112

Re-programming with Theta, 86-88

Resilience, 166-167

Retrieval, information, 42

Revenge Mind Wandering, 66-69

Rise of Superman, The, 177

Roberts, Monty, 111

Rowling, J.K., 143

Rumination, 25-26, 28, 38, 41, 48, 100, 103, 163

Running water, 141

Sadness, 81-82

Safety, 30

Schore, Allan, 121

Secondary depression, 81

Security, 122

Seeking, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133

Self-assurance, 18

Self-awareness, 36

Self-care, 140-145

Self-connection, 151-152

Self-control, 87

Self-doubt, 14

Self-hypnosis, 177, 181-182

Self-inquiry, 153

Self-regulation, 29, 30-31, 37-38

Seligman, Martin, 173

Sensorimotor rhythm (SM), 40

Serotonin, 47

Shared connection, 151-152

Sleep cycle, 47

Sleep patterns, 40

Sleep, 54, 82, 87, 103

Snowglobes, 141

Solutions, 18

Stability, inner, 130-131

State of flow, 171-188

State, mental, 16, 17, 26, 40, 43, 57, 120-121

Sterman, Barry, 40

Stimulation, bilateral, 54-55, 69

Stress generator, 80

Stress hormones, 179

Stress mindset, 80

Stress overload, 81-83

Stress, 14, 103, 145

Stress, negative prolonged, 26

Structure of beliefs, 87-99

Sunlight, 143

Superfluidity, 187

SuperMind, 18, 171-188

Support, 81

Survival skills, 23-24

Sympathetic nervous system, 52

Synchrony, 158

Synchrony, Alpha, 161-163

Tea, 141

Techniques, desensitization, 88-92

Temperature, hand, 53-54

Tension, 159

Theta brain waves, 45, 47, 48, 82, 83-88, 122, 149, 162, 169, 176, 179

Thinking, divergent, 65

Thinking, negative, 15

Thoughts, regulating, 169-170

Time travel visualization, 105

Time travel, mental, 71-72

Uncertainty, 14, 24, 25

Unconscious mind, 47, 61, 63, 184, 185

Understanding, 162

Unestahl, Lars-Wric, 182

Vision, peripheral, 51-52

Visualization, 92, 107, 111, 164

Visualization, time travel, 105

Vitamin D, 143

Vulnerabilities, 163

Walking, 54

Warming hands, 53-54

Watkins, Alan, 173

Whitaker, Robert, 103

Whole Brain State, 17, 18, 157-170, 173

Why we worry, 21-38

Willpower, 49

Wiring, biological, 109, 119

Wisdom, 18

Wise, Anna, 159-160

Word games, 41

Worry, blocking, 176

Worrywarts, 25-26

Writing, 35-36

Yawning, 74

Yearning, 163

Zlotoff, Lee, 184

Zone, the, 173

Zoning out, 59-74

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